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Faculty of Veterinary & Animal Sciences

Department of Pathobiology
Terminal Examination, Fall 2017
Course Title: Systemic Veterinary Pathology Max. Marks: 40
Course Code: PATH-242 Time: 2 Hrs
Roll No. _________

Q. 1. Fill in the Blanks. (20)

i. Inflammation of Lungs is called as ………………………………………..Pneumonia
ii. There are ……………………………………………….stages of pneumonia. 4
iii. Lobar pneumonia is defined as ……………………………………………… Involvement of only one lobe of lung
iv. Doctor induced aspiratory pneumonia is also called as ……………………………… drenching
v. Tetrad of fallot is also known as………………………….. tetrology of fallot
vi. Proctitis is inflammation of……………………………… anus
vii. Etiology of intussusception may be …………Acute………………….and……………Chronic………
viii. Bovine viral diarrhea is caused by ……….……………………. BVDV
ix. Traumatic pericarditis may occurs due to…………………........... Nails
x. Typhlitis is defined as………………………... caecum
xi. Inflammation of caecum is called as ………………………………… Typhlitis
xii. FMD is an important example of ……………………………………. Stomatitis. vesicular
xiii. Inflammation of tongue is known as------------------------------------ Glossitis
xiv. Timber tongue is also known as------------------------------
Actinobacillosis----------------------------------------------------- and is caused by -----------------------------
Actinobaccilus lignieresi---------------------------------------------------.
xv. Necrosis of nervous tissues in brain is called as-----------------------
xvi. Hypospadias is defined as -----------------------------------------Uretheral opening on ventral side of
xvii. --------------Phimosis--------------is a condition in which animal is unable to protrude penis from sheath.
xviii. The most common preservative for fixation of tissue is formaldehyde

Q. 2. Select the most appropriate option. (10)

i. A diseased condition characterized by shooting diarrhea with lesions on omasum indicates
a. Muscular dystrophy
b. Equine rhabdomyolysis
c. Both a & b
d. Myasthenia gravis
e. None of the above
ii. In vesicular stomatitis, white spots/ulcers are known as
a. Vesicles
b. Pustules
c. Aphthae
d. None of the above
e. All of the above
iii. Painful gums and fetid odour from mouth indicates
a. Actinobacillosis
b. Scaby mouth
c. Viral stomatitis
d. Calf diphtheria
e. Both b & d
iv. A functional disorder of esophagus characterized by dysphagia and suspension of rumination
a. Cricopharyngeal achalasia
b. Achalasia
c. Choke
d. Ectasia

v. A clinical condition characterized by abortion, walking in circles and encephalitis

a. Listeriosis
b. Rabies
c. Mad cow syndrome
d. both a & b are incorrect
Q. 3. A dead calf was brought for post mortem examination in pathology laboratory, on
opening of the thoracic cavity there was no heart in the specific area. A detailed examination
of whole of the cadaver exhibited that heart was found underneath the neck under the
subcutaneous tissues. As a pathologist what is your diagnosis. Please comment. 05

Ectopia Cordis

Q. 4. A head of animal was brought to laboratory of pathology for gross and microscopic
study. On exploration some of the areas of brain were hyperaemic and some are having
blackish colour with liquid material, the surface was congested and sulci were absent from
blackish lesion. As a pathologist what is your diagnosis? 05
Liquefactive necrosis

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