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Group 2 :

- Dave Joy W
- Lola Amelia P N
- Nico Alvino C
- Tiffani Haliem

Topic : whats is the most frustrating about people

- Purpose statement : inform readers what frustration is, the cause of most people's
frustration and tell them how to deal with frustration
- Thesis statement : Frustration is one type of feeling that usually many people must
feel, and usually this is caused by many factors.
- Sub topic 1 : what is frustration
- Sub topic 2 : signs that people are experiencing frustration (anger, worries, easily
annoyed, afraid to meet people we are frustrated with.)
- Sub topic 3 : common cause of frustration in most people (Finances,Interpersonal
conflicts,Relationships,environmental factor)
- Sub topic 4 : the effect of frustration on everyone getting closer to negative
- Sub topic 5 : how to Deal with Frustration
- Restatement :
- Reticle question :
- Conclusion :
Whats Is The Most Frustrating About People

Frustration is one type of feeling that usually many people must feel, and usually this is
caused by many factors. However, many of them become negatively affected because of the
frustration they experience, therefore this frustration is actually okay to experience but don't
make it happen. This frustration becomes an obstacle for us to be able to work.

What is Frustration?
Frustration is a mental symptom that can arise due to the unfulfillment of a will (conation) in
an individual. As a result, a person will lose his motivation in achieving something. One of
the main causes of frustration is because a person's motives are disturbed by a conflict.
Frustration is a person's inner state, an imbalance in the soul, a feeling of dissatisfaction due
to unfulfilled desires/urges.Frustration comes from the Latin frustratio, is a feeling of
disappointment or irritation because it is not achieved in achieving goals. Frustration can
also be interpreted as a condition hampered in achieving a goal (Markam, 2003).

Signs that people are experiencing frustration

Most people in this world, their frustration can be seen. There are several signs that are felt
as a person experiencing frustration, such as the following: Having trouble sleeping or
experiencing other changes in your sleeping patterns, of course, this has become something
that must be felt for everyone who experiences frustration. Another thing that is felt for
everyone who experiences frustration is that they often feel hopeless. Despair is the second
sign that is felt for those who experience this frustration, of course they will lose hope for
something. This feeling of hopelessness is also accompanied by feelings of excessive
anxiety and worry. From this excessive anxiety and worry can lead to feelings of easy crying.
The easiest sign to find if someone is experiencing frustration is the feeling of crying easily.
Not only signs mentally, physically can be seen. People who experience frustration have
physical characteristics such as a decreased appetite. From a decreased appetite, it can
cause the body to become weak and often feel tired. Another physical characteristic
experienced by those who are frustrated is drastic weight loss. However this is related.

Common cause of frustration in most people

Usually, frustration happens when the result of an effort is not the same as what we
expected. The main causes of frustration that happens to adults are finances, including
losing a job and inability to pay bills. Either way, relationships have become a main reason
for frustration in teenagers. It is usually caused by unmet expectations. Besides that,
frustration can also be caused by external factors such as demands from other people. Like
parents demanding their son to be a great child or an employee with their boss.

The effect of frustration

Oftentimes, feelings of frustration and disappointment can increase feelings of sadness and
depression. Frustration can also cause you to lose confidence in yourself, especially when
the source of your feelings tends to be internal. It is not uncommon for people to cope with
feelings of frustration in maladaptive ways such as turning to alcohol, drugs, food, or other
behaviours that can have a negative impact on health. Stress and frustration are connected
things. Feeling stressed can lead to frustration, and frustrating situations are often stressful.
Managing your stress can help you reduce feelings of frustration, and increasing your
tolerance for frustration can help you lower your stress level.

How to Deal with Frustration

Actually, frustration is easily experienced by many people and there are many ways to
overcome it. Calm yourself is the most powerful thing you can do to reduce frustration. You
can take a deep breath and exhale slowly. This method can help you calm down and relax
your body. Talking to someone you can trust is a great way to go when something is
bothering you or something that is upsetting and frustrating you. By telling stories, you can
share those feelings with someone, and not just keep your frustrations to yourself. Another
way you can manage your frustration is to speak up and reassure yourself that everything
will be okay. If necessary, record your feelings of disappointment, sadness, and frustration,
and share positive things you need to do to overcome them. This will help you hear your
feelings while also giving you confidence that you can get through them. Do whatever you
love can also help too, like listening to music, watching movies or tv shows, or reading
books. This can help keep you from feeling frustrated, allowing you to return to the situation
later with a calmer head. There are many other ways that can still be done besides the ones.

Basically, frustration is a feeling of worry, excessive disappointment that can have more
impact on oneself, ranging from physical, mental, and so on. Therefore, the key for a person
to be able to avoid this feeling of frustration is to return to oneself, how to respond to existing
problems, to avoid feeling frustrated.There is nothing wrong with someone feeling frustrated,
but this frustration becomes wrong if it has harmed oneself and even others. Therefore, as
much as possible, we as humans must be able to control ourselves.


Suharyanto Arby. 2018. Frustration Theory in Psychology. from

Thabroni Gamal. 2022. Understanding Frustration and Conflict as Symptoms of Will. from

Vincent Berger. 2005. Understanding Frustration. from

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