Dcgomez Summary and Critique Paper Final Exam

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Dexter C.

Gomez 05/02/2022
ED-302/ETEACHSCURR Ma’am Darlina Formoso

Final Exam: Article Summary

The research article that I choose entitled English Language Proficiency and Academic
Performance of Philippine Science High School Students. The purpose of this study was to see if
there was a link between English language proficiency and academic performance in Science,
Mathematics, and English among the 216 Grade 8 students at Philippine Science High School in
Northern Luzon. This study was founded on Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP),
which defines the relationship between students' cognitive and linguistic processes and academic
performance. Language proficiency is divided into two levels. These are the BICS and the CALP
(basic interpersonal communicative skills). The BICS concept denotes the students' informal
language. According to the researchers, every child acquires BICS and learns to communicate in
their native or first language. CALP, on the other hand, reflects a combination of language
proficiency and cognitive processes that influence a student's academic success. The researchers
believe that the English language proficiency of Philippine Science High School Grade 8
students affects their academic performance in Science, Mathematics, and English. This research
believes that if students have a strong command of the English language, they are more likely to
excel in their academics, particularly in the subjects mentioned.

The descriptive-correlational design was used in this study because the goal was to describe
students' English language proficiency and academic performance levels. The study also aimed
to correlate the two to determine their relationship. This research was carried out at the three
campuses of Philippine Science High School in Northern Luzon, which are in the Ilocos Region,
the Cordillera Autonomous Region, and Cagayan Valley. The schools are three of thirteen
campuses in the Philippine Science High School System, a specialized public high school in the
Philippines run by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST). Using the purposive
random sampling technique, 80 percent or 216 of the 270 Grade 8 students enrolled in the
identified three campuses of Philippine Science High School were chosen as samples. This figure
was deemed adequate to represent the entire population. The data on the students' English
language proficiency were derived from the NCE Test along with Verbal Aptitude. The data
were provided by the school system's Admission Committee. Meanwhile, data on students'
academic performance in Science, Mathematics, and English are being collected. English was
extracted from students' report cards in Grade 7. These were provided by each campus's school
A. Students’ Level of English Language Proficiency
One of the study's concerns is to determine and describe the level of English language
proficiency of Grade 8 students at Philippine Science High School based on their NCE along
Verbal Aptitude scores, which tested the students' skills in grammar, vocabulary, and reading
comprehension. 148 students, or 68.52 percent, passed their NCE language proficiency test with
scores ranging from 25 to 50. up to 36 Meanwhile, 39 students (18.05 percent) received a
passing grade. 29 students achieved a very satisfactory level. Notably, none of the students are at
the excellent or poor level. Notably, the mean level of language proficiency among the students
is with a standard deviation of 5.66, the value is 30.05.
B. Students’ Level of Academic Performance
Another goal of the study is to determine students' academic performance in Science,
Mathematics, and English based on their grade point averages (GPAs) in their Grade 7 report
cards. Apparently, English is used as the medium of instruction in these subjects. According to
the academic performance of the students in science, 77 (35.65 percent) belong to the very good
level, 69 (31.94 percent) to the good level, 29 (13.43 percent) to the outstanding level, and 26
(12.04 percent) to the very satisfactory level. Notably, two students have a highly exceptional
level, and three (1.38 percent) have a fair level. Nobody falls into the excellent or poor
categories. Furthermore, the mean GPA of Science students is 1.90, with a standard deviation of
0.28. The academic performance of the students in Mathematics. According to the table, 56
(25.93 percent) of the students are at the very good level, while 43 (19.91 percent) are at the
outstanding level. On the other hand, 35 (16.20 percent) are in the good range, and 31 (14.35
percent) are in the very good range. Meanwhile, 21 (9.72%) students are at the satisfactory level,
17 (7.87%) are at the highly outstanding level, and one (0.46%) is at the poor level. The students'
GPA in Mathematics is 1.83 on average, with a standard deviation of 0.41. The students' English
academic performance. According to the table, 63 (29.17 percent) of students are at a good level,
50 (23.15 percent) are at a very good level, and 50 (23.15 percent) are at a very good level. 48
(22.22 percent) to the very good level, and 48 (22.22 percent) to the very satisfactory level.
Evidently, 38 (17.60%) are at the outstanding level, 11 (5.10%) are at the satisfactory level, and
three (1.38%) are at the highly outstanding and fair levels, respectively. The mean English GPA
of the students is 1.94, with a standard deviation of 0.31.

Students' grades are determined by their grade point averages (GPAs) in their Grade 7 report
cards. The mean GPA of Science students is 1.90, with a standard deviation of 0.28. According
to the table, 56 (25.93 percent) of the students are at the very good level, while 43 (19.91
percent) are at the outstanding level. Evidently, English is used as the medium of instruction in
these subjects. In science, students have a mean GPA of 1.90, with a standard deviation of 0.28.
According to the students' academic performance in science, 77 (35.65 percent) are at the very
good level. Nobody is classified as excellent or poor. Two students have a very high level, while
three (1.38 percent) have a fair level. The average GPA in Mathematics is 1.83, with a standard
deviation of 0.41. According to the table, 56 students (25.93 percent) are at the very good level,
while 43 (19.91 percent) are at the outstanding level. The mean English GPA of the students is
1.94, with a standard deviation of 0.31. Evidently, 38 (17.60%) are at the outstanding level, 11
(5.10%) at the satisfactory level, and three (1.38%) at highly outstanding and fair levels.

Based on the findings that conducted in the Philippine Science High School in Northern Luzon
has examined students' English language proficiency and their academic performance in English,
Science and Mathematics. The study concludes that majority of the Grade 8 students at the
school have English language levels belonging to the satisfactory level. It also concludes that
there is a significant relationship that exists between the students’ proficiency in English and
their performance in Science, Mathematics and English.

English teachers at Philippine Science High School should keep up to date on new approaches,
methods, strategies, and techniques for teaching English. This can be accomplished by attending
language and literature teaching seminars, trainings, and workshops. They will be able to
implement new ideas in their teaching and improve their students' English proficiency because of
this. Students in Grade 8 at Philippine Science High School should understand the significance
of English language in learning Science and Mathematics concepts. They must comprehend the
English language as a system and the roles of its constituents in order to comprehend its demands
on academic tasks and eventually gain skills to address the role of academic language in their

Critique of the paper by IMRAD

The goal of this study was to determine whether there was a link between English language
proficiency and academic performance in Science, Mathematics, and English among the 216
Grade 8 students at Philippine Science High School in Northern Luzon. BICS (basic
interpersonal communicative skills) and CALP (basic cognitive processes that influence a
student's academic success) are the two levels of language proficiency. According to researchers,
students who have a strong command of the English language are more likely to excel
academically which I agree.
The NCE Test, along with Verbal Aptitude, yielded data on English language proficiency. In
Grade 7, English was extracted from students' report cards. Students' academic performance in
Science, Mathematics, and English is being tracked. Using the purposive random sampling
technique, 216 of the 270 Grade 8 students enrolled in the three campuses identified were chosen
as samples.

NCE and Verbal Aptitude scores of Philippine Science High School students were used to assess
their skills in grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. With scores ranging from 25 to
50, 148 students, or 68.52 percent, passed their NCE language proficiency test. Notably, the
students' mean level of language proficiency is with a standard deviation of 5.66, the value is
30.05. The academic performance of students in Science, Mathematics, and English was
determined using their grade point averages (GPAs) from their Grade 7 report cards. In these
subjects, English is used as the medium of instruction. Science students have a mean GPA of
1.90, with a standard deviation of 0.28. According to the table, 56 students (25.93 percent) are at
the very good level. 35 (16.20 percent) are in the good range, while 31 (14.35 percent) are
excellent or good. For English students, there is no such thing as excellent or poor.

The grade point averages (GPAs) on students' Grade 7 report cards determine their grades.
Students in science have a mean GPA of 1.90 with a standard deviation of 0.28. According to the
table, 56 students (25.93%) are at the very good level, while 43 (19.91%) are at the outstanding
level. English is clearly used as the medium of instruction in these subjects.

Students' English language proficiency and academic performance in English, Science, and
Mathematics were assessed at the Philippine Science High School in Northern Luzon. According
to the study, most Grade 8 students at the school have English language levels that are
satisfactory. It also concludes that there is a significant correlation between students' English
proficiency and their performance in Science, Mathematics, and English.
In my Opinion, English teachers at Philippine Science High School should stay current on new
methods, approaches, strategies, and techniques for teaching English. Attending language and
literature teaching seminars, trainings, and workshops can help them achieve this. As a result,
they will be able to incorporate new ideas into their teaching and improve their students' English
proficiency. Students in Grade 8 on the other hand in Philippine Science High School should
recognize the importance of the English language in learning Science and Mathematics concepts.

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