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JUNE 2015



First of all I would like thanks to my god for his love, protection and help in every step of
my life. I would like to express of gratitude and deep appreciation to my Advisor Mr. Dawit
Yekoyesaw for his constructive comment, intellectual guidance expert advice and specification
of his time contributing for the success of this research. I would like to thanks to my brother
B i r h a n u B e k e l e and my parents for their ideal support, Endless moral support and
financial support all the way through the participation of this research.


The study is based on the causes and consequence of street children in Adama town .The
researcher used purposefully at where find street children from the study area. The general
objective of the study is to examine the causes and consequence of street children in Adama
town. The study used both primary and secondary source of data. The collected analyzed by both
qualitative and quantitative through used table, percentage, frequency and essay based on the
finding of the research. Under this research we can see the factor that lead street children to
become street life and consequence their life on street.
From 30 participant 26.7% of them are between 8-11 age interval , 40% participant are between
12-15 age interval and the rest 33.3% of them were between 16-19 age interval

According to the source get from the respondent 26 (86.7%) of the respondents mothers are
unable to read and write 3(10%) of the mothers are attend primary school and then 1(3.3%) of
the mothers are attend up to secondary school.


OAU: Organization of Africa Unity

FGM: Female Genital Mutilation

UN: United nation

ACRWC: Africa Charter Right and Welfare of Child

ACPF: Africa Child policy forum

OMCT: Organization Mandile Center Torture

UNICEF: United Nation International Children Emergence Fund



Content page


Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………….…….II

Acronym …………………………………………………………………….……………….III



1.1BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY…………………………………………………..……….1

1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM………………………………………………………….2

1.3 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY……………………………………………………………….2
1.3.1 General objective of the study…………………………………………………...…….2
1.3.2 Specific objective…………………………………………………………………….…2

1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY…………………………………………………...……...2

1.5 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY………………………………………………………...……3

1.6 DEFINITION OF CONCEPT AND TERM…………………….............................................3



2.1 INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………....................................4

2.2 CAUSAL FACTORS OF STEETISM ………………………………………………….…...4

2.3 PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTOR……………………………………………………………….4

2.4 THE IMPACT OF FAMILY BREAK DOWN…………………………………………...….4




2. 12 THE RATIONAL CHOICE MODEL………………………………………………………9


3.1 Research approach…………………………………………………….…………………..…10

3.2 research design……………………………………………………………………….………10

3.3 study population ………………………………………………………………………..……10

3.4 Sample design………………………………….……………………………………….……10

3.5 Sample size………………………………………………………………………..…………10

3.6 Data source………………………………………………………………………………….10

3.7 Data collection method…………………………………………………………...……..…..10

3.8 Methods of data analysis …………………………………………………………………….11

3.9 Ethical consideration…………………………………………………………...……….……11


4.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….….12

4.2Socio demographic back ground………………………………………….…………………..12

4.3 The main causes of street children ……………………………………………………13

4.4 Family background…………………………….……………………………………........….14

4.5 Street life and children family………………………………………………..………………15

4.6 The problem affects street children on education………………....………………………....15

4.7 Street children perception about street life…………………………………………………..16

4.8 CASE STORIES……………………………….……..……………………………...…….16

Case one……………………………………..……………………………………….………….16

Case two……………………………………………………………………………...….………17

Case three............................................................................................................................…......17

Case four…………………………………………………….………………………………..…18



5.1 CONCLUSION……………………………….…………………………………………..….19




The problem of street children is becoming worldwide phenomena. The majority of the children
work in large urban areas of the developing country. In recent year the recent problem has
worse across the globe.

In 1989, UNICEF estimated 100 million children were growing up on urban street around the
world(campos, 1994). Fourteen years later the same international agencies reported: the last
estimates put the number of these children as high as100 million,(UNICEF,2002:37).more
recently still the exact number of street children is impossible to quantify ,but almost certainly
runs into ten of million across the world. It’s likely that the number are increasing as the global
population growth and as urbanization continues (UNICEF, 2005:40), street children statics.

Street children are children whose home has become the street. They are in temporary partial
or total break up their family or with society. They look for substitute for family security from
their companions or from specialized institution. In hostile repressive and violent context
street children who have expired social occasionally for long period of time organization or join
gangs to defend themselves(UNICEF,2005:41).

In many African countries and cities urban areas, children are at risk being around and
becoming street children .It’s estimated that ten (10) millions of children can be found in Africa
cities (United nation international children emergence found, 2007).

Children in Africa live on the street for many reason, they may be orphaned, abounded, they
many have abused and run away, they may have neglected for felt un wanted by their
families.In all of this case an ready traumatic experience is worse by the reality of the children
having to end for it’s on the street have to survive the day to day struggle which many could not
imagine. UNICEF, estimated that there more than 150 thousand street children in our country
and economic problem have made many of them assumes responsibility normally reserved for
adult, (UNICEF, 1999).

In Ethiopia a large portion of children are victimized by social evils like poverty, family
breakdown, famine, mass displacement, orphaned children and UN accompanied. There are
many poor dis placement, orphaned children and families instability in our country (nation
study on street children, Addis Ababa, 1995).

This study work on potential assessment and evaluation to know the cause and consequences
of street children in Adama town.

According to Girmach Adugna (2009) church as marginalized street children in urban areas,
children of rural community migrate city either alone or together with their family. Children
anyone who walks on the live and work on the street of Addis Ababa does not fail to observe
street children who live and work on street of the cities (GirmachAdugna 2009).

UNICEF(2000) estimated that the problem may be far more serious with nearly 60,000 street
country wide and over 10,000 in Addis Ababa .However, its assumed that the number of could
even higher than this estimates given the influx of migrants and displaced people into urban
centers. According to the above research study there are many problems which are not

 This study is not identifying the main causes of street children deeply.
 This study is only focus on Addis Ababa.
 It’s not identifies how to reduce street children problem


1.3.1 General objective of the study

The general objective of this study is to examine the causes and consequence of street children
in Adama town.

1.3.2 Specific objective

The specific objective is.

 To assess the main causes of street children to become street life.

 To assess how family breakdown are lead children to street life.
 To identify the problem of street children on education.
Since street life in Ethiopia has become danger and chronic problem from time to time both in
large and small town of the country.

The study can be used for individual or other institution so as to get some information root or
gravity and seriousness of investigation and analyzing the causes and consequences of street
children on street life. This study is important to help and discover causes and consequence of
street children in Adama town. This study takes more information for other researcher who
works on these issues in Adama town and other place.

In the process of conducting this study, the researcher faced some problem constrain from
 The behavior of the children become very difficult to handle during data gathering
due to the nature of their life style
 It’s impossible get at once place because they are mobile from place to place
 Some of the are not open to talk about their history life


The definition of street children various but the most commonly accepted definition is the best
given by UNICEF.According to UNICEF, definition there are the following group of street
children, those are:

 Children at risk: This indicate urban children whose life on street because of extreme
poverty and depravation at high risk(UNICEF,2004)
 Children on street: are those who spend most of their time on street or markets usually
return home at risk night, come from poor and few attending regular or night school.
 Children of street: are children who fully participate in street life not just at economic
level they usually having family who they may visit from time to time or who lost
complete families(UNICEF,2004).
 Street children: are boys or girls for whom the street has become their home or source
of live hood by responsible person (UNICEF).
 Parenting: The way giving the delivery to growing children from custodian (UNICEF,

There are many problems of street children who live on streetism around our world. Before
the children’s are come to streetism there are many problem of children to the causes of they
are comes to street life.

The problem of street children has become one of urban problem which call for
attention of international communities .expert from various angles proposed different socio –
economic factor which they had found out in their study, (gobena1999:42).

The existence of street children is world phenomena and is directly related to social
network, instability, and poverty and rural to urban migration. Urban migration, broken family
is taken by various experts to be the major causes of streetism (Gobena: 1999:2).Tsegaye
(1989:23) point out that family disruption are highly prevalent among family with poor
economic condition.


Psychological factor may include the problem related to behavior which forced them to
going street life .The most frequently behavior in case the child has shamed the family publicity
due to child offence or action such as theft, drug addiction or child prostitution as resultof the
child may reject by their family, then at this time he or she prefer to street often the only place
where they are select to life (Grundzing, 2002:67)


The family breakdown has been one way of emerge means under normal circumstance
the natural parents, the family could best afford suitable family environment for children.

However not all family circumstance are normal nor are the parents always around to further
comfortable environment(Sweden,2003:92).It’s true that parent offer the ideal home for the
child to growth, but it’s also unfortunate fact in the reality world that millions of children are
separated from their parent for a variety of reason( Sweden,2003:92).


Economic factors have cited most frequently as the reason the majority of children are engaged
in street life. AccordingTheLusketal(1989:293) un like street children united states and other
industrial country,Latin America street children are gravitating to street of necessary us street
ids come from all social class as and over whelming from neglect full or abusive homes, where
as their Latin American counterpart should be seen primary as worker .In Kenya economic
factor where also cited as primary factor pushing children are viewed an inevitable outcome of
urban poverty(veale,1996;58).As of 2002,around billion children close to half of the world
children are lived in urban areas, they in spewing mega cities and in provincial town, in cities
that have existed for centuries and in rapid growing areas /centers within areas still perceived
predominantly rural areas (UNICEF,2002:12). Over 80 percent of world urban children live in
Africa and least urbanization region a ready has more than twice as many urban children as
nor then America(UN,2001) Least developed country are richest in children. According to the
data of UN population division in 2004, 49 percent of population of least developed countries
was under the age of 18, while it’s as parent for developed countries (UNICEF2006:12).


Consequences for children those work and live on street are various and serious to
begin with every child has right to go through the planning, stage, in order to develop their
motor and cognitive skill. Also at this very young age its fundamental that they must go to
school in order to obtain a basic education and learn to read and write which will serve as back
bone to future development and right and it will very difficult to for them to pursue a better
life .It’s also very common to find malnutrition among those children: being under nourished at
such young age a serious health risk and has long term effect on the individual such as a
deficient immune system and therefore a shorter life expectance,(UNICEF,2006:45).

Another consequence of this problem is the street children are not registered in the
country. There are approximately 48 million young once who don’t existed they do not have
paper and these constitute 47% children of the world population (UN, 2002).In Latin America of
every 100 births are never registered. Therefore the right to identify is being denied and as a
result other right such as their right to national, the right to vote, and right to an education will
be also deprived(UNICEF,2007:45).
Nonetheless the most serious consequence of this is that undocumented children
become very susceptible to become victims of afficker and criminal gangs making these
children pre disposed to a life of crime and violence. It’s also important to emphasize that
children donot have the criteria to make important decision. Consequently they will not know
when they are exposing themselves to dangerous situation likeprostitution, sexualviolating,

drug consumption and other forms of modern slavery. According to stolen childhood net street
children in the third world having no access to basic needs these children sell themselves at
cheap rates .These children at high risk because they neither use contraceptive nor as the client
to use them. Thus the chance to getting pregnant or catching by sexually transmitted disease is
high (united nation office for drug control and crime prevention, 2001).

Few of the street children that survive through childhood and become adult can be
reining granted into the society as most of them become individual without an education, with
low moralbelief, psychological damage and who are in different to social norms and values.All
these are ingredient for recipe to causes more crime and violence in society, are those one who
appears others helpless and innocent children, creating a various cycle which affect society
today and willcontinue in the future (long term effect of street children,2010).


All human right convention apply to children, but children (widely distributed) a spirited
convention, since they need additional attention and protection (Tibabu, 2002:61).They very
first effort at the international level to adopt legal standard relating to the right of the children
can be traced to the league of nation especially especial committee was established to deal
with question relating to the protection of children and various relevant convection where
adopted including the 1991 international convection for the suppression of the traffic in
women and children and the 1926 slaver convection (Detrick 1994:13) .

The convection on the right of children heralded vital shift instance on children from
victim and recipient of welfare to individual right holders. Its converse all aspect of children
lives, it’s legally binding and has ratified by 19 countries (Tibabu 2002:61).

The member state of the organization for Africa unity (OAU) adopted declaration on the
right and welfare of the Africa child in 1979 the international year of the child.

The pre figured the Africa charter on the right and welfare of the child (ACRWC) which was
adopted in 1990by assembly of hood of the state the OAU and which entered into forcein 1999
(ACPF 2002:12).

The convection on the right of the child on its preamble recalls that, in the universal
declaration of human right, united nation has proclaimed that child hoods is entitled to special


In a social history of Ethiopia Pankhurst (in Kaplan 1994:10) state that ‘’ early historical data on
Ethiopia children is so scant that it’s almost as though they were neither seen nor heard
‘’.Although consolidate data is not available, in Ethiopia children have suffered and are still
suffering the cumulative effect of poverty and under development .Traditional practices of
different ethnic groups are the adversary of Ethiopia children (Tefera 1999:3).the infanticide of
the legitimated and illegitimate children was documented in strides dealt with child related
malpractices in Ethiopia. Child sacrifices also constituted another traditional. Practices among a
few ethnic groups (Eshetu 2002:77),the practices of female genital mutilation (FGM) is still wide
spread in Ethiopia ,depending on ethnic group , FGM in Ethiopia ranges from partial to
complete excision of the external genitalia, which them switched nearly, closed in many cases
,its often performed in unsanitary setting by a community ”specialist” using nothing more than
un clear blade(OMCT,2001:9) the situation of children in Ethiopia is one of the general
,malnutrition ,poor hygiene, shortage of proper clothing ,essential social services, (such as
cloth, education, health )and displacement due to natural and manmade disaster. The problem
of homelessness (including those of street children and child labor are quiet common with
regard to girl, early marriage and labor and abdication harmful traditional practices still found
in Ethiopia.

In short poverty that proved the sociality is obvious by observed in the living condition of
children in the country (OMCT 2001:9).


The theoretical frame work of this research is takes into account the following to theories
and one mode which are much related with the research understand.


The term parent and parenting are commonly used to those people who provide
significant care for children. Those can be besides the biological parents, the grand parent,
other relatives and also adults who are not biological related to child. At the broadest level,
parenting encompasses the provision of care directed at children physical, emotional and social
socialization (Baumrined 1991:53).

The other component of the theories is the concept of poverty the most accepted
definition of poverty is provided by social scientist who attempt to combine both material and
non-material dimension of poverty(Chamber,1989:4).This suggest poverty is the product not

just of material condition but also of asset isolation ,vulnerability and powerlessness there are
two basic definition of poverty common use :absolute poverty and relative poverty .

Absolute poverty normally refers state in while income is in sufficient to provide the basic
needs required to sustain life (i.e. to food and shelter of children).

Relative poverty defines income or resource in relation to the average. Its may also refers to
wide implication of living in poverty, soon as the sufficient income (Ishengoma, 2002:990).
Hence the central ideas of parenting and poverty is the fact that long term at come for children
of parents living in poverty are less positive than those for children who in affluent


Low income parent are less likely to nurture and supervise their children adequately and
more like to use in constitute ,erratic and harsh discipline (Elder 1988),such problem have been
show to increases when how income families suffer from stress such as absence of the a
supportive partner, depression or drug use and not improve whom family enjoy social support
from families , friends or neighbors, more and van diver (2000) argues that the means by
which parenting who are stress are less likely to use coercive and harsh methods of
discipline(Elder 1985).

Conger and colleagues in united states (conger,1993) under took a series of researcher
involving middle class family parents who were caught up in a severe economic down turn in
1980,s.The study found that economic hardship was adversely affected ,but mainly because of
the disruption in parenting rather than the direct effect of economic hard ship. They showed
that parents who moved into relative, poverty become distressed and depressed and their
marital relationship deteriorated (Vandiver2000:65).

This turn caused disruption to their marital relationship parenting practice, which were the
immediate causes of deteriorating adjustment of their adolescent children, simply put theory
state that material deprived parents face more street than affluent parent. This cases them to
be more depressed, irritable or angry than affluent parents (Elder 1985:65).
High level of stress negatively affected parenting style and those parents tend to more authorial
or inconsistent. This in turn affects their children’s in negative ways (Elder 1985:69).

Some authors have argued that many street children have made a measured choice to become
involved in street life at home(Feisman:1981).In this term, it’s may said that street children are
viewed as being agent, not only victims having exhibited some of degree of rationality in choice
in decision to move to street. Rationality in Simon’s (7978) is inherited in the functionality of
the behavioral of the individual or the society. An action or behavior is considered rational as it
contributes to meeting the needs or goal of the individual or the society. Bounded by the
cognitive limitation and imperfect knowledge, the individual does not necessarily seek out the
set condition which will maximazilly satisfy needs, but asset of condition that are at least,
sufficient, if the principle of this model are applied to the situation street children, if implies the
environment in street, at some level, fulfill certain fraction for the child or youth that is
environment is a rational adaption to the center of the respective children life, given his or her
environment, past circumstance and experience and the choice open to him or her, adaption in
this. However, does not mean that one state that involves.



3.1 Research approach

The study used both qualitative and quantitative (mixed method) of research approach in order
to collected data.

3.2 research design

This study used cross-sectional design as most appropriate design, because it’s save time and
confortable to collected data in short period of time.

3.3 study population

The street children, who live in Adama town, are the study population in these studies. There
around 450 children who live this town, from this children around 130 are street children
(Adama town children affairs offices 2005).

3.4 Sample design.

A covenant sample type used is employed in this study, because these methods are the best
choice for this research.

3.5 Sample size

These studies used to conduct on 30 street children from around 130 street children found
around study areas.

3.6 Data source

In order to get source of data the research used both primary and secondary data source
.primary data are get from respondent through in depth –interview with respondent.
Secondary data source is taken from any written material like new paper, magazineor while
related to this research.

3.7 Data collection method

In order to collect data from the respondent the researcher used Interview, case study,
questioner are used to, in order to get primary and secondary sources.

3.8 Methods of data analysis

In these studies the data collection analyzed used both quantitative and qualitative methods of
data analysis. The information which is gathered through interview, case study, and questioner
analyzed by use table, percentage and frequency.

3.9 Ethical consideration

The research need to respect the participation and site for the research; keep confidential the
data which collected from the respondent. Researcher don’t put participant at risk, open for to
take criticism from the respondent. Non-discrimination is important to use because the
researcher avoid discrimination based on sex, race, language, ethnicity and others, so the data
gathered based on the free will of respondent.


This chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of the data. The data were
gathered through Questionnaire, interview and case study. The participant where the street
children those found in Adama town. The response to both open ended and close ended item
presented in the table form and interpreted by percent(%) and where described by statement.

4.2Socio demographic back ground

Table1.frequence distribution of respondent age

Variable Participant reply

Age Frequency Percentage
8-11 8 26.7%
12-15 12 40%
16-19 10 33.3%
Total 30 100%

The data on table 1.shows the background of the participant from 30 participant 26.7% of
them are between 8-11 age interval , 40% participant are between 12-15 age interval and the
rest 33.3% of them were between 16-19 age intervals. It is possible to the researcher can
conclude from this data the majority of street children were between 12-15 age interval.

Table2 frequency distribution of respondent by educational level

Variable Educational level Frequency Percentage

Unable to read and 8 26.7
1-4 16 53.3%
5-8 4 13.3%
9-10 2 6.7%
11-12 - -
Total 30 100%

As it indicated from above table 26.7% of them are unable to read and write, 53.3% of
participants were from grade 1-4, 13.3%of the street children were from grade 5-8 and the
remaining 6.7% of the participants were from grade 9-10.According to above table most of
street children attend grade 1-4, whereas there is no any children who attends grade 11-12.

4.3 The main causes of street children

Table3. Frequency distribution of respondent by Cause of street children.

Cause Frequency Percentage (%)

Family separation 5 16.7%

Lack of money 3 10%

Lack of other alternative 6 20%

Lack of support from family 9 30%

Enforced by friends 2 6.7%

Poverty 5 16.7%

Total 30 100%

The above table3 shows us among the total number of street children who’s live on the
street, 16.7% comes to street life because of family separation, 30% were by the lack of support
from their family, 20% of street children are comes to street because of haven’t other chance
way to survive, there are 6.7% of children comes to streetism by enforcing of their friends,
10% of them are because Lack of money, the rest16.7% were by poverty. These all above
problem are the factor lead children are come to street life.

4.4 Family background

Table4. Frequency distribution of respondent by their family back ground (parentalcondition)

Family background Frequency Percentage

Both father and mother live 8 26.7%
Currently living together 3 10%

They are separated 6 20%

Mother died 7 23.3%
Father died 2 6.7%
Both father and mother died 4 13.3%
Total 30 100%

The above table indicates there are different problem which lead children to come
street life. According to this data 26.7% of children have both mother and father live, but
because of different problem they are live on streetism, 10% of children have family living
together currently, 20% of children family are separated 23.3% of the children are whose their
mother are died, also 6.7% are haven’t their father and 13.3% of the children are haven’t both
father and mother. These data are indicated most the children have both family live but they
are comes to street life because, there are the problem which affect them to come street life.
As generally according to the above data most of street children have both mother and father

4.5 Street life and children family educational level

Table 5 frequency distribution of respondent by their family educational level

Educational level Frequency Percentage

Unable to read and write 23 76.7%
Primary 5 16.7%
Father Secondary 2 6.6%
College -- --
Total 30 100%
Mother Unable to read and write 26 86.7%
Primary 3 10%
Secondary 1 3.3%

College -- --
Total 30 100%

As shown in table 4 from total 30 of the respondent 23(76.7%) of their father are unable to
read and write, 5(16.7%) of their fathers are attend primary school, 2(6.6%) of fathers are
educated up to secondary school.

According to the above source 26 (86.7%) of the respondents mothers are unable to read and
write 3(10%) of the mothers are attend primary school and then 1(3.3%) of the mothers are
attend up to secondary school. Generally according to the above source there is no any mother
and father who attend college level, these problem is also the causes for the children comes to
street life in Adama by haven’t source of income, knowledge to how care their child.

4.6 Challenges of getting street children education.

According to street children said there is the problem who affected them on education. From
this problem the one’s are haven’t income, which important to fulfill the material which
important for education like, pen, pencil, and exercise book. Another problem is they haven’t
any support any body like government and NGO, s. Most of them are move from place to place,
this also one problem on their education, because when they are mobile from place to place
they can’t attend to school. Generally according to they are said all problem listed the above
are affect them on the education.

4.7 Street children perception about street life

Street children said they have perceptive their lives on the street, the greater parts of
interviewed street children felt hopeless and unaided; they mentioned that they had no other
option concerning to what to do about their live expected live on street.

On other hand, a few of street children said that their live on the street were temporary and
that they actually benefited from living on the street .pseudo name Alamu he is 15 years old
shoe shine boy, he answered what he liked most about street life “I fell happy I was able to
generate my own income at younger ages. Besides, I had more freedom on street than at

4.8 Case stories

Case one

Pseudo name Aster’14 years old girl

She has four half-brothers and two sisters. She doesn’t remember when her mother died. She
comes to Adama town with her aunt who had been taking a good care of her for year. Latter
her father comes to Adama town for the seek of search work, when her father got a low paying
job and remarried, he talk to Aster to live together with him. Her father is working at
government office as a guard getting a very low monthly salary. Aster says that there is to much
economic pressure on the family. She further commented that “we seldom eat our fill Aster like
her brother dechasa has a strong hatred for her step mothers’’. This is the basic necessity “she
doesn’t give to me food” says Aster and even if she gives to me, it is long after the meal time,
usually long after she has fed own children .Moreover, she is ordered to do tedious house work
as a results of this she separated from her friends and become always beater by her mother law
even by minor mistake. When I report my problem to my father, he’’ says bear it what else can I
do says aster’’. These are also a constant field between her and her siblings. ” Because of her
supported, they jointly tight with me” complain Aster .after this time she comes to street life.
It’s both survival problem as well as unhealthy family environment. She sleeps on corridor of
the person who sympathizes with her, she has worn-out blanket, which was given to her by
some body. She has neither bed nor a bed sheet. Poorly dressed and locks vitality, she walks by
a bare footed.

Case two
Pseudo name Mesfin 15 years old boy

Place of birth walancity

His mother died when he was doesn’t remember, but he says my brother and sister tell to me
about my mother .he is the only son of his mother. After the death of his mother, his father
remarried and thus his sister was brought up by his step mothers who mistreated them very
badly. His father is the farmer but says Mesfin, he is very poor. When questioned as what
motivated him to comeAdama town there where two reason, poverty and the hatred of his
step mother who mistreated. He was encourage by his friends come to Adama town, so that he
could make living his own. He had said brusher and shoe polish are the source of his income
and also with his capital he started his business, at the night become to bigger money from the
society on the street around Franco areas.

As to his experience with peer groups his associates are shoe shine boys of whom he has good
opinion because it was get experience in shoe shining and introduced him to town life.
Moreover he spends his leisure time at night on chatting, gossiping and baggers.

Mesfin said that he does not like his professional because of his problem ,yet he doesn.t have
any alternative in mind at the moment but he said that he would like to get some financial
support for self-employment and continue his school education learn.

Case three

Pseudo name Efrem, 16 years old boy

Place of birth Adama town

He was born in Adama town around Atenatera .he has 3 brother and one sister; he has never
gone the school and he does not read and write; he is the son of poor female. Through both his
father and mother are live he come to street live with his older brother but he filled to support
from his brother at that time.

While he was hanging around the business areas and the central station; he observed that boy
like him were making money through caring goods for passengers; so, he made up his mind to
try his luck in this mechanism. In the beginning said; he used to take ally small amount of
offered to him by passengers. But as he gradually learned the ticks of the trade from his
experience; he started to haggle like his coworker. Efrem comes to street life because of his
mother are have not any source of income to help her children so because of this problem he
comes to these life condition. His father are died when hi is 8 years old by car accident, this is

also seen as the factor of his comes to street life. He wants to attend the school; he said he
does not know any support from organization and has not made any contact. He is poorly
dressed and bare footed; complain of heart disease but were looks as healthy

Case four

Pseudo name is Abebe’ 17 years old boy

Place of birth solokekebele around Adama town

He lost his father and mother when he was around 13 years old .he has five brother and sisters.
After the death of his family his faced to many problems like poverty and conflict between his
brothers are become to come street life. Abebe living and working any petty jobs such as
carrying goods, washing clothes for some person in order to get money from them.

Abebe said that street life is very difficult because the street children are faces to many
problem like, shelter, and no enough food and some problem in criminals and the do not
considered us a part of community finally he said “ being on street is not good” so if got a
chance I want to educated.




This study attempted to find out the causes that lead children to street life in Adama town as
case study. The investigation has provided very important and defined data in the issues under
study. The following major conclusion could be drawn from the result of the study.

The most of or profile of the total sample street children indicate most of they are born out of
Adama town but a few of them are born on Adama town.

Most of the street children are unable to read and write, but a few of them are attending
primary school level and most of the children are currently out of the school or they are no
attending the school.

Most of the street children family is unable to read and write but a few of their family are
attended to primary and secondary school. These unable to read and write family are also the
reason for children comes to streets ,because when their family are educated ones even if they
are provided other chance other chance for their children rather than they are comes to street
life. Generally when seen the family of street children they are mostly uneducated so, these
have its own impact on their life style and on their children.

The major factor that lead the children to street are economic problem was the main
contributing factor that forced these children to streetism. Family disintegration like, divorce,
death mother or father death and death of both mother and father, absence of good family,
parenting style are the main factor .The second factor and some of these children engaged to
streetism by perceiving it as alternative ways to get income.

Therefore economic problem, family disintegration and have no other alternative are lead to
engage their perceiving streetism as a source of income are the major causative factor that
lead these children into street.

And also more above average of the respondent lead their life by themselves by doing different
activities such as caring good for some people, cheating, begging at night and some of them on
the day, brushing shoes and other actives. Also some of them experienced to unnecessary thing
of bad behavior of stealing other material in order to lead their life. There are many problems
affect them on street life like fluctuation of the atmospheric during day and night, at night they
are affected by coldness and at day sun are affect them on the street. Not only has this society
had negative attitude toward street children.

The consequence of streetism also out of them from the school, most of them are unable to
read and write and health problem, because they eat any food what can get in order to survive.
Therefore the risk of health problem was very difficult due to malnutrition and absence of the


Based on the conclusion the following recommendation has been recommended.

 Family disintegration because of the poverty and the result abandonment of children
is a very serious problem that needs attention of concerned bodies like government
body and NGOs
 The social worker should set program in the town to change and increases the
awareness of the society towards the street children, to implement progressive
change in society attitudes. Encourage the Adama community to initiate self-help
project which help children in different ways and improve housing condition before
the problem worst or formed to children.
 The municipal authorities should established rehabilitation centers for street children
so the psychologist, sociologist, lawyers, health professional and social workers should
be initiate and the encourage to run the rehabilitation program and change the
behavior of street children and also attitudes of society to wards street children and to
avoid other related social problem from the area by enhancing all suggested to
 Exploring possibility to rehabilitative and rejoin of street children to their family.
 Health professional family planning and family support program should be promoted
in order to create good condition for the children.
 Developed a high program which will enable street children to stabilize and reenter
formal education in spite of their impoverished situation. Along term to investment on
need to made education which is personalized to the needs of children in especial
case or when they are found in difficult problem.


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Annex 1

Question for street children

Dear respondent! The purpose of this question is to gather relevant

information about street life of children in Adama achieve the goal of this
study, your, honesty and genuine response are very important. Therefore you are
kindly requested to answer the following question. Your response will be used for
education purpose only, not for other purpose. I t will be not disclose for others,
it’s confidential.

Thank you for your advance!

General instruction: After you read the question carefully please put(x) in
mark in block that relates to your answer. To open ended question please write
your short and brief answer.

Part1 Socio-demographic background.

1) Sex: 1, male 2, female

2) age: 1, 8-11 2, 12-15 3, 16-19

3, level of education: 1, unread and unwritten 2, able to read and write

3, 1-4 4, 5-8 5, 9-10 6. 11-12

Part 2 main cause of street children

1) What is the main cause to you being in street

2) Before you come to street life there is a child from your family being
streetism? 1,yes 2,no
3) If your answer for question number 2 is yes what lead him/her to being in
4) Are your father and mother separated? 1) yes 2)no
5) If your answer on question number 4 is yes, do you think that is causes for
being on street? 1) yes 2) no
6) If your answer on question 5 is yes
Part 3 Family background
7) Are your fathers and mother both living? 1)yes 2)no

8) If your answer to question number 7 is yes they are currently living
together? 1)yes 2)no
9) If your answer to question number8 is no how they are
10) When your parents are separated how old where

Part 4 Street life and education

11) mother educational level: 1)illiterate____ 2) primary____ 3)
secondary____ 4) college____
12) Father educational level: 1) illiterate____2)primary____
3)secondary_____ 4) college______

13) If your answer to question number 3 is 2,3,4,5 and 6 are you

currently attending the class 1)yes 2 ) no


14) What is the perception of you about street life?

15) Identify the problem affect you on education?

16) Before comes to street life what you look like the condition of your


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