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Wastewater treatment: Activated Sludge

Have you ever wondered what happens to the wastewater produced by our homes when
we wash dishes, take a bath, poop, or do laundry? Does the wastewater go directly to our
environment? If not, how do they get treated?
In this video, we are going to be talking about how wastewater is treated using Activated
But before we go there, let’s first discuss what is wastewater treatment.
What is Wastewater Treatment?

wastewater treatment, also called sewage treatment, is the removal of

impurities from wastewater, or sewage, before it reaches aquifers or natural
bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, estuaries, and oceans. The use of
wastewater treatment dates back to the earliest civilizations of Egypt and
Mesopotamia, but significant developments were primarily made during the
19th Century in England where outbreaks of cholera were traced directly to
well-water supplies contaminated with human waste.
Why is Wastewater treatment important?
The predominant method of wastewater disposal in large cities and towns is
discharge into a body of surface water. In fact, suburban and rural areas rely
more on subsurface disposal. In either case, wastewater must be purified or
treated to some degree in order to protect both public health and water
What are the things needed to be done? Suspended particulates and
biodegradable organics must be removed to varying extents.
Pathogenic bacteria must be destroyed. It may also be necessary to
remove nitrates and phosphates (plant nutrients) and to neutralize or
remove industrial wastes and toxic chemicals.
How do you remove those particulates and organics?
Primary treatment removes about 60 percent of total suspended solids and
about 35 percent of (biochemical oxygen demand) BOD;
Now the Secondary treatment, which is where we can find the activated sludge
process, removes more than 85 percent of both suspended solids and BOD.. 

What is Activated Sludge?

The activated sludge process is a procedure in which oxygen is added to sewage. The process
itself involves disturbing and agitating sewage in an environment that is rich in naturally
occurring oxygen.
When added to raw sewage, this activated sludge oxidizes any organic solids within the sewage
and will also help to separate any solids that have been dissolved into the sewage mixture,
making filtration easier further down the line.
To further explain the process, take a look at this clip from:

Now that we know the activated sludge process, here are 3 advantages and disadvantages of this

 The system itself does not cost much to install, providing a good return on initial investment.
 There are very few odors or pests involved, which makes hygienic, safe, and convenient
operation easy.
 The process is relatively efficient, and there should be very little loss of pressure within the


 The process may not be suitable for all types of industrial wastewater, which may make it
inflexible for some businesses.
 The initial capital outlay may be low, but ongoing operating costs of aerating and recycling
the sludge can be high. These costs will add up over time.
 Reduced effluent quality if there are any changes to the volume or type of sewage being
delivered, for example, as a result of storm surge.

To conclude, Treating wastewater should be encouraged time and again because
this will not just help save water thereby paving the way towards a healthy and
sustainable environment, but it will also prevent water-borne hazards that put
millions of human lives at stake. 7j


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