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Global Economic Challenges ESSAW, COMPBERMON GUIDEMNES hoste alling for undergraduate mics and ound the arid to participate on this year Economix Essay Competition. The 19th Economix is back ith the grand theme of ‘A Ni e of Poverty: The This theme focuses on three major sub-themes; Meeting The Basic Need Providing | for Social Mobility, and Impro. Ing Quality of Governing Institutions. Participants are required to pick plore or sub-themes. We invite students to critically analyze the issue of po basic need appre ‘0 development approach, or an institution: solutions. ho posse: ation 2 t In Poi bmitted be of the Ist De Es include: ifically, from a approach by cetera] aN) 8 og (e) eect) Ta ered a oom 09 eee Sr Tr a} Sy es 04 Table of Contents ey, Sec! orien 10 era SS CONTENTS eX Sed od eet 0s Brrr ory emscoutelaale eae GRAND TEIEME A New Wave of Poverty: The Need to Empower the Underprivileged Global poverty has seen a massive decline since the 1850s-when about 60% of the world’s population lived in ‘extreme poverty. Today, that number has been reduced to below 10%, with hundreds of millions of people lifted above the line of severe deprivation. Yet despite this progress, forces of conflict and climate change have slowed down poverty reduction in recent years. Even worse, the COVID-19 pandemic compounded the detrimentality of these forces. This wave of virus has provoked a reverse to over 20 years of progress. For the first time since the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997, a new wave of poverty arises. The World Bank estimated that there will be between 143 to 163 million pandemic-induced global new poor, 82% of which live in middle-income countries. More people are living below the absolute poverty line of int$19 a day, a condition that is hard for most of us to even imagine. Families sharing one plate of starchy food a day, far from enough for their children to grow healthy and productive. Children receiving little education, if at all. People living in poor hygiene and health because they simply can not afford to care. One unexpected crisis—a storm, a sick parent—and these people go to bed with empty stomachs. The issue of poverty is not new. Yet the expansion of its magnitude due to COVID-19 pandemic heightened the urgency to talk about this problem, This enlarged magnitude does not only stem from the rising number of poor headcount, but also from the deepening severity of poverty. Amidst the pandemic, the poor and vulnerable are disproportionately Impacted. The saying "COVID-19 does not discriminate" is not fully correct. Without the privilege of living on their savings and having remote work options, staying at home is often not viable. Consequently, the vulnerable are at higher risk of getting infected (Patel et al, 2020). This indubitably regresses the poor's quality of life even further. The battle against poverty that we are fighting in now also comes with a new challenge—the different nature of the existing poor and the new poor. New poor, defined as those whe would have gotten out of poverty and those who fell into poverty after the pandemic broke, consists of a lot of urban-dwellers, Inevitable economic downturn due to the halt of economic activities for health purposes have dragged many urban people into poverty. This phenomenon leads to a change in the structure of the poor where 30 percent of the global new poor will reside in urban areas, compared to 20 percent of the existing poor (Paramo, 2020). Due to differences in socio-economic background, education level, and employment pattern, these two groups require different policies and programs to be Implemented. The challenge lies in adapting the design of social protection programs, both in targeting and delivery, to be altered towards the respective groups’ characteristi With the widening and deepening of poverty, social empowerment towards the vulnerable and underserved is tial. Through effective empowerment efforts, those living in poverty can meet their basic needs and jentually find a way to escape the poverty trap. Another crucial piece of the poverty puzzle comes down to the governing institution within a country. Establishing inclusive economic and political institutions allows countries to spur long-term growth (Acemoglu & Robinson, 2012), Said condition determines shared prosperity, the pace of poverty reduction, and even the possibility of a reduction itself As renowned anti-poverty economists Banerjee and Duflo put it—a push on the right lever can make a huge difference, but it is often difficult to know where that lever is; above all, tis clear that no single lever will solve very problem. As the biggest economic event held by students in Indonesia, Economix aims to drive the discourse on the imperative issue of poverty from all disciplines. We are delighted to provide opportunities for everyone to analyse the root and impact of poverty, and even better to design a framework that can act as “the right lever” in the fight against humanity's long standing problem For this year Economix, we will add three sub-themes, participants have to choose one sub-theme from the options after this page. ee Re ave: ! ee BT oat aa In the past decades, extreme poverty refers to those unable to meet the basic needs such as housing, food, and healthcare, which has been the main ountries, Sustainak ing poverty are being affirmé ertheless, this pand uation leave: pointing toa line in the programs for sustainable development, leading to a possible growing cris al dimension over the next few years. There is, therefore, an urgency to be emphasized in these matters, ple in y h nit their ability live in slum areas are designed tc a highe! of being infectec curring mic. While having a higher chance, t nals and critical car Slumars the problems for housing. Housing problems for the world underprivileged, which revolve around homelessness, slur ateas, and housing policies enacted, Homelessness refers to those unable to develop economic, social, and environmental policies that facilitate affordable and sustainable housin ple in poverty also face fo% fescribed a: gular acces Nations Food and Agric amme) untries du ver, if talking about marginalized groups, significant racial disparities in food insecurity that existed in a country bef ID-19 remain in the wake of the pandemic and tend to ha he primary factors are bound: mple, such individuals at risk r 7 s proper health re. The spacts—for individuals and their far ommunities and countries, Government support to provide alleviation tials like i, and healtheare and plays a key role in th underprivil Participants may pick one or more aspects of basic needs, such as but not limited to foodjnutrition, healthcare, and sanitation, declaring a notion about the issue, and coming up with a substantive solution regarding the issue. Participants may also present real cases and government programs associated with the basi ty to deepen their analys) 04. | the sub-themes For Paper Competition ST] oat Taal way Poverty has always been embedded in unemployment and underemployment. For the poor, labor is often thei sting meaningful op erty reduction and >nomic grow! tial to provide dece F that provide The insufficiency of social mobility may be detrimental to economic growth. The w: he complexity of this issue is one that lve itself. Therefore, social mobility tools are needed to promote mobility, including education and job creation, Education helps set an environment tunities that could f life. However, this in it amilia termine guarantee jobs crucial to mol ning inequality by benefitting cues surrounding t ground of in ution regarding the problem. Participants may anal ‘mobility and add recommendations as they see fit. ‘The Sub-Theme For Essay Competition | Q5 Subtheme 3: which ces, jally health and education, reach the p raightforw do, indicate that and th jenomena but also social and polit ¢ are institutions, v welfare is influenced by institutions both . Instit st government policies, which influence the developmental and distributional and then aff elfare. Institutions also have a dir ence on the rate and efficiency of e development. Government 2 also tra institutions. Thus, the impact al welfa ns have been tryin: enable politicians and government officials bated by corruption and inefficient go may require the restructuring and imp ts ure accountal | stability. The Participants are expected tc at nations face in solving ins from determining the notion of institutional reform and finally participants may also give ticular i ugh itis not obliged to do so. Participants may also deepen their analysis by in real cases of 06 | the sub-themes For Paper Competition The competition is open to all undergraduate students enrolled in any recognized college or university Only entries made by one single individual will be accepted for the essay submission, This competition is free for international delegates and charged RpS0.000,00 for Indonesian delegates. Registration fee cannot be refunded under any circumstances. Each participant can only submit one essay addressing one of the sub-themes of the Essay Competition of the 19th Economix ‘The essay must be written in formal academic English, The essay must be an original scientific essay that has never been used in any other competition and/or published before. aoa 1. The length of the essay is restricted to 1000 words, excluding cover, table of content, references, tables, charts, and graphs. 2. The essay must be submitted digitally in PDF and Word format. Format requirement: * The font is Times New Roman with size 12 and spacing 15. * Normal margin (2.54 cm for all), # The paper size is A4. © Allist of references that follows the American Psychological Association (APA) format must be attached to the essay. The use of any other referencing format, such as the Chicago format with footnotes, is not allowed, The essay must have a title and not titled as any of the subtheme or grand theme Please download the cover and statement of authorship of the essay templates and follow the format carefully. All formats for the essay and examples of past participants essay’s can be downloaded through 3. The content of the essay must not contain any information about the institutional origin of the writers. The cover format must follow the sample format provided by the committee that will be attached at the end of these guidelines. Submission Terms and Conditions When submitting their work, delegates must also submit the Statement of Authorship and the Biodata Form within the same email Any form of plagiarism will result in an automatic disqualification. The committee will only accept essays with a Turmitin similarity index below 15%. It is the responsibility of the participant to ensure that their essay does not infringe on the copyright or intellectual property rights of any third party or any other laws. By entering, the entrants, including the winner, agree to allow the free use of their names, photographs and general locations for publicity and news purposes during this competition, emscon UE LA PCT on is final and not subject to appeal. No correspondence will be entered into. There ack on any entries, either during or after the competition. Entrants retain all rights to their entries, but taking part in the competition implies accepting that the 19th Economix and Kanopi FEB UI retain unlimited, non-exclusive rights to reproduction without further ays may be published by the 19th Ec x and Kanopi FEB Ul. There is no any of the essays will be published by either organization, ‘The 19th Economix and Kanopi FEB UI r ight, at their and information about participants without obtaining further any payment whatsoever to the participant for any commerci advertising, trade or promo ‘The 19th Economix and Kanopi FEB UI reserve the right to modify the for publication purposes. ‘The 19th Economix and Kanopi FEB UI will not be responsible or liable whatsoever nature suffered by any party due to any delay and/or failure in submitting entri competition. The 19th Economix and Kanopi FEB Ul reserve the right to disqualify any participant that they determine is submitting material that is deemed to be offensive, ‘The 19th Economix and Kanopi FEB UI reserve the right retion, the competition is not capable of being lute discr ight to substitute a pi unavoidable. ‘The competition is not open to anyone whe Writing style (10%) Analysis and data (30%) Results and conclusion (80%) Relevance (15%) Citation and references (15%) OTe ee The written Essay and the evidence of the be submitted in PDF format to with "The 19th Economix Essay Competition Name" as the email subject. As an email attachment with the file name of: [Essay_Name_Institution]* Exampl Iniversitas indonesia at 23:59 pin a separate file. Call for Essay Submission : July 12th - November 30th, 2021 Winner Announcement : January 3Ist, 2022 aner Us$ 200 inner: US$150 Us$ 100 An additional prize of e-certificates will also be given for the 10 essays with the highest scores. Ce eae ed See ole yong Pee ee UCL orc BTR eres Oo oa Oe ene eee eee ee eer eee > a \ Ts | ‘Submission | Timeline | Awards| QQ July, http rerse-due-t COVID-19 and rural communitis cting rural vid-19-and-rural-communi Deolalikar, A. B, Brillantes, A le of institutions in developing a. Manila: ADB, FP early warnings on acute food insecurity: March to July 2021 outlook 4 Insecurity as Barriers to Health Care Among Low-Income American eine, 21). doi.) 10 y, (2021). Retrieved July Nl, 2021,

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