Article X Trade, Arks

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Division of Archives, Patents, Copyrights, and


SECTION 32. Division of Archives, Patents, etc. – In the division of archives, patents,
copyrights, and trade-marks shall be kept such public records, papers, and documents
as may, in accordance with law or by order of the Governor-General, be deposited

The chief of said division shall be an ex officio notary public.

[644-1; 1407-3 (b).]

SECTION 33. Seal of Division. – The division of archives, patents, copyrights, and
trade-marks shall have a seal of such design as shall be prescribed by law or order of
the Governor-General.

Said seal shall be used on all certified copies of documents and papers issued by the
division and on all other papers upon which a seal from said office may be required,
whether in notarial capacity or otherwise.


SECTION 34. Information for Official Purposes. – Delivery of Original Documents. – The
chief of said division shall furnish or cause to be furnished without charge, for official
use, such information from the Insular archives and such papers and certified copies of
papers contained therein as may be requested in writing by the Governor-General, any
member of the Upper House of the Philippine Legislature, the head of any Department,
Bureau, or Office of the Insular Government, or by any provincial board or municipal

No original document or file copy of any documents shall be delivered to the head of
any Bureau or Office or to any provincial board or municipal council without the written
approval of the Governor-General or proper Department head.

The person or persons to whom such original document or paper or file copy is
delivered shall be held responsible for its proper care and custody while in his or their

[644-1 (3), (6).]

SECTION 35. Copies for Private Purposes – Fees. – Said chief shall also furnish, or
cause to be furnished, to any private person or persons making written application for
the same, one or more copies of any document or paper in the archives in which such
person or persons may be personally concerned and to which he or they may be
entitled, the same to be accompanied by a certificate of its correctness, if desired, on
the payment of the following fees:

For each certificate of correctness, with seal of office, fifty centavos.

For each folio, or fraction thereof, consisting of a sheet approximately two hundred
sixteen by three hundred thirty millimeters with proper heading, double space, and
approximately three centimeters margin, one peso.

[644-1 (5).]

SECTION 36. Seal and Signature on Certificate of Registry. – Certificates of registry of

trade-marks and trade-names shall be issued in the name of the Government of the
Philippine Islands, under the seal of the division and shall be signed by the chief of
division; and a record thereof, together with printed copies of the specific trade-marks or
trade-names, shall be kept by him in books for that purpose.


SECTION 37. Regulations Concerning Transfer of Trade-Marks and Trade-Names. –

Regulations prescribing the forms to be used in the transfer of the right to use trade-
marks and trade-names and the manner of the recording of such transfers shall, with
the approval of the proper Department head, be prescribed by the chief of Bureau or
Office to which said division shall pertain.


SECTION 38. Official Attachment of Division. – Until such time as the division of
archives, patents, copyrights, and trademarks shall be merged into the Philippine
Library and Museum, said division shall remain under the Executive Bureau.

[See 2572.]

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