Histology Evals Muscle and Nerve Highlight

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1. A 5 year-old boy sustains a tear in his a. Dedifferentiation of myocytes into myoblasts

gastrocnemius muscle when b. Differentiation of fibroblasts to from myocyte
is involved in a bicycle accident. Regeneration c. Differentiation of satellite cells
of the muscle will occur through which of the d. The fusion of damaged myofibers to form new
following? myotubes
e. Hyperplasia of existing myofibers
2. Intercalated disks are found only in a. Are located at the M line
b. Are the middle components of the triads
c. Autonomic myoneural junctions
d. Consists of desmosomes, fascia adherens, and
gap juctions
e. Smooth muscle
3. A 30 year-old woman begins a vigorous program a. Deposition of newly formed adipocytes
of bodybuilding. After 6 months, her muscles b. Thickening of the endomysium
have become prominent and strong. Which of c. Increase in the diameter of individual muscle
the following physiologic changes underlies fibers
muscle enlargement in this woman? d. Muscle fibers increase
e. Thickening of the perimysium
4. The arachnoid layer of the meninges consists of: a. A.
b. Gray matter
c. White matter
d. Loose connective tissue with CSF as ground
e. A thin layer of cells and collagen adhering to
outer surface of the brain
5. Peripheral axons which are enveloped by a. Motor nerve fibers
Schwann cell cytoplasm but are not wrapped by b. Sensory nerve fibers
several layers of the membrane are called: c. Myelinated nerve fibers
d. Postganglionic nerve fibers
e. Unmyelinated nerve fibers

6. In human skeletal muscle, where does the T A. A-I junction

tubule intercept the sarcomere? B. Z line
C. A band
D. I-H junction
E. I band
7. Calcium ions enter the muscle fibers through a. Gap junctions
b. Nuclear membrane
c. rER
d. T-tubules
e. Microtubules
8. Which of the following portions of the a. M line
sarcomere contains both thick and thin b. Z line
filaments? c. I band
d. H zone
e. A band
9. The meshwork of axonal, dendritic, and glial a. Reticular formation
processes associated with the gray matter is b. Neurophil
called : c. Central canal
d. Tracts
e. Gray matter aggregation
10. Where is the best cellular source for natriuretic a. Smooth muscle of the tunica media of the
factor, a hormone which is antagonistic to aorta
aldosterone and ADG in its effects in the b. Ventricular cardiac muscle
kidney? c. Atrial cardiac muscle
d. Myoneural junction
e. Skeletal muscle of the intercostal space
11. The motor endplate contains all of the a. Synaptic vesicles
following, except: b. Synaptic cleft
c. Goblet cells
d. Acetylcholinesterase
e. acetylcholine
12. the skeletal red muscle fibers are characterized a. rich in glycogen fast glycolytic / type II a
by: b. rich in mitochondria
c. absence of myoglobin -fast glycolytic / type II a
d. fast contraction – pink muscle fibers
e. presence of microvilli

13. movement of materials between nerve cell A chromatolysis - Nissl bodies disappear from the center
bodies and distant axon sites is called: of the neuron and move to the periphery of the neuron in
a process
a. active propagation
b. synaptic transmission
saltatory conduction – the speed is related not only to
the thickness of the myelin but also to the diameter of the axon
/ the nodes of Ranvier in the CNS are larger than those in the
PNS. Th e larger areas of exposed axolemma thus make
a. axoplasmic transport
14. Degeneration of an axon distal to the site of Traumatic degeneration - Traumatic degeneration occurs in
injury is called: the proximal part of the injured nerve. Some retrograde
degeneration also occurs in the proximal
axon and is called traumatic degeneration.
a. Dendritic degeneration
b. Wallerian degeneration
c. Spinal degeneration
d. Motor-end degeneration
15. Which of the ff is NOT a major component of a. Troponin
the assembled thin filament of skeletal muscle? b. Actin
c. Tropomyosin
d. Meromyosin – thick filament
16. The structure that surrounds individual muscle a. Endomysium
fiber is called: b. Perimysium -surrounds group of fibers to form
a bundle or fascicle
c. Sarcoplasm
d. Myomysium
e. epimysium
17. one of the following statements is NOT true a. the BBB restricts the passage of certain ions
regarding the blood-brain barrier and substances from the bloodstream to
tissues of the CNS
b. the barrier I created largely by the elaborate
gap junctions between the endothelial cells,
which forms continuous-type capillaries
c. the midline structures bordering the 3rd and 4th
ventricles are unique areas of the brain that
are outside the bbb
d. TEM studies reveal a close association of
astrocytes and their end foot processes with
the endothelial basal lamina
18. Which of the following cell types helps regulate a. Schwann cells
the interstitial environment of central nervous b. Ependymal cells
tissue, serving as a buffer between nerve cells c. Microglial cells
and capillaries. d. Oligodendroglial cells
e. astrocytes
19. in the cerebellar cortex, which layer contains a. Molecular layer
most of the length of granule cell axons? b. Granule layer
c. Purkinje cell layer
20. What type of muscle is found in the lower third a. Smooth muscle
of the esophagus? b. Cardiac muscle
c. Skeletal muscle
d. Both skeletal and smooth muscle
21. Cell bodies of the peripheral receptor neurons a. In spinal gray matter
associated with spinal sensory nerve roots are b. Near the peripheral receptor
located: c. In dorsal root ganglia
22. The structure that surrounds the entire muscle a. Myomysium
is called b. Perimysium
c. Epimysium
d. Endomysium
e. Sarcolemma
23. The blood vessels that serve the brain and a. Dura mater
spinal cord are most abundant in which layer? b. Perineurium
c. Epineurium
d. Arachnoid mater
e. Pia mater
24. MATCHING TYPE (forgot ze choices) --not sure but maybe smooth muscle, cardiac muscle
a. Auricular appendage or skeletal?
b. Core of false vocal cord
c. Core of true vocal cord
d. Tunica media of the thoracic duct
e. Sphincter of the iris
f. Taenia coli
g. Tunica adventitia of the inferior vena cava
25. Where is the best cellular source for natriuretic a. Ventricular cardiac muscle
factor, a hormone which is antagonistic to b. Skeletal muscle of the intercostals space
aldosterone and ADG in its effects in the c. Atrial cardiac muscle
kidney? d. Smooth muscle of the tunica media of aorta
26. In addition to Purkinje fibers, which of the a. Macula adherens
following cellular structures distributes b. Endomysium
electrochemical signals between cardiac c. Gap junctions
myocytes to ensure a normal heart rhythm? d. Sarcomere
e. Fascia adherens
27. Which of the following can undergo both a. Smooth muscle
hypertrophy and hyperplasia under normal b. Skeletal muscle
physiologic stress?
28. In a cross-section of a sarcomere in skeletal a. H band
muscle as seen with electron microscope, which b. A band
of the following would show only thick c. I band
filaments? d. Z line
29. Degeneration of an axon distal to the site of a. Wallerian degeneration
injury is called: b. Dendritic degeneration
c. Spinal degeneration
d. Traumatic degeneration
e. Motor-end degeneration
30. What region of the nervous system is described a. Ventral horn of the spinal cord
by the following? b. Cerebral cortex
c. Cerebellar cortex
Generally described as having six layers, the d. Dorsal horn of the spinal cord
principal efferent axons of this region arise from
cells located in layer 5. These large neurons are
characterized by a distinctive apical dendrite
that extends across layers 1 through 4, as well
as by several basal dendrites in layers 5 and 6.
Specific input arrives along axons which ramify
extensively in layer 4. Many other neuronal cell
types, whose cell bodies come in a variety of
shapes and whose axons make local synaptic
connections, characterize layers 2, 3, and 6.
31. Which of the following does contraction involve a. Skeletal muscle
calcium complexing with calmodulin? b. Cardiac muscle
c. Smooth muscle
32. The troponin complex includes a globular a. TnT
protein that inhibits the binding of myosin tp b. TnI
actin. What is the name of this protein? c. TnA
d. TnM
e. TnC
33. During the contraction of a skeletal muscle fiber a. A band
which of the following decreases in length? b. M band
c. I band
d. Z band
34. The normal site for initiation of a neuronal a. Axon hillock
action potential is the: b. Axon terminal
c. Dendritic spine
35. All of the following describe white skeletal a. Low level of myoglobin
muscle fibers, except b. Capable of rapid contraction
c. Low level of mitochondria
d. Capable of sustained contraction
e. Low level of cytochrome
36. Diads are usually seen in; a. Cardiac muscle by EM
b. Skeletal muscle by LM
c. Smooth muscles by EM
d. Cardiac muscle by LM
e. Skeletal muscles by EM
37. Triads are found in: a. Hand muscle
b. Uterine muscle
c. Gastric muscle
d. Cardiac muscle
e. Intestinal muscle
38. During a small group seminar, you are sked to a. Adjacent Z lines
discuss the physiology of muscle contraction. b. Z line and M line
The sarcomere is the basic contractile unit of c. Adjacent M lines
skeletal muscle. It lies between which of the d. Adjacent I bands
following paired structures in myofibrils. e. Adjacent A bands
39. Motor units a. Consists of muscle fiber and all the nerves that
supply it
b. Consists of a motor neuron and all the muscle
fibers it supplies
c. Are found only in cardiac muscle
d. Are largest in muscles responsible for delicate
e. Are the same as myoneural junction
40. Skeletal muscles fibers are usually parallel a. Shoulder muscles
except in: b. Chest muscle
c. Muscles of the face
d. Pelvic muscle
e. Arm muscle
41. Small cells closely associated with neurons in a. Pyramidal cells
peripheral ganglia may be called: b. Preganglionic cells
c. Satellite cells
d. Postganglionic cells
e. Autonomic cells
42. Within the dura mater are paces lined by a. Arterial sinuses
endothelium (and backed by periosteum and b. Subdural space
dura mater, respectively) that serve as the c. Venous sinuses
principal channels for blood returning from the d. Dural trabeculae
brain. These blood vessels are called:
43. Which of the following cell types lines the a. Astrocytes
central canal of the spinal cord and the b. Schwann cells
ventricular system of the brain? c. Oligodendroglial cells
d. Microglial cells
e. Ependymal cells
44. The process of scar formation in the CNS is a. Reactive gliosis
referred to as b. Regeneration
c. Fibrosis
d. Plaque
e. repair
45. Can ATPase actively transports calcium to the a. Contraction of skeletal muscle
lumen of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in the b. Relaxation of skeletal muscle
event of c. Both relaxation and contraction of skeletal
46. Which of the following is false about smooth a. They contract rapidly but for a short time
muscles? b. They are not striated
c. They contract spontaneously
d. They are all involuntary
e. They have no sarcomere
47. Which of the following is true about smooth a. They have sarcomeres
muscles? b. They contract rapidly but for short times
c. They are voluntary
d. They are striated
e. Contraction is facilitated by calcium ions
48. Collections of neuron cell bodies (somata) in the a. Neuroglia
CNS are called? b. White matter
c. Nodes of Ranvier
d. Nuclei
e. Ganglia
49. The part of the neuron that serves as its trophic a. Axon
center is the: b. Cell body
c. Terminal aborization
d. Dendrite
e. Axon hillock
50. Whit matter appears white because of: a. Presence of many collagen fibers
b. Absence of blood vessels
c. Absence of glial cells
d. Presence of many myelinated axons
51. f.

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