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Man is the most intelligent being on earth and perhaps most rational being on the whole universe- as

there are no proof exist now of any kind of alien from others planets of the universe. Although it is true
that, the capability of human brain is not differ from men to women and vice versa, the physical
structure and physical ability surely do. The prompt recommends that, due to morphological differences,
men and women are not capable of doing the same tasks effectively. In my opinion, I mostly agree with
this recommendation and would argue that it is indisputably true that man and women are not equally
suitable for the tasks where (mostly) physical stamina is necessary for two reasons.

First of all, the corporeal structures of women impede them from doing the heaviest and burdensome
job where physical cooperation is mostly needed. For instance, assume a building construction site,
where the updated technologies are not been used yet; it mainly depends on the human labor. It is
undoubtly true that, a man is more suitable in this kind of jobs. Although women might be appointed as
a labor, the throughput will be much lesser than if the same work is done by men. Besides, there are lots
of this kind of labor jobs throughout the world, where man is more suitable than women due to their
physical ability. Therefore, in this circumstances, men are more suitable than women and it is pretty
obvious that this is favorable to men due to their physical rigor.

Furthermore, congenitally men are more capable of doing long time work than women. Specifically, any
task that require long time physical hardwork will automatically appointed to the men. To illustrate, let
us look at the example of playing football or cricket, or any kind of hard labor sport. Why mens sports
are more popular and get more attractions (as well as more money) than same kind of sports played by
women? It is worldy accepted that, women donot has the ability to play exactly like the men due to their
physical differences. Moreover, you'll be surprised to see any long time physically playing sports (e.g.
cricket, football, etc.) where men and women are playing together. Both common sense and individual
experience have told us that, men and women cannot play long time game which required physical
ability: obviously due to the physical inability. Hence, all the scenario above demonstrates that, men and
women are not equally suited for many tasks.

In conclusion, it is true that, the tasks which require rational or brain capability, both men and women
are doing excellent job there. Women are currently working shoulder to shoulder in tech field,
mathematics, or astronomy field. But, as long as we are talking about physical job, men and women
differ a lot in the respective job. This doesn't undermine women, but this indicates the physical
structures differences, that they got natuarally.

Men and women can never be the same. The statement given in the topic can be completely agreed upon. This is so
because their structure and body patterns are not the same. Their built is different. The way each sex is traeted in the
society is different and the way the society in general perceives things about females and males is different. But even
after all these facts, I would like to disagree with the statement that "Men and Women, because of their inherent
physical differences, are not equally suited for many tasks". Is this really true? Can this actually be averred to? Today
the world has advanced till the moon and stars.Theres a women in every field. Women in noway are set back on any
grounds whether it be physical or mental abilities. Someone rightly said, "Give a women a penny and she'll show you
the power of that single currency within no time". That's how advanced women are today. And that's how advanced
we as a society have become today. 
Now let us consider the example of the great Indian Boxer Anju Bobby George, whose trainer for the Olympics was
her husband and who undoubtedly gave a brilliant performance in the Olympics and made all her country men proud.
Boxing per say is a sports which needs a lot of hard work and physical efforts. From practicing over 5hours to
maintaining diets and punching heavy boxing bags and practicing for long stretches. Long back this was a game
meant only for boys. Girls were nowhere close to even the boxing arena. And today there are these luminaries who not
only prove their gender but also make their country proud. And their partners support them immensely in doing so.
This is something to be proud of. 

To take another instance, we can consider the case of Sania Mirza and Maria Sharapova who are world famous sports
people. Even Kiran Bedi and Priyanka Chopra do not fail to surprise the world with their talent. If Neil Armstrong can
touch the moon, so can Kalpana Chawla as a female. Even politics doesn't stand behind with female luminaries
partiipating actively. Every field, every chapter, every page of todays history has instances of how women have proved
their abilities against men and so do men. There sure is a huge contribution from today's male members as well who
actively support every step of their female partners and not only encourage but also help them in rising in all ways
possible. So why do men and women need to consider their physical differences when it comes to performing
different tasks. If men can do it, so can women and if women can, so do men. There's no doubt in bolstering to this

Therefore in conclusion, I would like to say that no matter what the physical differences are, women can compete with
men on all grounds. In fact they are all set to prove male sovereinism wrong and show the power of their gender. No
physical difference can stop a women from doing the same job that a man can do. Whether it be weight lifting, playing
tremendously strenous games like hockey or the all time rough sport- boxing. Whether it be the NASA or the
Olympics, Women are leaving the mark of their amazing and incredible work in every field. The case is the same with
men as well. Today, men support their ladies in every aspect. Whether it be household work or the regular office
chores. Every field that had a dominance for men has the same for women and vice versa.Hence there is no doubt in
denying to the above given topic that men and women, because of their inherent physical differences, are not equally
suited for many tasks. The world today is a place where men and women share their duties and responsibilities
equally. Whether it be on grounds of competition or partnership, sports or IT, work or household. They are equally
responsible for for it all. 

Human are the most rational being on earth; perhaps the most intelligent being on the whole universe as there still
has no evidence of another being on any other planet or galaxy. From the very beginning of the civilization, men and
women have been working shoulder to shoulder in order to develop their economical, historical, emperical, and living
style's positions. Although the contribution of women can be found in each page of human history, it cannot be denied
that women are not equally suitable for many tasks in compared to men. The extra advantages of men are in the
rigorous physical structures in their body. The prompt recommends that men and women are not equally
commensurate for many tasks due to their physical differences. Although I should have been agree with the promt
because I myself a man, but the truth is, in this new modern era, the differences between men and women can be
found only in their names and appearance. Therefore, I mostly disagree with the opinion that men and women are not
equally suited for numerous tasks and would argue that women can do most of the tasks other than the tasks which
requires rigid physical activities (which are not that much important in this modern era), just as like men.
First of all, this century is dominated by technology. The technological advancements make this world much more
easily managable than the previous century where each task required physical activities mainly. For example, now a
days, most of the heaviest jobs such as- bridge construction, skyscrapers constructions, and all other fabrication
related jobs are done by the advanced robots (for the heaviest tasks). These robots are created in hightech parks,
advanced tech-labs, and anywhere in the world, where the men and women are contributing equally. The recent
statistics show that, women are entering into engineering field at a high rate more than ever. Besides engineering,
they also choose study field like geological mining, astrophysics, zoology, chemistry, and so scientefic area. Therefore,
we cannot justify the women capability only by physical activities which need a rigorous physical structures. Despite
of the physical differences between men and women, both of them are contribuitng to the science and technoloy.

Furthermore, science and technology are not the only field where women are contributing at a commensurate
propotion. Lets look on the entertainment sector. It is proven that, women are more appealing than men due to their
physical appearance and natural beauty. In ancient civilization, the women were performing drama, dance, singing
melodious song, etc. But, it is not certain that, men were not doing those frequently. Rather, history proves that, while
performing drama,  men performed the most important roles. In todays age, we also see men and women are
performing equally in movies, dramas, stage shows, and so on. Again, if we consider sports, we will also see that men
and women are doing their job efficiently in their respective games. Men and women both playing circket, football,
badminton, volleball, and so others. Therefore, their physical differences do not impede their activites.
In conclusion, although men and women differ much in their corporeal structures, they both are capable now doing
most of the tasks efficiently. Indisputably, the differences make women more vulnerable to the burdensome and
heaviest jobs, but they are doing rationally well incredibely, and the rational capability is much more needed than the
physical abilities- specially in this modern era. So, men and women should not be judge by their physical differences.

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