Locomotor & Non Locomotor

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Locomotor and Non Locomotor Movements

A. Locomotor Movements - These are movements where the body travels through space from one location to another.
Locomotor movements primarily use the feet for support however, the body can travel on other parts such as the hands
and feet.

Even Rhythm

1. Walk - The walk is a transfer of weight from one foot to the other. Usually the heel touches first.
2. Run - The run is a transfer of weight from one foot to the other however, the body is propelled into the air and
suspended between run steps.
3. Jump - The jump required the body to push off from one or both feet. Most common is a two foot take off and
two foot landing. A jump can take off on one foot and land on two or take off from two feet and land one foot.
4. Hop - The hop requires a take-off from one foot and landing on the same foot.
5. Leap - A leap is performed by taking off from one foot and landing on the other foot. The body is suspended in
the and between the push off and the landing. Can be combined with a run or walk.

Uneven Rhythm

1. Skip - A combination of a step and a hop on the same foot followed by a step and hop on the other foot. The
rhythm is uneven long -short. Long (the step) and short (the hop).
2. Gallop - A forward movement where one foot leads the gallop while the other foot follows. The lead footsteps
with a bent knee and pushes off into the air and landing on the trailing foot. The rhythm is uneven, long -short.
Long (the step) and short (the landing).
3. Slide - Is similar to a gallop performed with the right or left foot leading. The rhythm is uneven, long -short. Long
(the step) and short (the landing).

B. Non Locomotor - These are movements that occur in the body parts or the whole body and do not cause the body to
travel to another space. However, non locomotor movements can be combined with locomotor movements such as a
walk and arm swing.

1. Swing - a pendular motion of a body part that can move forward and backward or side to side.
2. Twist - a partial rotation of body parts around an axis
3. Turn - a full rotation of the body around a vertical or horizontal axis. Full, half or quarter turns
4. Shake - a short quick vibrating movement in a body part or the whole body.
5. Bend - a flex of a body part at a joint
6. Stretch - extending a body part or the whole body
7. Wiggle - a small or big, fast or slow curvy movement of a body part or the whole body.
8. Rock or sway - shift of the body weight forward, backward, side to side or in a circular pathway.

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