PT 3 GE Pre-Intermediate (June 23 2020)

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Test Type Progress Test 3 Participant’s Name
Level Pre-Intermediate Participant’s Signature
Time Allotted 100 minutes Tester Najmi Shaumi Mumtaz
Reference Success Book, the Internet, Self-made Tester’s Signature
countable and uncountable nouns,
comparatives and superlatives,
complaining and apologizing, giving
Najmi Shaumi Mumtaz Score / Notes
Made by
Riska Maharlika N.
Coordinator of English Division
Verified by

Test date June 23rd, 2020

I. Listen and tick (✓) for true and cross (×) for false statement

1. Polly lost her mobile phone yesterday

2. The £30 phone is black and boring

3. Polly’s old phone was boring too

4. The red phone is cheaper than the black one

5. The red phone’s got newer ringtones

6. Liz’s sister bought a red phone last week

7. Liz’s sister’s phone cost £50

8. Polly wants to borrow Liz’s money

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II. Listen to the conversation and complete the blank spaces.

Man: Excuse me. (1) ____________ the way to the (2) __________?
Woman: Yes, sure. (3) ______________ at the end of this street.
Man: (4) ______________________?
Woman: Yes. Then go (5) ____________________.
Man: And at the roundabout?
Woman: (6) ______________ at the roundabout into Dee Road.
Man: OK... (7) ________________________.
Woman: (8) ___________________ Dee Road. The (9)_____________ is
(10) _________________.
Man: Thank you.
Woman: Goodbye.

I. Read the text and answer the following questions

What is a Consumer Society?

A consumer is a person who buys things, and a consumer society is a society that encourages people to
buy and use goods. Some people think that a consumer society provides people with better lives. People
in consumer societies tend to live more comfortably. They eat a wider variety of food. They go to
restaurants more often. They also buy a lot of products, maybe more than they need.

Products such as TVs, cell phones, and computers used to be luxuries. Today people can buy these things
more easily than ever before. The market for these goods is growing faster all the time. Consumer
societies encourage people to buy bigger and better products. For example, “smarter” phones come out
every year. In a consumer society, people are often buying newer and more advanced products. This
creates a lot of waste. Nowadays, many people are thinking more seriously about the effects of
consumer societies on the environment, and they are trying to become more responsible consumers.

1. Everyone agrees that consumer society makes people’s lives better. ___
2. All of the people in consumer societies live more comfortably. ___
3. It is more difficult to buy things now. ___
4. People now shop for more sophisticated products. ___
5. The way people think in the consumer society and in the past is still the same. ___

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II. Read and match

1….. Excuse me! Could you tell me the a. Certainly. Go straight on, and take the first turning on the
way to the hotel? right. Walk past the park and take the first turning
on the left. It’s on your left, next to the park.
2….. Excuse me! Is there a post b. Sure. Take the first turning on the left into Hill Street.
office near here? You’ll find it on your right, opposite the bus station.
3….. Excuse me. How do I get to c. Of course. Take the first turning on the right, walk past the
school from here? cinema and the pharmacy and cross River Street.
You’ll see it on your left, opposite the café.
4….. Excuse me. Do you know where d. Yes, of course. Go straight on and cross Hill Street.
the stadium is? Continue straight on and you’ll see it on your right,
opposite the hospital.
5….. Excuse me. How do I get to the e. Yes. Go along Central Avenue and take the second
closest bank? turning on the right. It’s on your left, next to the

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III. Read and circle the correct words
This person obviously only eats to live. There aren’t much/many(1) things in this fridge – it’s the classic
minimalist fridge! There is/are(2) a tub of margarine, a bar of chocolate a little/few(3) chocolate cake.
This person certainly has a sweet tooth! I can’t see any/some(4) vegetables or fresh fruit/fruits(5). What
a terrible diet! I’m afraid this person is probably vey lazy and doesn’t cook at all – he/she probably
doesn’t enjoy life very much!

I. List 3 (three) ingredients for each menu
Spaghetti Bolognaise
A packet of pasta
250gr of minced beef
4 fresh tomatoes

1. Fried Rice 2. Banana Split




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3. Dalgona Coffee 4. Cheese Sandwich

______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________

II. Make comparisons based on the pictures

Example: Spaghetti is more delicious than tacos but pizza is the most delicious

1. Billy (13) Kevin (12) Nathan (11)



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Eiffel Tower Burj Al Arab Liberty Statue

(984 feet) (1,053 feet) (305 feet)




Mona Lisa The Scream The Girl with a Pearl Earring







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Harry Potter The Maze Runner Twilight


Work in pairs. Choose one of the situations and make a dialogue using expressions of complaining
and apologizing
1. You bought a new laptop online and it came in a wrong color. Call the customer service and
complain about it.
2. The signal reception in where you live has been very poor for the past few days. Call the customer
service and complain about it.

Note: make sure your dialogue consists of the following points:

• Making a complaint
• Apologizing
• Asking for specifics (details)
• Giving reasons
• Calming someone down
• Taking action
• Making promises

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