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Engaging Activities


Proponent: LSPU-SCC BSIT AUTO II-A Group 2

Partner Organization: Laguna State Polytechnic University, Sta. Cruz Campus

Project Title:

Project Time-Frame: 2nd Week of November - 4th Week of January 2021

Project Title: (Title of your research)


Group Leader: (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)


1. (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)

2. (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)
3. (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)
4. (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)
5. (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)

Directions: Develop design treatment schemes to achieve economic growth with adequate
protection of the country's biological resources and its diversity, vital ecosystem functions, and
overall environmental quality.

Illustration with labels (Your design treatment scheme with parts and its functions)
Activity (Week 6)
II. PROJECT SUMMARY: A project summary  provides all the details you need to
complete a plan. It carefully lays out your goals and its features allow you to
consider all significant aspects of the project before giving it a go signal.

 It is required to be present and must be clearly defined

 A description of the proposed research project, including preliminary supporting data
where appropriate, specific objectives, methods, and procedures to be used, and
expected significance of the results
 A description of how the research and education activities are integrated with one
 You must make sure that what you propose to do is reasonable given your time and
resources, and make sure that the proposal convinces the reviewers of this.

III. PROJECT BACKGROUND: The project background should include information about

the reasoning why you want to implement this specific project in this specific location in
this specific manner. It has to explain the current situation and its problems and the way in
which you want to solve these problems.

 Primary focus (what is to be addressed by the project)

 A list of prerequisites and key reasons for launch
 A very common description of how to perform the project
 A plain explanation of the desired outcome
 Designing a background document for a project is usually a duty of the project
manager. This person considers the information to create a comprehensive

IV. PROJECT OBJECTIVES: A project objective describes the desired results of a project,

which often includes a tangible item. An objective is specific and measurable, and must
meet time, budget, and quality constraints. ... A project may have one objective, many
parallel objectives, or several objectives that must be achieved sequentially.

 Specific
 Measurable
 Achievable
 Relevant
 Time-based. 

Activity (Week 7)

Directions: To continue with your Research Project Proposal


 contains all the needed tools, practices, and procedures that will favorably take a project
from start to finish.
 is a collection of methods, practices, processes, techniques, procedures, and rules.
 are approaches that show us exactly what steps to take next, the motivation behind each
step, and how a project stage should be performed.
 are specific, strict, and usually contain a series of steps and activities for each phase of the
project’s life cycle. 

A. Work Breakdown and Task Time Estimates - refers to a sequence of critical

activities in a project that determines the longest succession of tasks that have to be
completed on time in order for the project to meet the deadline.

 A list of the tasks that need to be completed

 The duration of each task

 The dependencies between activities

 The endpoint of a task

B. Project Deliverables - A deliverable is a tangible or intangible good or service

produced as a result of a project that is intended to be delivered. A deliverable could be
a report, a document, a software product, a server upgrade or any other building block
of a project. It can also be called as something definite or specific created by the work
performed during the project. Any deliverable must meet a few criteria.

1. Should be within scope of project.

2. Should help achieve the objectives of the project.
3. Should be something definite or specific.
4. Anything that is promised to the customer as an output of the project can be
considered as a deliverable.
Therefore, project deliverables are the key to a project’s success. F ocus on them on high

C. Project Risk Management - Project risk management is the process that project

managers use to manage potential risks that may affect a project in any way, both
positively and negatively. The goal is to minimise the impact of these risks. A risk is any
unexpected event that can affect people, technology, resources, or processes (including

Unlike a regular problem that may arise, risks are incidents that may occur suddenly,
sometimes entirely unexpected. Project managers do not always know which risks the
project is exposed to, when they occur, and why. Due to this high degree of uncertainty,
project risk management requires a serious and in-depth approach.

In short, the Project Risk Management process consists of identifying risks, analysing
them, and subsequently responding to any risks that may arise throughout the project
life cycle. This is done to limit the consequences of the risk as much as possible, so
that objectives can be continued to be met. Generally speaking, risk management is not a
reactive activity. To find out which risks may arise, risk management must be included in
every planning process. Which risks are there that may influence the project, and how
can these risks be controlled?
Generally speaking, project risk management consists of the following steps.

 Risk identification

 Risk analysis

 Risk assessment

 Risk management

 Risk monitoring

Activity (Week 8)

VI. PROJECT COSTS - No project starts without a budget. Project success is decided
by how well the project cost has been handled in the project. Many times it happens
that, the project may not be completed within the project cost.

 Project Cost is the total funds needed to complete the project or work that

consists of a Direct Cost and Indirect Cost.
 The Project Costs are any expenditures made or estimated to be made, or
monetary obligations incurred or estimated to be incurred to completed
the project which are listed in a project baseline.

The process of successful project cost management is conducted systematically

and usually involves 4 steps:

 resource planning - come up with a clear picture of the activities and

resources needed to complete the project.
 cost estimation - see if the planned project activities are financially
feasible to perform  (possible to do easily or conveniently)
 Budgeting -  lay the foundation for cost control that your team must
perform to avoid excess spending 
 spending control - your team should always comply with budget
estimates. It is important to ensure that all expenses are properly recorded
and, consequently, subjected to a thorough analysis.

A. Project Budget

 states the final cost estimates

 clarifies how much money you will have at different stages in the project’s
life cycle
 indicates how much funds could be and should be allocated to certain
project activities.

Budget Allocation Sample

Particulars Quantity Unit Unit Price (PhP) Total Price (PhP)

Clean-up Drive
Trash Bag 2 roll 45.00 90.00
Sub-Total 90.00
Lecture Session
Bond Paper 1 rim 220.00 220.00
Printed Instructional
30 pc 1.00 30.00
Coloring Materials 30 box 25.00 750.00
Various Prizes 500.00
Sub-Total 1 500.00
Feeding Program
For Adobo 8 kg 400.00 3 200.00
For Sopas 5 kg 300.00 1 500.00
Mineral Water 100 pc 15.00 1 500.00
Paper Plates 15 pack 50.00 750.00
Plastic Utensils 2 pack 50.00 100.00
Paper Cups 4 pack 60.00 240.00
Sub-Total 7 290.00
Miscellaneous Expenses
Transportation 2 500.00
Certificates 50.00
Sub-Total 2 550.00
TOTAL 11 430.00
Contingency Fund (10%) 1 143.00
GRAND TOTAL 12 573.00

Contingency Fund - a reserve of money set aside to cover possible unforeseen

future expenses.

B. Sources of Fund

Government agencies provide financing such as grants and subsidies that may be
available to your project.

Getting grants can be tough. There may be strong competition and the criteria for
awards are often stringent (of regulations, strict, precise, and exacting).
Generally, most grants require you to match the funds you are being given and
this amount varies greatly, depending on the granter. For example, a research
grant may require you to find only 40% of the total cost.

Generally, you will need to provide:

1. A detailed project description

2. An explanation of the benefits of your project
3. A detailed work plan with full costs
4. Details of relevant experience and background on key managers
5. Completed application forms when appropriate


Figure: A project logic model showing how different evaluation types and approaches can
be used to measure progress through different stages of implementation

We need appropriate monitoring and evaluation tools and processes, and

information flows to help check if efforts are proceeding (move forward, especially
after reaching a certain point) as planned, and to refine and guide if changes are

Performance Tasks
Assignment: December 2 - 8, 2020

Directions: Make research on the following topics. Please be ready for next week’s

Lesson 11: Environmental Management System

Definition of Environmental management System, importance and types of

environmental management system, benefits of environmental management

Learning Guide Questions:

1. What is the DENR Environmental Policy Statement?
2. How they will pursue with their commitment? Discuss.
3. Discuss the potential benefits of environmental management.

God bless and keep safe everyone!

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