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It had been a week since we’d non-stop sex.

Late one night, after having finished making

love, she turned to me and asked what I would think of her if she wanted to be tied up. My
arousal grew instantly in that moment.
The next afternoon we gathered everything we might need – a blindfold, soft rope, various
sex toys we had, plus some new ones. And once we were ready, we assumed our roles.
“I want you to kneel down on the floor and place your hands behind your back,” I instruct
her.  She nervously complies with my request. 
From a nearby drawer I remove a bundle of soft black rope and loosely secure her hands
behind her back.
I softly tug the hem of her blouse out from the skirt it is tucked into. Her movements halt and
her breath hitches as I undo each button and slide the garment down her arms to her bound
I unhooks the front clasp of her bra and then steps back to admire her half naked body. Her
chest steadily rises and falls with each trembling breath. I reaches out to hold and caress one
of her breasts, realizing in this moment just how helpless and defenseless her current position
has made her. She realizes it too and yearns for my flesh upon hers.
I take her left arm and assist her up to her feet. As she is guided into their bedroom her
anticipation intensifies, adrenaline courses through her. Once we near the bed I sends her
crashing down on the mattress with a slight shove. For a moment she loses her breath. It
calms shortly after, though her temperature rises as she feels the cool touch of silk sheets
spread out beneath her. 
“All you have to do is behave, and I promise, you will get through this,” I whisper into her
ear. I hunch over her, so close that she can pick up my masculine scent. She shutters, her
heart pounding in her chest. 
My mouth opens and closes over one of her breasts. Her nipple hardens while clenched
between my teeth. As I let go, it glistens with my saliva.
Her hips move in a way to suggest something coming to life inside of her. Something in need
of being released. 
I unzip the side of her skirt, and soon has her lying in nothing but a pink lace panty.  Using
my shoulders, I pry apart her legs, and rests my head on her pelvis. With my eyes closed, I
breathe in her aroma. 
She wriggles under my weight with desire, then sighs, relinquishing all control of her body.
Using a finger, I brush aside the lace covering her pubic mound. With her panties stretched
clear, I use my other hand to smooth her wetness over her outer lips. I take a quick sample,
lapping my tongue over her clit and sending shivers throughout her body.
With a forceful tug I clutch her panties in my fist, pulling and tugging the undergarment away
from her body. One last twist and the panties are reduced to a shredded mess on the floor. 
My right hand clutches her left ankle. Abruptly, I raise her leg into the air and take her cunt
into my mouth.
Her back arches as my tongue enters her. Amidst the tussling, she manages to free her hands
from behind her. She grips my head, holding me between her thighs. 
I heed her gesture, remaining in place. My tongue flicks around her clit, every so often
releasing the hardened bud to lap across the rest of her vulva. She pulls me in even closer. I
press my thumb inside of her pussy and brings her to climax. 
She loosens her hold of me just enough that I manages to back away from her. While
admiring her in this post-orgasmic state, I hope that I haven’t worn her out too quickly. 
Her chest rises and her hips gyrate. Her entire body brought to life by my tongue. 
My cock bulges before her. “Open your mouth,” I commands.
Stroking my swollen prick with my right hand, I watch eagerly as she spreads her lips
slightly. I step closer to her, observing as she instinctually readies herself to welcome me. I
angles my cock towards her gaping mouth, slowly feeding it to her. She lies still, taking my
full length. Her only movement is a hand brought to touch my hips as I steadily fuck her
I lean forward, supporting myself with one hand on her raised knee while lightly circling my
other over the slick folds between her legs. All the while, continuing to steadily thrust in and
out of her mouth. I sense myself nearing my limit and withdraw.
A look of agony overcomes her face, and she reaches her hands between her thighs to finish
“No, my love. I promise to leave you plenty satisfied,” I scold her teasingly while helping her
to her knees.
I retrieve the rope that previously bound her wrists from off the bed, and with it, binds her
forearms atop one another behind the small of her back. This time, I make certain she will not
escape as easily.
After instructing her to lie down on her back with her legs bent, she hears me working to
open a case of some kind.
I stand before our dresser, examining a pouch of various toys – vibrators, dildos, anal plugs,
and beads. In my hand I hold a spreader bar, which I fasten to each delicate ankle of hers
before leaving the room. 
When I return, carrying with me a bucket of ice, I pause and admire her lying naked across
our bed, blindfolded, arms bound behind her back. Ankles tacked apart by a cold stainless-
steel bar. 
“Would you like to have a little fun?” 
She nods, affirming her willingness to participate.
“Let me know if there is anything you don’t like,” I says, running a hand up her ass and
forcefully inserting 2 fingers. I set the bucket of ice on the floor beside the bed and twist a
vibrator down between the cubes. 
I lift the spreader bar in the air above her. Desperately wanting use of both hands, I secure
one end of rope to the center of the bar, loops its remaining length behind her neck, and tie
the other end back to the bar. Now, her legs are suspended above her, and I have full access
to her pussy.
 I sink in between her thighs, tasting her again. Her sweet flavor washes over my taste buds as
I swirls my tongue around her clit and pushes inside her.
And then, just as quick as I had taken her in my mouth, I was gone again. She writhes in
desire and against the restraints holding her in place. Her body stills and tenses in response to
a cool, pointed object tracing down from above her clit, moving between her labial folds, and
now circling her asshole. 
Relax she hears me say as the steel bulb of an anal plug is slowly pressed inside of her ass. A
moan escapes her mouth. I allows a moment for her to acclimate to the full sensation. And
then, with no thought, she begs me to proceed.
She hears the sound of ice being shuffled around. Then, the frozen tip of a chilled vibrator
glances across her nipples. With the press of a button, the toy whirs to life, and the breath is
nearly entirely expelled from her chest. Her body convulses beneath the cold, humming touch
of this vibrator. It is then replaced by the warmth of my tongue, sucking her stiffened nipple
into my mouth as far as it will go. 
She melts. And wonders how much more she may have to endure before I allows her to cum
once again. 
A gasp flies from her mouth, as I slip the cold vibrator between her lips and into her pussy.  I
presses the humming toy deep inside of her, bringing her body to quake. Orgasm rips through
her body. After her final passionate cry goes silent I remove the once cold device from
between her legs – now warm and coated with her cum.
She remains in a daze, but aware, as I undoes the rope attached to the spreader bar. With a
twist and a pull of the steel shaft, I manoeuvre her so that she now lies on her stomach with
her legs off the bed. 
I grins at the sight of the anal plug between her ass cheeks.
“Please,” she manages to form faintly between exhausted breaths.
“What’s that?” I leans in closely to her, sucking her ear lobe into my mouth behind my
“Please,” she says again. And then begs, “Fuck me.”
Without hesitation, I take my aching cock and thrusts into her pussy. She cries out in
pleasure, filled by my cock and the plug still in her asshole. I build into a steady pace,
supporting myself on her bound arms. Every so often I fully withdraw my dick before driving
my full length back into her. Having already cum numerous times, she nears her peak quickly
yet again. Sensing this, I grip her hips tightly and slam my body into hers. Cries of
satisfaction fill their bedroom one more time and I recognize that she has reached her limit.
I help her slide from the bed down to the floor, positioning her on her knees. Taking her chin
in one hand, I guides my wet cock across her cheek, tracing her jawline and prompting her to
take me again in her mouth.
She holds steady, allowing me to pace how quick she will suck me to completion. I clenches
every muscle I can to push as close to the brink as possible. The desire for release intensifies,
and when I can no longer stave off my climax, I hold her head and make her choke on my
dick and cum.
Once finished, I helps her to her feet, untie the rope and remove the spreader bar from her
ankles. I walk her in front of the full-length mirror and remove the blindfold from her eyes.
We admire the naked reflection of our post-coital bodies, and I lift her once again, and go
towards the bed. Only this time, there wont be any shoving, but just pure wholesome love and

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