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bu 4 Edutap ‘Management Part 3 ~ Staffing, Controlling and Directing Importance: There were 3 questions asked In 2016 Phase 2 Exam 1 question rom performance Appralsa and questions from Requirement and selection rade Pagela touAwnwedutep.coin bu 1 Contents 1. Management Processes. ss 2 stating 21 Charactristiesof Stang. 22 Stepsin stating 23. Manpower planning. 2.4 Recruitment. 25 Selection. 2.6 Orlentationand Placement... wl 2.7 Training and Development. 2.8 Remuneration. 2.9 Performance Acprsisal 2.10 Promation and Transer. 3. Directing. 31 Nature of Directing. 3.2 Principles of Directing. 33. Supervision 4 Controting 4.3. Four Steps in Cntrling 4.2. Typesof control 43. Aoproachestocontrol System. 4.4. Techniques of Contrting 4.5. Relationship between Planing and Control 8 5. Role of Mana eM {CO's (Mukile Choice Questions). rade Pagel it edutapco.n bu rade Page ls it esta 1. Management Processes Most widely accepted are functions of management ghwen by KOONTZ and O'DONNEL |e. Planing, (Organizing, Stang Directing and Gontroing. For theoretical purposes, it may be comverien to separate the ‘unetion of management but practically hase functions are overlapping in nature |e. they av highly ingeparabie First wo wil dscuss in brief about all the Functions and then we willg in detail 1. Planning: It deals with chalking outa fature course of action & deciding in advance the most appropriate course of actions for achieversent of pre-determined goals. According to KOONTZ, “Planning i deciding in advance - what todo, when to do & how todo. It ridges the gap from where we are & where we want tobe” 2. Organizing: Iti the process of bringing together physical, nancial and human resources and develocing productive relationship amongst them for achievement of organizational goals. Crzenizing asa proces invoves: + Ientfeaton of activites, + Gasification of grouping of actives. Assignment of ties. ‘Delegation ofauthorty and creation of responsi. Coordinating authority and responsiblity relationships. 3. Staffing: The main purpose of staffing sto put right man on right Job, Staffing involves: ‘+ Manpower Planning estimatieg man power in terms of searching, choose the person and tving the right pace) + Recruitment, Selection & Placement ‘Training & Development bu 2. Staffing + Remuneration + Performance Appraisal + Promotions & Tranter Directing: It i considered life-spark ofthe enterprise which ot itn motion the action of people because planning, organizing an staffing are the mere preparations or doing the work. Direction has folowing elements: Supervision + Mothation + Leaders Communication Controlling: Ic implies measurement of accomplishment against the standards and correction of Results > Corrective Action 5, Planning and controling ae integral parts of an organization asboth are important for smooth running of an enterprise. 6. Planning and controling reinforce each other. Each érves the other function of management tou/ebiaraded, Page |19 tov/ivww edutep co, 5. Role of Manager Henry Mintzberg deserbesa st often roles that a marager is These roles fllnt three categories: 1. Interpersonal: Thisrole involves human nceraction. 2. Informational: Thisrol involves the sharing and analyzing of nfrmation. '3. Decklonal: This ole involves deckion making eles ‘Descipion Taentiabie Activities ‘A interpersonal 1 Figure head [Sy ned : obiged to perform a Greeting visitors. sgning ier of ine dues spel dents 12 Leader | Responsibie for the mottation ant| Performing all activities fiction af subordinates. [reating te subordinates ser alg ung a 3. Unicon [Maintain self developednerwork of cute contracts and interme who prongs fevour and information keeping 2 5 seeks and recenes wide variety of| Reading varous reports an peclal information twoch of 1 recnmng boron ce Jcurrent) to develop thorough |a come a nurmatin Proming wormatin where st meeting 8. Spokes person | ranemisinfomaen to outsiders en | Prove business infrmatin tie organinaton’ plans. policies [to elsier heldng Board scion aed rents eves ao exper mac Jon the eegansaton icant. ©. Decttonat 1 Entrepreneur [Searches the organisation and its| oking strategy and review [environment for opportunities and [eeasions: to develop ne ates “improvement Fojectst | programme, ng. avout change : supervises design of ert pjecta a8 we 2. pisturtance | Repent eomecove aeton when |Hansing disturbances and Hindi "* [the"erganisation fees important [reviewing emerging Jomeapected drurtnces stuauorae 3. Resource [Responsible for the allocation of] Alocating various resources ‘ctor [érgannetanal enourecs ofall ands lnctece the rating or apron | programmes for abord ai giant organtetiona (rtm 4 Negouator [Responsible for representing the Parcpating in negations [comission at ie negations [on teal of egantaton toUftbiaraded Page (20 tov edutep coin bu 6 MCQ's (Multiple Choice Questions) Click the next button on the bottom of your screen to attempt the Test containing quality MCQ's fon this topic. 1. The Pattern of the tests based on the Real Examination Pattern 2. Thishelps you in assessing your understanding and is very useful inimproving retention. 3. You will also get te know the correct answers and related explanation at the end of the test ‘So do not forget to attempt these MCQ's. Happy Learning! rade Page iz tovw edutepc

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