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Data Driven Plan-Action Research


Education is a continuing process which goes on throughout life. It is not merely a

preparation for life but it is life itself. Hence, it stressed that educating a person means helping
him develop all his potentials to the optimum. Moreover, at any point and at any level of
education, the process aims to develop the person to become his best.
The aim of education is an education for living. It gives meaning and direction to all
people do – including not only what, but how and why they might learn any technical
Teacher must promote learning. This is the reason why teachers need to translate useful
information to improve student achievement and to make teaching and learning efficient and
Steps in Guidance Utilization Framework

 Awareness of Data

 Extraction of information ( Action Research)

 Dissemination of Information

 Utilization of Data

 Feedback

Translating Data into Information

 Problem

 Assumption

 Guidance Data

 Result and Discussions

 Conclusion

 Plan of Action

The Significant Influence of Math Teachers

Students’ Performance

I. Problems

1. To what extent do the teachers influence the students’

2. What plan of actions can be further done to increase the
influence of teachers to students to promote learning?

II. Assumptions

Acquisition of learning can be best measured

when mental ability is correlated with their academic
performance. Learning is promoted when academic
performance show significant degree of influence by their
mental abilities. (Rohde & Thompson, 2007)

III. Guidance Data

1. Mental Ability Test Results
2. Third Quarter Academic Performance
Descriptive Statistics of
Mental Abilities and Academic Performance

Table 1

Mental Ability Third Quarter

Grade Level
  Mean Verbal Mean Verbal

Grade 6  4.72 Average  87.33 Above Average 

Table shows the average mental ability of grade six class during the school year 2021-2022
gained the mean of 4.72. It can be also gleaned from the table that the third quarter grade is
above average with mean ratings of 87.33. It can be inferred that mathematics teacher is
committed and responsive to the needs of the learners. According to Alcantara (2022), the
overall efficacy of elementary mathematics teachers depends greatly on their gains in trainings,
further studies, experience, and active participation in research. Moreover, the finding also
implies that the average level of learner’s mental ability can result in high level of performance if
the parents’ support is present (Alcantara , 2022).

Measure of Influence of the Academic Performance to Mental Ability

Table 2

Adjusted R Square Significant- Value Decision

Grade Level
Grade 6 47.52 % 7.74 x 10 Significant

Table 2 shows the measure of influence of the academic Performance to Mental

Ability of the learners. The adjusted R Square value of 47.52 % and Significant Value of 7.74 x
10-34 is less than 0.05. This indicates that there is significant correlation between the academic
performance and Mental Ability of the learners
IV. Conclusion

The researcher, therefore, conclude that the teachers’ efforts, help

and guidance given to the students of various grade levels are of significance in their
learning and progress.

V. Plan of Actions

1. Give students the fundamentals they need to succeed in Math, to build solid
foundation on their Math skills, to help them reach the level of Math skills
required for their grade level, to provide students with another method of
approaching Math, to enhance their interest in learning, to stimulate their thinking
and reinforce the effectiveness of teaching.
2. Enhance and master his/her mathematical skills, to advance his/her speed and
accuracy in computing and solving, to improve his/her analytical, critical and
logical thinking in solving problems and to develop a deeper appreciation of
Mathematics and its application in real life situations.
3. Inform/notify the parents or guardians of the students of their children’s progress
in the subject and to advise them to continue supporting their sons and daughters
with their love of Math by spending time with them as they work on activities that
will develop their computational and problem - solving skills.
4. Strengthen the content knowledge and leadership skills of Math teachers.
5. Provide reinforcement for those who got the lower grades base on the data.
6. Help math teachers remain abreast of developments in other grade level.
Disseminate “best practices” for math teaching and learning through professional
development activities.


Alcantara, A.A (2022) “Management of Numeracy Instruction in Public Elementary Schools in

the Division of Batangas Province”, IJRESM, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 215–217, Jan. 2022.

Rohde, T. E., & Thompson, L. A. (2007). Predicting academic achievement with cognitive
ability. Intelligence, 35, 83-92.
Quarterly Grades
Mental Ability
Grade Scale Verbal
Description Grade Scale Verbal
95-100 Outstanding Description
34-48 Above Average
90-94 Nearly
Outstanding 17-33 Average
85-89 Above average
0-16 Below average
80-84 Average
75-79 Below Average
70-74 Poor

Adjusted R Square Significance

Needs to be converted to percent
If the value is = or lower than 0.05
the interpret it as SIGNIFICANT if not
Tells the extent in numerical form then NOT SIGNIFICANT
I. Project Description: II. Rationale:
Teachers slightly managed in exhibiting accuracy in
Project MIND mental arithmetic. Hence, it is imperative to focus on
focuses on the synergy this area of concern. Instead of simply performing
calculations through memorization, mental arithmetic
of augmented activities
aids in the development of a true understanding of the
that would help mathematical methods of arithmetic. However, many
mathematics teachers teachers rely on rote memorization, which the students
absorb. As a result, they had poor numeracy skills.
perform and recognize This is the very reason why this project is
the importance of quality conceptualized to establish strong content knowledge
in teaching numeracy. Likewise, this will assist them in
instruction through strong
becoming effective and efficient mathematics teachers
content knowledge. It contributing much not only to their performance but
promotes a broad also to the school’s performance as well. The
strategies in this specific project were conceptualized
interpretation of mental
to provide enough knowledge about this matter. The
calculation and identifies activities included are intended to complement the
principles that underpin existing learning and development programs but
targets the unique needs of elementary mathematics
teaching. This is
teachers for the enhancement of numeracy instruction.
designed to open a new
III. Project Objectives
dimension to the learning Mental arithmetic may appear to be difficult work, and
process. Teachers under to some who struggle with math, it may appear to be a
frightening prospect. Hence, the implementation of this
this project are expected project MIND will be of help to teachers address these
to be well-versed in the challenges.
Specifically, it aimed to:
relationships between
 Enhanced teachers’ content knowledge in
math content and math teaching numeracy
methodology.  Keep up with the best practices in math
 Provide a variety of learning activities to
improve instruction

Project MAM (Mental Ability in Mathematics)

Project MAM aimed to assesses the level of mental ability of the

learners in terms of knowledge of content in Mathematics. The teachers will
utilize Purdue Non- Language Test, the standard test was designed to measure
mental ability of an individual. This innovation could increase teacher’s
instructional efficacy in implementing Math activities based on needs of the
learners. Consistent use of this strategy is most significant both for the teachers
and the pupils as it will spearhead an educational practice aimed at developing
mentally alert pupils. Through this project, the parents may also be encouraged
to guide their children in accomplishing Mental Math activity sheets provided by
the teachers as part of their performance task in Mathematics in order to
increase their critical thinking. Since one of the more important concerns the
parents prioritize, is an impressive academic performance of their children they
should perform their part.
Answer Key

PURDUE Non-Language Test

Item no. Item no.

1 D 25 E
2 A 26 E
3 D 27 E
4 C 28 D
5 C 29 E
6 A 30 D
7 C 31 A
8 E 32 B
9 C 33 D
10 A 34 D
11 A 35 A
12 B 36 E
13 C 37 A
14 E 38 A
15 C 39 A
16 C 40 C
17 E 41 E
18 E 42 C
19 D 43 D
20 C 44 D
21 E 45 D
22 C 46 B
23 C 47 B
24 C 78 B

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