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College of Mary Immaculate of Pandi, Bulacan, Inc.

“Title: Hapi yarn?: The study of satisfaction level

of Grade 12 ABM and STEM students on their

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Subject

“Practical Research 2 and
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion”
AY 2021-2022

Submitted by:
Uy, Ericka Lee, C.
Reyes, Abigail, P.
Marquez, Mark Rainier, D.
Sandil, Ara Jane
Junio, Joveth Kyla M.
Lazaro, Charlene, H.
Tumbado, Rizza Mae, V.
Yalong, Jennilyn, S.
Castro, Princess, C.
Castro, Catherine, D.C.

Accountancy, Business and Management- Grade 12 - Aguinaldo

“Hapi yarn?: The study of satisfaction level of Grade 12 ABM and STEM students on their

Abstract 1

A. Background of the Study 3
B. Statement of the Problem 3
Problem Elaboration and Rationale 4
Research Objectives
C. Significance of the study 6
D. Scope of the study 7
E. Definition of Terms
A. Expert’s View (as applicable) 8
B. Online or library search results 9

Chapter 3: FRAMEWORK
A. Conceptual Framework 14
B. Operational Framework 15
C. Hypotheses 16
A. Sampling design 17
B. Questionnaire 18
C. Data Collection plan 19
D. Data Processing plan 20
E. Data Analysis plan 20
F. Limitations and Assumptions 20
A. Respondents’ Profile 22
B. Descriptive Analysis 25
C. Inferential Analysis 26
References 28

Acknowledgement 29
1 – Resume of Group Members 30
2 - Sampling frame 32
3 – Pretest Debriefing 33
4 – Questionnaire 34
5 – Listing Sheet 36
6 - Photo Gallery 37
7 – MS Excel-based database 38
8 – PowerPoint slides used for Final Defense 39
“Hapi yarn?: The study of satisfaction level of Grade 12 ABM and STEM students
on their strands”



A. Background of the Study

The K-12 educational system has started arising in recent years in nearby

countries. This was due with the growing technological advancements, and demands for

the industry with skilled and equipped workforce are proportionately rising. In the

Philippines’ early adoption of the K-12 educational system, several concerns have been

raised regarding its implementation, mainly, the mismatch between coursework offered in

Philippine K-12 educational institutions with industry demands. (Almerino et al., 2020)

Due to this situation the incoming Grade 11 students are having difficulties in

making a decision on what strand they think suits them and thus once they started their

senior high school their satisfaction level over their chosen strand varied. Senior high

school provides more preparation for students before entering college. Therefore it is

very important for incoming senior high school students to find out which strand suited

them the most, in this way they can absorb the knowledge more proficiently as it is what

suited them.

According to Almerino et al., before the transition to the K-12 educational

curriculum, basic education in the Philippines consists of ten (10) years of study: six (6)

years in elementary education and four (4) years in secondary education. It has been this

way even back in the old days therefore it was quite a shock to the Philippine Community

when the K - 12 educational curriculum as established and approved by the late President

Benigno Aquino Ⅲ on May 15, 2013.

According to the K to 12 Curriculum Guide Science (2016), the program aims to

give students a collection of capabilities significant in the realm of work and in an

information based society. It imagines the advancement of deductively, mechanically, and

ecologically educated and useful citizenry who are basic issue solvers, capable stewards

of nature, inventive and innovative residents, informed leaders, and successful

communicators. This educational program is planned around the three areas of learning

science: understanding and applying logical information in a nearby setting just as in a

worldwide setting sooner rather than later, performing logical cycles and abilities, and

creating and showing logical mentalities and qualities.

In the Philippines the K - 12 program have senior high school curriculum on

which they offer an Academic track: Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM),

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics(STEM), Humanities and Social

Sciences(HUMSS), General Academic Strand(GAS), a Technical/ Vocational Track:

Home Economics (HE), Information and Communications Technology(ICT),

Agri-Fishery Arts (AFA), Industrial Arts (IA), Sports track and an Arts and Design track.

(Sarmiento & Orale, 2016, #18)

With this variety of tracks and strands to choose from, JHS students have

difficulty deciding on what strand they think best suits them. Because of this scenario,

several students mismatch their chosen strand with their respective fields of interests,

strengths, or future dreams, causing dissatisfaction, discontentment, and even lack of

motivation and interest in their selected track or strand. Dissatisfaction towards one's

chosen strand will lead to inefficiency and incompetence in the workplace and

unpreparedness for college. (GALLEGO et al., n.d.)

Common reasons for choosing their strand are 1) the negative and strong opinions

from their parents; 2) the influence of classmates or friends; or 3) lack of available tracks

or strands in their area of residency; and the like.

Thus, choosing a track or a strand is critical for JHS students because their

satisfaction, motivation, efficiency, competence, and preparation for college and future

career mainly depend on this decision.

This study is designed to assess the SHS students’ level of satisfaction of College

of Mary Immaculate students taking the Academic Track for Accountancy, Business, and

Management (ABM) and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

The researchers believe that this study is timely and relevant today due to the

rising number of JHS students who are undecided and confused on what strand they want

to choose between ABM or STEM. The need to investigate the satisfaction of students

taking these two strands will be conducted in this study.

B. Statement of The Problem

Problem Elaboration

The researchers observed that choosing the right strand for senior high school

students is very difficult; there are many things and factors to consider. Students have to

assess themselves on what field they are good at, in what subjects they excel in, what are

their strengths, weaknesses, and interests, these are the things they need to consider when

choosing a strand in Senior High School. Despite this, some things won't work in the way

the students want it, in their particular field.

This study aims to know the satisfaction level of Grade 12 STEM and ABM

students on their chosen strand. The study will discern what factors contribute to the

satisfaction level of Grade 12 STEM and ABM students. The study will determine what

are the difficulties, and challenges that affect their satisfaction level in their chosen field

or strand.

These are all the research questions conducted by the researchers, that they need

to ponder on to gather all the necessary data needed within this study;

Hence, the researchers intend to answer the following questions:

1. What is the difference of the levels of satisfaction of CMI grade 12 ABM and

STEM 12 students towards their chosen strand?

2. How does their satisfaction level affect their performance level in their chosen


3. What is the level of difficulty with their chosen strand?

4. What are the prominent characteristics of ABM and STEM that served as their

bases in selecting the appropriate strand for them?

This study is conceptualized in order to help them choose where they think they

belong in their chosen strand or where they believe the qualities they possess imply for

them ABM or STEM, and then to satisfy them with their selected strand.


The study aims to identify the difference of the levels of satisfaction of CMI

ABM 12 and STEM 12 students towards their chosen strand. Specifically, it intends to:

1. To determine the effect of their satisfaction level on their performance

level in their chosen strand.

2. To know the level of difficulty with their chosen strand.

3. To determine the prominent characteristics of ABM and STEM

students that served as their bases in selecting the appropriate strand

for them.

C. Significance of The Study

This research is important because it will be a great help to the teachers and

students that will enter the College of Mary Immaculate and this research might even

cause a great impact to their lives.

This study will benefit the following people:

The Incoming Grade 11 Students. This study will help the incoming Grade 11

STEM and ABM students to extend their awareness regarding their chosen strand. In

line with it, they will particularly know the characteristics of ABM and STEM students

that served as a basis in selecting their appropriate strand.

The Future Researchers. The result of this study will benefit the future

researchers as a basis and will answer some points that can guide them for the study that

they will conduct.

The Teachers. This research study can help the teachers of the incoming grade 11

students to give them the advice that can help these students pick the most appropriate

and most suitable strands for them once they enter the College of Mary Immaculate.

The Parents. Once this research is successfully conducted it can help the parents

of the incoming students to guide them much better once they enter Senior High School,

much more so when their children are still confused on what strand and path they should


D. Scope of the Study

The primary focus of the study is to determine the satisfaction level of Grade 12

ABM students and STEM students over their chosen strands.This study will be focusing

on the satisfaction factors that may affect the decision of incoming Grade 11 students in

what strand they should and would like to choose.

However the scope of the study is only among the Grade 12 ABM and STEM

students of the College of Mary Immaculate. We will not be including other strands and

we will also not include the college students of CMI.

The researchers will be using a random sampling in this study which will focus on

Grade 12 ABM and STEM students of the College of Mary Immaculate in Pandi.

The researchers will be gathering information in the use of surveys virtually

through google forms or other sorts of online applications.

E. Definition of Terms

K -12 - Is a term used in education for public and private school supported grades

prior to college. The updated basic school program where STEM and ABM track belongs


Strand - Refers to a path related to their future course that incoming students

choose once they enter senior high school.

Satisfaction Level - Is the perceived level of pleasure.

Senior High School - Refers to the last two years in the K - 12 program in which

they prepare the students for College.

ABM - Is a strand that tackles accountancy and business management.

STEM - Is a strand that tackles science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Grade 12 students - Refers to the graduating students attending CMI that will be

taking part in our research as respondents.

CMI - Stands for College of Mary Immaculate where the respondents come from.

Study - Refers to the act of learning and spending time discovering new


Educational - Relating to the provision of education.

Student - Is a person who is studying at a school or college

Decision - Refers to a conclusion or resolution reached after consideration.

College - Is an educational institution or establishment, in particular one

providing higher education or specialized professional or vocational training.


Preliminary investigation was conducted to find information related to the

objectives or research questions set for this study. Sources are interview of experts and


or library search. Following are the results:

Expert’s View

Research Question/Objective 1: How does their satisfaction level affect their

performance level in their chosen strand?

According to Mr. Jay Carlo Coquilla, a STEM teacher of College of Mary

Immaculate, based on his experience with the classes that he handled before, the

satisfaction level of a student does have an impact on their performance level. He noticed

how his past students' performance level improved a lot as he noticed how they become

more lively and chatty on their group chats showing their satisfaction with their strand,

the schools management and the teachers way of teaching. Mr. Coquilla saw a great

change in the performance level of his students. His students' grades on their activities

might not be perfect but they are all getting high scores. At this point it can be seen that

everyone has put an effort into their activities and they didn’t submit it just to avoid

missing an activity. This shows that a student's satisfaction level has an effect on their

performance, if they are loving what they do then they will be giving their best to finish


Mr. Coquilla recommended that for students to increase their satisfaction level

they should do three things; Focus, Time Management and Reward yourself. Students

must focus on their goals, let it be to have passing remarks or graduating. They must
remain focused after all there are bound to be temptations but they must persevere to

achieve their goal. Time management is a must. It might be difficult depending on a

student's situation but with time management they can avoid slacking off and spending

their time on nonsensical things instead of doing something productive. Another thing is

the students must not forget to reward themselves for it is a way to encourage them to

continue, there's no one that's gonna reward them, they must reward themselves. This

expert also recommended that to raise the students performance level the students must

have contentment and must condition themselves. They must see what they have and

appreciate them. Be resourceful, be creative, focus and persevere by then they will be

able to raise their performance level.

Now then according to an ABM teacher of the College of Mary Immaculate Ms.

Princess Shaira Fajardo, a student's performance level has an enormous effect on their

performance level. Because if the students are satisfied with their strand, they will surely

work harder and strive to show their ability. If the student, on the other hand, is not happy

with his chosen strand, it may have a negative impact on which the student will no longer

have a desire to learn.

As a teacher Ms. Fajardo states that it is important that they focus on the positive

effects of the activities they do. It is important that they make it spring within themselves.

If they only do their activities because of a deadline or because they are required,that is

wrong. Because they only do it to pass on and not to further improve themselves.It is also

important that they be happy with what they are doing. Be open -minded to things. And

always be prepared for change.

Research Question/Objective 2: What is the level of difficulty with their chosen strand?

Based on the interview with Mr. Jay Carlo Coquilla, a STEM teacher of College

of Mary Immaculate. He stated that everything is difficult and life is not easy. Both

strands of ABM and STEM are difficult. They are different in the subjects and topics they

study but both strands require critical thinking. He also stated that in every difficulty that

the students face they will be able to learn new lessons that they carry in life. If Mr.

Coquilla were to compare the strands ABM and STEM he could conclude that they have

the same level of difficulty but he said if an ABM student were to do what STEM

students and if STEM students were to do what ABM students do the difficulty will be

higher as they were not trained to that path. However, according to Mr. Coquilla, if he

were to rate the difficulty of the only strand he handles, STEM, with 5 as very difficult 4

as difficult 3 as slightly difficult 2 as easy and 1 as very easy then he would rate it 4 as


From that Mr. Coquilla advises students, especially the STEM strand that he

handles to not give up but instead to have preparedness and focus. STEM needs

preparation biologically , mentally , physically , psychologically , and spiritually as this

strand is not a joking matter and so are other strands.

Another expert of the College of Mary Immaculate, Ms. Princess Shaira Fajardo,

an ABM teacher, has an opinion regarding this matter. In her opinion there is no easy
strand. Everything is difficult. If it's the strand of ABM and STEM, it will be more

difficult if the student has no interest in the subject of mathematics. Such a strand

requires computational skills. And if we were talking about which strand is more difficult

if the premise is the qualification required to get into the strand, she would say STEM is

even more difficult. ABM students require an 83 or higher general average to enter such a

strand. Meanwhile, 85 and above general average is required in the STEM strand. But if

she were to rate the difficulty of STEM and ABM with 5 as very difficult 4 as difficult 3

as slightly difficult 2 as easy and 1 as very easy then she would rate it 4 as difficult.

If Ms. Fajardo is to give advice then she will give the term she used to say to her

students when there are still face to face classes. It is the phrase "I will try, not give up."

(Susubok ako, hindi susuko) No success is gained immediately. No one succeeds without

suffering. Suffering is included in the battle so it must continue.

Research Question/Objective 3: What are the prominent characteristics of ABM and

STEM that served as their bases in selecting the appropriate strand for them?

To answer this research question we interviewed Mr. Jay Carlo Coquilla a STEM

teacher of College of Mary Immaculate. According to Mr. Coquilla’s experience as a

teacher for the past 2 years, as he handles STEM students, he noticed a characteristic that

they have, which is resilience, even if they are being challenged they still persevere.

As a teacher he advises the incoming grade 11 students that before they choose a

strand they must be: Prepared, Condition yourself. Because the students are no longer
kids, they must learn to mature and accept the fact that they need to enter senior high

school as a preparation for college and for their path and future.

Because for Mr. Coquilla it is important that the students choose the right strand

for them for senior high school as a training ground that will prepare them for college and

for life beyond that. Imagine they choose STEM as a strand but when they got to college

they chose a course that's not aligned with STEM, if that's what happen then they will

have a hard time because they were not trained for that, its like putting a firefighter in

charge of operating patients in ICU. But for those students that chose a strand just to

graduate he advises them to have the courage to go the the strand that suited their

strengths because if they stay in the strand that don’t fit them then they will fail, They

have to pursue things that they can do, pursue what they are great at.

Ms. Princess Shaira Fajardo an ABM teacher of the College of Mary Immaculate

also states that she noticed that students that pick ABM and STEM as strands are either

good at mathematics or good in science. But either way she states the importance of

choosing the right strand because it also involves the course that the students will take in


The fitness of the strand is very important. The strand is the beginning of the

course they will take in the future. Example: The HM course will be easier for TVL

students because they already have prior knowledge of it. ABM students, on the other

hand, may find it difficult to keep up with being an HM because the preparation they got

when they were SHS is more suitable for the BSA or BSBA course. But if the students

already chose a strand casually just to graduate the only thing Ms. Fajardo says it won’t
be easy but she believes they can handle it especially if the course they choose is what

they really want.

Online Search

Research Question/Objective 1: What is the difference of the levels of satisfaction of

CMI grade 12 ABM and STEM 12 students towards their chosen strand?

According to Rivera (2018) the level of a student's satisfaction in a strand they

choose is, if the lessons acquire the knowledge or skill they have. A student can be

satisfied if he feels that the lesson meets his needs and expectations.

According to the study of ( Hegna and Smette (2016), the satisfaction level on

deciding what strand to take requires a great understanding of the different strands

offered. Your interests, strengths, and weaknesses must be considered to help you focus

on your field of interest. Amidst having so many options, many students are mismatched

with their strands caused by dissatisfaction. Some are taken over by parental pressure

causing them to take up the strand disinterestedly.

In summary the level of student satisfaction can only indicate whether or not their

wants and expectations were met. The fulfillment of a need or desire, the pleasure

acquired by a product's perceived performances (outcomes) in accordance with his or her

expectation, is the difference between the levels of Grade 12 ABM and STEM strand

satisfaction. If the performance is poor, the student will be dissatisfied; however, if the

performance is good, the student will be satisfied.

The level of satisfaction is based on how they feel satisfied on the strand they

choose. It's indicated also here in our choosing strand our interest, strength and

weaknesses. Many students are satisfied on the strand in abm and stem based on their

study experience and contentment, but some are dissatisfied because some are taken over

their parents decision causing them to take up the strand uninterestedly.

Research Question/Objective 2: How does their satisfaction level affect their

performance level in their chosen strand?

As stated in the study conducted by Manuba (2018), self-concept is the key

to specialization selection of students regarding their chosen strand. Students choose the

strand that would likely be compatible with their personality and specialization.

In addition, the relationship between satisfaction and academic performance of

both ABM and STEM students is important in contemporary higher education (Dhaqane

& Afrah, 2016). The higher level of academic performance was associated with students'

satisfaction in the aspects of their chosen strand.

In conclusion, (93%) illustrates that there is a significant relationship between the

satisfaction and academic performance of the students according to the study of Dhaqane

and Afrah (2016).

Some studies have revealed that students’ satisfaction has a positive impact on

students’ motivation, retention, recruiting efforts and fundraising. According to Arpidella

(2017), Cheng and Tam (1997) specifically disclosed that universities can best attract and

retain students through identifying and meeting students’ needs and expectations. To this
end, it is vital for universities to identify and deliver what is important to students. Hence,

Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) should acknowledge the fact that since they are part

of the service industry, they must be placing greater emphasis on meeting the

expectations and needs of students.

In evaluation the level of satisfaction directly affects the performance level of the

students in their chosen strand. Thus, if the satisfaction level of the student is low, the

performance level is also low. For example, if the student is not satisfied with his/her

current strand, his/her performance is also affected. As the study above indicates, the

satisfaction level has a positive impact on students’ motivation, retention and efforts.

Therefore, if the student has high motivation, high retention and performs with high

effort, he/she also has a high satisfaction level which directly affects the performance

level. In addition, the satisfaction of the student towards his/her chosen strand can lead to

inefficiency, incompetence in the workplace and even unpreparedness for college.

Research Question/Objective 3: What is the level of difficulty with their chosen strand?

According to Davis (2021) Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM)

were regarded as one of the most challenging strands in Senior High School. Being an

ABM student teaches your patience and responsibility, especially when it comes to the

activities and performance duties that we must do.

In addition, according to Biliran (2018) some of the difficulties that students in

this strand confront are the hefty load of specialist studies such as Physics, Calculus, and
Earth Science. The insufficient level of students often struggle with the mathematical

aspects of their scientific degree courses that may cause a problem.

In evaluation, to begin with, choosing the ABM Strand route will provide you with

several options to create and operate your own firm. You will be taught good time

management skills as well as many other abilities that will be useful in practically any job

path that you choose to follow.

And the level of satisfaction of student-respondents, with an overall mean of 84.06,

with 33 or 66 percent of respondents highly satisfied with their preferred strand and track.

Meanwhile, just 17 or 34% of the 50 responders are slightly satisfied.

It also implies that students who study this strand must be proficient in numerical

computation, remembering words and formulae, and analyzing and solving issues.

Students are also asked to perform research and experiments to see whether they can

apply the theories discussed in class. To succeed in the STEM strand, one should be an

analytical and critical thinker.

Furthermore, the Pew Research Center stated that (52%) of adults said that the main

reason why young people don’t pursue STEM is because the strand was too hard.

Research Question/Objective 4: What are the prominent characteristics of ABM and

STEM that served as their bases in selecting the appropriate strand for them?

ABM develops skills and competencies related to business. According to

(Antonio 2018) ABM helps students to understand financial matters and business

management. This gives many opportunities to students to hone their communication,

analytical, and time management skills. Pursuing the ABM track allows students to talk

with a diversity of people. And it will enhance their communication skills in their

business course. Analytical and also reasoning skills will be also improved as they study

about the different fields in this strand. And also business management skills, as they

continue to study the different areas in their field.

According to (Jolly 2014) STEM strand possess different skills in all major

subject areas. The set of skills are investigative, critical thinking, creative, teamwork, and

reasoning skills. These skills are vital and very useful in every aspect of their lives.

STEM focuses on mathematics and science skills. There are several characteristics of

STEM that engage students to choose it as the appropriate strand for them. STEM

involves a real-world problem, this is challenging for students to face and challenges and

difficulties as they apply what they have acquired in real-world tasks. This strand also

requires students to use their collaborative skills as they need to communicate with others

to share their ideas and knowledge. And also, students are more involved in science and

mathematics because it is their field. They view it as not a difficult subject, but a problem

that they need to ponder to come up with solutions. Transferable skills, innovations, and

personal and professional growth are the prominent characteristics of STEM.

Every strand has versatility in the terms of skills of the students that fits their

capability. While ABM strand taught students in terms of basic practices of financial

management and business operations. These abilities are prominent in any field. Also,

students who are studying ABM strand,will cope up with leadership, organization,

develop communication and collaboration skills. This will guide them to learn the reality

of life in this world. According to Antonio, Y. (2018), the ABM strand curriculum opens
the avenues for you to gain a more nuanced appreciation of the intrinsic elements that

made up the world of accounting and business management without having to go deeper

into the specialized complexities of mathematics fields.

According ro Siekmann & Korbel (2016). Economy requires additional

STEM skills and knowledge to support the Nation's productivity and prosperity and thus

remain competitive on the international platform. This strand focuses on advanced

concepts and topics compared to other strands. STEM strand ventures students to

understand how the world works and to solve different phenomena. In addition, STEM

education helps us to solve the challenges the world faces today and how it influences the

development of our society (, 2021)


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A. Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the satisfaction level of grade 12 ABM and

STEM students towards their strands.
This scale paradigm is a conceptual framework that illustrates the components

that contribute to Grade 12 ABM and STEM students satisfaction towards their strands.

This conceptual framework is meant to compare the ABM and STEM strands based on

the satisfaction level of the grade 12 students. Apparently the components that contribute

to the students satisfaction are matters about their school, subjects, the difficulty, their

performance, and their work immersion. All the terminology used in the diagram has its

conceptual definitions.

The satisfaction of Grade 12 ABM and STEM students of College of Mary

Immaculate towards the school management and how their school treated them based on

their strands.


The satisfaction of Grade 12 ABM and STEM students of College of Mary

Immaculate towards the teaching skills and methods of their standard teachers.

Work Immersion

The satisfaction of Grade 12 ABM and STEM students of College of Mary

Immaculate towards their experiences during their work immersion that was assigned by

their school.


It refers to how satisfied the Grade 12 ABM and STEM student of College of

Mary Immaculate is in the subjects they learned in their strand. It determines the

difficulty of their subject and on how much they have learned from these subjects


Refers to how satisfied the Grade 12 ABM and STEM students of College of

Mary Immaculate are towards their performance in their strands.

It refers to the difficulty level of the Grade 12 ABM and STEM students of the

College of Mary Immaculate towards their chosen strands. It also pertains to the

challenges they face in their current strand.

B. Operational Framework

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the satisfaction level of grade 12 ABM and

STEM students towards their strands.

This Operational Framework is a paradigm of a scale as well. However, with this

framework, it was intended to show how the terminologies given in the conceptual


will be measured. The following are the process of measuring the concept:
Satisfaction level towards their school on a scale of 1 to 5

The scale of the sat satisfaction of Grade 12 ABM and STEM students of College

of Mary Immaculate towards the school management and how their school treated them

based on their strands

; 5 - extremely satisfied, 4 - satisfied, 3 - slightly satisfied, 2 - dissatisfied, 1 - extremely


Satisfaction level towards their teacher on a scale of 1 to 5

The scale of 1-5 on their satisfaction level towards their experiences on their work

immersion wherein 5 - extremely satisfied, 4 - satisfied, 3 - slightly satisfied, 2 -

dissatisfies and 1 as extremely dissatisfied to measure this concept.

Satisfaction level towards their subjects on a scale of 1 to 5

The level of satisfaction towards the subject of Grade 12 ABM and STEM

students of CMI, can be measured in a scale of 1 to 5. Wherein 5 depicts extremely

satisfied and 1 depicts extremely dissatisfied.

Satisfaction level towards their work immersion on a scale of 1 to 5

The scale of 1-5 on their satisfaction level towards their work immersion wherein

5 as the extremely satisfied and 1 as the extremely dissatisfied to measure this concept.
Satisfaction level towards their performance on a scale of 1 to 5

The performance of the students is measured based on their satisfaction with their

chosen strand by rating it on the scale of 1-5, in which 5 is extremely satisfied, 4 is

satisfied, 3 is neutral, 2 is unsatisfied, and 1 is extremely unsatisfied.

Difficulty level of their lessons and activities on a scale of 1 to 5

The difficulty of the students is measured by the difficulty level of grade 12

students based on their chosen strand by rating the scale from 1–5, in which 5 is

immensely difficult, 4 is difficult, 3 is faintly difficult, 2 is effortless, and 1 is immensely


C. Hypothesis

Set A

Null: The satisfaction level of Grade 12 ABM and STEM students of College of Mary

Immaculate are equal in terms of:

● School management

● Work immersion

● Performance

● Difficulty

● Teacher

● Subjects
Alternative: The satisfaction level of Grade 12 ABM and STEM students of College of

Mary Immaculate are not the same in terms of:

● School management

● Work immersion

● Performance

● Difficulty

● Teacher

● Subjects

Set B

Null: 50 % of grade 12 ABM and STEM students are facing difficulty in their chosen


Alternative: More than 50% of grade 12 ABM and STEM students are facing difficulty in

their chosen strand.



A. Sampling Design

The target population of this study are the College of Mary Immaculate senior

high school students of S.Y. 2020-2021. All drop-outs, transferred-out and the researchers

are excluded from the sampling frame. The researchers obtain the list of respondents

from the Registrar’s Office (or through prelisting done by our research professor based on

the results of the baseline information survey conducted in January 2022) and are used as

a sampling frame found in Annex 2. All in all, the population size N is 126.

In coming up with sample size, the group considered the measure of precision or

margin of error of 0.05 confidence level of 95% (having an equivalent of 1.96 area under

the normal curve) and the maximum allowable variance for proportion of 0.25

Formula for sample size:     

This formula is useful for simple random sampling as a method of probability

sampling. Since the group decided to use Stratified-Systematic random sampling, a more

efficient method, a design effect of 0.5 is incorporated in the formula, thereby reducing

the resulting sample size.

      x   0.5 nsys = 48
As mentioned, the method of probability sampling that the researchers used is

Stratified-Systematic random sampling. The skipping pattern, being the ratio of

population size and sample size, is 2 with a random start of 1 for ABM and skipping

pattern of 3 with a random start of 2 for STEM. Annex 6 shows the listing sheet that

contains the results of selection using this method. 

B. Questionnaire 

Questionnaire used to gather data needed for this research includes an

introduction of the researcher. This shows the objectives and significance of the study. An

assurance of confidentiality and no right or wrong answers is emphasized in the part.

The instrument also includes a query about the respondent’s profile, followed by

important questions to address the study’s objectives, framework and hypotheses.

Since the data collection is done online, the researchers came up with a google

form version of the questionnaire. It has a header that bears the CMI logo and title of the

survey. The google form with responses can be easily translated to google sheet for ready

data processing and analysis.

The first draft of the google form version of the questionnaire was subjected to

pre-test on January 28, 2022 to determine the applicability and how understandable it is

to target respondents. Such was revised eventually for improvement. Annex 4 shows the

debriefing of the group, brainstorming the lessons learned and recommendation for

improvement of the questionnaire and data collection strategy. It also shows the results of

5 additional questions in order to know how clear, understandable, applicable, accurate

and complete the questions are and to see how comfortable the respondents are in

answering the questions. These additional questions are as follows:

1. From a scale of 1 to 10, are the questions clear and easily understood? (10 if

perfectly clear, 1, if perfectly unclear) 

2. From scale of 1 to 10, are the questions appropriate and applicable to you? (10

means perfectly appropriate and applicable, 1 means perfectly NOT appropriate

and applicable) 

3. From scale of 1 to 10, are the given choices mutually exclusive (no overlapping)

and complete? (10 means perfectly no overlapping and complete, 1 means choices

are overlapping and not complete) 

4. From scale of 1 to 10, are you comfortable in answering the questions? (10 means

completely comfortable, 1 means completely uneasy) 

5. How long did you fill up the questionnaire? ___________ minutes

Annex 5 shows the final version of the questionnaire in MSWord as copied from

the google form version.

C. Data Collection 

A letter was sent to Mrs. Pia Marie S. Andres-Khan, CMI President to ask for

permission in conducting the survey through online means. This was subsequently

approved on February 5, with instructions to teachers and department heads to support

such academic exercise.

The researchers proceeded with the data collection on February 10, 2021. They

sent the link of the google form to the institutional email of the students belonging to the
intended list of samples. Some were subsequently replaced due for non-response. Leader

of the group assigned 5 respondents for each member to follow up for any means

possible. This is through sending them a message in Messenger asking for their

availability and participation. Another strategy made was asking the respondents’

advisers for help and assistance. Finally, the responses were completed on February 20,


D. Data Processing

The researchers translated the google forms to google sheets and downloaded the

database to Microsoft (MS) Excel for easy data management and analysis. Name of

respondents was replaced with a control number, that is, from “GENDERATIO1:9-001”

until “GENDERATIO1:9-024” for strand ABM and STEM separately as evidence of

complying with the promise of confidentiality. Column on institutional email was also

deleted to avoid identifying the respondents. True age was computed to immediately see

incorrect entry of birth date. Other responses were also screened in order to see blank,

inconsistent and incorrect answers. Researchers contacted the respondents again to seek

correct answers.

Below is a screenshot of the database of responses. Annex 8 shows all worksheets

as a result of data processing.

Figure 3. Screenshot of Database of Responses

E. Data Analysis

For the Part 1: respondent’s profile, the researchers make use of graphs and tables

to show averages, standard deviation, minimum and maximum as summary measures of

the information gathered. 

On the analysis of results for Part 2, descriptive and inferential statistics were

used. For descriptive, the researchers make use of counts and percentages for qualitative

variables. As for the quantitative variables, the researchers use average, standard

deviation and sum. Within the Microsoft Excel environment, they used a pivot table to

compare results based on cross-tabulation. For inferential statistics, the researchers use

correlation and hypothesis testing.

F. Limitations and Assumptions


1. Data collection is done through online means due to restriction caused by the

2. This research focuses only to grade 12 students of ABM and STEM strands enrolled

in College of Mary Immaculate of Pandi, Bulacan, Inc.

3. Not all students are not aware of their first semester average grades, hence the

missing observation in the dataset. In order to resolve this, the researchers consulted

back the respondents or even requested their advisers for the information. 


1. Responses gathered are assumed to be correct and done in the most honest way

possible by the respondents.

2. Responses gathered are assumed to be helpful to the objective of the study.

3. Statistical test was performed with an assumption that data distribution is normal.

4. The responses will show that ABM strand face greater difficulty in their strands than

the STEM strand.

5. The responses will show that the ABM strand has a higher satisfaction level than the

STEM strand.

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