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1. Define GIS.

A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer system for capturing, storing, querying,
analyzing, managing, and displaying geospatial data.

2. State the components of GIS.

 Hardware
 Software
 Data
 People
 Methods

3. Types of GIS models: – a) Binary b) Index c) Regression d) Process

4. What is mean by Spatial Data?

Spatial data, also known as geospatial data, is information about a physical object that can be represented
by numerical values in a geographic coordinate system.

5. What is Map?
A map is always a graphic representation at a certain level of detail, which is determined by the scale.

6. Define GI Science.
The discipline that deals with all aspects of the handling of spatial data & geoinformation is called
geographic information science

7. What is vector data?

Vector data comprises of individual points stored as coordinate pairs that indicate a physical location in
the world.

8. What is raster data?

Raster data is any pixelated (or gridded) data where each pixel is associated with a specific geographical

9. Which GIS application is used for displaying map layers and for making map?
Map legend

10. What are the differences between raster and vector data?
Raster data and vector data are two types of spatial data in GIS.
 Raster data represents data as a cell or a grid matrix. It is simple data Structure
 Vector data represents data using sequential points or vertices. It is complex data Structure

11. What is tessellation?

A tessellation or tiling of the plane is a collection of plane figures that fills the plane with no overlaps &
no gaps.

12. What are types of tessellation?

There are three types of regular tessellations: triangles, squares and hexagons.

13. What is mean by temporal dimension?

Temporal geographic information systems (GIS) are defined here as GIS capable of incorporating
temporality into geospatial databases and enabling spatiotemporal query, analysis, and modeling
A temporal dimension, or time dimension, is a dimension of time.
14. What is geographic phenomenon?
A process that can be named, georeferenced, assigned a time interval is known as geographic

15. What are types of geographic phenomenon?

Three Types : Geographic Fields, Geographic Objects, Boundaries

16. Types of geographic objects are : points, lines, areas, and volumes (3D).

17. Triangulated Irregular Networks (TIN)

18. What is map scale?

Map scale refers to the relationship (or ratio) between distance on a map & the corresponding distance on the

19. What are the GIS applications?

Directions on Map, Navigations, Crime analysis, Emergency planning, Land records management,
Market analysis, Transportation planning, Remote sensing with GPS, Precision farming

1. GIS is
a) Machine based tool mapping
b) Computer based tool mapping
c) Geographic-tool mapping
d) Geometric tool mapping

2. GIS technology integrates ______________

a) Common spatial database operation.
b) Common special database operation.
c) Common spatial query operation
d) Common special query operation.
3. GIS represents
a) Unreal Object
b) Real Objects
c) Mathematical Objects
d) Design Objects

4. GIS refers
a) Specialized set of information
b) Specular set of information
c) Specific set of information
d) None of above

5. Information technologies handles ______

a) Knowledge data
b) Geographic Data
c) Geometric Data
d) Design Data

6. Spatial Database Operation is ____.

a) Analysis
b) Graph
c) Image
d) Query

7. Web Based GIS handles geographic information on.

a) Internet
b) PDF
d) None of these


9. The geographical information system is also called as a geographic information system or geospatial
information system.

10. The traditional way of representing locations on the surface of the earth is in the 3 dimensional
coordinate system is by its latitude and longitude

11. A model is a simplified representation of a phenomenon or a system GIS modelling

12. Vector based reprsentation : Triangulated Irregular Networks (TIN)

Approximates the terrian with a set of non-overlapping triangles, is made of nodes(points) &

13. Data Quality refers to the ability of a given dataset to satisfy the objective for which it was created.

14. Not all Geospatial data are created equally.

15. Two primary attributes characterize Data Quality : Accuracy & Precision
 Accuracy describes how close a measurement is to its actual value & is often expressed as a
 Precision refers to the variance of value when repeted measurements are taken.

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