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The National Building Code of the Philippines (PD 1096)

Based on P.D. No. 1096, the 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
and its 2004 Revised implementing rules and regulations (IRR), the following rules
1) front setback for a R-1 dwelling MUST be 4.5 meters (m) deep, and the two (2) side
setbacks and the rear setback shall be at 2.0 m deep each. The setback which applies
to the ground level of the building is measured from the property line to the exterior face
of the building wall; there shall be full yards on all sides of the residential dwelling;
2) the farthest point of the roof from the 2 side and rear property lines shall be at 0.75 m
from the property line;
3) the floor to lot area ratio (FLAR) shall be 1.5 i.e. for a lot with an area of 300.0 sq.m.,
the gross floor area (GFA) shall be at 450.0 sq.m. for a 3-storey dwelling; the total GFA
(TGFA) shall be at 675 sq.m. i.e. including deck roof level, carport and utility areas;
4) the building footprint shall be from 60% to 70% of the total lot area (TLA) depending
on lot type/ configuration;
5) there MUST be NO FIREWALL along any of the property lines for a R-1 lot; duplexes
and single-attached dwellings (both with firewalls) are PROHIBITED for construction on
a R-1 lot; and
6) the building height limit (BHL) is 10.0 m measured from the established grade
elevation (EGE) i.e. ask the Architect where the applicable EGE is; note however that
the 10.0 m BHL is intended for 3-level residences with a deck roof level that requires a
1.0 m tall parapet wall or railing i.e. for dwellings with a regular roof instead of a deck
roof level, the applicable BHL is only 9.0 m;
Based on Article 670 of R.A. No. 386, the 1949 New Civil Code of the Philippines
(NCCP), the easement for the second and any other upper floors shall be 2.0 meters
from the property line; the easement (different from the setback) is measured from the
property line to the center of the building’s exterior wall; as the setback under the NBCP
is wider by about 0.10 m, the setback at the ground floor should also apply to all upper
floors; balconies or cantilevered floors with fixed or operable windows are NOT allowed
to intrude into the airspace above either the easement (or setback) area.
2. B.P 344



1. Purpose:
The Rules and regulations set forth herein provide for minimum requirements
and standards to make buildings, facilities and utilities for public use accessible
to disabled persons, pursuant to the objectives of Batas Pambansa Bilang 344,
An Act to Enhance the Mobility of Disabled Persons by Requiring Certain
Buildings, Institutions, Establishments and Public Utilities to Install Facilities and
Other Devices.

2. Definition of Terms:
For the purpose of these Rules and Regulations, the words, terms and phrases
enumerated in Annex A hereof shall have the meaning as provided therein.

3. Anthropometric Data

The use of Anthropometrics in building design aims to ensure that every person is as
comfortable as possible. This means that the dimensions must be appropriate, ceilings
high enough, doorways and hallways wide enough, and so on.
-Anatomical Limits to movement
-Limits of Reach
-Static Body Dimensions
-Static Force Capabilities
-Endurance Capabilities

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