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As you move into working with individuals as a case manager, you will be making

decisions on a daily basis that can change lives positively or negatively.  It's essential
you understand what your motivation is, and the importance of making ethical decisions
in your role. 
So far, we've talked about identifying your values and principles, the values and
principles that go into ethical decision making for counselors.  We've reviewed the role
of ethical decision making in case management and you've read about various models
to help with ethical decision making.   
For this paper, I'd like you to pick one of the ethical decision making models from the
previous page that you feel would best work for you to go through an ethical question. 
I'd like you discuss why you chose that model and how you feel it can help you in ethical
decision making in your profession.  Feel free to use examples (real or hypothetical).  
Models: 1. Traditional models 2. Contemporary models 3. Collaboration.
Your paper should be at least 5 pages long and should be in APA format.  (Title
page and reference section doesn’t count toward the page total, and no need for an
PLEASE reference the rubric for grading scale. 

Ethics Paper Rubric

Ethics Paper Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is
linked to a Learning
OutcomeDecision 20 pts 10 pts 0 pts
Making Model Full Marks Partial Marks No Marks
The writer has Writer provides Writer mentions Writer doesn’t mention
rationale on why they ethical decision any of the ethical
provided a discussion
chose a particular making models but decision making models 20 pts
about which ethical decision making doesn't discuss the or any of the reasons
decision making model why it meets rationale as to why why they would have
model that they feel their needs as ethical they chose a chosen it had they
best meets their needs issues arise. particular model. mentioned it!
for ethical decision

This criterion is 10 pts 5 pts 0 pts 10 pts

linked to a Learning Full Marks Partial Marks No Marks
OutcomeCase Writer provides the Writer simply lists Write doesn’t
Management explanation regarding how benefits but does discuss the
Ethics Paper Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

Paper discusses how
this decision making model not provide any benefits of this
the decision making
will help them depth discussion. ethical decision
model will help them professionally. making model.
professionally in the

This criterion is
linked to a Learning
OutcomeMechanics 10 pts 5 pts 0 pts
Paper should adhere Full Marks Partial Marks No Marks
to APA formatting, Paper is in APA Writer attempted Paper is a hot mess, no
format. Minimal APA formatting. attempt at APA formatting,
have proper grammar, spelling and Multiple spelling could be with cut and pasted 10 pts
spelling and punctuation and punctuation sections, multiple fonts , poor
punctuation. It should errors. errors. spelling, grammar,
look like a college punctuation, crayon marks,
paper. etc.

Total Points: 40

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