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| | { Reg Park and girlfriend Doris Suideski, ‘whom he met while in the USA. Reg is Extremely ond of children, home life ‘tnd a fine gentleman. He has hopes to Shor open is own aye in New York City, We wil all weloome Rim here, as ‘every American loves him. ‘on a personal interview with REG PARK by Joe Weider . . . Editor In Chief Publisher. . . Trainer of the Champions A man who has ereated a new pattern in muscular perfection. Of a new and greater brand of SUPERMAN! A giant of power and brawn. Reg Park . . . now answers the very questions you hold on the tip of your tongue. Joe Weider... HE crowd was tense . . . the competitors were on edge + + «the contest had been keen . .. the greatest physical stars of the Nation were all on hand, vying for the honor that every real man dreams of .... The announcer . . . | “Ladies and Gentlemen, the judges have arrived at a de- | cision. The winner and the new Mr. Britain is...” ‘The roar of the crowd... the waving of arms... the clapping hands. Proof that the popular choice had won. A new hero, the champion of Britain, the greatest star ever produced, the dark horse, the unknown of only a week previous . . . the SENSATIONAL Reg Park had won his first title. ‘That was a little more than 1 year ago. Since that time this same scene has been reenacted twice. . . both to the wild acclaim of an enthusiastic audience . . . the second contest found Reg Park established as the winner of the Mr. Europe crown . . . and the third saw him invading the ‘American scene ...and walking off withthe ttle of the Most a personal interview Steve Reeves was alwoys the ideal of Reg Park, they were so close in height, Shape and development, that it was natural that Rag admired Steve's devel: opment. The photo onthe let, inspired Reg to train. Above we see Steve ‘board the SS, America, upon Teturning home from Paris after winning that last "Mr, World” contest. ‘dome In this the latest photo of Reg, you see one of the greatest of all ‘mascular arms on record. He has biceps ala made, full thick, round, Teh and loded with bulk and definition. His erm is the admire tion ofall bodybuilders. Ie i here 19 inches after aisle warm up. lemeasures 19.2 hot and 188 cold. He has massive wrists and fore farms to-go along with this super upper-arm. Photo by Lon Fie } a i The ever improving Reg Park, This is unquestionably one of the finest re lased muscular poses we Reve ever seen. Note the thickness of those pecs ieltoide and arms. He fe improving $0 fast, that photos taken of him a month ego, Become obsolete inno time Lon Perfectly Developed Athlete in America... open to ALL men of muscle who happened to be on our shores at the time of the contest Like wildfire the fame of this gallant new star... this comparative youngster, not yet 22 years of age, practically unknown until he took his first title at 20 years of age has swept the WORLD. Everywhere, the name REG PARK he physical perfection’ and vital power. Everywhere that he hes gone he has made a huge group of new friends . . . immediately loyal to him because of his sense of good sports manship, his friendliness, his good humor, and his sensational muscularity, But more than anything else, the one trait which is perhaps most outstanding and most admired is that Reg is a perfect gentleman . .. his is the happy faculty of finding the right words at the right time. The right act at the right moment and NEVER a knock for anyone always a boost. A nice word . . leaving you with a pleasant thought. So fast has his rise been to the top in muscledom, so vividly has he proved his right to being one of the GREATS of all time ... that little is known of the man except his sensational physique and his smashing power. You read about his measurements . .. his Vietories and the exercises he follows. You read about his training with all of us at the Weider Warehouse . . . how the Weider System showed him the TRUTH about modern rown synonymous with jout his start ‘weight training and how he progressed under it. But little is to be found in weight training. His ideals . . . future plans. This was what I hed in mind the other day when I sat down with Reg after we had just taken a three hour work-out together, and began to pop the questions at Reg “I guess I was always interested in bodybuilding and good health Joe. As a kid I was always fooling around with some sport or some gadget, but until the age of 17 T had very little physical development to show for my interest. It was then that T got my big break. One day, visiting a swimming pool in London, I was struck by the impressive physique of Dave Cohen... a bodybuilder of considerable reputation, and one whose whole hearted and unselfish interest in the sport has made him the idol of thousands. “[ walked over and.spoke to him. We immediately became fast friends, and it is to Dave that I give full credit for my start in weight training. I trained with him and (Continued on page 42) «why did you start to train’ 25 Delicious NEW KIND of GLORIFIED ‘MILK-SHAKE" You eajoy « double treat when you drink DR. TILNEY’S ZESTANA ‘You'll like ies rich, ceamy-smooth delicious taste and its super-good nourishment. ‘ZESTANA" is my Taste-Tempeing Treat From The Tropics! Health Seekers Body-Buildrs here's the Food-Drink for you really “out of this world!” Seeking. more ENERGY? Want that vital ied "ZESTFULLY — ALIVE" Feeling? Eager to build up husky muscles? SG] ray sts delat ee of ‘has SaaS aPNcuitatile cee nea ep eceties SAE aie gage iil ose ‘Aide EXTRA Soi ishing’ COobNrsS Wonka" 2 Sot Dat be pat of by chen mbes. TRY THIS NEW TASTE TREAT! fy $1.12 ponaid. BIG ECONOMY FAMILY SIZE (three cnt 1 much) $2.63 pons Oude Dsee Tom DR. FREDERICK TILNEY BOX 161, CORAL GABLES, MIAMI 36, FLA. BUILDING BIG ARMS ANO BROAD SHOULDERS ‘Becteoge at Ot nan, an fly oe fo meet these sera ia aie focal hte pale mtd ol Seen ROT pea 00 raf” WOmpe FOREMOST TRACTION” WITH THESE CABLES — Ronco ax ‘aso STHENGTH StAis HAVE RD A CABLE SET Ma ENN wht ate we Sit” Haein ‘GRR edness cette” Har HOT Wi er ttc der ice ai ir de" and ull per sndcaay. Cannel Meo pies aeaTER NT oat me ili ree"Tteaatcme’ He WEBER WORLD SBT NORET CABLES oa sh ag ata ands igh ate Sra ote eo Noh Saar, ‘ele ‘ent af mace, The tpper bac wil cgme'ave wit oom wacom “Thi i To SU tae come om i ae pn "Be uy ie pe Og ST an el en as PEA CONTRACTION or Ps a Bal eat ba fn hee Tun ae WEISER MAgTERTECE and so-on, Reg works out for at least 1 be fon the one part alone. Sometimes even longer. Reg is big, young, strong and of the mental temperament to thrive under such a schedule e does nothing else but train. Day and night this is his motivating thought . result is that touday, Reg Park at 21 ye ‘of age . inch for inch and muscle for mus cle, is claimed by many as being the abso lute of physical perfection... the final goal, Deyond which it is impossible to advance. Whether this is s0 oF not is not the im: portent question at this time, The eal thought to carey with you is thet there is NO set rule ‘which can govern anyone's training. No one an say that ALL should train in any certain Imanner, Some will do well on twice a week, others best on three times and some .. «like Reg Park on ten work-outs a week or more T have tried to bring you the truth about this, To guide you in your training. But you fan see how dificult it is to set down any real rales for you to follow. A. good course of instractions like the Weider Sytem gives you all T have set down in this article in even fuller detail, The great specialization courses FREE to. Weider Pupils gives you all the other latest scieatific advice ... and the Weider Personalized Advice Service... FREE to all Weider Pupils brings you a speedy reply to your individual problem if you are in doubt. I have done the very best T could ‘and the with mighty tough problem in this article If you ‘more help . .. then how about signing up as my pupil so that I can really give each of you the personal advice that you need. I's a mighty good idea . ‘and don't forget that one of the really great feerets of the champions is to get ADVICE ‘when you need it the most. Why not make ure thet you get yours! ! Nate pi ear ‘ia (Continued from page 25) ‘made swell gains for almost a year. Then the war... ! Tserved my Country for 2 yea 4s PCT, Set, stationed in Malaya, T returned home in 198 justin time to see the Mr. Uni verse Contest, won hy John Grimek thet year, a8 well as the Olympic games which were held in London. “AIL my old enthostasm returned and I trained like I had never trained before soon after, I won the Me. Britain tile. T then feame 10 America the tip being a gift to sme from my parents. Training with Barton Horvath, Charlie Smith, Abe Goldberg, you self and all the others counected with the Weider Syetem gave me even greater ambi tion and confidence in my taining and the results T have made speak for themselves. Tight now I am in the grestest shape of my life. have an awful lotto thank you al fr, Joe.” “There is nothing you have to thank anyone for Reg. Lots of people have Your same opportunity. They can learn through a work-out in any old style and ‘of course fail to make Improvement. When I watch how you put everything that you have behind a routine « . « how you foree out those reps and use such heavy weights in each movement... as I see how determined and serious you are 1g, 1 KNOW that here sportant secrets of your ets, You have to know the right way to train, of course. But you have to be wil ing to work hard too. Too many people fare too lazy . . the reason you are such f great success ie because You are not afraid of hard work.” “You are perfectly right Joe. 1 have seen just what you are talking about practically allover the world I have travelled a ot you know...and have had good chance to ob- serve the taining practices of the champix Each is serious and. determined about his workouts, And each makes sure that he fol- lows only the most scientiie and modern ‘methods. When T see a champion train, I'm ight at home for without patting you on the Duck I will say that I recognize the principles ‘of the Weider System in all their programs.” “Reg... everyone you speak to is im- pressed by your culture and evident higher education. Just what formal schooling did you have?” “T completed the usual grade school ‘courses and then took two years of specialized college study . . . “College of Commerce" ‘which will help me in establishing the Bri- Jah Branch of the Weider Barbell Co, London, in the very near future. My knowl- edge of Business Administration will be very alaable in this business endeavor for I em fully informed with every phase of BIG BUSINESS . . and as I have scen during ny visits to America ... the Weider Orga laation i certainly just that.” How about your parents, Reg. Did they encourage you in your training? I know that they are all for it mow . «but hhow did they feel at the start?” “Joo, Lhave the most wonderful parents in the world. Both of them encouraged me in ‘my training from the very start, though it was my Mother who perhaps was’ most enthusi tc, It was she who saw to it that I had plenty of sleep, lots of wholesome food and time to train. I remember when I practiced ry frst bench press... used a rather weak hor to lie on .. it gave way and the weight ‘ame down right on my nose. My mother strapped it up like a professional and thanks ther I stil have « good nose Soon the gitls in the neighborhood got ‘wind of my training and how my muscles were beginning to develop and one by one they Ihegan to drop in to watch me workout. T knew nearly everyone in my home town, Leeds ++ most of the young folk had gone to school ‘with me or I knew them as Kids... 2 this ‘made it quite proper for the girls to drop in to see mie train, I did get a lot of ambition to uve real heavy weights when they were around though ... and seemed to gain insp from them. Frankly I think that it fs « good idea to have others watch you train. . «and ‘what choice could be better than a group of pretty girls? That's one reason why Tim ‘anxious to get back home, maybe. “HHow about your prevent_measure- T know that they fluctuate a ‘according to your body weight and Tike every top star they do vary from time to time... but on the average what are they?” “Tim 611" i height in my stocking feet. T ike heavy soled shoes so stand ax much as "taller! when dressed, Barton Horvath doesn't lke me in those thick soled shoes but I think that this is an inferiority com plex... he standing only 5" as he does. Bodyweight varies between 218 and 230 pounds depending upon what I am training for... definition, power or bulk. Arms, 185 cold «19.2 pumped up. Normal chest 525, Expanded 537. Waist $15. Thighs 225 cold and 285 after a few squats. Calves 177. Fore ‘arm 145, Wrist & Ankle 9.5. My neck stays around 185 most of the time, but with just a Title exercises for it, it jumps vight up to 195. This causes me trouble very often, fo it is impossible to buy a size 20 shin feady made. As it is I have to scout around for @ sine 19... but these can be found. However, ‘when my neck is a litle large . . . I walkin and out of one sore after another looking for shirt. At home I have all my shiets made to order «but when you are travelling and on the go like I have been recently, sometimes you need a shiet in a hurry... tha’s why I NEVER do neck exercise when away from home.” “How about your other clothes iny trouble getting a fit?” site 82 suit is not one you can do just go and slip into either. Particularly when | the waist har to be cut down to about size 20, Te tried to get ready made suits and coats and always walk out of the stores wearing ny old clothes, with the clerks shaking their hheads in bewilderment. In fact my large iuscles were a drawback instead of an aset 4 short time ago. Frank Stanshan, the great ‘golfer introduced me to Bernard Sterz, the owner of MeGregor Sportclothes . .. a high ‘rand of men's sportwear sold widely in Ammer. ca. Mr. Sterz has two young children, both interested in weight training and I visited his home ... giving them some pointers on tran- Ing. So appreciative was Mr, Sterz that he Invited me to vst his plant and to seleet ALL the sportselothes I wanted. I ended up with « few pair of woolen socks and ONE woolen shirt... Teoulda't get into the swell slacks, sportcoats and oiler wonderful apparel... Twas to darn big, This was one time I really wished T had left my muscles at home." “Flow about the weights you use in some of the exercises, Reg? How much ean you curl and how much in the bench press?” “I have never really trained for my limit in any lift or exercise, but recently T did a 190 curl in stret style. T have also done 10 reps with 200 pounds in the curl with a bit of @ swing. My best in the bench press is 370, but usually perform sets with about 320 pounds “making 7 oF 8 reps each set." “Reg, you've made quite a name for yourself as an author. I receive many letters each day from admirers of yours, telling me how much they enjoy your Soe exe Tae et Sie ane 3 Sey one 1 eaten Weider “Dynamic Health” ‘Abdominal Board! KEEP YOUR MID-SECTION “YOUNG LOOKING” cmeneone or ren rat a ie, Kegs ec So ae ‘Sanu ania ar “Corgan leat tk koje tiie few oY dea aye. Poke ap Ager evcten. "You wi deck "HEALEY Ale Fat ania oer ‘imPROvE: YOUR APPEARANCE! ut in bor ie lion BULGE.” You wil beable ie nl ide rsa Yer fo ay wa SOONG rit ral a eng Ciba sn ee Teen aig PHOTOGRAPHY! ere or ind Yih ke on be Ba aos dee ee il ern Sa ce om ‘The Wits BONAR hie ran hte Team be an tt NPACT AND ADIUSTABLE! Ari! Boe eer ey: eel ree ere i ee rus on ete ee ‘hide il abate beeen ‘ay Baoy GH iia ip ici P eR ie i opt ina BODY SUPREME CALENDARS FOR 1951 ‘onpen Yours Now Send $1.00 tos Jefe Nour “MR. EUROPE” g Reg Park WORLD'S WONDER PERFECT MAN group af i atest and best ove all toler” by tat maser cameraman Fee Warner ta a slurs ef He ote poe filets eet be ibe are’ printed led and” every order pers $1.00 = 200 SEEE IO inch photos 500 Send order te REG PARK dee dard Steet Sante Monin, Cal LON presenta ALAN BARRY Hondrome 18 Feat old decoy, cry for sheer fond thythm tn Posing Lon Proudly ofers @ led been fos Peas Soe ‘S-Beautifl 4S Photos 2.50 5 torge 8210 Photos Te Photer of 16-01 Models $1.00, Ian Saies 12 Photos of 3 Young. Mes DUAL sR 4 Mester 45 Photos, Two, i ‘Mode in Each Phot we 8 31,00) Sand Onder for Above Pol fo: {ON HANAGAN 1 a) To nies by ery trom Cron 44 hhow much they have learned - However, Lhave read in com- ive publications where they question whether you actually articles yourself. Whi “Joe. all that can say ie that i€T didn't write all the articles which have appeared cinder my name, then it most have been my Issn brother, The fact that Tam an only child ‘makes such a possibility remote. T guess that some people don't like to read the t aud thar's always beew my policy - the trath. However, I make a point never to 4) anything unkind aboot anyone . . . T really can't understand what all the foes is bout.” “Oh well... it takes all kinds to make up the world, Reg. There will always be some who are jealous of the success of others... so we can pass all this off as idle gossip and from your statement it is obvions that your own thoughts are conveyed in et back to the thing next to weights that is nearest to the muscle man's heart . . . women!! Rog, what type of girl do you like the ly, when you settle down 10 , what will your choice be? Joe, as a young fellow, full of pep and vitality, Thonestly must say that ALL types of young and peppy girls attract me. T go for blondes, brunettes, redheads, and with the lt fst styles, even the blucheads. Call me Kid Lederman of Zee Boulevard . . . but when ‘ever there ate: women around, don't fail to call me. More seriously though Joe, T have Inet several young ladies recently who have ott of touched off that spark. I won't say 100 nue, but they are Tong limbed, beautiful figures, full of life and personality, and HEALTHY. Yes, when T marry T want my wife to be rally healthy and St. Afterall, this twill last... good looks may fade, and even a fine figure can Tose its youthful lines in th Physical culture should he a part of every sits life” “You took the words right out of my ‘mouth Reg. Now tell me, how about your future plans?” “Now that itis set that T am to head the Britch Branch of the Weider Company, I feel that my future is secure. T want to devote all ry bitiness attention to helping others to be strong nd healthy. My father and 1 have already formed the Reg Park Co, and that ‘combined ‘with my operation of the Weider Co. throughout Britain, I know that. sll make a. good living at a type of work Tam ideally suited for, So like every young man, To think of marriage and a family. As T have already said, T've met a few girls who head the preseat list. Maybe Tl settle down boefore too muck longer. When T do T want « large family's. T'am very fond of kids, 1 01 a great Kick out of playing with Barton | Horvath’s two cute litle daughters the other you do your own writing and | ANNOUNCING THE GREATEST BARGAINS EVER! WEIDER "ECONOMY BARBELL SETS" The ae WHO "ECONOMY Sat oft the wee, ag eae SOOM Sat Racine te, Weare SME ies CERI cai aga Incude EVBIVINING tha yon needs desl eis ard yor ma ena Pes Besa ead or °G ROO: FERC le ae ot a RERUEE ORG nt ae eT ee Hee ea ae er frases wkeher you purine an ECONOMY Se son, ge CMON OUT yo ll I aoe fete i em, Pals ek ee ce i IB fees Beiscts seaeba 20018 “Eeoncey Earl Dunbsl Swing Bal $28 SRR ie SLANE Werehowr £ noes FROM 1h Hopkins Ae, Jrey Cy Mo taal 6 aid ry catmane sack ith eed ih fhe pe ici reves povided ith the ond St, pow hoi he Ed ah mene ‘ial couree of eck building todoy. ce day, and had a real swell time when T went ‘up to Charlie Smith's home and roughed it up with hie two children. The giel T marry wil have to want a large family too... ! “When you began training did you ‘ever dream that you would get right on the top?" “No. [felt that T might improve a lot and make good gxins ... but the results T have rade have even surprised me. A person never knows what his possibilities are when he be: fins to train, None of ts are born champions it takes scientific training to bring out the Dest in us” “As L remember it Reg, I was the Grst fone to tell you that if you trained cor- rectly that you could be one of he great fest In the world. Were you surprised when I first told you this.” “I was, both surprised and inspired Joe. Coming from an authority like you T knew that it could happen and worked harder than ever before to make it a reality. However, it smut have been a letdown to you when you picked me asthe winner of the Mr, Universe Contest . .. and then Reeves beat me out ‘What made you so sure that I would win?” “My last trip to California I met Reeves who was trying hard to get into the movies and had trimmed his body- weight down to 190 pounds, which was far too light for him. I asked him if he ‘was going to compete in the contest and he suid that he was not, Knowing that no other man who might enter the contest ‘was even close to you, I felt certain that you would win. Therefore I put myself ‘out on the limb and featured you as the new Mr. Universe, Obviously Reeves changed his mind and without my know: Ing it got ito shape for the event. As you know he only beat you by « very in, so my prediet hhe won, being that you couldn't, He deserves a lot of credit for is swell comeback, And now for the 864.00 question. WHO do you think i the best developed man in the world?” You can't catch me that easy. . . the Famese Hercules is! Seriously though, with so many perfect men, each representing peak of development of certain physical type, # man mast be out of his mind to say that any one is THE BEST. I've always ad- mired. Ross for his breathless proportions, Reeves beeaute he has the bony structure £0 close to my own and in my ways resembles ry own development, Grimek for his massive: ness and «0 on, Who ean readily say which is the best? Tt is all a matter of personal pref ference . if there was an established ideal, then a tape measure and a seale could decide all contests instead of them being as hotly contested as they are today. Every star of today hes some followers who claim that he is the BEST and no one cen convince them otherwise. I like it that way... leads to lots ‘of sprit and enthusiasm in the sport. Contro- versy is always stimulating ... provided thet it is kept clean end sporting” ‘Now that you've had two trips to America and have met all of the big how do you like our gang over “Toe with touts in my eyes that T think of having to go back home again. Of course I miss my | Thome and family and all my friends across | the Atlantic. But [have never met a finer gang 1 say this sincerely. i's almost than you have over here... Ross, Page, Rob ert Theriault, Paivio, Chas, Smith, Horvath, Goldberg, Stephan, yourself .. . and all the many others . .. each has been a real pal Each has taught me some litle Ieston, each haa his special niche in my heart Iwill never forget them at long as I ive. But then, thie really isn't goodbye, Il be back again in three months or ao. I hope to spend about 6 ‘months each year in America, My work with the Weider Organization will make this neces: sary 40 Tbe seeing them all again soon.” “From the way you say that, Reg, ean tee that you have really enjoyed your stay in America. I am happy that you have and that I have been able to help you to make the stay & long one. Now that you are returning to England, for | a while anyway, do you have anything | further to add?” | "You het I do, I want everyone to know this past year... the year have spent so | time with Weider and all the Weider Gang has been the happiest time of my life It has also been my most productive period, for it has seen me put the finishing touches on ry physique, learning many new things about hodybuilding and getting all set up in bus ness for the future. It was a lucky day for me ‘when [first shook Joe Weider’ hand... !" ‘The interview was over. Reg and I stepped nto my eat and T drove him over to the air field... and saw him board bis plane for England. As the plane took off and the san sparkled on its wings... T couldn't help but sighing a bit to myself... come back soon Reg... well all miss you a lot while you're The 1950 yy | Weightlifting | Championships (Continued from poge 13) | {his stage the Rovsan wast mere 5 The behind ‘Jot vo ihneva sod the acomat ge en Seton ber, te matches andthe cea td fers oomed prtcnlerly afeced in this repo, betes na ece Tut sopy BunLpERS compact COMBINATION PHYSIQUE OUTFIT 1s sUPeRa. ‘hat by, tie, pest Bey Bl Kote Be epee sae = See eS Seas hee dena ‘cf whish cutht you prolet and mall at suoe and be ‘ONLY $10.00 Complete WEIDER BARBELL CO, 16 Hopkins Aven ervey City, Me de WIDER BARBELL CO. (466 COLONIAL AVE, MONTREAL, QUE LOOK FIT! FEEL | FIT! BE FIT! are ang oats a, neem Tt You'will COMMAND HESEL San Belin ad We ‘De not HIDE" year MUSCLES with RUine ‘WEIDER BARBELL CO. 16 Mopkins Ave., Jervey City, N. J. : 45 Sa EE a

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