Video Games Addiction

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Video games addiction

A gaming disorder, sometimes referred to as “video game addiction,” is a pattern of game-playing

behavior—involving online gaming or offline video games—that is difficult to control and that continues
unabated despite serious negative consequences in other areas of the gamer’s life.

The Debate Over Video Game Addiction

Experts debate whether severely problematic gaming truly constitutes an “addiction” in the same sense
as drug and alcohol addictions. But disordered gaming behavior recently received official recognition as
a mental health condition by the World Health Organization (WHO), which included “gaming disorder”
in the 11th edition of its International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). According to that guide,
gaming disorder is marked by “impaired control” over gaming, which leads to it taking priority over
other interests and activities. The gaming behavior persists even as it causes “significant impairment” in
areas such as personal relationships, school, or work. While gaming disorder is not officially included in
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, widely used for behavioral health diagnoses
in the U.S., the latest version of the manual—the DSM-5—refers to Internet Gaming Disorder as a
condition for further study. Among the tentative criteria for such a disorder are withdrawal symptoms,
such as irritability or sadness, when Internet gaming ceases; tolerance, or an increasing need for gaming;
deception about the amount of one’s gaming; and failed attempts to control one’s gaming.


(Gaming disorder is marked by "impaired control" over gaming, which leads to it taking priority over
other interests and activities. The condition persists even as it causes "significant impairment" in areas
such as personal relationships, school, or work. Internet Gaming Disorder is not included in the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.)

What are the criticisms of gaming disorder?

Experts are critical of creating a gaming disorder diagnosis for several reasons. One is the fear of
pathologizing normal human behavior, which treatment providers could potentially exploit for profit;
some argue that the proposed symptoms of Internet gaming disorder may reflect passion for a hobby
rather than a clinical condition. Some argue that there is not enough compelling evidence for a gaming
addiction and its discerning criteria. An addiction may reflect underlying psychological conditions that
problem gamers are likely to have, suggesting that gaming disorder is not a discrete condition.

( Internet gaming disorder is not yet recognized as a medical diagnosis. Some argue that the proposed
symptoms of Internet gaming disorder may reflect passion for a hobby rather than a clinical condition.
Others argue that there is not enough compelling evidence for a gaming addiction and its discerning
criteria. )

Is gaming disorder the same as a gaming addiction?

Gaming disorder and gaming addiction are two very different terms, according to experts. Some
researchers believe the criteria and language put forth to diagnose gaming disorder doesn't fully capture
the nature of addiction.

When Is Gaming a Mental Health Problem?

Online and offline gaming can have social and recreational benefits, and most people who play them will
not exhibit clinically problematic use. The kind of gaming behavior that concerns mental health experts
involves a prolonged or recurring habit that comes at the expense of a person’s functioning outside of
games and that may damage close relationships or interfere with the pursuit of educational or career
goals. A passionate engagement with games or even an extended bout of intense gaming doesn’t
indicate a disorder or an addiction if it does not disrupt a person’s life. The ICD-11 advises that hard-to-
control gaming that crowds out other aspects of life should typically be evident for a year or longer in
order for a diagnosis to be made. Since gaming disorders are defined and measured in different ways,
estimates of their prevalence vary widely. Representatives of the WHO, which established gaming
disorder as a diagnosis, have emphasized that those who could be classified as having it make up a small
proportion of gamers overall. According to the DSM-5, disordered Internet gaming seems to appear
most among male adolescents.


( Most people who play computer and video games will not exhibit clinically problematic use. The kind
of gaming behavior that concerns mental health experts involves a prolonged or recurring habit. Hard-
to-control gaming that crowds out other aspects of life should typically be evident for a year before a
diagnosis is made. )

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