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Adjective (Relative) Clauses Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 1

5. Turkey, ____ landscape changes dramatically from

1. As I cross the bridge over the Bosphorus, I can see region to region, offers enough variety to keep even
the school ____ my friend studied. the most adventurous traveller happy.

A) where A) which
B) that B) when
C) which C) that
D) who D) whose
E) when E) whom

2. Joseph is an accomplished artist, ____ skills include 6. The Spice Girls, one of ____ members has just left the
painting and drawing. band, have decided to continue as a four-piece band.

A) who A) which
B) whose B) where
C) whom C) whose
D) what D) that
E) that E) whom

3. A bear will only attack a human ____ threatens it. 7. The Australian Indian Pacific Train, ____ was the
world’s first transcontinental train linking two oceans,
A) where is one of the world’s most luxurious long-distance
B) who trains.
C) which A) that
D) what B) where
E) when C) which
D) when
E) whose

4. The Goethe Institute, ____ is named after the greatest

writer in German literature, is respected worldwide as
a resource and educational centre.
8. Many of the medieval buildings in Frankfurt on Main
A) when Germany were destroyed in the World War II, one of
B) why ____ was the birthplace and childhood home of the
great German author Goethe.
C) that
D) where A) which
E) which B) whom
C) whose
D) where
E) when

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Adjective (Relative) Clauses Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 1

9. We were wondering the reason ____ the club had 13. Hong Kong, ____ is centred around the world’s largest
cancelled this week’s meeting. deep-water harbour, was handed back to China on
30th June 1997.
A) where
B) which A) which
C) when B) where
D) why C) what
E) who D) how
E) that

10. No amount of toys can make up for the love and

attention ____ every child needs. 14. In Hong Kong, ____ there are many steep areas,
ninety per cent of the people live on fifteen per cent
A) when of the land, resulting in the highest population
B) where density in the world.
C) how A) whose
D) who B) who
E) that C) which
D) when
E) where

11. Romania has over 100,000 children living in

orphanages, one in five of ____ will end his life in a
psychiatric institution.
15. I wanted to do my laundry, but I couldn’t use the
A) where machine because of a power cut, ____ frustrated me.
B) whose
A) whose
C) whom
B) when
D) which
C) that
E) when
D) where
E) which

12. This internationally acclaimed photographer, one of

________ achievements is the Bridal Photograph of the
Year Award, will be holding a seminar on 16. In order to reinforce my son’s English at school, I’m
photographic techniques this weekend. looking for a private teacher ____ can come in the
A) who
B) that A) when
C) which B) whose
D) whose C) who
E) when D) whom
E) where

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Adjective (Relative) Clauses Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 1

17. We sometimes spend a week in a cottage in Wales 21. The refugees, ____ had come to Germany from war-
____ belongs to a friend of my husband’s. stricken Togo, were housed in temporary
A) that
B) where A) who
C) whose B) which
D) who C) when
E) when D) where
E) that

18. In 1997, Princess Diana auctioned off seventy-nine

formal dresses, the most expensive of ____ fetched 22. All the students ____ have been chosen to participate
222,500 dollars, to raise money for AIDS and cancer in the end-of-term concert should come to the
centres. assembly room at 10 a.m. on Saturday.

A) who A) which
B) when B) when
C) where C) where
D) which D) that
E) whom E) whose

19. It wasn’t so bad living in student accommodation 23. My aunt, ____ son-in-law is the managing director of a
because the three girls with ____ I shared the large company, has been to a garden party at
apartment were very easy-going and amusing. Buckingham Palace.

A) whom A) who
B) whose B) whom
C) which C) which
D) who D) whose
E) that E) where

20. The company exports fifty per cent of the products 24. The use of wind, ____ is a clean and inexhaustible
____ it manufactures at this factory. source of energy, to generate electricity has
increased lately because of recent interest in fuel
A) whose conservation.
B) that
A) whose
C) where
B) which
D) who
C) that
E) when
D) who
E) where

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Adjective (Relative) Clauses Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 1

25. His business partner wanted to discuss the reason 29. My friend, ____ dream had always been to own a
____ he hadn’t been informed of the recent country home, has just bought a nice house in a
developments. small village.

A) which A) whose
B) when B) which
C) whose C) that
D) why D) where
E) where E) when

26. There are certain areas in the USA ____ brown bears 30. State officials said two hundred people were injured
still live in the wild. in the train crash, of ____ ninety-five had serious
A) where
B) whom A) where
C) that B) whose
D) which C) whom
E) when D) that
E) which

27. As I had forgotten my raincoat when we went

camping, Simon, ____ had brought two with him, lent 31. When I came to live in Turkey, I found shopping at
me one of his. boutiques ____ don’t display any prices very difficult.

A) whose A) when
B) when B) who
C) that C) whom
D) which D) that
E) who E) where

28. Whenever I visited my aunt, she used to give me a 32. Yesterday, a train ____ was travelling from Munich to
huge slice of cake, ____ she had baked herself. Hamburg in Germany crashed into an overpass.

A) when A) where
B) who B) when
C) which C) who
D) where D) whose
E) how E) which

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Adjective (Relative) Clauses Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 1

33. Mexico City, ____ poverty, pollution and water 37. The most spectacular monuments of ancient America
shortages are commonplace, now has a total are found in Mexico, Central America and the central
population of about twenty million. Andes, ____ entire cities with pyramids, temples and
palaces were built.
A) that
B) which A) when
C) where B) where
D) why C) which
E) how D) that
E) why

34. Senegal, ____ main source of foreign income comes

from peanuts, relies heavily on the world markets. 38. Underwater explorers have been studying the
remains of Port Royal, Jamaica, ____ sank in the
A) which earthquake in 1692.
B) that
A) where
C) whose
B) that
D) why
C) which
E) when
D) when
E) how

35. The 4th of July every year is the day ____ Americans
celebrate their independence.
39. Do you believe there will be a time ____ all nations
A) where live in peace?
B) which
A) why
C) who
B) which
D) when
C) when
E) why
D) where
E) how

36. Jacques Cousteau, the famous French ocean explorer

____ helped invent the Aqua-Lung, died in 1997 aged
87. 40. The club chairman, ____ the members thought to be
trustworthy, has just disappeared with the club’s
A) who money.
B) where
A) whom
C) when
B) how
D) why
C) when
E) which
D) that
E) which

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Adjective (Relative) Clauses Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 1

41. The first practical deep-sea diving suit, ____ was used 45. A friend in England, _____ trip by herself to India was
to recover treasure from a shipwreck called the “Mary a complete disaster, says that, from now on, she will
Rose”, was developed by John and Charles Dean. stick to package tours to resort areas.

A) that A) of which
B) who B) whom
C) when C) whose
D) where D) that
E) which E) when

42. I won’t accept your homework unless you can provide 46. Divers at sites off Turkey have found the wrecks of
a good reason ____ you haven’t handed it in on time. vessels ____ date as far back as the 23rd century BC.

A) when A) when
B) why B) which
C) where C) where
D) which D) who
E) who E) whose

43. Oceans and seas are bodies of saltwater ____ cover 47. Only the elderly people of the village could
about 71 per cent of the Earth’s surface. remember a winter ____ snow had blocked the road
for so long.
A) where
B) when A) when
C) whose B) where
D) why C) which
E) that D) why
E) whose

44. Not much is known about African history until the

year one thousand, ____ geographers first made 48. Mark was not looking forward to telling Peter, ____ he
written records. had borrowed the book from, that he had left it on
the train.
A) where
B) whose A) that
C) in which B) what
D) how C) where
E) that D) who
E) whose

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Adjective (Relative) Clauses Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 1

49. Cappadocia, ____ the volcanic landscape features 53. ____ from the thirteenth century, the “Kızıl Kule”, or
peculiarly shaped stone towers known as fairy “Red Tower”, in Alanya was very skilfully restored in
chimneys, is of particular interest to foreign the 1950s.
A) To date
A) when B) Dating
B) which C) Having dated
C) how D) To be dated
D) that E) To be dating
E) where

54. Every dollar  ____ to the charity will pay for 2 trees to
50. The distinctive style of Seljuk architecture can be be planted as part of the city’s tree campaign.
seen in bridges, many of ___ are still in use today.
A) given
A) where B) giving
B) which C) give
C) that D) to give
D) whom E) having given
E) what

55. Peter, ____ by his children that it was a good idea,

51. This illness, ____ to be caused by a virus, cannot be bought a puppy for them last weekend.
treated with antibiotics.
A) to be persuaded
A) believing B) persuaded
B) having believed C) having persuaded
C) to have believed D) persuading
D) to believe E) to persuade
E) believed

56. John Walker Lind, a young American ____fought for

52. The boy ____ by the dog was given an injection the Taliban, is on trial in the United States.
against rabies.
A) who
A) biting B) whom
B) to have bitten C) which
C) bitten D) where
D) to bite E) when
E) having bitten

57. The best person ____ us some information about

Cyprus is Elif because she used to live there.

A) to give
B) given
C) being given
D) have given
E) to be given

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Adjective (Relative) Clauses Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 1

61. A reputable supplier ____ care to ensure high

standards is the best place to buy a computer from.

58. The player, ____ this opponent on two previous A) being taken
occasions, is quite confident of victory tomorrow.
B) taken
A) beaten C) taking
B) to beat D) to be taking
C) who is beaten E) to have taken
D) who beat
E) to have beaten

62. We couldn’t find time ____ we could practise the

songs for the concert.

59. The four students ____ to represent the university A) which

during the inter-university challenge were chosen
B) why
C) in that
A) to trust D) then
B) having trusted E) when
C) trusting
D) to be trusting
E) being trusted
63. The Galata Tower, _____ overlooks the Bosphorus, the
Golden Horn and the Sea of Marmara, has the most
spectacular view in Istanbul.

60. In cycling, the best way ____ smooth, powerful A) when

pedalling is to practice using low to moderate gears.
B) which
A) to achieve C) where
B) being achieved D) whose
C) achieved E) whom
D) be achieved
E) to have achieved

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Adjective (Relative) Clauses Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 1

64. Once almost extinct, the silver-grey Hawaiian Monk 65. Marcus, ____ a position that is at a higher salary than
Seal, ____ since 1909, now lives in large numbers in his current position, is now thinking of resigning from
an area Northwest of Hawaii. his post.

A) having protected A) offered

B) protecting B) to be offered
C) to be protecting C) offering
D) protected D) offer
E) to protect E) having offered

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Adjective (Relative) Clauses Advanced Level MCQs Test With Answers 1

Answer Key:

1: A 34: C
2: B 35: D
3: B 36: A
4: E 37: B
5: D 38: C
6: C 39: C
7: C 40: A
8: A 41: E
9: D 42: B
10: E 43: E
11: C 44: C
12: D 45: C
13: A 46: B
14: E 47: A
15: E 48: D
16: C 49: E
17: A 50: B
18: D 51: E
19: A 52: C
20: B 53: B
21: A 54: A
22: D 55: B
23: D 56: A
24: B 57: A
25: D 58: D
26: A 59: E
27: E 60: A
28: C 61: C
29: A 62: E
30: C 63: B
31: D 64: D
32: E 65: A
33: C

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