Introduction To Electrical Power Systems: Yoseph Mekonnen (PH.D)

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Introduction to Electrical

Power Systems
Lecture :
Yoseph Mekonnen (Ph.D)

Page 1
Chapter Three

Mechanical Design of Transmission


Page 2
 Sag and tension calculations
 Effect of wind and ice
 Stringing chart
 Sag template.

Page 3
Sag and tension in the conductor are dependent on:
Initial tension put on them
Ice accumulation
Wind Loading

Wind Overloading

Ice Saturation
Page 4
Consider the following conductor supported by two poles.

Where ‘O’ : the lowest point on the catenary cureve

 l be the length of the conductor
W is the weight of the conductor (kg/m)
T is the tension of the conductor at any point P (kg)
H is the tension (kg) at origin
L is a Span length
Page 5
Resolving Tension T and considering equilibrium

Page 6
Applying Pythagoras theorem

But dy/dx=V/H=ws/H. Hence

Page 7
Where K is constant of integration;

Considering (x=0, s=0) K=0;

Maclaurin series
f ( n ) (0) n f ' ( 0) f ' ' ( 0)
n0 n! x  f (0)  1! x  2! x 2  ...

x3 x5 
x 2 n 1
sinh x  x    ....
3! 5! n  0 ( 2n  1)!

x2 x4 x 2n
cosh x  x    ....
2! 4! n  0 ( 2n  1)!

Page 8


Page 9
At the lowest point of the curve (taken to be origin) x=0, y=0

The Curve of this equation is called Catenary

Maclaurin series
f ( n ) (0) n f ' ( 0) f ' ' ( 0)
n0 n! x  f (0)  1! x  2! x 2  ...

x3 x5 
x 2 n 1
sinh x  x    ....
3! 5! n  0 ( 2n  1)!

x2 x4 x 2n
cosh x  x    ....
2! 4! n  0 ( 2n  1)!

Page 10

Approximating y results

But V/H=dy/dx (slide 6) and ( (slide 9)

Then cosh2 x  sinh 2 x  1

Page 11
The total tension in the conductor at the support x=L/2 is:

From (slide 10)

When x=L/2, y=d hence: Approximately

Page 12


Page 13

Sag Using

1 1522
487.68 8
d  5.9219m

Page 14
Parabolic Method
In the case of short span between supports, the sag is small and the
curve can be considered as parabola.
Through out the span tension is considered uniform
Half of the parabola is symmetrical with the other half.
Let p be any point on the curve, such that ‘OP’ is equal to ‘x’. The portion
‘OP’ is in equilibrium.

Page 15
Resolving Tension T and considering equilibrium

Substituting the sag parabolic equation into the Catnary


Page 16
Resolving Tension T and considering equilibrium

Substituting the sag parabolic equation into the Catnary


Page 17
Unsymmetrical Spans
Figure shows supports at different level with span length L
between two supports whose elevation differ by distance h.

From Parabolic:

Page 18
Unsymmetrical Spans
From Fig

Page 19
Unsymmetrical Spans

Page 20
Ruling Span
Ruling Span Length

Page 21
Ruling Span Length

Page 22
Effect of ICE
Accumulation of ice on the line conductor has the following
effects on the line design.
Increase the weight per meter of the line.
Increase the projected surface of the line subjected to wind

Page 23

Page 24
Effect of Wind and Total Loading
Wind blows horizontal o the conductor covered with ice.

Ultimates Strength
Safety Factor

Page 25

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Page 28
Stringing Chart
It is a graph or table between sag, tension with temperature

Page 29
Sag Template
The sag template is used for allocating the position and height of the
support correctly on the profile.
The sag template decide the limitation of vertical and wind load.
It also limits the minimum clearance angle between the sag and the
ground for safety purpose.

Page 30

Electrical Power System D. Das

See Example:15.1, 15.2, 15.4-15.9

Page 31
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