Final Exam English Club 2022 Read The Text Bellow To Answer The Question! Jakarta, Indonesia at Least 35 People Have Died After Heavy Rains and Floods Triggered

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NAME : Alvionita Wahyu Febriani

NIM : P27220021052


Read the text bellow to answer the question!
Jakarta, Indonesia At least 35 people have died after heavy rains and floods triggered
landslides in the Indonesian province of Central Java.
Most of the landslides and flooding occurred in the Purworejo subdistrict, where 11 people died
and several are reported missing. Disaster officials, the military and police joined forces with
non-governmental agencies and volunteers to rescue and evacuate residents from affected areas.
Sutopo Nugroho, spokesman for the Indonesian Disaster Management Agency said, “The
landslides buried dozens of homes, and floodwaters inundated thousands of houses. Of the 35
killed, 31 died in landslides and four died in the flooding. An additional 25 people remain
Nugroho said that the weather anomaly is the result of several factors -- including warm sea
temperatures and the massive flow of moist air from the Indian Ocean -- converging in Sumatra
and Kalimantan, resulting to unstable atmospheric conditions and increased rainfall.

1. What is the social function of the text?

To present information about the impact and cause of heavy rains and floods in the
2. Identify the structure of the text!
Headline : “A Natural Disaster in Purworejo”
Newsworthy event : An landslides and flood in Purworejo caused 11 people to die and
some people to disappear
Background event : Heavy rains and floods triggered landslides in central Java
province, especially in purworejo. The incident resulted in dozens of deaths and several
disappearing. Then, volunteers and other agencies (disaster officials, military, police, non-
governmental) carried out rescues and evacuations of victims affected by the disaster. The
disaster was caused by unstable atmosphere and increased rainfall.
Source : Sutopo Nugroho, spokesman for the Indonesian Disaster
Management Agency said, “The landslides buried dozens of homes, and floodwaters
inundated thousands of houses. Of the 35 killed, 31 died in landslides and four died in the
flooding. An additional 25 people remain missing.”
Nugroho said that the weather anomaly is the result of several factors -- including warm sea
temperatures and the massive flow of moist air from the Indian Ocean -- converging in
Sumatra and Kalimantan, resulting to unstable atmospheric conditions and increased rainfall.
3. What is the text tells about? News about natural disasters in purworejo
4. From the text, what losses did the victims suffer? Landslides bury dozens of homes,and
floodwaters inundated thousands of houses.

Read the text bellow to answer the question!

A long time ago, there was a widow named Mbok Randa. Her husband had passed away long
time ago, so that she lived there alone. She had no children and she prayed to God to get a child.
One night when she prayed, a giant passed her house and heard her pray.

The giant said, “I can give you a child, but you should give the child back to me when she is
seventeen years old”. Mbok Randa was so happy and didn’t think the risk of losing child
later.She agreed the offer. Then, the giant gave her the cucumber seeds and asked Mbok Randa
to plant them around her house. Tomorrow, she planted the seeds just like what the giant asked.

Shortly, the seeds grew up after some days and there were several cucumbers there. However,
the most interesting thing was a huge golden cucumber. Mbok Randa plucked the golden
cucumber carefully and carried it home. With care, she sliced it and she was so surprised that a
cute baby girl was inside.

Then she named the baby with Timun Mas which means ‘Golden Cucumber”. She loved the
baby really much. Year passed and Timun Mas has grown to be a beautiful and lovely little girl.
She was really smart and kind as well. That is why Mbok Randa kept thinking about her promise
to the giant.

One night, Mbok Randa had a dream. She must meet a holy man who lived in a place called
mount gundul. That holy man could help to save her daughter. The next morning, Mbok Randa
went to mount gundul. She met the holy man and he gave 4 little bags to Mbok Randa.

“These bags are for her. Tell her to open and use it one by one”, said the holy man. Mbok Randa
nod her head as a sign that she understood the command. Then she came back to home.

Each one was containing cucumber seeds, needles, salt, and shrimp paste. The holy man said that
Timun Mas could use them to protect herself. At home, Mbok Randa then said about her promise
with the giant to her daughter and about the bag given by the holy man.

A few days later, the giant came to Mbok Randa house and asked for the promise. Mbok Randa
told her daughter to run from the back door and took the bags from a holy man with her. The
giant was so angry and rushed toward Timun Mas. He was getting closer and closer. She then
opened the first bag. It was the cucumber seeds.
She threw those seeds and instantly they grew into the huge cucumber fields. The giant ate them
all, so that she could run further.
However, it was giving the giant more strength to chase the girl. He was getting close again.
After that, she opened the second bag that contains the needles and spilled them behind her.

The needles magically turned into the lush bamboo trees which were thorny. The giant bony’s
were bled and scrathed. Unfortunately, he made it and chased her again.
Timun Mas opened the third bag and spilled the salt inside. That made the soil which the salt
touched turned into the very deep sea.

The giant almost drown there, but he swam to cross it. From a far place, Timun Mas saw it. She
then opened the last bag and threw it. It was the shrimp paste and made the soil became the large
swamp of boiling mud.

Finally, the giant was trapped there and the mud drowned him. Everything was ended. Timun
Mas came back to her home and live happily ever after with Mbok Randa.
5. Clasified the part of speed of the text!
a. Verb
 Action : Passed, Give, Back to, Agreed, Gave, Asked,
Plant/ed,Grew up, Plucked, Carried, Sliced, Thingking, Dream, Meet, Help,
Went, Open/ed, Use, Nod, Back to-, Said, Came, Told, Took, Rushed, Threw,
Ate,Chase, Spilled, Turned, Touched, Drown, Swam, Cross, Saw
 Linking verbs : Get, Heard, Just like, Interesting, Loved, Understood,Was
Protect, Bled, Strech, Made it, Became, Was
b. Pronouns : She, Child, Giant, House, Grown, Holy Man, , Daughter,
He, That, Girl, Her, It
c. Adjective : So Happy, Didn’t think, huge, Carefully, Beautiful,
Lovely little girl, Smart, Kind as well, So angry,Strenght, Very deep, Happily
d. Preposition : There, Around, After, Behind, Inside

Choose the correct answer!

The body's immune system helps protect us against infections. When we are exposed to
infection, the immune system triggers a series of responses to neutralize the microbes and
limit their harmful effects. Exposure to an infectious disease often gives lifelong protection
(immunity) so we do not contract the same disease again. Our immune system “remembers”
the microbe.

The aim of vaccination is to obtain this immunity without any of the risks of having the
disease. When we vaccinate, we activate the immune system's "memory." During
vaccination, a weakened microbe, a fragment, or something that resembles it, is added to the
body. The immune system is then activated without us becoming sick. Some dangerous
infectious diseases can be prevented in a simple and effective way. For some diseases,
vaccination provides lifelong protection, while for others the effect is diminished after a few
years and booster doses are required.

In the womb, our immune system is already prepared to tackle various microbes that we
encounter after birth. It calls passive immunity that still I our body since we were born. Since
vaccines only use a small part of a child's immune capacity, the immune system is burdened
much less than with common infections, such as a cold. Infants therefore tolerate vaccination
well, including receiving several vaccinations at the same time.

When the majority of the population has been vaccinated against a disease, there will be few
people left to whom the infection can spread. This protects the few who have not been
vaccinated. It calls herd immunity. With the help of vaccination, it is possible to entirely
eradicate some diseases worldwide. So far, this has been achieved for smallpox.

Vaccination usually begins when a child is six weeks old. Since several of the diseases
vaccinated against affect the youngest children the hardest, delays should be avoided.
Booster doses are given when a child reaches school age.

During vaccination, the body is exposed to either a weakened microbe (bacteria or virus),
fragments of a microbe, or something that resembles the microbe. When the active
substances in the vaccine meet the body's immune system, immune cells and antibodies are
produced that will recognize the "real" microbe. When the vaccinated person encounters this
microbe, the immune system will provide a faster and better immune response that can
prevent disease. This is artificially acquired active immunity.

A good vaccine will provide adequate and prolonged protection against the disease. The
number of doses needed varies from vaccine to vaccine. For some vaccines, there is a need
for a booster dose later in life to maintain protection. These include vaccines against tetanus,
diphtheria, polio and pertussis. Booster doses may also be required for travel vaccines.

6. What is the vaccine for?

Will provide adequate and prolonged protection against the disease
7. What is the vaccine?
Vaccines are the activation of the "memory" of the immune system. During vaccination, a
weakened microbe, a fragment, or something that resembles it, is added to the body. The
immune system is then activated without us becoming sick
8. What is passive immunity ?
Passive immunity is immunity that has been present since we were born. In the womb, our
immune system is already prepared to tackle various microbes that we encounter after birth.
9. What is the herd immunity?
Herd Immunity is when the majority of the population has been vaccinated against a disease,
there will be few people left to whom the infection can spread. This protects the few who
have not been vaccinated.
10. Name a vaccine that requires a booster to improve protection!
Including the tetanus vaccine, diphtheria, polio and pertussis.

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