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A Dielectrically Modulated GaN/AlN/AlGaN

MOSHEMT with a Nanogap Embedded Cavity for
Biosensing Applications

Aasif Mohammad Bhat, Arathy Varghese, Nawaz Shafi & C. Periasamy

To cite this article: Aasif Mohammad Bhat, Arathy Varghese, Nawaz Shafi & C. Periasamy (2021):
A Dielectrically Modulated GaN/AlN/AlGaN MOSHEMT with a Nanogap Embedded Cavity for
Biosensing Applications, IETE Journal of Research, DOI: 10.1080/03772063.2020.1869593

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Published online: 17 Jan 2021.

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A Dielectrically Modulated GaN/AlN/AlGaN MOSHEMT with a Nanogap

Embedded Cavity for Biosensing Applications
Aasif Mohammad Bhat , Arathy Varghese ∗ , Nawaz Shafi and C. Periasamy

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, 302017 Jaipur, India

In this work, GaN/AlN/AlGaN MOS-HEMT with a cavity below the gate towards the drain side is Biosensor;
studied for its sensitivity analysis and viability as a biosensor. The analysis is done by dielectric modu- Dielectric-modulated; DNA;
lation of the cavity region to emulate the presence of different dielectric biomolecules and charged Embedded cavity;
biomolecules by interface charge variation. MOSFET-based dielectrically modulated sensors have GaN/AlGaN; HEMT
been a success experimentally and this work extends and demonstrates this concept with GaN HEMT.
The device performance is evaluated through the shift in threshold voltage (V th ) and drain current
(IDS ), which are used as performance metrics. The proposed device structure simulations were per-
formed with ATLAS Silvaco device simulation tool which depicts the bio-immobilization in the cavity
leads to the changes in electrostatic properties like conduction band offset, two-dimensional elec-
tron gas (2DEG) sheet carrier concentration and channel potential. The simulation analysis reveals
V th and IDS shift up to 1.1 V and 153.7 mA/mm for the neutral biomolecules, whereas for deoxyribo
nucleic acid, the shift is up to 0.30 mV and 65.2 mA/mm, respectively, implying a highly sensitive
device. The AlGaN layer thickness and cavity fill height variations on device sensitivity are also

of silicon to biological agents in aqueous solutions and
The early detection of disease-causing pathogens in the low sensitivity limits its utility in bioelectronic devices.
wake of life-threatening diseases and globally trans- The quest to develop a highly sensitive and robust biosen-
mitted outbreaks has led to the increased demand for sor has led research focus on advanced materials like
biomolecular analyte monitoring and point-ofcare test- Molybdenum disulphide (MoS2 ) [4] and Gallium Nitride
ing (POCT). The research community aims for the (GaN), because of the favorable properties of superior
applications of environmental monitoring at the macro- biocompatibility and chemical stability [5,6].
scale and bimolecular interactions at the nano-scale. The
inception of the biosensor owes to the work of Bergveld GaN-based biosensors have become a rapidly emerg-
[1], who proposed the ion-sensitive field-effect transis- ing research domain because of its excellent sensitivity,
tor (FET) sensing charged biomolecules with low cost, reduced dimensions, quick response, simple detection
high sensitivity, rapid response and label-free detection, and possibilities of multi-array biosensor integration.
though it could not sense neutral biomolecules. Since These advantages stem from the inherent properties of
then a large number of silicon-based FET semiconduc- chemically stable bulk and surface properties, providing
tor nanostructures have been used to detect biological lower linear drift, higher mobility and higher satura-
analytes because of its well-known properties and estab- tion velocity giving faster response [7]. The polariza-
lished fabrication methods. The concept of dielectric- tion of GaN/AlGaN HEMT generates the electric field
modulated (DM) FET device with a cavity under the which pulls the surface state electrons to the empty con-
gate towards both the source and drain allowed the neu- duction band (CB) states at the heterojunction which
tral biomolecule detection also [2]. A label-free DM FET results in 2DEG formation [8,9]. The availability of 2DEG
biosensor with the ability to detect both the neutral and channel with high-density sheet charge concentration
charged biomolecules was proposed by Kim et al. [3], along with high mobility allows eminent sensitive detec-
taking into account both the dielectric and charge associ- tion of surface charge phenomena [10]. Due to all these
ated with the biomolecule. However, chemical instability favorable material attributes, GaN/AlGaN-based HEMT

*Present address: School of Engineering, Cardiff University, Cardiff CF24 3AA, United Kingdom
© 2021 IETE

structure provides enhanced sensitivity and increased

accuracy of living biological events with reduced chances
of damage due to static electricity. Many studies regard-
ing GaN/AlGaN material system have come to the fore
for the detection of different gases, biomarkers, pH test-
ing like H2 [11], CO [12], deoxyribo nucleic acid (DNA)
[13], Glucose [14], Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) [15],
Monokine induced by interferon gamma (MIG) [16],
Urea [17] and pH testing [18], respectively. Various struc-
tures have been developed over the time to enhance the
performance of gateless GaN/AlGaN HEMT [19] with
readout circuitry and reference electrode problems like
Au-gated HEMT [20], Disposable gate HEMT [21] and
Gate-pulsed GaN/AlGaN HEMT [22] architectures with
a subsequent complexity. The output through this work
is a gated MOS-HEMT DM detector as a highly sensi-
tive device capable of detecting both neutral and charged
biomolecules. The use of Al2 O3 passivation ensures uni- Figure 1: Schematic cross-sectional view of the GaN/AlGaN-
form oxide surface (sensing membrane), low defect den- based MOS-HEMT for Biosensing applications with 30 nm
sity, chemically stable characteristics, high electrical insu- AlN nucleation layer over sapphire substrate, 2 μm bulk GaN,
lation, high surface site binding density (8 × 1014 /cm2 ) 2 nm AlN spacer layer, Supply layer (Al0.3 Ga0.70 N) of thickness
(dAlGaN ) = 25, 2 nm layer of Al2 O3 over AlGaN layer, cavity
and reduced Fermi pinning [23]. Thus, the proposed length (Lcavity ) = 0.5 μm, cavity height (hcavity ) = 13 nm,
device architecture obviates the issue of readout circuitry gate–source separation (LGS ) = 2 μm and gate–drain separation
compatibility, reference electrode problems that include (LGD ) = 3 μm
in-deterministic noise and simultaneously provides a
good gate control of each device in array integration. This Ti/Al/Ni/Au and Ni/Au stack [18], respectively, where
paper presents a prototype of HEMT with an embedded afterwards SiO2 oxide is then etched to create the cav-
cavity and the rest of the paper is ordered as Section 2 ity of length 0.5 μm (Lcavity ) and 13 nm height (hcavity )
presenting the HEMT device structure and simulation on the drain side below a 1 μm gate. The source access
procedure. The results and discussions are reported in (LGS ) and drain access (LGD ) region span is 2 and 3 μm
Section 3 and sensitivity analysis is reported in Section for less resistance and mitigated electric field effects,
4, which are later summarized as conclusion. respectively [25]. The neutral analyte has only dielectric
constant associated with it, while charged biomolecules
have both dielectric constant and charge; therefore, anal-
ysis has been done for both neutral and charged analytes
by introducing them in the cavity below the gate. The
The proposed MOS-HEMT cross-sectional schematic absence of biomolecule or the empty cavity is consid-
analyzed in this work is shown in Figure 1. It has a 2 μm ered to have air with dielectric constant (K = 1) and to
thick undoped buffer of GaN having 2 nm AlN spacer consider different analytes in the cavity region its dielec-
layer to prevent the scattering of 2DEG and Al0.3 Ga0.70 N tric constant is varied (K > 1) according to the dielec-
layer of thickness (dAlGaN ) 25 nm over it. These epitaxial tric of the biomolecule. The various neutral analytes are
layers can be grown sequentially on a sapphire substrate analyzed by a user-defined oxide material introduced in
with a 30 nm AlN or graded AlGaN nucleation layer to the cavity whose dielectric constant is changed accord-
mitigate the lattice mismatch in between GaN buffer and ing to the dielectric of the biomolecule. The various
substrate. The use of Al2 O3 over Al0.3 Ga0.70 N layer serves biomolecules have possibility of being detected through
the double purpose of improving biomolecule adhesion this method; some of which are listed in Table 1 [26–28].
(providing more –OH bonds) and at the same time, its The charged biomolecules are analyzed by introducing
use will also result in lower leakage as it has higher fixed interface charge density (ρ) in cavity to reflect the
bandgap, higher dielectric material ensuring higher bar- effect of charged biomolecules. The positive charges at
rier for leakages and at the same time provide uni- the interface enhance the current (accumulation of car-
form surface, low defect density and higher scalability riers), whereas the negative charges lower the current
[24]. An SiO2 layer of 13 nm thickness is grown over (depletion of carriers), i.e. a change in threshold volt-
Al2 O3 . The ohmic source/drain and gate contact work- age and current occurs which can be used as sensing
function used are 4 and 5 eV which can be realized by metrics. GaN/AlGaN HEMT devices have high mobility

Table 1: Some of the biomolecules with their dielectric con-

stant and type
Name of biomolecule Dielectric constant (K) Type
Uricase [26] 1.54 Neutral
Urease [26] 1.64 Neutral
Streptavidin [27] 2.1 Neutral
Protein [27] 2.5 Neutral
Biotin [28] 2.63 Neutral
Cholesterol Oxidase (ChOx) [26] 3.28 Neutral
Glucose Oxidase (GOx) [26] 3.46 Neutral
APTES [28] 3.57 Neutral
DNA [3] 1–64 Charged

and saturation velocity because of the carrier confine-

ment at heterojunction, consequently slight variation in
drain-to-source voltage has a significant effect on the
drain current. The availability of inherent buried chan-
nel of depletion mode HEMT mitigates ionized and Figure 2: Model calibration of simulated results with the experi-
mental results of [30], V DS = 10 V
surface scattering of the carriers which makes them
a quintessential candidate for biosensor applications
[6]. The basic working principle of the GaN/AlGaN The simulation methods and models involved were vali-
MOSHEMT device is the modulation of polarization dated through calibration with the experimental work of
charge density at the heterojunction, as given in Equation [30] and a good match with the experimentally measured
(1) [7]. The modulation of CB offset occurs due to the response was obtained depicting background physics
introduction of different dielectric biomolecules which is accounted appropriately, as shown in Figure 2. Cal-
decreases as the analyte dielectric increases. The presence ibration is an iterative process and the agreement in
of charged biomolecules has the same effect as that of gate experimental and simulated results was obtained by
bias. The charged (positive/negative) analyte modulate first fitting pinch-off voltage (tweaking gate work func-
(increases/decreases) channel charge and hence current tion = 5.1 eV) and then on-state response by tuning
of the device similar to gate bias mobility and saturation velocity. The dimensions of the
σ ∈ox ∈AlGaN device used for calibration are the same as in [30]. The
Qpol = − [qϕb + EF − ΔEC ] (1) 2D simulation analysis of sensing behavior is performed
q q2 dAlGaN
for both neutral and charged biomolecules on ATLAS
where ∈ox is the permittivity of oxide,∈AlGaN and device simulation tool. The models that were invoked
dAlGaN are the permittivity and width of the barrier layer, for simulation study are concentration-dependent mobil-
respectively, qϕb is the gate barrier height of the metal on ity (CONMOB), field-dependent drift velocity (FLD-
the insulator, EF is the Fermi level in reference to CB edge MOB), Albrct, Shockley–Read–Hall (SRH), Polarization
energy and ΔEC is the CB offset. The threshold voltage and Calc.strain. SRH accounts for recombination effect,
for a MOSHEMT is given in the below equation, which albrct.n is invoked for accounting the low field mobility
clearly shows the dependence on the dielectric constant effects, CONMOB and FLDMOB to account for veloc-
and thickness of oxide and barrier layer [29] ity saturation, the polarization effects are taken care by
ϕb ΔEC ϕf qtox qt 2 polarization model and Calc.strain accounts for the adja-
Vth = − − − ρ − ox nox cent region lattice mismatch strain calculations.
q q q ∈ox 2∈ox
tox dAlGaN
−q + Qpol (2)
The MOS-HEMT energy band diagram for biomolecules
where ϕb is the gate metal barrier height, EC the CB of various dielectrics (K’s) with biomolecule charge den-
offset between the gate insulator and AlGaN, ϕf the sepa- sity ρ = 0 is shown in Figure 3(a). The cut line has been
ration of the Fermi level from the CB of GaN, ρ the charge drawn below cavity region from AlGaN into the bulk
density at the barrier/insulator interface,tox , ∈ox and nox GaN vertically. Due to the positive offset at oxide and
is the thickness, permittivity and average bulk charge AlGaN interface, the CB edge experiences an upward
density of oxide, respectively, and Qpol is the polarization pull at heterojunction with a slight decrease in the extent
charge density at heterojunction. Therefore, threshold of CB edge below Fermi level consequently 2DEG elec-
voltage is dependent on thickness and dielectric constant tron concentration at the heterojunction decreases [31]
of oxide and barrier layer. and this also decreases channel potential of the cavity

Figure 3: MOS-HEMT biosensor. (a) Band diagram with a cut line

drawn from AlGaN into bulk below cavity region and (b) channel
potential for different dielectric of biomolecules in the gate region

region as K increases, as shown in Figure 3(b). Figure 4(a) Figure 4: Transfer characteristics of (a) various neutral
depicts the IDS − VGS characteristics of the MOS-HEMT biomolecules having different dielectric constants and for
visualization (b) Uricase, (c) Biotin, and (d) APTES are also shown
biosensor for different target biomolecules having dif- separately
ferent dielectric constants and ρ = 0, Figure 4(b–d)
are shown to depict the variation in transfer char-
acteristics for Uricase, Biotin and APTES where the
shift in characteristics increases with higher dielectric
biomolecule. Due to the threshold voltage shift in neutral
biomolecules and charged biomolecules like the specific
binding of biomolecules antigen–antibody reactions or
DNA hybridization can be identified electrically with
ease eliminating the cumbersome and time-consuming
labeling processes. The magnitude of performance met-
ric, i.e. threshold voltage and drain ON current, is
insignificant from sensitivity point of view, rather the rel- Figure 5: Output characteristics of MOS-HEMT for differ-
ative change in these values is of more interest as it repre- ent dielectric constant biomolecules (a) V DS = 0 V and (b)
sents the device sensitivity. The device output character- V DS = −4 V
istics for various biomolecules are shown in Figure 5(a,b).
There is a relative shift of characteristics in downwards Table 2: Relative change in drain current and threshold volt-
direction, i.e. current decreases as the target biomolecules age for different dielectrics of biomolecules
dielectric constant increases. Also Figure 5(b) shows Change in
more relative change of characteristics, i.e. more sensitiv- Change in threshold ΔVth
current ΔIDS ΔIDS voltage ΔVth (mV)
ity. This is because the device is biased at VGS = −4 Vi.e. Biomolecule (mA/mm) (μA/mm) [32] (V) [32]
near maximum transconductance region. The analysis Uricase 35.1 374.7 0.3058 47–160
atVGS = 0 V (with no gate voltage applied) is done to Urease 41.3 0.4010
Streptavidin 70.6 0.5124
obtain the pure effect of biomolecules on conduction and Protein 94.9 0.7001
not the effect of applied gate bias. The change in threshold Biotin 103.2 0.8156
voltage and drain current in floating gate configuration ChOx 138.4 0.9778
GOx 147.1 1.0895
for various biomolecules of different dielectrics is listed APTES 153.7 1.1250
in Table 2.

The other category of biomarkers has charge associated where Figure 6(a) represents the IDS − VGS characteris-
with them besides dielectric constant. These are mostly tics for different charge densities (different ρ and K = 2)
negatively charged like DNA, PSA, MIG, KIM-1, breast and Figure 6(b) represents the output characteristics
cancer biomarker (c-erbB-2) etc. Therefore, the effect of showing a relative change in characteristics to detect a
charge density variation on the device electrical char- particular biomolecule species. The effect of charge dis-
acteristics is also analyzed, as depicted in Figure 6(a,b) parity is emulated by varying the charge density from

Figure 6: Variation of electrical characteristics for different

charge ρ in the cavity. (a) Transfer characteristics and (b) output

Table 3: Relative change in drain current and threshold volt-

age for different charge densities (different ρ’s and K = 2) of
Change in Figure 7: Channel conductance variation for different (a)
current Change in dielectrics and (b) charge densities. Relative change in conduc-
Biomolecule (mA/mm) threshold Vth(ChargedBio) tance for different (c) dielectrics of biomolecules and (d) charge
charge (ρ) ΔIDS(ChargedBio) (V)ΔVth(ChargedBio) (mV) [32]
densities of biomolecules
3 × 1012 122.6 0.2011 0.1–0.5
1 × 1012 54.3 0.1540
−3 × 1011 22.5 0.0781
−5 × 1011 39.9 0.0952 shows a decrease for higher k biomolecules, as observed
−1 × 1012 65.2 0.3001 from Figure 7(a). Upon the appearance of biomolecules
−3 × 1012 259.4 0.6102
−5 × 1012 501.8 1.002 with different charge density in the cavity gd changes, as
represented in Figure 7(b). As the negative charge density
increases, gd decreases rapidly proving the device resis-
3 × 1012 /cm2 to −5 × 1012 /cm2 which forms the detec- tance enhancement due to capacitive coupling of extra
tion limit of this device and the relative shift is listed in charged biomolecules in the cavity. The channel conduc-
Table 3. When a charged biomolecule such as DNA is tance shows a rapid fall to 25 mS/mm at 8 V depicting a
immobilized inside the cavity, the electrical characteris- good carrier confinement and device stability. The rela-
tics are affected by both dielectric constant and charge tive change in the channel conductance gd for neutral
density of biomolecule. The influence of charge neutral- biomolecules is shown in Figure 7(c). The minimum and
ization in solution is also investigated for both thresh- maximum relative change of 5 and 30 mS/mm is observed
old voltage and drain current shift similar to reported in APTES and Uricase, respectively. Also, the higher
earlier [33]. Actually, salt concentration to hold DNA charge densities show more relative change in channel
molecules intact in the solution is high as the phos- conductance as shown in Figure 7(d). Therefore, the pro-
phate group being there in DNA molecule makes it a posed device shows a resistive behavior of channel with
highly negatively charged biomolecule therefore when the drain bias and can be thought of as a resistive sensor.
put into the solution, charge neutralization occurs to
some extent which decreases charge associated with 4. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS
DNA. This effect has been captured by varying the charge
density of DNA from −1 × 1012 /cm2 to −1 × 1011 /cm2 The introduction of different biomolecules in the cav-
[3, 34] including highly charged and somewhat neutral- ity affects the electrical characteristics which changes Vth
ized DNA molecule. Therefore, charge disparity mani- and IDS corresponding to the dielectric and charge den-
fests itself as ΔVth and ΔIDS . From Figure 6(a,b), it is sity of the target biomolecule. Therefore, threshold volt-
observed that biomolecules with negative charge den- age and drain current shift can be measured and used as
sities have more relative change than positive charge electrical parameters to identify the biomolecule species.
density. The device shows a good initial channel conduc- Also in this context, we define threshold voltage sensitiv-
tance gd = 300 mS/mm. As gd is a performance metric, ity and drain ON current sensitivity for the neutral and
its higher value allows a good sensing performance [35]. charged biomolecules as
Initially, the channel conductance is the same for dif-
ferent biomolecules (different K’s and ρ = 0); however, S   (3)
V Air −V Bio
Vth = th th
it decreases with the increase in drain voltage. Also gd V Air

NeutralBio − V
Vth th
SVth(ChargedBio) = NeutralBio
S   (5)
V Air −V Bio
IDS = th th
V Air

NeutralBio − I
SIDS(ChargedBio) = NeutralBio

where Vth Air and V Bio are threshold voltage for empty
(K = 1) and filled cavity (different K’s and ρ = 0) and
Air and I Bio represent drain ON current for empty
(K = 1) and filled cavity (different K’s and ρ = 0), respec-
tively. Also for neutral biomolecules, we define rela-
tive change in threshold voltage as ΔVth = Vth Air − V Bio
and relative change in drain current as ΔIDS = ION Air − Figure 8: Shift in threshold voltage for (a) different dielectrics
Bio . Similarly, we define relative change in threshold of biomolecules (K’s) and (b) different charge densities (K = 2
and different ρ’s) and corresponding threshold voltage sensitiv-
voltage and drain current for charged biomolecules as ity characteristics for (c) different dielectrics of biomolecules and
ΔVth(ChargedBio) = (Vth NeutralBio − V ChargedBio ) and (d) different charge densities
ΔIDS(ChargedBio) = (ION
NeutralBio − I
ON ), respectively.
NeutralBio ChargedBio
Vth and Vth
are the threshold voltage of
neutral biomolecule (K = 2) and charged biomolecule
(K = 2, differentρ’s), respectively, ION
NeutralBio and
ION correspond to the drain ON current of the
neutral (K = 2) and charged biomolecules (K = 2, dif-
ferent ρ’s), respectively, and SVth , SIDS are the neutral
biomolecule sensitivities and SVth(ChargedBio) and
SIDS(ChargedBio) refer to the charged biomolecule sensitivity.
The change in the dielectric constant of the biomolecules
introduced into the cavity varies threshold voltage.
If the dielectric constant of a biomolecule increases,
threshold voltage decreases, as shown in Figure 8(a).
The effect of charged analyte is also studied and the
shift in threshold voltage pattern for K = 2 and differ-
ent charge densities (ρ’s) is as shown in Figure 8(b) Figure 9: Relative drain ON current sensitivity for (a) differ-
depicting an increase in Vth as the positive charge ent dielectrics of biomolecules (different K’s and ρ = 0) at
density increases and Vth decreases for the increase V GS = 0 V, (b) different charge densities (ρ’s) with K = 2, (c) dif-
in biomolecule negative charge density. The sensitivi- ferent dielectrics of biomolecules (different K’s and ρ = 0) at V GS
ties are measured in absolute terms. Figure 8(c) repre- = −4 V, and (d) dielectrics of biomolecules at different charge
densities (K = 3.57, 5, 7, 10 and different ρ’s) calculated from
sents the relative change in threshold voltage for neu-
Equation (6)
tral biomolecules which shows rise with the increase in
dielectric constant of the target biomolecule. The inset
in Figure 8(c) shows the sensitivity pattern for respective of MOSHEMT, a relative change in IDS is plotted for
biomolecules of different dielectric constants. Figure 8(d) different VDS and VGS . Figure 9(a) depicts the charac-
shows the relative change in threshold voltage pattern teristics for different dielectric target biomolecules with
for charged biomolecules showing higher threshold volt- respect to the drain voltage without any gate bias. The
age shift when the negative charge density increases graph depicts an increase in relative change or sensi-
when compared with positive charge density. The inset tivity of drain current as the drain voltage and dielec-
of Figure 8(d) shows the bar graph representation of tric constant of the biomolecule species increases. The
sensitivity for different charge densities (K = 2) depict- maximum and minimum relative change observed is
ing the effect of charge density variation. To observe 153.7 mA/mm for APTES (K = 3.57) and 35.1 mA/mm
the effect of drain and gate voltages on the sensitivity for Uricase (K = 1.54), respectively. The sensitivity for

Figure 10: Variation of input and output characteristics for DNA

charge densities (ρ) in the cavity for K = 5. (a) Transfer character-
istics (inset shows the threshold voltage sensitivity) and (b) drain
ON current sensitivity characteristics

Figure 11: Threshold voltage variation for different (a) dielectric

different charge densities is represented in Figure 9(b), of biomolecules and (b) AlGaN layer thickness and (c) threshold
where we observe an enhancement in sensitivity as the voltage sensitivity for different dielectrics and AlGaN layer thick-
ness. (d) Drain on current sensitivity for different dielectrics and
negative charge density increases. The maximum rela- AlGaN layer thickness
tive change in drain current observed is 501.8 mA/mm
for ρ = −5 × 1012 /cm2 and 22.5 mA/mm for ρ = 3 ×
1012 /cm2 . The sensitivity is also shown for a gate bias performance metrics is also analyzed. For this pur-
of VGS = −4V in Figure 8(c) showing increased sen- pose, the device with barrier layer thickness of 20,
sitivity with respect to no gate bias. The effect of neg- 25 and 30 nm was investigated. The threshold voltage
atively charged biomolecules is also studied for higher shows an increase as the AlGaN thickness increases
dielectrics. Figure 9(d) depicts the drain ON current from 20 to 30 nm for any dielectric of biomolecule, as
sensitivity for various dielectrics with different charges shown in Figure 11(a). ΔVth for considered dielectrics of
associated with them. The graph depicts that the sensi- biomolecules (K = 1–3.57) increases from 1 V for 20 nm
tivity of a particular dielectric biomolecule increase as to 1.2 V for 30 nm AlGaN thickness, as depicted in
the negative charge density associated with it increases. Figure 11(b). Figure 11(c) represents the threshold volt-
Also, the sensitivity for charged biomolecule shows a age sensitivity pattern for different AlGaN layer thickness
decreasing trend with the increase in the dielectric of and dielectric of biomolecules, depicting an increase in
the biomolecule implying a greater sensitivity when sensitivity for higher dielectric of biomolecule and slight
the dielectric of biomolecule is lower, i.e. biomolecule increase for the thickness of AlGaN layer. The bar graph
charge has dominating effect; however as dielectric of pattern for output current sensitivity are also shown
the biomolecule increases, the charge effect diminishes. in Figure 11(d) showing there is an increase in drain
As already pointed out neutralization of charge density ON current sensitivity with the decrease in AlGaN layer
corresponding to DNA are analyzed, the sensitivity char- thickness, because a thinner barrier will be more sensitive
acteristics are given in Figure 10(a) which shows the to the surface phenomena. However, there is a constraint
transfer characteristics of the device for varying charge of maximum and minimum AlGaN layer thickness for
densities in the cavity, the inset depicts the threshold volt- proper operation of the device as increasing it too much
age sensitivity. Figure 10(b) depicts the ON current sensi- will lead to a larger distance between surface and chan-
tivity showing the highest sensitivity for most negatively nel and decreasing it too much so that it becomes less
charged biomolecule. The obtained results are compared than the critical thickness of AlGaN layer leading to
with [33] implying normally ON device shows better per- no 2DEG/channel formation [10]. Therefore, sensitivity
formance for biosensing applications from the sensitivity optimization is done by choosing dAlGaN = 25 nm.
point of view.

4.2 Impact of Fill Height on Sensitivity

4.1 Impact of AlGaN Layer Thickness on
In a practical environment, there is a possibility that
the cavity under the gate may not get completely filled
The effect of geometrical parameters like barrier layer with the biomolecule under investigation; therefore, it is
thickness dAlGaN and fill height in cavity hcavity on the imperative to account for fill height of biomolecule in the

charged biomolecule species. ΔVth and ΔIDS obtained

for the considered neutral biomolecules is in the range
of 305 mV–1.12 V and 35.1–153.7 mA/mm, respectively.
The analyzed DNA biomolecule charge density shows
a shift of Vth and IDS up to 0.30 V and 65.2 mA/mm.
The variations in geometrical aspects of the device reveal
a properly chosen AlGaN thickness and maximum fill
height render the best sensitivity. The obtained char-
acteristics and enhanced performance metrics reassure
the feasibility of the device for high-sensitivity intelligent
biomedical applications.

Figure 12: Comparison of half-filled and fully filled cavity, for
The authors would like to extend their sincere gratitude to
different dielectrics of neutral biomolecules (a) threshold volt-
Department of Science and Technology-Science and Engineer-
age sensitivity (SVth ), (b) drain ON current sensitivity (SIDS )
ing Research Board for providing financial support through the
and for different charged biomolecules (c) threshold volt-
sponsored project [Grant no: YSS/2015/000174] to carry out
age sensitivity SVth(ChargedBio) and (d) drain current sensitivity
this research work.
SIDS(ChargedBio) calculated from equations (3) to (6).

analysis. The device behavior and sensitivity analysis are This work was supported by Science and Engineering Research
therefore studied for its fill height, i.e. fully filled and half- Board: [Grant Number YSS/2015/000174].
filled cavity (considering air on the top of the biomolecule
in remaining portion). For this purpose, the threshold ORCID
voltage and drain current variations are investigated in Aasif Mohammad Bhat
terms of absolute sensitivity. From the sensitivity point of -9885
view, a partially filled cavity has lower threshold voltage Arathy Varghese
sensitivity, as shown in Figure 12(a). For similar dielec- Nawaz Shafi
tric constant target biomolecules (ρ = 0), a fully filled C. Periasamy
cavity is more sensitive. This is due to the modulation of
the equivalent dielectric of the cavity region. The drain
current sensitivity for various considered biomolecules
(different K and ρ = 0) is also shown in Figure 12(b) at 1. P. Bergveld, “The development and application of FET-
VDS = 12 V and no gate bias. The bar graph representa- based biosensors,” Biosensors, Vol. 2, pp. 15–33, Jan. 1986.
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Authors Nawaz Shafi is working towards his PhD

degree in the Department of Electronics
Aasif Mohammad Bhat is working and Communication, Malaviya National
towards his PhD degree in the Depart- Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India. His
ment of Electronics and Communication, research interest includes modeling, sim-
Malaviya National Institute of Technology, ulation and fabrication of transistor-based
Jaipur, India. He received his BE degree in sensors.
ECE from University of Kashmir in 2010
and MTech degree in ECE from Jamia Mil- E-mail:
lia Islamia New Delhi, India, in 2018. His
research interest includes modeling, sim- C. Periasamy received BE degree in ECE
ulation and fabrication of transistor-based sensors. from Periyar University, Tamil Nadu, in
2002 and PhD degree in Electronics Engi-
E-mail: neering from IIT-BHU, Varanasi, India,
in 2011.He is now working as an Assis-
Arathy Varghese is working towards her tant Professor in the Department of ECE,
PhD degree in the Department of Elec- MNIT, Jaipur, India. He has published
tronics and Communication, Malaviya more than 65 papers in various interna-
National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, tional journals and conference proceed-
India. She received her BTech degree in ings. His research interest covers nanomaterial-based elec-
ECE from Government College of Engi- tronic and piezoelectric devices.
neering and Management Punnapra, Ker-
ala, India, in 2013, and MTech degree in Corresponding author. E-mail:
VLSI and embedded system from Saintgits
College of Engineering Kottayam, Kerala, India, in 2015. Her
research interest includes modeling, simulation and fabrication
of transistor-based sensors.

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