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Advantages of Digital Marketing

 Wider Reach: Digital marketing helps improve awareness about

products and services through an online platform to reach a wide base
of customers across the world. This strategy allows even the start-up
companies to have equal access to the customers while competing with
big enterprises in the traditional market.
 Brand Development: It is necessary to establish a brand image for the
product or services through the marketing campaign so that customers
consider it a reliable and trusted name. Digital marketing helps to build
the brand in various ways of direct campaigning and personalized
approach. This technique makes customers more engaged and allows
them to experience the unique selling proposition and value of the
brand. This leads to a sense of positivity among the customers towards
the brand.
 Personalization: The strategy of digital marketing is more effective
because of its ability to interact with prospects and get feedback.
Bringing the audience closer and approaching them with the product
that meets their requirement, helps to create brand loyalty and
reputation. Digital marketing provides a platform for personalized
marketing by designing specialized content for customers. The purpose
is to make customers feel that the brand is addressing their individual
 Accessibility: Marketing methods using digital platforms provide the
opportunity for both sellers and buyers to get easy access with the
flexibility of time and location. The potential customers get an
experience of a virtual shop with information about services and
availability of product range. The customers can leave reviews and
recommendations that guide the organizations to plan their marketing
strategies accordingly to respond to customer requirements more
 Better Engagement: Digital marketing allows the brand to create better
awareness among the customers and get recognition from more people.
A suitable promotional strategy using blogs, social media content, and
promotional offers allow the brand to get a hold of the customer’s
attention and build credibility.
 Lower Cost: The popularity of digital marketing is attributed to its cost-
effective way of handling business activities. The cost involved in digital
marketing is much less in comparison to traditional marketing
campaigns. The digital marketing methodology is easier to implement
with a limited budget and infrastructure which is beneficial especially for
small businesses.
 Trackable results: The digital analytical tools and other online metrics
help to track how effective the marketing campaign has been in terms of
customer reach and response. It provides necessary information about
the extent of customer engagement and response to your website and
 Improved conversion rates: The digital marketing process creates a
seamless and immediate connection with potential customers with the
convenience of making a purchase just with a few clicks on your
website. This leads to better chances of making a purchase in response
to marketing campaigns.
 3. Digital marketing caters to multiple demographics simultaneously.
This might be the biggest advantage you receive when implementing a
digital marketing plan. No matter how specific your targeted demographics
happen to be, you can have your message reach people within that group.
Gender, age, socioeconomic status – virtually everyone is online or can
connect to the internet on a regular basis today.
 4. Digital marketing is fast – like super ultra fast.
According to Statistic Brain, the average attention span for someone online
right now is 8.25 seconds. For the record – that’s shorter than the attention
span of a goldfish. It’s a good thing then that digital marketing is fast
enough to keep up with these shorter attention spans. One status update, one
helpful post, or one responsive comment is all that is needed to get your
branding message to the top of a prospect’s mind.
 5. Digital marketing reaches decision-makers.
About 2 in 3 adults who have access to the internet and regularly use blogs,
social media, and other online communication tools consider themselves to
be the decision-makers in their homes. This means you get to reach the
people who decide how to spend their money instead of reaching only the
people who need to ask someone else if they can buy what you’re offering.
 6. Digital marketing creates brand interactions.
Business transactions will always involve two components: how well you
can solve a problem and how deep the relationship is you have with a
customer. Digital marketing encourages brand interactions, which helps you
to build up effective relationships. As long as your products, services, and
digital marketing efforts offer a strong value proposition, you’ve always got
an opportunity to make a sale.
 7. Digital marketing offers you an opportunity to expand your customer
One of the biggest complaints customers typically have about a brand or
company is the lack of customer service they receive. If you’re on Twitter,
Facebook, or quickly respond to emails that are sent, then you can get ahead
of certain issues that might come up during the sales process. This can help
to eliminate some of the negative feedback that might head your way and
eventually damage your online reputation if it happens frequently enough.
 8. Digital marketing creates higher levels of brand loyalty.
Relationships create loyalty. Loyalty creates repetitive business
opportunities. It is far more profitable to attract repeat customers than it is to
constantly reach out to first-time buyers. Digital marketing can help you
establish the loyalty that you’ll need to solidify your business presence.

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