Liste Des Matériels Didactiques

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République du Cameroun Paix-Travail - Patrie Ministre Des Enseignements Secondaires Ministry of Secondary Education Yaounde, le LISTE DES MATERIELS DIDACTIQUES Republic of Cameroon Peace - Work - Fatherland , 19 WAL 2021 BILINGUISME DISCIPLINES MATERIELS DIDACTIQUES ‘Adverbs charts _ (Bilingual dictionnaries [Car rental brochures - Celebrity hows. _— Charts and models clocks Family trees Fruits and vegetables Hotel pamphlets Tmages = ‘Maps (world, country, street, train, subway) ‘Menus (eat-in and take-out) j Mindmapps Monolingual dictionns Movieconcent schedules Post-it notes { Prepositions chests Property advertisements Table of Irregular verbs Textes ou des tableaux Train/subway/bus timetables Paget sur | OBSERVATIONS | << | fluvial (Fiver profile and associated features) and geopmorphic processes ; = Bio-geographic zones (soi! profiles, food chains and swebs, nuitirient cyeling, vegetation transect, ete.) INSPECTIONS, DISCIPLINES} “MATERIELS DIDACTIQUES OBSERVATIONS] f Vides : | Weather reports _ I Word building prefixtroortsufix Globe terrestre _ _t aM Mappe monde et planisahéye | (3) Cartes thématiques murales ‘Cameroun = cartes physiques : Relief, Climats, Végétation, Hydrographie, Pédologie ; cartes humaines : Peuplement et groupes humains, densités, migrations, villes cartes économigces : Agriculture, ressources “A fourir par - . énergétiques et miniéres, Industries, Transports ef voies | 2 prissem | GEOGRAPHIE de communication, échanges Tourisme ; Eetablissement Afrique | = cartes physiques : Relief, Climats, Végétation, Hydrographie, Pédologie ; SCIENCES HUMAINES — cartes humaines : Peuplement et groupes humains, densités, migrations, villes | = cartes économiques : Agriculture. ressources énergetiques ex interes, Industies, Transparts et waies de communication, échanzes Tourisme ; _| _ 4)_ Papier miltiméieé (carson) pour travaux pratiques, 4 acquérir par Véleve_ | Iz Atlases : Cameroon, Africa and the World _| [25 Maps : Cameroon, Africa and the World | 3- Energy powered Globes ‘4. Chast representations : diagrams, tables end grphs. e.g GEOGRAPHY ~ Hydrological (hydrological cyele, storm hydrographs), peers rovided by the Page 2 sur9 {INSPECTIONS 7 DISCIPLINES ~ ~Dysanaies in population (bar graphs on climate and population pyramids, line graps on historical evolution of population, pie charts on th proportion of gases in the atmosphere, etca and economic activities (agricultural and industrial systems SH @uite) ORIENTATION ET VIE SCOLAIRES OVS (suitey GEOGRAPHY ERS co] 5. Laboratory equipment: compass, Munsell colour charts, cock and soit samples, carvings representing forms of the Earth, aie & Globe kits on weather observation: pluviometers, hygrometers for recording humidity, thermometers for recording, ecosystems and biomes, touristic attractions, agricultural an industrial processes and systems, transport network and sysiems; environmental hazards 0s in pollution, deforestation, soil erosion, flooding, ete | & Multimedia research equipment 2-Planches pédapogiques _— 3-“Retro-projecteur 4. Radio 5= Haies ‘6 Cerceax Echelles ‘9—_Chasubies, _ ~ | Fetablissement 10-Sifflets_ Us Chrawométres 12- Claquoir 13- Masses pour lancer du poids 14. Mousses de gymnastique = 15- Mousses de saut en hauteur 16- Montants pour le saut en hauteur Page 3 sur MATERIELS DIDACTIQUES ] OBSERVATION: temperature, sunshine recorder, barometers, etc ____} To be provided by the 7 Pictures: sites destroyed by tectonic movements, various School A fournir par __ INSPECTIONS DISCIPLINES I MATERIELS DIDACTIQUES, OBSERVATIONS [TRAVAIL MANUEL [18 Ballons de football 19- Ballons de handball [20- Ballons de Volleyball 21- Ballons de basketball __ 23- Quintémetre |24- Pompe & ballons 25- Chaux pour matérialisaion des aires de jeux T7- Barre transversale ou corde élastique pour saut 26- Fiches indi [27- Tunue d’ Education physique et Sportive 29- Manuel scolaire ‘AJ DESSIN iduelles de suivi de la pédagogie et de la discipline [28- Cahier d°Fducation physique el Sportive ——_| A acquérir par Véleve } V/ ARTISANAT OVS (suite) ‘Crayons ordinaire Crayons de coulett 4 Papier caique [S- Papier canson (6-_ Papier carbone 7= Gomes 3. Feutres | A fournir par Peta lissememt A acquérir par I'éleve [© Chevalet Page 4 sucd il paint To be provided by the School —kw Page 6sur9 INSPECTIONS DISCIPLINES MATERIELS DIDACTIQUES ‘OBSERVATIONS O.V.S (saite) Canvas 7 sel ting book 8. Diluent 9-_Pencil 10 pencils Te Braser_ To be acquired by the Students CU WEAVING 1 Rattan |___2-_blowtoreh Nails 4 Knile M/ AGRICULTURE iF Cutlass 2- Spade 3-_pickaxe | [as Hoe $= Wheelbarrow | —& Stamp. | [7 Watering can & Polythene bags _ 9 Giove ——-_] 10- Boot _ = Secateus or pair of pruning shears 12 Brush [13 Squeegee _ 4- Floor cioth or mop | “15. Disinfectant 16- Pipes To be provided by the Schoo! 17 Boot [8- overalls Te be acquired hy the Students, UW CAPENTRY L — [—& “Meter (50 measure) 2 Pencils 3. Fraser Poge7 sur To be provided by the School V INSPECTIONS ‘DISCIPLINES MATERIELS DIDACTIQUES OBSERVATIONS O.V.S (suite et fin) a. Plank 5-_Nails [6 Planer machi 3-_ Disk machine [8 Saw 9. Set square j——!0- Claw hammer _ 11. Hammer | 12- Hetmet 13- overalls | 4 Protective glasses 15- Mask To be acquired by the ‘Students AW? LANDSCAPING [Rake 3. Mold 2: Pair of pruning shears or secaleurs To be provided by the Schoo V/ MAINTENANCE, PHYSICAL, EDUCATION AND SPORTS. |__ 2. Screwdriver | _3: Switels 4- Bulb | 1 School manual 2. Pedagogic chart 7-_ Jumping ropes © Cable Glectrical) 3-_Retro-projector _ __| 4: Sound system (5. Husdles 6 Rings 8. Ladder for coordination exercises 9-_ Casual wear 10- Whistles ue —12- Clapper board Es 13- Shot put implement 14 Gymnastic mats Stop waich or Timmer fics To be provided by the School To be provided by the school Page @ surg INSPECTIONS DISCIPLINES ‘MATERIELS DIDACTIQUES OBSERVATIONS: 15- High jump mats U6. Uprights for high jump 17- Cross bar of elastic ropes for high jump 1 Foothall 19- Handball 20: Volleyball 21- Basketball 22- Staff (stick) asuring tape (quintessence) |. jump inflator [_-_25- White paint to mark playground 26- Individual forms for pedagogic follow up and discipline 27- Physical Education and Sports wear 28- Physical Education and Sports exercises books 29- School manual To be acquired by the ( ——| Studens Yaoundé, le 19 MAL 2021 LE MINISTRE DES ENSEIGNEMENTS SECONDAIRES Page 9 surs

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