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Copyright 2020 by Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. For reprints, call HBS Publishing at (800) 545-7685.


Business Horizons (2021) 64, 19e28

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The truth about 5G: It’s not (only) about

downloading movies faster!
Andrew Park a, Nura Jabagi b, Jan Kietzmann c,*

Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Gustavson School of Business, University of Victoria, P.O. Box 1700, STN CSC, Victoria,
BC, V8W 2Y2 Canada

KEYWORDS Abstract Likened to the discovery of electricity and the introduction of the
5G network; internet, the arrival of 5G network technology has been met with great enthusiasm
Technological and high expectations for its futuristic potential uses. Envisioned 5G-enabled appli-
innovation; cations include autonomous vehicle fleets; fully immersive, continuous virtual real-
5G-enabled applications ity; a tactile, sensor-based internet; and billions of peer-to-peer connected
Internet-of-Things devices. Despite the hype, a recent survey suggests that most
business managers and executives do not understand the technology and its trans-
formative potential nor how to assess its appropriateness for their existing opera-
tions. In this article, we explore the potential future applications of 5G, where
we are today with the technology, its adoption challenges, and how managers
should evaluate investing resources into 5G.
ª 2020 Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All
rights reserved.

1. 5G: Feel the power! 2020). The introduction of 5G comes with even
bigger promises. Verizon Wireless (n.d.) invites
Hotels offer high-speed internet, service providers consumers to “feel the power of ultra-fast internet
sell premium upload and download speeds, and with 5G Ultra Wideband,” while AT&T (n.d.) ad-
PureFibredCanada’s Fastest Internet Tech- vertises 5G as “a whole new kind of net-
nologydguarantees dedicated internet lines that workdfaster, smarter, and more responsive” that
do not slow down, even at peak times (Telus, will “change the way you talk, text, and connect.”
These highly advertised performance promises
raise several questions, including whether more
speed is always better (do we need to text faster?)
* Corresponding author and what performance measures, in addition to
E-mail addresses: (A. Park), (J. Kietzmann)
speed, we should use to determine if 5G is right for
0007-6813/ª 2020 Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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us and our organizations. Will we, as advertised, to a loss of employee productivity, revenue, and
feel the power, and what does that even mean? reputation. Understanding measures of network
Given that 5G is poised to have a global eco- performance is important, especially when faced
nomic impact of $13.2 trillion and create 22.3 with the opportunity to upgrade to a new network
million jobs, answering such questions is necessary generation.
to reap the full benefits of this new technology Our dependence on wireless network perfor-
(Qualcomm Technologies Inc., 2019). Yet, despite mance is particularly astonishing given that wire-
the highly promoted advantages, a recent survey less and mobile data networks are still relatively
of nearly 2000 executives from mid- and large- recent developments. Yet, despite their compar-
sized businesses across industries in 10 countries atively short lifetime, they have enabled dramatic
found that slightly more than 50% do not expect 5G improvements in consumer, corporate, and gov-
technology to enable them to do much more than ernment communications applications. Beginning
what they can already do using today’s networks. with the first and second generations of mobile
The study further suggests that executives neither networks, both 1G and 2G (where G stands for
understand the technology nor its disruptive po- generation) allowed for the improved accessibility
tential. While fewer than 40% of executives expect of voice communications across much larger pop-
“5G to bring a ‘revolutionary’ shift in speed and ulation bases, including those in the developing
capacity,” nearly 75% expressed that they need world. Following suit, 3G and 4G LTE (long-term
help imagining 5G use-cases (Accenture, 2019). evolution) mobile network generations introduced
Despite a lack of clarity and understanding on mobile data and the mobile internet respectively,
behalf of executives, venture capitalists are where data transfer expanded far beyond analog
injecting money into 5G enterprises in Silicon and digital audio signals. Over the last decade, the
Valley. Last year, Qualcomm announced the launch ability to transfer data anywhere, anytime has
of the Qualcomm Ventures 5G Ecosystem Fund, a given rise to software-based technology paradigms
$200 million investment fund to back early-stage such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and prompted
startups developing 5G-enabled wireless applica- business leaders and technologists alike to envision
tions beyond smartphones in what looks to be an new and radical applications such as fully auton-
effort to accelerate the adoption of the new omous vehicles, remote medical procedures, the
technology (Qualcomm, 2019). tactile internet, improved aerospace utilities, and
In this context, the goal of our article is to intro- more (Li et al., 2018).
duce entrepreneurs, managers, and executives to Until recently, many of these futuristic in-
5G network technology, its business potential, and novations were distant dreams because of network
the types of decisions they will face in evaluating, limitations. It is not just a lack of speed that is
adopting, and implementing 5G. First, we provide a holding back these innovations. Two other network
brief introduction to 5G technology, describing what variables, namely bandwidth and latency, need to be
it is, what it is not, and why it is important. Next, we improved to bring new network applications to life.
present the use-cases and business opportunities Luckily, for these applications, we have now entered
enabled by 5G’s enhanced capabilities. Following the world of 5G technologies, which promises un-
this, we consider the challenges managers will face precedented data throughput, network efficiencies,
in adopting and implementing 5G technology and and device uptime compared to 3G and 4G LTE1 (see
provide guidelines on how managers should evaluate Table 1).
investing resources into 5G. To truly grasp the value of 5G technology, we need
to define some key terms. 5G has three generation-
defining features, namely: high speed, expanded
2. How to measure network bandwidth, and low latency. Although all three fea-
performance tures work together, they have different meanings.

Organizations almost exclusively depend on internet  In network terminology, speed refers to the
connectivity to run their day-to-day operations rate at which data packets can be sent and
(Smith, 2017). Reliable network performance is the received along a network. Network speed is
lifeblood of almost every organization whether the measured in bits, or more commonly as
internet is used to email employees, customers, and
suppliers; to access cloud-based software as a ser-
vice (SaaS) platform; or to run advanced Industrial 1
As a note, although 4G is technically faster than 4G LTE,
Internet of Things (IIoT) applications. Poor network given its extended dominance and popularity, we focus on 4G
performance, with delays and downtimes, can lead LTE as the network technology that bridges 3G and 5G.

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Table 1. Comparison of 3G, 4G LTE, and 5G network technologies

3G (2011) 4G LTE (2012) 5G (2020) Wired internet (2020)
Speed 1.5 Mbps 50 Mbps 100 Mbpse1 Gbps 300 Mbps
Data transfer rate
Bandwidth 5 Mbps 300 Mbps 1 Gbps 500 Mbps
Data transfer capacity
Latency 100e500 ms 50 ms w 1 ms 20e50 ms
Network responsiveness
Note: It is important to note that 4G LTE is not a new technology. It may be helpful to consider 4G LTE as similar to the S series of
iPhones. While 4G LTE offers an improvement over its 3G predecessor, the improvement is incremental and not enough to qualify
as a new generation. Think of 4G LTE as 3G S (Signal Booster, 2019).

megabits (Mbps) per second, or gigabits per With these key terms in mind, we can now see how
second (1 Gbps Z 1,000 Mbps) where higher 5G fares compared to today’s 4G LTE network
rates suggest higher speeds. technology. By relying on a “different suite of
spectrum than 4G LTE,” 5G will be able to deliver
 The term bandwidth refers to the data faster connection speeds, increased bandwidth to
transfer capacity of a computer network. support higher volumes traffic, and ultra-low
Like network speed, bandwidth is also levels of latency (IT Pro, 2020).
measured in megabits per second (Mbps). It
is easiest to visualize the concept of band-  With the increase in speed comes the po-
width and its relationship to speed by tential for a vast array of new consumer
thinking about a water pipe. Using this well- applications. Fiber-like speeds can bring
known analogy, bandwidth can be thought of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality
as the diameter of the pipe. In the same way (VR) experiences to concertgoers in 100,000
that the width of a water pipe allows a seat venues to create fully immersive
certain maximum flow rate of water per entertainment experiences. Faster connec-
minute, a network’s bandwidth enables a tion speeds also bring the possibility of new
certain amount of data to be transferred and improved industrial applications such as
between two points within a network over a real-time monitoring across supply chains
specific unit of time. Doubling the pipe’s and the increased use of robots in factories.
diameter will double the maximum flow
rate. While bandwidth determines the  With latency levels as low as 1 ms, 5G can
theoretical data transfer capacity of a enable innovations such as telerobotic sur-
network, the data transfer rate (i.e., the gery, fully autonomous cars, and smart
actual speed of a network) also depends on highways, where a high-latency connection
the network’s latency. could have serious, potentially life-
threatening consequences (Jabagi et al.,
 The term latency refers to a network’s 2020).
responsiveness to user requests. Going back
to our pipe analogy, latency determines how  Finally, by tapping into a different, and less
fast the contents of a pipe can be trans- crowded, part of the spectrum, 5G networks
ferred from one end of the pipe to the other, can allow for a 100-fold increase in network
and back. In the 5G context, latency refers traffic as compared to 4G LTE. Similarly,
to the round-trip time, measured in milli- whereas 4G can support around 2,000 con-
seconds, for a data packet to travel on the nected devices per 0.38 miles, 5G can sup-
network. Lower latency, of course, is better. port up to 1 million devices. As a result, 5G
Latency is important since high-latency net- has the potential to create a hyperconnected
works result in bottlenecks that cause web- world where networks of physical objects,
pages to load slowly, online games and video including machines, wearables, appliances,
streams to lag, and voice and video calls to automobiles, and even buildings, are not
be less clear. only connected to users but each other
(Talluri, 2017).

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Compared to previous generations, the real game integration between satellite (high bandwidth) and
changer with 5G is its expansion into a much terrestrial (low latency) networks in which services
broader range of the wireless spectrum. By relying that require each property could dynamically
on a higher frequency than its 4G LTE counter- switch between satellite and land-based services
part, 5G has the “ability to support fast data (Liolis et al., 2019). These services can be delivered
without interfering with other wireless signals or to users’ homes on their personal devices, thereby
becoming overly cluttered” (Fleck, 2018). This eliminating the need for centralized spaces to ac-
expansion in frequency is important since the In- cess services that require high throughput, low la-
ternational Data Corporation (IDC) predicted tency, and high connectivity.
recently that there will be an astounding 41.6 Another enhanced mobile broadband 5G oppor-
billion connected IoT devices producing 79.4 zet- tunity, for entrepreneurs and users, is the appli-
tabytes (ZB) of data by 2025 (International Data cation of AR and VR in fields such as education.
Corporation, 2019). Given that 5G is also ex- Augmented reality incorporates additional envi-
pected to reduce the energy consumption of ronmental information for a user, usually through a
connected devices, 5G networks are set to open handheld device. Virtual reality is the simulation of
the door to a host of connected devices that are a brand-new reality, unencumbered by images and
being designed to “bring new services and deliver space constraints of existing environments. Both
new levels of efficiency and safety all around provide immersive experiences for the user and are
usdin homes, businesses, cities, and across in- expected to improve remote services and quality of
dustries” (Talluri, 2017). In short, 5G is not simply life for people with disabilities. In the educational
an incremental performance improvement over context, several challenges exist that prohibit the
4G LTE; rather, it is a radical expansion of mobile widespread use of AR and VR. These challenges are
network technology into new spectrum bands and largely centered around the need for high-quality
regulatory paradigms (Qualcomm Technologies images delivered in real-time through low latency
Inc., 2016). and high connectivity. The unsatisfactory state of
current 4G LTE technologies is seen in music and
theatre education, which require consistent image
3. The promises of 5G and sound delivery with perfect timing and little to
no lag. Since 5G is purported to offer highly reliable
In this section, we explore several ambitious ap- services with low latency, it could improve the
plications of 5G, each with varying degrees of current user experience of AR and VR and enhance
transformational potential. 5G use-cases are remote classroom instruction. Several experiments
generally grouped in three classes of services: (1) related to education delivery using 5G AR and VR
enhanced mobile broadband, (2) mission-critical have already begun in Europe, led by the 5G
communications, and massive IoT (Qualcomm Infrastructure Public Private Partnership con-
Technologies Inc., 2019). We examine potential sortium (Baratè et al., 2019).
real-world use-cases within each of these classes.
Table 2 provides a summary of 5G service classes 3.2. Mission-critical communications
and exemplar use-cases, and is presented at the
end of this section. Mission-critical communications are predicated on
improving and developing new use-cases for in-
3.1. Enhanced mobile broadband dustries that require ultra-reliable low-latency
data transfer. For example, in medical care de-
These applications are centered around the livery, 5G may enable better real-time monitoring
improved performance of mobile phones and so caregivers can act quickly in an acute setting if
increased utility of immersive experiences a patient’s condition deteriorates (AT&T, n.d). In
including VR and AR (Farshid et al., 2018). One addition, caregivers may be able to deliver more
proposed benefit of 5G is that it is expected to effective prophylactic measures through the use of
improve the communication of user devices signif- wearables and other continuous monitoring sys-
icantly with satellites and cellular towers. This tems. Any interruptions to service or loss of con-
would not only lead to better user experiences in nectivity can have serious consequences on health
the developed world, but it would also allow users outcomes and 5G could improve the reliability of
in developing countries to access high bandwidth current and future telemonitoring systems. Many
and data-intensive services such as video confer- drone applications have also emerged as mission-
encing and big data transfer that are unavailable to critical services for the military as well as for
them today. This would involve a dynamic commercial and industrial purposes. Mapping,

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Table 2. The rollout of 5G service classes

Service classes Use-cases Timeline
Enhanced mobile Near-term
broadband (EMBB)  Mixed reality (MR): a form of ‘enhanced AR’ which eMBB use-cases are those
Services that focus on brings together real world and digital elements. MR most likely to have near-
driving network allows users to interact with and manipulate both term economic and social
efficiencies through virtual and physical items/environmentsa. impacts as most
lower cost-per-bit for applications are typically
data and enhanced  Videoconferencing: Improved virtual meetings with incremental improvements
user experiences. 360o video and even real-time language translation of existing 4G LTE use-
Livestreamed in-vehicle infotainment

 Improved telemedicine and eHealth

Massive Internet of Mid-term
Things (MIoT)  Precision agriculture The shift from IoT to MIoT is
Services that center already underway. Annual
on enabling Massive  Remote industrial monitoring spending in IoT is set to
Machine Type grow by double-digit rates
Communication  Industrial robotics (e.g., highly coordinated ware- through 2022b, showing that
(mMTC) to create a house robots) executives have moved
hyperconnected from wondering whether
world across devices  Cloud-based robotics for remote surgical procedures they should adopt IoT to
and users. how best to do so. Economic
Smart grocery stores (i.e., automated disposal of and social impacts are
expired items and dynamic temperature control) expected to be realized in
the mid-term.
Mission-critical Long-term
communications  Autonomous vehicles MCS applications have
(MCS) strong security
Services that require  Remote control of critical infrastructures requirements, and most
ultra-reliable and low applications are still
latency data transfer  Smart grid automation (e.g., automated communi- considered nascent. As a
(also known as cation between a multitude of homes, power plants, result, economic and social
URLLC). wind farms, city buildings, and more) impacts are only expected
to be realized over the long-
 Connected vehicles (automated communication be- term.
tween vehicles, highway infrastructure, network
Source: (Intel, n.d.)
Source: (Harvard Business Review, 2019)

inspections services, and large cargo logistics are a internal or remote data processing utility to
few examples of mission-critical services within rapidly process information. Changing road and
the growing drone industry (Giones & Brem, 2017). weather conditions must also be dynamically
Another example of a mission-critical commu- transmitted to the vehicle so it can adjust and
nication 5G use-case is the development of change course if necessary. Existing communica-
autonomous vehicles. While the development and tion networks do not have the necessary band-
deployment of autonomous vehicles are already width, nor the latency, to support the nearly four
underway, numerous safety concerns must be terabytes (TB) of data per day required for
addressed before they become commonplace. autonomous vehicles to function as intended
Perhaps the biggest hurdle impeding the wide- (Miller, 2017). 5G could be the solution as it allows
spread adoption of autonomous vehicles is poor for billions of connections simultaneously, enables
network latency (Chekired et al., 2019). Autono- for very high data throughput, and offers ultralow
mous vehicles must create and send data to an levels of latency.

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3.3. The Massive Internet of Things speeds, bandwidth, and range are still nowhere
near the grandiose promises of 5G. It is important to
Today’s 4G wireless networks are currently limited note that significant infrastructure upgrades are
in their ability to handle simultaneous connections required before 5G becomes ubiquitous, particu-
reliably, as they were mostly designed to connect larly in the U.S. where 4G LTE networks dominate.
users, not machines (Agiwal et al., 2019). As a 5G devices are still tethered to 4G LTE networks and
result, machine-to-machine applications today are it will likely still be several years before 4G LTE and
limited, and most mobile technologies are based 4G networks are replaced with standalone 5G net-
on user-to-user or user-to-machine interactions. works. All 5G-enabled devices to be launched over
Unlike its predecessor, 5G technology is designed the next year are expected to rely on the 4G or 4G
to handle a large number of connections simulta- LTE wireless spectrum (Segan, 2020). Another
neously, because of its low latency design; it is also concern related to the expansion into 5G is the fact
expected to require less battery usage than that 5G networks are less reliable and more sus-
existing mobile devices. Consequently, the arrival ceptible to interference than their 4G or 4G LTE
of 5G is set to shift today’s IoT paradigm to the counterparts. As compared to 4G or 4G LTE tower
Massive Internet of Things (MIoT). MIoT is a signals, which can reach up to 30 miles, a typical 5G
description of a future in which billions of devices network can reach a range of less than half a mile
are interconnected and sharing data. (Jabagi et al., 2020). Therefore, substantial in-
MIoT solutions are growing in popularity in the vestments will be required to install a sufficient
agriculture industry with applications based on number of 5G towers.
network ubiquity and sensors designed to monitor Despite the technological challenges that must
everything from the soil and external environment be overcome for the world to realize the ambitions
to farming products and equipment, as well as the of 5G, these challenges have not dampened the
people involved in the growing of crops (Krotov, enthusiasm of scholars, policymakers, and busi-
2019). In fact, one of the fastest-growing areas ness leaders alike. While there seems to be no
for sensor-based business opportunities, especially shortage of predictions about the potential of 5G
animal wearables to track the health of livestock, networks (Abbosh & Downes, 2019), we believe the
is in agriculture (Brown, 2017). Another example of current hype surrounding its transformational
a 5G enabled MIoT use-case is smart grid automa- impact is premature. As such, “there is far more
tion in the energy and utilities sector. Continuous work that needs to be done before networks can
communication between nodes in the energy grid start delivering upon the upper echelons of what
such as power plants, wind farms, data centers, 5G has promised” (IT Pro, 2020). Thus, similar to
buildings, and homes would allow for the rapid that adoption pattern of 4G LTE, we do not expect
detection of failures, and backups could be 5G to become ubiquitous for several years,
deployed instantaneously. Moreover, excessive possibly even longer given the large leap in tech-
energy usage from a consumption node such as a nology compared to the one between 4G LTE and
large building could immediately be communi- 3G. However, this does not mean business leaders
cated to power centers, and excess capacity could should delay thinking about and preparing for 5G.
be diverted from other consumers to prevent Instead, managers would be wise to start evalu-
power failures (Pasqua, 2019). Moreover, 5G could ating the merits of this upcoming technology, so
allow for greater usage of warehouse robots, that they can make informed decisions about their
which are currently limited by safety concerns. IT investments in anticipation of its arrival.
More reliable sensors enjoying near 100% uptime
could reduce concerns of catastrophic failures
within robots, allowing for increased automation 5. An evaluation and adoption
of repetitive tasks such as packing and moving framework for 5G
warehouse goods.
As with many new technologies, it is concerning to
see global business managers who are too opti-
4. 5G: We’re not (quite) there yet mistic about 5G and very excited about immediate
opportunities, particularly in the near term. Iron-
Although potential 5G use-cases abound, it is ically, industry surveys suggest that despite having
important to recognize that the 5G rollout is still in a low awareness for 5G and its real-life applica-
its nascent stages. Although the four major carriers tions, 70% of executives believe that 5G applica-
in the U.S.dVerizon, AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobi- tions will provide a competitive edge with
ledhave all announced some form of 5G, their customers (Accenture, 2019), and 84% agree that

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“5G is worth paying more for” (PSB Research, effort required to generate and capture value from
2016). This willingness to parlay investment into the technology. They can also refer to the place-
a technology that is not well understood is ment of their use-cases in this chart to better
potentially worrisome and highlights the need to determine when and what level of investment they
provide managers with tools that can enable them should make in each specific application. Figure 1
to answer questions focused on the future of 5G: illustrates various 5G use-cases along the novelty
With the widespread deployment of 5G likely far in and complexity dimensions.
the future, how can managers decide which of its The single-use quadrant contains the simplest
use-cases will materialize first? Also, how can they use-cases. These low novelty and low complexity
prepare for the realization of longer-term use- use-cases may lead to incremental improvements
cases? in the mobile internet and result in marginally
When a specific timeframe for nascent tech- better performance improvements for existing
nologies is uncertain, researchers can turn to more mobile internet users. The single-use example is
generic adoption frameworks. For example, Iansiti restricted to this specific application and does not
and Lakhani (2017) noted that foundational tech- have far-reaching effects for other business, soci-
nologies evolve based on two dimensions: novelty etal, or technology domains. A typical example of
and complexity. Novelty measures how new the a single-use application is a mobile user enjoying
application is and how much work will be required faster download speeds of a video residing on a
to convince users it should be used. Complexity cloud server. Interesting single-use applications
measures the level of coordination between all the are already underway, as some U.S.-based mobile
various industry ecosystem participants (e.g., internet user groups have begun conducting
suppliers, distributors, consumers, government, ongoing testing near 5G cell sites, noting small
competitors, and all of their processes and prod- performance improvements on newer 5G-enabled
ucts) required to create and capture value from devices (Segan, 2020). Business managers will
the technology. While Iansiti and Lakhani (2017) likely want to investigate single-use applications.
applied these dimensions to prognostication of Since large capital outlays to coordinate with
the adoption of blockchain use-cases, their other third parties are not necessary, managers
framework is equally applicable to 5G. can incorporate 5G in areas where incremental
In this framework, novelty is drawn as the X- performance improvements in data transfer and
axis, and complexity is drawn as the Y-axis. Each of connectivity will yield positive results. Think of a
the resulting quadrants represents a specific stage fleet of grocery delivery drones that can service
in 5G technology development. By understanding remote areas far more reliably and at far greater
which quadrant relevant use-cases fall, managers distances than they can today due to improved
can better understand the level of complexity and connectivity with their central servers.
The localization quadrant houses the use-cases
Figure 1. 5G adoption framework that have high novelty but require minimal coor-
dination between end-users and ecosystem part-
ners, making them potentially attractive
investments for managers. We expect VR and AR
applications designed for a single or a few users to
emerge as viable, localized use-cases. For
example, the app VRPhysio supports physical ther-
apy in VR with very little coordination with other
ecosystem players. Specifically, the vendor of such
a game would require minimal inputs from other
users and little to no input from other downstream
or upstream innovators to release their product,
and patients need to simply purchase the product
to begin using it. The vendor can continue to
release similar games for a wide variety of other
physical rehabilitation cases with minimal friction
from other ecosystem players, with the possible
exception of having to acquire the appropriate
licenses for healthcare regulatory bodies. Another
example of a localized VR application is a heavy-
Source: Based on Iansiti and Lakhani (2017). duty machine repair shop’s use of virtual overlays

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of machine parts with integrated repair instructions use-cases, but they have the greatest potential to
for components that are too hot to touch. After improve societal, economic, and technological
single-use cases, managers should consider local- outcomes. They may even lead to changes in
ized VR and AR applications with a low number of regulatory policy that guide and enable the future
required users, assuming they are relevant to the of the technology for public benefit.
business’ operations and revenue model. Much like substitution cases, transformation
The substitution quadrant contains 5G use- must be carefully considered before any invest-
cases that exhibit low novelty but require a high ment is made. Not only are these technologies
level of coordination across numerous ecosystem currently highly uncertain, but they also suffer
partners. Remote physician consultation, a subset from the high costs that are required to raise
of telemedicine that is also known as telehealth, is awareness of the technologies among all
an example of a substitution application. This use- ecosystem participants. In addition, industry in-
case is not particularly novel, as companies such as cumbents must be competitively displaced for the
Live Care have already begun piloting larger scale new use-case to become a standard, which will
video consultations between physicians based in certainly be met with strong opposition. With that
large cities and patients residing in underserved said, transformational use-cases will likely lead to
northern communities in Canada (Premier Health significant value creation and capture in the long-
Group Inc., 2019). However, for remote physician term. A shrewd business manager who can opti-
consultation to become the industry standard, mally manage risk in this nascent stage of 5G
large coordination needs must be satisfied be- development yet also avoid underestimating the
tween industry and public sector stakeholders transformational impact of 5G in the long term
including patients, payers, physicians, regulatory will benefit their organization.
bodies, and telehealth service providers. As
demonstrated by this example, although substitu-
tion cases exhibit low novelty, they are nonethe- 6. Creating a 5G strategy
less significant insofar as they aim to replace
entire systems and business processes. Given their As demonstrated in the previous section, Iansiti
scope and the extensive coordination required and Lakhani’s (2017) adoption framework can
across ecosystem participants, substitution cases help managers evaluate the attractiveness of 5G
can be both costly and time-consuming. There- potential use-cases. However, evaluating use-
fore, substitution applications are typically public cases is only the first step. Once an opportunity
use-cases, and they should be approached with has been identified and deemed an organizational
caution by business managers. fit, business leaders must move quickly and delib-
The transformation quadrant contains use- erately to create their 5G strategy. To support
cases that are highly novel and require coordi- businesses interested in adopting and implement-
nation among industry participants. As can be ing 5G technology, be they mature organizations or
expected, these applications are the furthest startups, we offer a few guiding principles for
away from reality, particularly as they face the creating a 5G strategy while considering each of
greatest number of regulatory, legal, and tech- the four generic use-cases.
nical obstacles. An example of a transformational Given that 5G hardware will be more expensive
5G use-case is smart grid automation. Where than that of 4G, organizations must start budget-
power generation and delivery are conducted ing for the investment now. In doing so, organiza-
today with a significant amount of manual inter- tions will be more likely to have 5G-ready
vention, this entire infrastructure could be auto- equipment once there is a full-scale rollout of the
mated through effective machine-to-machine technology. As Abbosh and Downes (2019) urged, a
communication, with resources allocated and balanced portfolio of corporate venture funding is
adjusted dynamically based on the power needs likely to be critical to the success and profitability
of individual buildings and houses. This automa- of 5G-powered endeavors. This may be particularly
tion could lead to fewer power interruptions, true for substitution and transformation use-cases
more efficient use of existing power supplies, given their scope and complexity. Thus, business
lower costs, and increased safety for end-users. leaders and entrepreneurs should start identifying
However, a significant amount of coordination ecosystem stakeholders now, as collaboration and
will be required between the creators of these co-investments will often be required to make a
applications, private and public energy vendors, reasonable business case. For instance, many
regulatory agencies, municipal engineers, and business executives and organizations are
more. We have a long way to go to realize such currently forming or expect to form partnerships

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with telecom companies to support their 5G the Effect of Technology,” Roy Amaradthe late
journey (Accenture, 2019). American researcher, scientist, and futur-
In setting budgets and strategic plans, organiza- istdpointed out that people tend to overestimate
tional leaders must also recognize that measuring the effect of a technology in the short run and un-
the value, or ROI, of certain 5G use-cases may be derestimate the effect in the long run. It is with this
more difficult than others. For instance, estimating time horizon in mind that astute business leaders
the value of low complexity use-cases is likely to be today will start to properly manage risks while
a feasible exercise given that most single-use cases evaluating and incorporating 5G technologies into
and some localization use-cases tend to be their operations. These forward-looking individuals
enhanced mobile broadband (EMBB) applications and their firms may enjoy an early-mover advantage
that offer incremental improvements over existing when the technology improves and coordination
4G-enabled services and offerings (Jabagi et al., costs between necessary ecosystem players
2020). However, many experts agree that such decrease. Ultimately, because of its far-reaching
use-cases are only likely to offer modest increases in potential, it is likely 5G technology will impact
revenue unless businesses can offer a unique value most, if not all, technology-based businesses in the
proposition that reaches beyond increased speed. future. When and to what extent remains the key
On the other hand, translating transformational 5G question for managers today.
use-cases, such as MIoT applications, into mone-
tized reality and measurable ROI expectations will
be significantly more complicated. This is because References
transformational 5G use-cases are still embryonic,
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