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Year 35 No.

70 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) — Green July 10, 2022

by Bro. Hansel Mapayo, SSP

now—as he did the scholar of

the law, who answered that “the
neighbor” was “the one who
treated him with mercy” (Lk
10:37)—“Go and do likewise.”
Neighborhood fences and

I n 1983, I joined an exposure

weekend trip to the Manobos
living near the Tigwa River
Samaritan is pitted against the
religious leaders—the priest and
borders are torn down by this
parable to highlight our actions
of being neighbors to each
in the municipality of San the Levite who may have come other, and much more to the
Fernando, Bukidnon. We visited from the holy city Jerusalem but disadvantaged, going beyond our
a Protestant mission area of the do not lift a finger (even deciding comfort zones and expectations.
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship to pass by the other side of the We are asked to relate beyond
(IVCF) where two young female road) to help the victim who by reciprocity and sacrifice in many
nurses lived with Manobos. the way is not identified by Jesus issues that call for neighbor-
On one occasion, as the nurses by ethnic or religious affiliation ing: the climate crisis, poverty,
recounted, a Manobo basket but is simply called a “man”— victims of violence, etc. We
weaver, who seemed aloof, was the contrast becomes stark. need to learn from the heart of
brought to their clinic because We look at a character whose the Samaritan who is willing to
his thigh had been pierced actions in the story change the extend help to an unknown. Our
by a wild pig’s sharp bagakay emphasis from “Who is my recent experience of typhoon
bamboo trap. The nurses took neighbor” to “Are you neighbor- Odette and the Covid-19
care of him and allowed him ing?” Jesus is aware that the one pandemic has shown us selfless
stay in the station because he who tests him knows the law volunteers and frontliners who
could not walk as his wound well: Love God above all things break their normal duties to go
had developed infection. While (Dt 6:5) and love your neighbor beyond the borders to serve and
awaiting healing, the Manobo as yourself (Lv 19:18). Jesus then to show compassion and mercy.
weaved and made for them a describes the Samaritan as doing Yet, we do not have to go to
medicine cabinet out of the a series of actions to someone exotic or remote places to break
rattan abundant in the area. The he does not personally know: barriers. The story of that Manobo
nurses were so delighted for they he is moved with compassion, weaver who, in his gratitude
never expected such a practical approaches the victim, pours and generosity, figured out the
gift from a person they did not oil and wine over the wounds, need of that medical clinic by
know. bandages them, takes him to an the Tigwa River, reminds us of
The Samaritan in the parable inn, cares for him, pays the inn what the First Reading tells us
is also an unexpected character for the stay, leaves extra money about how to respond to God’s
in the question “Who is my to continue care for the victim, mercy and commandment to
neighbor?” especially because and promises to repay if the love. “It is not up in the sky…
the query comes from a Jew. In innkeeper spends more (Lk 10: Nor is it across the sea… No, it
Jesus’ time, Samaritans and Jews, 33-35). The image of the invisible is something very near to you,
for ethnic and religious reasons, God, Jesus who has brought already in your mouths and in
were bitterly opposed to one reconciliation through his cross your hearts; you have only to
another. Thus, when the good (Col 1:15, 20), challenges us carry it out” (Dt 30:12-14).
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES Gloria heart and all your soul.
“For this command that I
Entrance Antiphon All—Glory to God in the
enjoin on you today is not too
(Cf. Ps 17 [16]:15) highest, and on earth peace to
mysterious and remote for you.
(Recited when there is no opening song.) people of good will. We praise
It is not up in the sky, that you
you, we bless you, we adore
As for me, in justice I shall should say, ‘Who will go up in
you, we glorify you, we give
behold your face; I shall be filled the sky to get it for us and tell us
you thanks for your great glory,
with the vision of your glory. of it, that we may carry it out?’
Lord God, heavenly King, O
Greeting Nor is it across the sea, that you
God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus
(The sign of the cross is made here.)
should say, ‘Who will cross the
Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord
sea to get it for us and tell us of
God, Lamb of God, Son of the
P—The grace of our Lord Jesus it, that we may carry it out?’ No,
Father, you take away the sins
Christ, and the love of God, and it is something very near to you,
of the world, have mercy on us;
the communion of the Holy already in your mouths and in
you take away the sins of the
Spirit be with you all. your hearts; you have only to
world, receive our prayer; you
All—And with your spirit. carry it out.”
are seated at the right hand of
Introduction the Father, have mercy on us. —The word of the Lord.
(The priest may address the assembly For you alone are the Holy One, All—Thanks be to God.
using these or similar words.) you alone are the Lord, you Responsorial Psalm (Ps 69)
P—In today’s Gospel, Jesus alone are the Most High, Jesus
Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in R—Turn to the Lord in your
is asked, “What must I do to need, and you will live.
inherit everlasting life?” It is the glory of God the Father.
a question that we ourselves Amen.
earnestly ask today. What must Collect
we do in order to be saved?
Jesus narrates to us the parable P—Let us pray. (Pause)
of the Good Samaritan, a story O God, who show the light
in which people have friends of your truth to those who go
and enemies, meet accidents, astray, so that they may return
avoid trouble, or go out of their to the right path, give all who
way to help someone. To be a for the faith they profess are
neighbor is to be more human: accounted Christians the grace
one who is more sensitive to to reject whatever is contrary
life and to the joys and pains of to the name of Christ and to
people. It is in being a neighbor strive after all that does it honor. 1. I pray to you, O Lord,/ for the
that our faith is shown for what Through our Lord Jesus time of your favor, O God!/ In
it really is, and not merely as Christ, your Son, who lives and your great kindness answer me/
an article of faith or teaching. reigns with you in the unity of with your constant help./ Answer
the Holy Spirit, God, for ever me, O Lord, for bounteous is
Penitential Act and ever. your kindness:/ in your great
P—Brethren (brothers and All—Amen. mercy turn toward me. (R)
sisters), let us acknowledge
Liturgy of the word 2. I am afflicted and in pain;/
our sins, and so prepare
ourselves to celebrate the let your saving help, O God,
sacred mysteries. (Pause) First Reading (Dt 30:10–14) (Sit) protect me./ I will praise
the name of God in song,/
P—You were sent to heal the con- The commandments of the Lord are and I will glorify him with
trite of heart: Lord, have mercy. near to us, written in our hearts. We thanksgiving. (R)
All—Lord, have mercy. need only to carry them out in the
P—You came to call sinners: daily events of life. 3. “See, you lowly ones, and
Christ, have mercy. be glad;/ you who seek God,
A reading from the Book of may your hearts revive!/ For
All—Christ, have mercy. Deuteronomy the Lord hears the poor,/ and
P—You are seated at the right his own who are in bonds he
hand of the Father to intercede MOSES said to the people: “If
spurns not.” (R)
for us: Lord, have mercy. only you would heed the voice
All—Lord, have mercy. of the Lord, your God, and keep 4. For God will save Zion/ and
P—May almighty God have his commandments and statutes rebuild the cities of Judah./ The
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, that are written in this book of descendants of his servants shall
and bring us to everlasting life. the law, when you return to the inherit it,/ and those who love
All—Amen. Lord, your God, with all your his name shall inhabit it. (R)
Second Reading (Col 1:15–20) justify himself, he said to Jesus, death and was buried, and
“And who is my neighbor?” rose again on the third day in
Christ Jesus is both the image of the accordance with the Scriptures.
invisible God and of the lowly person.
Jesus replied, “A man fell victim
to robbers as he went down He ascended into heaven and
By becoming man, he has taken the is seated at the right hand of
face of every man and woman.
from Jerusalem to Jericho. They
the Father. He will come again
stripped and beat him and went in glory to judge the living and
A reading from the Letter of off leaving him half-dead. A the dead and his kingdom will
Saint Paul to the Colossians priest happened to be going have no end.
CHRIST JESUS is the image of down that road, but when he I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the invisible God, the firstborn saw him, he passed by on the the Lord, the giver of life, who
of all creation. For in him were opposite side. Likewise a Levite proceeds from the Father and
came to the place, and when he the Son, who with the Father
created all things in heaven and
saw him, he passed by on the and the Son is adored and
on earth, the visible and the glorified, who has spoken
invisible, whether thrones or opposite side. But a Samaritan
traveler who came upon him through the prophets.
dominions or principalities or I believe in one, holy,
powers; all things were created was moved with compassion
catholic, and apostolic Church.
through him and for him. He at the sight. He approached the I confess one Baptism for the
is before all things, and in him victim, poured oil and wine forgiveness of sins and I look
all things hold together. He over his wounds and bandaged forward to the resurrection
is the head of the body, the them. Then he lifted him up on of the dead and the life of the
church. He is the beginning, the his own animal, took him to an world to come. Amen.
firstborn from the dead, that in inn, and cared for him. The next
Prayer of the Faithful
all things he himself might be day he took out two silver coins
and gave them to the innkeeper P—We pray to you, Father,
preeminent. For in him all the
with the instruction, ‘Take care that we may learn to imitate
fullness was pleased to dwell,
of him. If you spend more than your unconditional love as
and through him to reconcile
what I have given you, I shall depicted in the parable of the
all things for him, making
repay you on my way back.’ Good Samaritan. With sincerity
peace by the blood of his cross
Which of these three, in your we pray:
through him, whether those on
earth or those in heaven. opinion, was neighbor to the
R—Lord, teach us to love like
robber’s victim?” He answered,
—The word of the Lord. you.
“The one who treated him with
All—Thanks be to God. mercy.” Jesus said to him, “Go C—May the ministers of the
Alleluia (Cf. Jn 6:63c, 68c)(Stand) and do likewise.” Church—Pope Francis, bishops,
priests, and deacons—not
All—Alleluia, alleluia. Your —The Gospel of the Lord.
only speak about love, but be
words, Lord, are Spirit and All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus
compassionate and loving, so
life; you have the words of Christ.
that after preaching to others,
everlasting life. Alleluia, alleluia. Homily (Sit) they too may experience the
Gospel (Lk 10:25–37) Profession of Faith (Stand) gift of redemption. We pray: (R)
P—A reading from the holy All—I believe in one God, C—May government officials
Gospel according to Luke the Father almighty, maker of not only focus on adminis-
All—Glory to you, O Lord. heaven and earth, of all things tering the basic services of
visible and invisible. government to the community
THERE WAS a scholar of the I believe in one Lord Jesus but also design and implement
law who stood up to test Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son programs that would improve the
and said, “Teacher, what must I of God, born of the Father living conditions of all citizens.
do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus before all ages. God from God, We pray: (R)
said to him, “What is written Light from Light, true God from
true God, begotten, not made, C—May those whose profession is
in the law? How do you read
consubstantial with the Father; to help the sick and the needy—
it?” He said in reply, You shall
through him all things were doctors, nurses, social workers—be
love the Lord, your God, with
made. For us men and for our strongly motivated by gentleness
all your heart, with all your salvation he came down from and love for those whom they
being, with all your strength, heaven, (at the words that follow, up render service. We pray: (R)
and with all your mind, and to and including and became man,
your neighbor as yourself. all bow) and by the Holy Spirit C—May those who “lie wounded
He replied to him, “You have was incarnate of the Virgin on the road”—street children,
answered correctly; do this and Mary and became man. victims of sexual abuse, the
you will live.” For our sake he was crucified old and the lonely—find good
But because he wished to under Pontius Pilate, he suffered Samaritans who will assist them
and restore their health and
confidence in You, O God, and
in themselves. We pray: (R)
C—May our departed brethren
enter into your eternal love.
We pray: (R)
C—Let us pray for the urgent
concerns of our community
and our personal intentions
(pause). We pray: (R)
P—Father of all mercies,
we come to you with praise
and gratitude for your loving
concern. May your Spirit be
always with us as we strive to
live your commandment of love.
Through Christ our Lord.
Liturgy of
the eucharist
Presentation of the Gifts (Stand)
P—Pray, brethren… gifts of yours that, by sinning, Prayer after Communion
All—May the Lord accept the we had lost in disobedience. (Stand)
sacrifice at your hands for the And so, Lord, with all the P—Let us pray. (Pause)
praise and glory of his name, Angels and Saints, we, too, give Having consumed these
for our good and the good of you thanks, as in exultation we gifts, we pray, O Lord, that,
all his holy Church. acclaim: by our participation in this
All—Holy, Holy, Holy...(Kneel) mystery, its saving effects upon
Prayer over the Offerings
Acclamation (Stand) us may grow.
P—Look upon the offerings
All—Save us, Savior of the world, Through Christ our Lord.
of the Church, O Lord, as she
for by your Cross and Resur- All—Amen.
makes her prayer to you, and
grant that, when consumed by rection you have set us free. THE CONCLUDING RITES
those who believe, they may THE COMMUNION RITE P—The Lord be with you.
bring ever greater holiness.
The Lord’s Prayer All—And with your spirit.
Through Christ our Lord.
All—Amen. All—Our Father… Prayer over the People
Preface (Ordinary Time VII) P—Deliver us, Lord…
All—For the kingdom, the P—Bow down for the blessing.
P—The Lord be with you. power, and the glory are yours (Pause)
All—And with your spirit. now and for ever. May the Lord bless you and
P—Lift up your hearts. keep you.
Invitation to Peace All—Amen.
All—We lift them up to the Lord.
P—Let us give thanks to the Invitation to Communion P—May he let his face shine upon
Lord our God. (Kneel) you and show you his mercy.
All—It is right and just. P—Behold the Lamb of God... All—Amen.
P—It is truly right and just, All—Lord, I am not worthy P—May he turn his countenance
our duty and our salvation, that you should enter under towards you and give you his
always and everywhere to give my roof, but only say the word peace.
you thanks, Lord, holy Father, and my soul shall be healed. All—Amen.
almighty and eternal God. Communion Antiphon P—And may almighty God
For you so loved the world (Cf. Ps 84 [83]:4–5) bless you, the Father, and the
that in your mercy you sent us The sparrow finds a home, and the Son, (†) and the Holy Spirit.
the Redeemer, to live like us in swallow a nest for her young: by All—Amen.
all things but sin, so that you your altars, O Lord of hosts, my Dismissal
might love in us what you loved King and my God. Blessed are they
in your Son, by whose obedience who dwell in your house, for ever P—Go in the peace of Christ.
we have been restored to those singing your praise. All—Thanks be to God.

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