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선화예술고등학교 고1 음악 영어 창의적 체험활동 2


♣ Listen to the video clip (4:07~5:45 부분) and fill in the blanks
Todd Maher: You left a lot of this stuff like the “Been there, Done that” section, you left it

Walter: Yeah I think I skipped it.

Todd Maher: Okay, you got to help me out here, man. Don’t skip stuff.

Walter: I haven’t really been anywhere n_____________ or mentionable? 

*noteworthy: 주목할 만한, 현저한

=worthy of notice or attention; notable; remarkable; interesting

Walter:  I just live _____ the ABCs. Ad__________, B_________, C__________

       전 세가지 기본에 충실하며 삽니다. 모험하라, 용감하라, 창조적이어라.

*live by something: ~ (원칙, 신조) 대로 살다

① to live near something. ( )
We live by a lovely park that is filled with children in the summer.
② to survive by doing or using something in particular. ( )
She lives by her own skill and hard work
③ to follow a particular belief or set of principles ( )
That’s a philosophy I could live by.

Todd Maher: My man? Hey, my man… you still there?  회원님?  여보세요, 회원님…듣고 게세요?
 Walter:  Hey.  네.
Todd Maher: What? Did you pass ________ or…?  무슨 일이죠? 의식을 잃기라도…

*pass out: to become unconscious

의식을 잃다, 기절하다(faint); (비격식) 술에 떨어지다
He almost passed out with the pain. 
He had too many drinks at the party and passed out on the couch.
(그는 파티에서 술을 너무 많이 마신 나머지 의자에 쓰러져 의식을 잃고 말았다.)

Walter: No, I just like…zoned _____ for a second.  아뇨, 잠시 멍한 상태였어요.

*zone out:
to fall asleep, become unconscious or stop paying attention to what is happening around you
잠이 들다, 의식을 잃다, 멍해지다

When I'm dancing, I zone out and feel like I'm the only one in the room.
I was zoning out in the meeting after lunch.

Todd Maher: Oh, okay. Do you do that a lot?  오, 알겠습니다. 자주 그러시나요?

 Walter:  Ah…... normal amount. I guess. I…ah...I gotta run. Sorry.
         아… 평범한 수준이에요. 전 그만 끊어야겠어요.  죄송합니다.

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선화예술고등학교 고1 음악 영어 창의적 체험활동 2

Student ID:_____________ Name:____________

* ‘zone out’을 사용하여 자신의 문장 1개 적어보기!

(우리말: )

* Life Magazine's Motto (13:04~13:10 부분)

“To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, to draw closer,
to find each other and to feel. That is the purpose of life.”

세상을 보고, 무수한 장애물을 넘어, 벽을 허물고, 더 가까이 다가가

서로를 알아가고 느끼는 것. 그것이 바로 우리가 살아가는 인생의 목적이다.

* What is your Motto in your life? (자신의 삶의 좌우명을 영어로 적어보기!)

(우리말: )

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