Part BUNIT 3

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1. Outline the various levels of virtualization with an examples for each category.
(Nov/Dec 2021)
 Instruction Set Architecture Level (ISA)
 Hardware Abstraction Level (HAL)
 Operating System Level
 Library Level
  Application Level

2. Outline the problems in virtualizing in CPU,I/O and memory devices and

suggest how it could be overridden for efficient utilization of cloud services.
(Nov/Dec 2021)
CPU virtualization emphasizes performance and runs directly on the processor
whenever possible. The underlying physical resources are used whenever possible and
the virtualization layer runs instructions only as needed to make virtual machines
operate as if they were running directly on a physical machine.
I/O Virtualization. I/O virtualization involves managing the routing of I/O
requests between virtual devices and the shared physical hardware. At the time of this
writing, there are three ways to implement I/O virtualization: full device emulation,
para-virtualization, and direct I/O.

3. Explain the various layered cloud architectural development design for effective
cloud computing environment. (Nov/Dec 2020)
 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) The basic layer of cloud is the infrastructure –
IaaS (Infrastructure as a service).
 Platform as a Service (PaaS) The second layer of the cloud is the platform – the
PaaS (Platform as a service). .
 Software as a Service (SaaS) .
 Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)

4. Clouds Demonstrate the architectural design of compute and storage(Nov/Dec
 Private Cloud Storage . Just as the name may suggest, this type of cloud storage
means that the infrastructure is used by a single person or company hence high level
of privacy and security.
 Public Cloud Storage.
 Hybrid Storage .
 Community cloud storage .
Design: A good cloud design starts with an assessment of your existing workloads
and business needs.
 Your back-end cloud infrastructure is made up of data center hardware, virtualization,
applications, and services
 . The latest Intel® technologies for the cloud help optimize performance and
maximize resource utilization.

5. Discuss how virtualization is implemented in different layers.

 Instruction set architecture level: virtualization is performed by emulating a given
ISA by the ISA of the host machine.
 Hardware abstraction level: it is performed right on the top of the bare hardware.
 Operating system level: This refers to an abstraction layer between traditional OS and
user applications.
 Library support level: most applications use APIs exported by user level libraries
rather than using lengthy system calls by the OS.
 User application level: virtualization at the application level virtualizes an application
as a VM.

6. What do you mean by data centre automation using virtualization?

 Server consolidation iin data centers
 Virtual storage management
 Cloud OS for virtualized data centers
 Trust management in virtualized data centers

7. List the cloud deployment models and give a detailed note about it.
 Private cloud: outsource or own lease or buy, separate or virtual center.
 Community cloud: private cloud for a set of users with specific demands
 Public cloud: mega scalable infrastructure
 Hybrid cloud: usually private for sensitive data and strategic applications.

8. Give the importance of cloud computing and elaborate the different of services
offered by it.
 Everything as a service
 Software as a service
 Platform as a service
 Infrastructure as a structure

9. Discuss about design and implementation of DSM.

Implementation of DSM
 Hardware: It is shared memory multiprocessor based on un uniform memory access
 Paged virtual memory: It occupies same address range in the address space of each
 Middleware: Underlying physical implementation at each node is observed.

10. Elucidate the design issues for RMI.

Design issues for RMI
 RMI invocation semantics
 May be semantics
 At least once semantics
 At most once semantics
 Level of transparency
 Stub and skeleton in RMI

11. Explain with diagrammatic illustration the working of remote procedure call.
Working of Remote Procedure Call
 The client calls a local procedure called client stub
 These network messages are sent to the remote system
 The network messages are transferred to the remote system
 A server stub procedure is waiting on the remote system
 The server stub executes a local procedures call
 When the server procedures is finished

12. Explain the Remote procedure call (RPC) mechanism with various functional
 Push arguments onto stack
 Trap to kernel
 Kernel memory map of clients
 Client thread executes procedures
 Thread traps to kernel
 Kernel changes the address

13. Describe CORBA RMI and its services.

Methods Remarks
GET It retrieves information identified by the URI
POST It sends information to a URI and retrieves result.
HEAD It retrieves meta information
PUT Store information in location
DELETE It remove entity

14. Write the characteristics that illustrates IP multicast.

 Replicated services: a replicated service consists of a group of members.
 Better performance: performance of service is increase by using data replication.\
 Propagation of events notification: multicast to a group may be used notify processes
when something happens.

15. Explain the marshalling operations in CORBA.

Marshalling is the process of assembling a collection of data item into a form
Operations are
 CORBA’s common data representation (CDR)
 Concerned with an external representation for the structure and primitives types
 Can be used by a variety of programming languages.
 Java serialization
 Concerned with the flattening objects
 Used only a java

16. Discuss the UDP datagram communication.

Steps on the client side
 Create a socket using socket () functions.
 Send and receive data by means of the recv( ) and send to ( ) functions.
Steps on the server side are as follows:
 Create a socket with the socket ( ) function
 Bind the socket to an address using bind ( ) functions
 Send and receive data by means of recv ( ) and send to ( )

17. Discuss TCP stream communication.

The client role involves
 Creating a stream socket bound to any free port
 Making a connect request to a server at its server port.
The server role involves
 Creating a listening socket bound to a server port and waiting for clients to request
 Making accept request to reply a client request at its port
 Creating a new stream socket to communicate with this client
 Keeping the listening socket for new connecting requests.

18. Describe the steps developing an EJB application.

 Create the EJB
 Code the remote interface
 Code the home interface
 Code the bean
 Start J2EE server
 Deploy the EJB using deploy tool
 Create and compile a client code
 Execute the client code

19. Explain the types of EJB.

 Session beans
 Stateless session bean
 Stateful session bean
 Stateful Vs stateless
 Message driven bean
 Entity beans

20. Explain the implementation of publish subscribe system.

Publish subscribe system can be implemented by a centralized server or by a network
of message routes.
 Centralized broker model
 Peer to peer model

21. Discuss the characteristics of publish subscribe system.

 Asynchronous communication: publishers and subscribers are loosely coupled
 Many to many interactions between publisher and subscriber
 Content based pub/sub very expressive
 Heteronogeneous: distributed event based system to allow connecting heterogeneous.

22. Explain the steps to developing an RMI system.

 Define the remote interface
 Develop the remote object by implementing the remote interface
 Develop the client program
 Complete the java source files
 Generate the client stubs and server skeletons
 Start the RMI registry
 Star the remote server objects
 Run the client
23. Describe the developing RMI application in detail.
 Define server object interface
 Define server implementation object
 Create and register server object
 Develop client program

24. Explain the styles of protocols.

Request protocol
 Request protocol is also called as R protocol
 No confirmation is required to the client.
Request /reply protocol
 This protocol is also known as the RR protocol
 It is used both by operating system
Request/reply/acknowledge reply protocol
 This protocol is also known as RRA protocol
 It requires clients to acknowledge the receipt of reply messages.

25. Explain the types of overlay network.

 Distributed hash tables
 Peer to peer file sharing
 Content distribution networks
 Content
 Content provider
 Origin provider surrogate server
 Wireless ad hoc networks.

26. Explain the API for internet protocols

 General characteristics of inter process communication
 Socket
 UDP datagram communication
 TCP stream communication

27. Bring out the features of distributed object model.

 Remote object references: It access the remote object
 Remote interfaces: It specify which methods can be invoked remotely
 Actions: It initiated by a method invocation may result in further invocations.
 Exceptions: During the execution of the method invoked.
 Garbage collection: It must be provided to free up the space used by objects.

28. Explain in detail about virtualization structure.

 Virtualization structures/ tools and mechanism
 Hypervisor and xen architecture
 Binary translation with full virtualization
 Para virtualization with compiler support

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