77th Anniversary of The VIETNAM PEOPLE'S Army

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77th Anniversary of the VIETNAM PEOPLE'S Army

(December 22, 1944 - December 22, 2021)

The 77th anniversary of the Vietnam People's Army is a special event for us to look back at
the glorious history of the nation.

On December 22, 1944, under the directive of President Ho Chi Minh, the Vietnam
Liberation Army Propaganda Team - the forerunner of the Vietnam People's Army was
established and assigned to Vo Nguyen Giap in charge.

At the time of its foundation, the Vietnam Propaganda and Liberation Army Team had only
34 soldiers.

In 1944, December 25 - December 26, all won the first two battles: Phay Khat, Na Ngan
(Cao Bang)

On May 15, 1945, the Vietnam Propaganda and Liberation Army Team merged with the
National Salvation Army and renamed the Liberation Army,

During only a short period of time, from September 2, 1945 to November 1945, the
Liberation Army developed leaps and bounds into the National Army of Vietnam with an
army of about 50,000 men.

In 1950, the Vietnam National Army changed its name to the Vietnam People's Army.

The Vietnam People's Army grew into an army of powerful main divisions, paving the way for
the Historic victory of Dien Bien Phu on May 7, 1954.

The Vietnam People's Army, together with the people and other armed forces, achieved
miracle feats of arms, typically the 1968 Spring General Offensive and Uprising and the
"Dien Bien Phu in the air" campaign in December 1972; successfully ended with the historic
Ho Chi Minh campaign on April 30, 1975, hence the reunification of the country.

Currently, the Vietnam People's Army has a standing force consisting of the main army - the
core component of the Vietnam People's Army, the local army, and the reserve force.

During the period of 77 years under the directive of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the
Vietnam People's Army has become a reliable political force, a loyal fighting army of the
Party, State and people.


1. Cổng TTĐT BQP, Quá trình hình thành và phát triển, Cổng thông tin điện
tử Bộ Quốc phòng nước Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam, truy cập ngày

2. Hoài Nam, Kỷ niệm ngày thành lập Quân đội Nhân dân Việt Nam tại Venezuela, Báo
Tin tức, truy cập ngày 21/12/2021


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