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Choose food that gives both

energy and nutrients to maintain Obtains energy from the food

good health. we consume. Energy intake
Energy used by our body for
daily activities and basal
metabolism. Energy expenditure
Age - Teenagers need more
Gender - Males need more
Body size - Taller and larger Factors Affecting Our Energy
people need more energy to Requirements
maintain their basic body
Level of activity - People
engaged in higher level of
activity need more energy.
Energy Needs
Shows the required intake of
energy and nutrients to meet the
needs of the different age Recommended Dietary
groups. Allowances
Energy intake is equal to energy
expenditure. Energy Balance
Energy intake more than energy
expenditure leads to weight
gain. Human beings need food to live
and stay active
Energy intake less than energy Energy Imbalance
expenditure leads to weight Give our body energy
loss. Why do we need food?
Help our body grow and repair
Functions of food Contains nutrients to
Measurement to determine
Protect our body from
whether a person is a healthy
diseases and keep us healthy
weight for his height.
Weight divided by Height times Body Mass Index
Variety - different types of food
from different sources.
Moderation - do not eat too little
or too much Balanced diet
Balance - eat according to what
our body needs.

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