BSN 1C Act-Exe - 05

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Bachelor of Science in Nursing

AY: 2021-2022


INSTRUCTOR: Renato A. Adriano III

Answers in Exercise 05

1. Aguinaldo issued a decree formally establishing his dictatorial government during the
declaration of Independence in the Philippines.

2. Political cartoon, a drawing made for the purpose of conveying editorial commentary on
politics, politicians, and current events. Such cartoons play a role in the political discourse
of a society that provides for freedom of speech and of the press.

3. Alfred "Al" William McCoy

4. For me, the real Independence Day in the Philippines is the day where wherein Aguinaldo
proclaimed the independence of the Philippines last June 12, 1898 because it gives
significance to our people especially the country. It is a historical event where a dramatic
feature of ceremony was dedicated to our country and its people. It is the very first time that
Filipinos claimed their independence.

5. often including Caricature

6. Apolinario Mabini continued to serve as the unofficial adviser for General

Aguinaldo after the Philippine Declaration of Independence on June 12.

7. The promoter of a righteous system of governance

8. $26 Billion Foreign Debt

9. President Ronald Raegan

10. Ferdinand E. Marcos

Bachelor of Science in Nursing
AY: 2021-2022


INSTRUCTOR: Renato A. Adriano III

Answer in Activity 05

1. In my instance, I can say that the real independence is the day wherein Aguinaldo proclaimed
the independence of the Philippines last June 12, 1898 because it gives significance to our
people especially the country. It is a historical event where a dramatic feature of ceremony was
dedicated to our country and its people. As we all know, the Spanish Empire colonized our
country for 333 years in which it gives trauma and disturbances to the people in the
Philippines. Being free from colonization is like a bird who flew outside its own cage. In these
2 conflicts, July 4, 1946 can be claimed as our real independence from America for other
people but my provisions are into June 12, 1898 because that day marks our true
independence and culminates the undesirable treatment of Spaniards to us Filipino and our
country for several years of suffering.

2. Based on my understanding regarding the Political cartoon shown, there’s a Filipino and a
Chinese started working as food & water carrier. As the years went by, the Chinese is
successful and the Filipino stayed as a water carrier. I can say that the political cartoon depicts
how Filipinos differ from Chinese people. Chinese people tend to establish themselves as
being economical related and they are fond of being inaugurate and strategizing their plan
compared to Filipinos that’s why they are quicker to grow into commercial and corporates
compared to Filipinos who’s still tagged as water carrier. As we can see, there’s a lot of
merchants and businessman from China here in our country. They are more politically
protected here in our country. Big establishments and companies are being made giving
Filipino a workplace. We are even familiar by the Chinatown located in Binondo, Manila.

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