Powder Technology: Issa M. El-Nahhal, Jamil K. Salem, Sylvia Kuhn, Talaat Hammad, Rolf Hempelmann, Sara Al Bhaisi

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Powder Technology 287 (2016) 439–446

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Powder Technology

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Synthesis & characterization of silica coated and functionalized silica

coated zinc oxide nanomaterials
Issa M. El-Nahhal a,⁎, Jamil K. Salem a, Sylvia Kuhn b, Talaat Hammad a, Rolf Hempelmann b, Sara Al Bhaisi a
Department of Chemistry, Al Azhar University of Gaza, PO box 1277, Palestine
Physical Chemistry, Saarland University, D-66123 Saarbrucken, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Silica or meso silica or silica-meso silica coated zinc oxide microspheres were prepared based on base hydrolysis
Received 5 May 2015 of tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) in the presence of CTAB. Functionalization with amine or thiol organofunctional
Received in revised form 26 September 2015 groups were conducted onto pure zinc oxide, silica, meso silica or silica-meso silica coated zinc oxide micro-
Accepted 29 September 2015
sphere. The silica coated ZnO composites and their amine or thiol functionalized materials have been character-
ized by modern techniques, TEM, XRD, TGA, 13C NMR, FTIR, and UV/VIS spectroscopy. TEM analysis showed that
ZnO nanostructure
the ZnO nanoparticles were encapsulated and dispersed into the silica or meso silica microspheres. XRD analysis
Synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles indicated that the size of ZnO nanoparticles before and after coating with silica has been maintained almost un-
Silica coated ZnO changed. CP/MAS 13C NMR and FTIR spectra indicated that the coated meso silica zinc oxide materials have been
X-ray diffraction of coated ZnO successfully grafted by amine and thiol organofunctional groups.
Microstructure of silica coated ZnO © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Optical properties zinc oxide nanoparticles

1. Introduction zinc oxide nanoparticles could be easily aggregated. There were some
reported articles in which dispersant agents were used as coupling
Zinc oxide is an inorganic multifunctional material with very useful agents for the fabrication of silica coated ZnO nanoparticles [23,31].
properties, it is used in various applications in catalysis, in cosmetics Two main strategies were recently applied for the fabrication of silica
as UV absorber, in biomedical applications, in chemical sensors, electro- coating of zinc oxide nanoparticles using modified Stöber method. The
luminescent and photochemical properties [1–12]. Zinc oxide nano ma- first strategy is to incorporate silane precursors during the growth pro-
terials can be prepared by several methods: hydrothermal methods cess of zinc oxide as coating agent [32,33], the second strategy is to use
[13], electrochemical depositions [14], sol–gel method [15], chemical sol–gel process for coating of previously prepared zinc oxide nanoparti-
vapor deposition [16], thermal decomposition [17], and combustion cles [33]. In our research article, we used the second strategy, where
method [18,19]. Recently, ZnO nanoparticles were prepared by ultra- ZnO nanoparticles were firstly ultrasonicated in an ethanolic solution
sound [20] and co-precipitation [21]. Silica coated structured ZnO containing base in order to decrease aggregation and activate ZnO nano-
nanomaterials have recently been used to improve their stability and particles, followed by sol–gel coating process. CTAB was used as a cou-
their dispersibility in suspensions [22] and therefore they can be used pling agent to incorporate with zinc oxide nanoparticles and also in
for wide range of applications [22–25]. Silica-based coatings are of par- formation of meso silica microspheres. Nine different silica or meso sil-
ticular interest because they have good environmental stability with dif- ica and their functionalized silica coated ZnO microspheres are pre-
ferent materials [26], ease of surface modification [27] and reduce pared. Several techniques are used for structural determination.
potential for photocatalysis and formation of free radicals [28]. Silica Several methods and techniques were used for structural characteriza-
coating of metal oxide nanoparticles has been widely studied such as tion of these new materials. These methods include: X-ray diffraction
Fe2O3, TiO2 and others [26,29,30]. However, the introduction of silica (XRD), transition electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray
coating on ZnO nanomaterial is substantially rather difficult, due to its Spectrometer (TEM-EDX), CP/MAS 13C nuclear magnetic resonance
high surface energy activity and its large surface area and therefore (NMR) spectra, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Ultra vi-
olet-visible spectra(UV/VIS) and thermal analysis (TGA). TEM, XRD and
UV/VIS are used to provide information about morphology and optical
properties of pure and silica coated zinc oxide nanomaterials. 13C
⁎ Corresponding author. NMR, FTIR and TGA analyses are used to examine the surface ligand con-
E-mail address: issanahhal@hotmail.com (I.M. El-Nahhal). taining groups.

0032-5910/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
440 I.M. El-Nahhal et al. / Powder Technology 287 (2016) 439–446

2. Materials and methods Finally the product was dried at 100 °C for 12 h and calcinated at
500 °C for 3 h.
2.1. Materials
2.3.4. Synthesis of ZnO@SiO2@mSiO2 microspheres
Tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS), cetyltrimethylammonium bro- A two layer microspheres labeled hereafter as ZnO@SiO2@mSiO2
mide (CTAB) alkyl hydroxyethyl dimethyl ammonium chloride composite was prepared in a similar method described [26] by dis-
(HY, R = 12–14) were purchased from Merck and used as persed 0.10 g of ZnO@SiO2 in 60 mL ethanol and 1.2 M concentrated am-
received. The organoalkoxysilanes selected for the functionalization monia solution (28 wt.%), then the mixture was ultrasonicated for 1 h.
process were 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (APTS, 99%) and 3- An ethanolic solution containing 0.3 g CTAB was added to the mixture
thiolpropyltrimethoxysilane (TPTS, 99%), these reagents were pur- under constant stirring for 6 h. Afterwards, 0.43 mL of TEOS was
chased from Aldrich company and used without further purification. added dropwise under mechanical agitation for further 6 h, the obtain-
Toluene and ethanol (spectroscopic grade) were purchased from Al- ed particles were separated by centrifuge at 4000 rpm and washed with
drich company and were used as received. Zinc sulfate pentahydrate deionized water. Finally the product was dried at 100 °C, then calcinated
and ammonium hydroxide solutions (28%) were obtained from Merck. at 500 °C for 3 h. Silica spheres free of zinc oxide were obtained by
treating ZnO@SiO2@mSiO2 materials with 2 M HCl, washed with excess
2.2. Methodology of water and dried in vacuum at 80 °C overnight.

Infrared spectra for the materials were recorded on a Perkin–Elmer 2.3.5. Synthesis of amine-functionalization of ZnO–NH2, ZnO@mSiO2–NH2,
FTIR spectrometer using KBr disk in the range of 4000 to 400 cm− 1. ZnO@SiO2@mSiO2–NH2
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was carried out using Mettler Amine-functionalized of ZnO or ZnO@mSiO2 microspheres were
Toledo TGA/SDTA851e analyzer in the range of 25–600 °C of heat rate prepared as previously described [26] by disperse 1.0 g of pure ZnO,
10 °C/min. The system was purged with nitrogen using a flow rate of ZnO@mSiO2, ZnO@mSiO2 or ZnO@SiO2@mSiO2 with the appropriate
50 mL/min. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of the dried as-prepared amount (0.37 g, 0.002 mol) of 3-aminepropyltrimethoxy silane cou-
samples were obtained using an X-ray diffractometer with Cu Ka pling agent in 20 ml of dry toluene. The mixture was refluxed for 24 h
radiation (0.154 nm wavelength) under 40 kV and 200 mA. The TEM at 110 °C. The material was filtered off washed with ethanol and dried
analysis was done with JEM2010 (JEOL) transmission electron in vacuum at 80 °C.
microscope with energy dispersive X-ray Spectrometer INCA
(Oxford Instruments). UV/VIS spectra were obtained on a Shimadzu- 2.3.6. Synthesis of thiol-functionalization ZnO@mSiO2–SH and
1601 UV/VIS spectrophotometer in a quartz cell with optical length ZnO@SiO2@mSiO2–SH
1 cm in the range of 700–200 nm. Thiol-functionalized mesoporous materials were prepared by dis-
persed 0.10 g of the ZnO@mSiO2 or ZnO@SiO2@mSiO2 and the appropri-
2.3. Synthesis ate amount (0.37 g, 0.0019 mol) of 3-thiolpropyltrimethoxy silane
coupling agent in 20 ml of dry toluene. The mixture was refluxed for
2.3.1. Synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles 24 h at 110 °C. The material was filtered off washed with ethanol and
In typical synthesis of ZnO nanopowders [21], (20 mmol) of zinc sul- dried in vacuum at 80 °C.
fate pentahydrate ZnSO4.7H2O was dissolved into 25 mL of deionized
water. (20 mmol) of oxalic acid was dissolved in an equal volume of de- 2.3.7. Synthesis of zinc oxide free silica microspheres
ionized water and dropwise added to zinc sulfate solution under mag- Zinc oxide free silica spheres were obtained by treating 0.5 g ZnO@
netic stirring for 60 min, white precipitate of zinc oxalate was isolated, mSiO2, ZnO@SiO2@mSiO2, ZnO@SiO2@mSiO2–NH2 with 20 mL 2 M hy-
washed with water several times and dried at 100 °C for 24 h . The drochloric acid with continuous stirring. Zinc oxide free silica materials
dried material was grounded using mortar and pestle to produce fine were separated, washed with distilled water and dried in vacuum at 60 °
powder precursor. Subsequently, the precursor, zinc oxalate was C for 8 h.
annealed in muffle furnace under air at 500 °C for 4 h to form ZnO
nanostructure. 3. Results and discussion

2.3.2. Synthesis of ZnO@SiO2 microspheres 3.1. Synthesis

The coated silica zinc oxide microspheres labeled as ZnO@SiO2 were
prepared in similar reported method [26] through a simple sol–gel pro- The following Schemes 1 & 2 represent the schematic views of the
cess. Briefly, 0.10 g of ZnO particles were dispersed in a mixture of eth- synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles and its coating with silica, meso
anol (40 mL), deionized water (10 mL), and concentrated ammonia silica coating and finally their functionalization. Zinc oxide nanoparti-
solution (28 wt.%, 1.2 mL) by ultrasonication for 1 h. To the solution, cles were prepared by the co-precipitation method [21] by the reaction
0.43 mL of tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) was added dropwise. After of zinc sulfate pentahydrate with oxalic acid, then the metal oxides were
stirring for 6 h, the product was collected and washed with ethanol obtained by calcinations at 500 °C (Scheme 1).
and deionized water. The product was dried under vacuum at 60 °C ZnO NPs were then dispersed in water/ethanol by ultrasonication for
for 8 h. 1 h prior to TEOS coating through hydrolysis and subsequent polycon-
densation in the presence of NH4OH [26]. The ultrasonication in basic
2.3.3. Synthesis of ZnO@mSiO2 microspheres media is to secure dispersion of ZnO particles into solution to be stabi-
Coated meso silica zinc oxide microspheres labeled as ZnO@mSiO2 lized by silica coating. The use of CTAB as cationic surfactant has two
were prepared by dispersed 0.10 g of ZnO nanoparticles in 60 mL etha- functions, it acts as a coupling agent to incorporate with zinc oxide
nol and 1.2 mL concentrated ammonia solution (28 wt.%), then nanoparticles to obtain well homogeneous dispersion and prevent
ultrasonicated for 1 h. An ethanolic solution of 0.30 g CTAB was added
to the zinc oxide nanoparticles mixture under constant stirring at
room temperature. To the solution, 0.43 mL of TEOS was then added
dropwise under constant stirring for further 6 h. The product was sepa-
rated by centrifuge of 4000 rpm and washed with deionized water. Scheme 1. Formation of ZnO nanoparticles.
I.M. El-Nahhal et al. / Powder Technology 287 (2016) 439–446 441

Scheme 2. Descriptive of formation silica coated or encapsulation of metal oxide nanomaterials.

aggregations of zinc oxide nanoparticles, and the second function is to functionalized silica coated zinc oxide with hydrochloric acid
form meso-wormlike silica [22,33]. In the sol–gel method, TEOS acts (Scheme 2). This was confirmed by TEM-EDX which confirms the ab-
as a silica coating precursor and NH4OH acts as the catalyst. In this sence of zinc contents after treatment with HCl acid. The experimental
basic medium, the surface of the ZnO NPs was probably activated [33], data are summarized in Table 1.
the TEOS silane precursor undergoes hydrolysis and polycondensation
process to establish ZnO–Si–O-linkages onto the nanoparticle surface
[26,33]. This leads to formation of ZnO@SiO2, and ZnO@mSiO2 micro- 3.2. FTIR spectra
spheres of diameter 260 nm and 300 nm, respectively. This depends
on the path of the synthesis. The ZnO nanoparticles were probably em- Fig. 1a–d presents, the FT-IR spectra of ZnO, ZnO@SiO2, ZnO@SiO2@
bedded or encapsulated into the silica microspheres or introduced into mSiO2 and their amine functionalized ZnO@SiO2@mSiO2–NH2, re-
the mesopores of meso silica microspheres (Scheme 2) as confirmed spectively. The peaks at 1550–1600 cm − 1 and 3100–3600 cm − 1
from TEM results. Synthesis of ZnO@SiO2@mSiO2 two-layer micro- can be attributed to the hydroxyl groups (O–H) and amine (N–H)
spheres of diameter over 300 nm were obtained by treating ZnO@SiO2 bending and stretching vibrations, respectively. The Si–O–Si asym-
microspheres with concentrated ammonia solution (28 wt.%) and metric stretching vibration band of 980–1190 cm − 1 was found
CTAB and TEOS (Scheme 2) as confirmed from TEM results. The nano- only in the ZnO@SiO2 NPs spectrum compared to the ZnO NPs [33–
particles of ZnO were only embedded into the silica shell without ap- 35]. The Si–ZnO bond formation was confirmed by the reduction in
pearance of zinc oxide nanoparticles in the meso silica shell as peak intensity at 450–500 cm− 1 of Si–O–Si. This manifests the exis-
confirmed by TEM discussed later. tence of a silica layer and successfully grafted over the ZnO NPs. The
Functionalization of ZnO or Zn@SiO2@m–SiO2 or Zn@m–SiO2 or Zn@ absorption bands at 2980 and 1560 cm− 1 due to the ν(C–H) of ali-
SiO2 nanomaterials was prepared by treating ZnO nanoparticles or their phatic hydrocarbons and δ(N–H) (Fig. 1d) respectively as well as
silica coated materials with 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (APTMS) the disappearance of the shoulder at 960 cm− 1 due to free silanol hy-
or 3-thiolpropyltrimethoxysilane (TPTMS) in dry toluene at 110 °C droxide groups (Si–OH) provide evidence for the introduction of the
(Scheme 2) [26]. It is found clearly that two shells, (meso and functional organofunctional ligand groups onto the coated silica layers. The re-
silica) are formed around zinc oxide particles. Zinc oxide free spheres of moval of CTAB was confirmed from the FTIR spectra where the peaks
coated silica and zinc oxide free spheres of functionalized silica coated assigned due to CTAB at 2984 and 1475 cm− 1 due to ν(C–H) vibra-
materials are obtained easily by treating silica coated zinc oxide or tions are removed.
442 I.M. El-Nahhal et al. / Powder Technology 287 (2016) 439–446

Table 1
Experimental data.

Material Synthesis description Notes

ZnO@SiO2 ZnO + TEOS + NH4OH + Microspheres are formed,

sonication 1 h, annealed 260 nm diameter.
at 500 °C for 4 h.
ZnO@mSiO2 ZnO + TEOS + NH4OH + Microspheres, wormlike
CTAB + sonication 1 h, meso silica, 300 nm
annealed at 500 °C for 4 diameter, ZnO NPs are
h. dispersed into mesopores.
ZnO@SiO2@mSiO2 ZnO@SiO2 + TEOS + Microspheres of two layers,
NH4OH + CTAB + N300 nm diameter, ZnO
sonication for 1 h → NPs dispersed into silica
ZnO@mSiO2–NH2 ZnO@mSiO2 + amine Amine-functionalized and
silane, reflux in toluene at meso silica two layers are
110 °C → formed around ZnO.
ZnO@mSiO2–SH ZnO@mSiO2 + thiol Thiol-functionalized and
silane, reflux in dry meso silica two layers of 13
toluene at 110 °C → and 5 nm thickness
ZnO@SiO2@mSiO2–NH2 ZnO@SiO2@mSiO2 +
amino silane,reflux in dry
toluene at 110 °C →
ZnO–NH2 ZnO nanoparticles +
amine silane → reflux in
dry toluene at 110 °C →
ZnO free @SiO2@mSiO2 ZnO@SiO2@mSiO2 + 2 M Low density ZnO free silica
HCl → and meso layers, no Zn
content is observed
ZnO free@mSiO2 ZnO@mSiO2 + 2 M HCl → Low density ZnO free meso
silica layer, no ZnO is
present Fig. 2. CP/MAS 13C NMR spectra of ZnO@mSiO2–(CH2)3–NH2 and ZnO@mSiO2–(CH2)3–SH.

3.3. 13C CP/MAS NMR results the presence of some impurities. These assignments are based on spec-
tral data reported for similar systems [36].
The CP/MAS 13C NMR spectra for amine-functionalized coated silica-
meso silica zinc oxide and thiol-functionalized coated silica-meso silica
zinc oxide are depicted in Fig. 2a & b respectively. The spectrum of 3.4. XRD results
amine-functionalized composite shows three methylene carbons at
11, 23 and 43 ppm corresponding to the Si–CH2, C–CH2 and CH2–N. The XRD patterns for pure ZnO powder prepared by the co-pre-
the signal at 165 ppm is probably due to absorbed CO2 [32]. The spec- cipitation method [21], silica, meso silica coated zinc oxide and
trum of thiol-functionalized composite shows three methylene carbons their amine or thiol functionalized materials are shown in Fig. 3a–i.
at 11 and 28 ppm corresponding to the Si–CH2 and the two carbons C– All the diffraction peaks are well indexed to the hexagonal ZnO
CH2 and CH2–S, respectively. The signal at 129 ppm is probably due to wurtzite structure (JCPDS no. 36–1451) [37]. Diffraction peaks corre-
sponding to the impurity were not found in the XRD patterns,
confirming high purity of the synthesized products. The mean

Fig. 3. XRD results of: a) ZnO free@SiO2@mSiO2, b) ZnO, c) ZnO@SiO2, d) ZnO@mSiO2, e)

Fig. 1. FTIR spectra of a) pure ZnO b) ZnO@mSiO2 c) ZnO@SiO2@mSiO2 and d) ZnO@SiO2@ ZnO@SiO2@mSiO2, f) ZnO@SiO2@mSiO2–(CH2)3–NH, g) ZnO@mSiO2–(CH2)3–SH, h)
mSiO2–(CH2)3–NH2. ZnO@mSiO2–(CH2)3–NH and i) ZnO free@mSiO2.
I.M. El-Nahhal et al. / Powder Technology 287 (2016) 439–446 443

Fig. 4. TEM of a) ZnO, b) TEM-EDX of ZnO NPs, c) low resolution TEM of ZnO@mSiO2, d) high resolution TEM of ZnO@mSiO2, e) TEM of ZnO@SiO2, f) TEM of ZnO@SiO2@mSiO2, g) TEM of
ZnO@mSiO2–(CH2)3–SH, h) TEM-EDX of ZnO@mSiO2–(CH2)3–SH, i) TEM of ZnO@mSiO2–(CH2)3–NH2 and j) TEM-EDX of ZnO@mSiO2–(CH2)3–NH2.

crystallite size of ZnO particles was determined by Sherrer's equa- 3.5. TEM results
tion (where D = 0.89λ/β cosθ where D is the crystallite size (nm),
λ is the wavelength of incident X-ray (nm), β is the full width at TEM images along with EDX of pure ZnO, ZnO@SiO2, (ZnO@mSiO2
half maximum, and θ is the diffraction angle). The obtained particle ZnO@SiO2@mSiO2 are given in Fig. 4a–g. TEM image of pure zinc oxide
size was 13 nm for pure ZnO. There was a small shift to lower angle shows different bar sizes of hexagonal shape of 20–70 nm length and
width and change in the line width revealing that silica coating was 15–30 nm width (Fig. 4a). The TEM-EDX of ZnO nanomaterial shows
successfully conducted (Fig. 3b–h). This leads in slight change of only zinc and oxygen peaks with no silicon is present (Fig. 4b). Fig. 4c
the particle size of the coated zinc oxide. The zinc oxide free silica & d illustrates low and high resolution TEM images of ZnO@mSiO2 mi-
(Fig. 3a & i) showed no XRD peaks, this may confirm that complete crospheres of 300 nm diameter. The meso silica microsphere was evi-
removal of zinc oxide nanoparticles form silica coated zinc oxide mi- dent from the gray wormlike structure with zinc oxide appearing as
crospheres, when treated with hydrochloric acid. dark nanoparticles (dark color) which were capsulated into silica
444 I.M. El-Nahhal et al. / Powder Technology 287 (2016) 439–446

Fig. 4 (continued).

mesopores as shown in Fig. 4d. The small particles of zinc oxides are TEM-image Fig. 4e, that roughly microspheres of size 260 nm of silica,
probably formed through the ultrasonication process of colloidal solu- in which ZnO nanoparticles are dispersed. EDX confirms the presence
tion in the presence of CTAB, so these small particles are fitted into the of peaks due to components of silicon and oxygen and zinc. In the case
mesopores of the meso silica [22]. For ZnO@SiO2, it can be seen from of ZnO@SiO2@mSiO2 microspheres, it can be seen from TEM

Fig. 5. Thermograms for (a) ZnO@SiO2@mSiO2 and (b) ZnO@SiO2@mSiO2-NH2. Fig. 6. UV/VIS spectra for a) ZnO, b) ZnO@SiO2@mSiO2, and c) ZnO@SiO2.
I.M. El-Nahhal et al. / Powder Technology 287 (2016) 439–446 445

3.7. UV/VIS spectra

The UV/VIS spectra for the solution contain ZnO@SiO2 and ZnO@
SiO2@mSiO2 NPs in HY surfactant Fig. 6(a–c). HY surfactant was used
to obtain a homogenous solution of un-coated and coated silica zinc
oxide particles. Two peaks at 359, 290 nm are shown in Fig. 6(a–c),
that characteristic for the presence of ZnO nanoparticles [22,33]. It is
found that there is a decreasing of the absorption band intensities as
the number of shells of coated silica is build up on zinc oxide (ZnO@
SiO2 to ZnO@SiO2@mSiO2). There was a shift of the absorption band at
307 nm for the free uncoated ZnO to shorter wavelength at 290 nm
for ZnO@SiO2 and at 283 nm for ZnO@SiO2@mSiO2 . The blue shift of
the absorption band 307 nm to shorter wavelength is probably due to
decreasing of the particle size. No peaks are observed for the ZnO free
coated silica-mesosilica indicating the absence of the shell core of zinc
oxide (Fig. 7b) when treated with HCl acid in comparison with that of
ZnO@SiO2(Fig. 7b).

Fig. 7. UV/VIS spectra for a) ZnO@SiO2 and b) ZnOfree@SiO2.

4. Conclusion

Silica or meso silica or both silica coated ZnO microspheres were

synthesized by modified Stöber method. The ZnO particles are dis-
image Fig. 4f that zinc oxide nanoparticles of different sizes are dis- persed into the silica microspheres or into the mesopores of the meso
persed only into the silica microspheres and none are present in the silica shell confirmed from TEM analysis. Functionalized of the meso sil-
meso silica shell. This is in consistence with experimental work, where ica shell with amine or thiol silane coupling agent, two shells, meso and
zinc oxide nanoparticles were firstly accommodated into the silica mi- functional silica layers of 13 nm and 5 nm thickness are formed, respec-
crosphere, and later coated with a meso silica shell. The size distribution tively. XRD results found for free ZnO NPs and the silica coated zinc
histogram of ZnO nanoparticles coated silica showed that ca. 85% of ZnO oxide materials showed hexagonal ZnO wurtzite structure with mean
nanoparticles has mean particle size of 16.1 nm, whereas ca. 8% of ZnO average crystallite size of 13 nm. Zinc oxide free silica materials which
nanoparticles has particle size of 5 nm and 7% have particle size of have low density silica spheres showed no XRD peaks due to complete
40 nm. The TEM-EDX of ZnOfree@mSiO2 and ZnOfree@SiO2@mSiO2 etching of core ZnO. TGA and FTIR spectra revealed that the amine and
microspheres showed only the presence of silicon and oxygen and ab- thiol organofunctional groups are covalently attached to the meso silica
sence of zinc content which is evident for complete removal of ZnO layer. TGA revealed that 10.5% of the weight of the functionalized coated
core upon treatment with HCl. This also was confirmed by UV/VIS spec- silica zinc oxide is due to organofunctional groups. These materials have
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