English Question Answer 2

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hat lind pain nd ach1 hat H poefen

h n hpodenlavks at her mothers yae dlesely

skdiscner hat_she. hto agd and her ed is hPon
he 4hi 4 u mober being eld..necding cau
and help pains poet as hie uno_nt to lk
akrhin. She uls hat hez molhez cah de_ong
mmnt aud hin shu uill Asse hu ereuer. Her
Childhsmel Hnlosing hu mothiyu i h was
hun hmuls but n , Oil be aeez j s s
ALnz ars 1he poeen Juuls fhu_pan hy boot
oldagnd hu hulptes ne tomds hur Sh
ha h seypanahhg ren ha mothuz
redea uon h_hath

a eyoung he dscribed as spzibia,"?_

Th oung bers _have beh panifiel:
onhed_af yem poeKs naig C a ,hesetn
be aubhins past. fhupoele nbd t o be
Sekinsla ag shl!_ a_dead body.

3 hh Hhv ey
peten bngkt_ he jn

Children Spilling eut hur hmmes?

drns a Cpauisien betweun_Lohat o
Loith hu and uat she c See eutSide
Cempaws jo beten lp
hd diah He
suyojnwith muth eptn iu 4 dead
Sec children who
oodgudil oubside she Can

a ul 3 h e , ehery ahd ehusiaom.

4Lhy te mothe ben Cornjpaneol o a

ak oiners mam
Jus as lak coinley S na dull ahd Jaks
kstey so ho moth at iu ed 3ta ha
ihe Alro,a lae_sihey momt verskadacel
b ha feg and ist e sks Similalg hur
mothe can t eershadased by ddeath at ay
bime Both q hez ane heaihj en esdtme e
Seasen and. thu otkp e lp
Shat do u_ponhns Loords _jpoeters and hu
Srile Sizaiy
k e parhiy uordi e hu jpoeku Shes h poshve
ath tude. She eYer Ceme hw jpaih and kan,
sunas hu sey sd her kmehez hat fhy toaudc
hmett ayain She beihsveg brawe hih
jn ditak b a us tpehhe in he. poe
Smile _asd Smila ahd Shile
Exr uhe nd ahswen shert
H way the s Cene » tk Sthovk n hu
th last lmon, ditrent

merhir 2
m hat cm otha
Ha was Hamel's ckars dihrest hu day Franz
e t lak to sho

nherally th
weule be a gzeat bunk le. dos/
d Shuthns e desks ens epea! loudy
Lws yppihs the tea er's uler n Hu
tukle all g_wioh Coudd be head cut ha
shee But that evchgy thy uoas i k d r t
Tht W9 no misc ALL were n theiy Seak
rOh2 Oalheel_cn lak andA Hanel lt kin
Lalnl He hun nhod t a t s sy a4 d r e e
h ws best clothes nd hee U fhu elders
Vilang_Seats u the datts Clases. oas a bit
Jne that Fra etbsedh h day wags
dipaenl 1 was w r lmt_xehh ks en

Ha doe M: Hael pz a ibak to Frenc

a t cdid M. Hanel ell Hun about fa Fredh
nuang ghat did he a uun o do and d4


MHanel wet en tull abeut Prench lug ua

He told Hat il w y te nos beauhful Ot1g uosg
h ld. ay tmu dearert ad thu onos
iHe 0ked e peezale
Dgicel: e all las guge. t %
uarda amora hunS ely aud vever hrget
leng as oeeyla hol yart to
their lzu agp, hey
have hu key to pedomn

3:On order prem Berlin Changes ha sCehanio e

h Sees Shool . C menk
The exder trena berbn ed to he_ahneuhlhnest
that hu Fremch eulel vaot be tanght _nyme
nd stead,herbnah oeulcl be taughl by ahe
hnast 1his was to be hiir last frehch lusser
he class uas iet as it Lwas a Sdayzaersi
Laith o hutle and bustke The teudez HHomel
hoaw ib his Speeialcren. the sal villageys wer
Sifins a hi laAF behes ike_ othes_Studés
Qnd hu eaher explairtol hi lese Way Pahent

9 What Hmdentlaye thee wends weu to

hich were H teerds hat Shoches_ahod Snj
Suse LHle Franz
2 M Hanel said My dildres His à Hh Jat Fren
Lben 1 shall give yeu 1he erder hao Cene praan
Berbin to eah Cnly berh he Scos 2
ALSaahd lo2Yaine: he nen mastep wil
Corne m inrew Iws geuz last_Prezch s
1 Laant yautobe atle-hve 1heoe uwnds q ws
Kader Vene a
thuwderdap or Yah

did didM Hare bPare tor ha he Jetlet lar

en Hu pant bn ike ran?
M.Haurel blaned H panents eat Me hezluet
leashiins Freh languag C hey eeng grd Hhe
bys anm wak: He olo blarred Hinsetu
Seme CXtet:_ us he too ansig hec tn uwnb onda
hbeys ke ÞranZ He_also sowe haszn
Han a
hab doy
LLnl he hant to 30 erfshins

61his go last Erench lnsen." Hoo dd Ertn

Juact to His deulamhm MHrel
ahhay Crea 2aile by M Hmel
past r a t oly n fru.z_but a l e gily úh ens

fra ay Shohed b hear hat M Hnel cas

it uwe not be able_to ecada4cl

Liouiny Cd ha_
Speak s en a o hez t g ue ahd neg yalel
l a d 9 i tenest_pad Canelew nev
Exha quwsk ahod bmg s ype

hat ià linguishe Chauvinis?rpe tha

0Yder trom berbn n His lnht. Has do
yru jushjy M:Hamels viesos abou Frenh asd
Th s-Jeuud lvea hu peezle tronds hair
Lamyiny pride in orne's lanuo foo {anleels
linziishc haubwsn de Cah alyse
the rcdr yrem Benbin in th bghe 1t not
bul a pua exalarple z- linguishc Chauiws2
h posiha 7 hexzan larzuagp eey he
ren th Specuckis ppulahianCant k juhpel
at all I u werst_hind oleoialis-

M Hanel's lese er fxench genuie1he.

Shockiny d m Berlin anuse_paiiohe
ing S him He lve Erehth od_sit
Tobebe ha
ost beauhihul Jangluaye he hoerld
He_calls t hu clean est ahd u most lojtal
Vanguaga teo: He egrets hat tha peeole g
Alsoe did nat pa hud fo Ha leantvng ts
9eak languageHe aks tu peegple fo Sasauad
ahnmg Hhmselvey

hukey key to hez uwh ahd isedm. 1h

peep le Alsaepanhulanly thu village
eldersSudduslyealse ha paeieus thei
onguab to hen: Studts ke frnz tho
ne not imm he to pahvohc eebhgs fron z
Juls soy e neg lecha h leaning Fro-
He hates he idua Cne> n longua ge beng
nposea on hem He vemah SanCahcals
ttoill thy mahe then Sin ermah, even thu
pigeens he Jat lensen w so im pattpul Hho
thalped to ewive he lave ,
the lasguoge
Wnen9 he pecple Hlsaua
Ho Coah y n ehmak 1 Hanel a a man oi th a
Nuler ano as a mah wih a stuna

Sn 1he lat lessen, Alphmse Daudet pr eursM

Haunel'schanaster uih due syhypathy ad
yeyaed laiballshe presented i ha nouid
l aradihonal Schonlhmaster. He _wwed s
fe blezuler hduz ks anm Eveyee Culd
hean fhe 7appihs q 'gxeat rulea en th tuble
euCn Cpsicde u u sheetFia»2Teniencls u
hous crank M Hanel uwas 1he Stuolents wecl
fodieed Hur schorl inaser SCaed
rah z was

being SColdeo as hu had not_prepaed his

essn mm anhuples For q mnent he eveh
.1n0ughl uhm Ih uway en Shov. M
Honel oay_ aHand tusl masler He maintantel

_othuz Side Mz. Hamel's anaeter a Seuh

h e Ordlur nem 5erin came He had be

Cns hamed noO. He be came. Sot chl guhtal-
scold Frcu,
to wards us Shucdu,ts He diodit ws
u rule
lak. He dd 220 evch
Cerrins ahd CrwlkJ
uxed p
whem Hle Fra2 gol
He dec l a t s hat
L h n hs furn o e u e (amc.
if was hs lart essern in vehch a tren
in ha
erman wuld be tuught
ert He would lewe
Sdh 6bls Loarah and Alsace
A neas raher hondd Cme
h nert day
ws jplae He Oae is best dres n hom u r 2
Ta dartlem en

M Mam el wa iven zresjpes not mly by s

Shuduts but even by th vllagegOlleys. He was
Yo frlly clei caks to th Cuae q kachins He hal
ben teakhy j r koðty yean s i fhu sae Sho/
1he villase elders Cme to jpy thu reyrt to

Suh a 92a4d tacher 1hu sat en hi baak

beh heto Lisk to is leyen.

Ham el dedFrah Ce and French yween jh

dryp t e sheant He egaded Erenh a he
most beautipl lnsa he ld He
old peoypl 7 uad it On heani Soldie
wnder us wihder, Palnohc uil hys ewrpewrn
im. He bmeunkd tha chair and ied to Sptak,
vez Sem hiny Chochecl binHe urok
Vive la
France wi a piece Chalk_n
H blah board d dsmisSed_clay
3 O k a chanackr shetth og Frch 2.
fyan2 wo a
veny ywg bey ving Aka
dshrick ranCe He had a
loy bya,' alth tude
to Studes t h beginny e tihel wm feli
eroteel to sluve his sohsol Henswer,, we alo
Cane f» hhew is ihher shehgtth a, darule
Lhutn he ever coPE hat femptahen

alerWG ( n e to khw abezut- is oajoh sm

hd lore fer ws kacher, ayler ha Come to knns
abcaatfh Sad ess e h n e rde ouc tordilg
to ohih Hadig Erenh to be xeplateol oith
eb O2 saus in etts Yemórsel ts hawig
ighoxedlganhies Erenchu He wals to lecnh all
th rech ib just ne_ jpewod.He _also veng
Sael abeut he dypantwe qws kacher wich
Shass hs Othutiea touoAd hib

4 Juhy th ttle h staghe last lersen

he_htle s StryThg_last lewin Se
whole strgJevolves ancaund ihe
nebieviles 1he
h#le he beginni a Sty Sezves 0
psupanahe yor t : fhe htle aalse CcnVeys
the Cuaral Hheme H Strs-Hu haet Hat
tiby o
Seme hmes eweh u most preG a
urGve a taken fer Jrkd: 1he peale
L Sace baer 24ve m leh im jpeth Ce o e
hoth fDAgue Pre.
7huy id hof eve inSist hair children to ppay
ny alehn to heir languoge The, d not
huy a sCpdar alt encdan Ce 2 heir chi ldic,
r e n d Clons. h reper ves ildyes to wor
and Com instead q Stuodying 1he onder y
Bey lin bmackhm re alise he ipertru a 2
n om0 hex tngee So, Hu ateded M Hapel
ant lensn altogether Thu Ha hHe
lant LeM juhje

had Sohsb sv kihg ur in the

ganbaboy dwn
ne is he and whee ho he Come
trm 7
Sohob /0bliuy r NnS hd upee
holes H
anba clunpsSembhes h thds o rupe
alen 7uypec hok er a Slver Cuh 1he y as
kpetnoing mre

Me Seumajo Ue Saheb has (me

He Come wih s mo thir in 19H. His honA wa
Sct v dst the 9xeLh aeld Dhale a S m s
luay huir 4elds and heme So he ut t-

3 hat explanahms cloes he auhoð fer br th

Children not weaning foot 2ean
he autthezCemeo UYOSS hnay Shoedem ra
picke Cildren , he heig hbow hornd. Acrrci

bnc hrrtb hat k b Counby Haveve, hs

Duukhe ichlg znehhens hat Collih it beadia

dos tub'n

3 s Saheb happ oerhi k at he ka Shell?

Saheb hot happs wris at the ka
ftal_He paid goo rupey aned al bs heals
t ha has lost kis ex dem His face hay los
hu Canefue lov. The skd Contzwntr SChs
hCwier hun he planbc bap He no lmp
a Ser vart at h
s ewn mak He w ay
Ha Stul!

h a t rahes tha cit ep Eiozabad jamro

2 ozaba! aknas. ds zlars bangho
he olau u hu Cb e blosi
q c i a'sslo blosig
Lndur es

5 Menh Hu hazands wrbig in he 2las

bangles indushies
h e bobal mabeyrs La m publs
Ta glom industies hy hawe to wak hhe
ding cells hent ay d ghl iste he
inh enperature u Hunhaue. The _lunt
npol poiskhg tu bihgls in junve o eys
1he be (me adrlts 1hnir eyes AC m Cre
oh uked to u daak han v thu ght_nuts.de

6 Ha u Mkes'S atri to his situahi

dprerte hak g is Omi?
Mubesh belengs to a p 4rily 2 baslh
mabe, Bt s ah tude ove ikheren
tam wsfarby. He wwts to bzeak ujuly
troshen buyl n alihy. He g danihg ahd
duhrhined He hoo hooes Qkd doeosHe
ants o be moBor m echawc.
hot Cold
GChct be Scmne he
beasers r he
migahen th þecple ron villages tt
huu au mah t s Hhat Cawne ig Yob 2 on

perple a m ViLAages to ohe Cre viloars

Voltanil mue to Hhu Ghe Seanch s a
bet Gvice u healh_lauli he er.. Otors
r ud to igrak e n natural disarkrs Lhe_
elood, stum dreught f
aruhi, eft deshroy hu
hweshd_ppehesHistury ha_ecorbs e
Dange scale ujaja Lawmd wans

InHus lesens os Spi Sahub nel hisai

igak4 to Setnajelwu trem Dhaka a e
he e wens derryed i He Strhas
Deep Water
ha e he i sadventune
boylas Speaks abaut
leannt Susimmi
iliam Deuglas hod jut bnuser
day eght eun yean old bia
ibto 1fut
piche hum y and tossed him e oah,
po»l. He hit
deyo enl q Hu VMCA
Smace a Sitiha posih. He
Qrl uwent at ene to he bottem: He
heanlg died His

3 hat weu thu Seies q emoiems d pans

that Doga Las erpenenCed whun he o a s
make to
intohe polt ? LOhat plans cic he
Cme to Hu Suafau
Duglas LsasYaighienec Lohun bu uwash7wn
to the_pool Hevever,He ww net yightehtd
ent q bs oik. Lohile Sihkis dusn he mae
a pln He weud nahe c big dunpb uyhu
i s us hit _he kolten: He boeud Cerne to
SLunjake he a rh ie lat en it , ahd
paddle to e ecdge q oom

3 Hos da His erperiene othet bim

e hlan cuath Crpevenu d reusins hadla
vey Shon impau on i s oAy Cho lou He
uoas deypl perhunbed cnd shaken by t
Lohele eptiee AA haunhhy an wak
tol Centrol. is
byical s bengh. and
Cmohenal bal un Ce nahy
ylans. s ha
Ceuldh beo bing Snauhded bwaer, h

h y wa Deugkos duka hihtd to t oe, lws

Deujlas S1egelted beg deypied q jcybg

cfea uivibeo lke Cmoei 6ohva
S imir s et he wis to enj hu
n d C7avih to ejaun his Losf (emfldun,
wile beihy oakr , h bmade hin a eve
ossi b l o to et icd his tan He was
ihally able tocvexCemt is mental h tadi cop
by Geltihs hisel a Swimiba ihs truetan
Qnd u h r eStui a t a o eSid ual faa

5 o id ho nbuutes build aswimmez

k ouglas
h e insruuo4 buill a S i n e r Out q uglas
held hum
piele by Piee. uz ree menths he
kis belt He Loet
|h9h Cm A upe atabed p
ah ovd th aloSS popl Paric Scizd
Outhor eveny hme 1he ihS uut tousht Bougla
to put his atu hder thocate and erhale and
to rase is ho se _Cnd inhale The Doug Jas had
to kik toith kis legs ur ran eeks hll.
theu 2clave Agke, Scwe menths Hh instrae.
tor told Lim fo Seoibm lunyh pacod.

6 Hao did DougPas make 3me that he Cnu

ened the old krTor
Even Cyher Soi m i s trahins was e r auJlon
h a h ' t Cem clet abut his 6twimihs
a t hu had ovey Corne he oan. He acs
detr mined to Com pletely get id e it e
He shoim_alsme ib he Jou He went to
Lale wet uer t todive Thua he ecd eve
possibls stoke he had LoanhtHe kms
bauh e hha veg veshges e r c z h c t
pped him i h biddle. t t take bnal
is divihy exjpenoi ben i n e w m m
Lahe , he realisedhat he had tneltneby
C m Uentcd is Old lerca
A 3lUM1

2: hat olo yeu thinh i tha toloun Soun Cream2

wh do han ink jpoet has used His epe-
S i to oescnbe e clans om 4oalls ?
Soun CYea ndicates 1hs. Cole (rro er d stz
phke 1he Poet hag wrd has erprC)1 o dstnbe
the por uull Ud l l qupped huirerpreta
Llam1m. 1he tvalls weu pwnled Jon) og0
bdemahns Co Hhn ho lhen hs
eu veth to thum. ne see e he,e t e
C1dre a E adds to u duil anbon o

3:uwalls cluu6m as_dh cercukkd wih h

pictmus q'Shakespe ane, buildings wih drabs
Has cdo
Onld bnajosnd beaubal Valey 2
fhne Cemrt oih He werld e t u Cildre
A Hhu totull (emrat wh u wald
C ldre b SLu. 1hu 9ck hag eclueahns
alue Lduuahen hu Children A hiia!
ahd to howe h e oictues Lhich a u Sgha bolk
ualty educoben o jhlng Cus heu.1h
bwloihs oith clomes anu rclapl
t thur 1 rld
Wrld hae uworld Uhkhasn
mop 1>lewt_to n becaur ha SAurs
u r w alok [wnbot be locat! b ttn inalls, he
beauspu valle, i h JaVerS d Capes w meawig
leo to Hhu 1hag jut hase Ha poluedcky to
o a t yhem h brokes, orhdoy pnea. heAe

Cldns au dpnvrd hatural Leauty

4 ohad cloes he pwd ont r Hu cildrun

Aldren e
slwms Hao Coh huir ves be made
H e wats H dildun ths Slun to ve tan
uto Hu ntside wold,
sto behend Hu brurdrues
h e iy SAus, cnd expvne b e t a pteus
ho elaenty
Suu doe hot SeUe a pu7posa w i Us

po Inrasbutme Uhd Sinteustes Stucdess

1he poet hauls hat he gevezhaez, inspeehe and
Visi trsSharlcd inlbake to brhy abert a leas
Chany, uy Sihuahem 1o Chsme a better as
vi thuny hey, need o be e h pp
educahen Ohd e d m p m us jear
orett(emfiays (Baiks) Tuuy heed
hed yopextu
wtChlmasearet Qrol pbmiSm to be
oble toveAi with p n Se and 7et

IAhat will Cwh upto twetve and kcupig S

halyo us asieve
7Cowhy pto twedve trahes veshal hme kk e

Shll Hos bhe at va hime ve

t joae to trospel (sel Onalh,s) d rme

ost hu 1s Ond r I e
lauud by cee as se keyih pwe d hl url
uVe hecesa CMeel d nsune pe

D a %ou think poet aguocuk totd inukuk

ad death ?
No, he doeyn'E adwocaks eiHiyto tal in abu
He mah es d ru e deoHa as isbllnes
inah v *

Shdd not be (muud wih total

dooh t
eakl to t 1otl jn auhvit bnngs
dha%. His SAl
N ud han 'ho fruuk uwih
hwhul and hoshL human
meanshal hy

hu 'Salheu Hat h jooek sufers toDo

3 huk
jay D

pp oetrs to h Sadhes
h brem0 t n a eue
dersstn d n e sel
Kat he hulh
er Slen e . He alw hds tSa
i t d a g mei h3
uannao adios He eets e nyah
cut dm thers at hos hmade s fr p h
value e humaJ

Ohat Smbol o m Natuw does hhe poet

can be p dep
nvoke to Sa hat ue
a ppanhF_shI| hew

The poet _mes H s ymbok eq hu anth he

iuhak pont at Hasne canse le d
appanBt _shllhey.

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