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We are building our CTN Academy to provide a tuition-free school which will also provide

free uniforms, free stationary, and all other things needed for a successful education, for a
deprived rural community which has no school in Ghana West Africa.
Poverty in Ghana is predominantly rural. 70% of the country’s poor people live in rural areas
where they have limited access to basic social services, safe water, all-year roads,
electricity and telephone services (IFAD, 2006b).
Most rural communities of Ghana lack basic amenities needed for a comfortable and
progressive life. One of such inevitable social amenities which is lacking in some rural
communities is the lack of educational facilities.
According to a Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report by UNICEF in 2016 titled
“Education for People and Planet: Creating Sustainable Futures for All", about 319,000
children in Ghana between six and eleven years are still out of school. And even with the
children that are in schools, only 39 per cent are able to complete High School. This
indicates clearly that, even the Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education (FCUBE) policy
adapted by Ghana, is still impenetrable for the poor people in Ghana.
Dwen Daama is a deprived rural farming community in the Mfantsiman West District of the
Central Region of Ghana. The village has a population of about 250 adults whose main
economic activities are farming and local palm oil refinery.
The lack of educational facilities in deprived communities makes it impossible for children to
begin their formal education on time. Children in such communities have no choice than to
wait until their old enough to do the daily long distance walks before they can begin their
educational journey. Dwen Daama has about 40 children below the age of seven (7). The
absence of a common nursery/kindergarten school in this community means that, these
children have no chance of stepping in classroom until they are old and strong enough for
the long distance daily walks to school in other communities before they can start schooling.
This negatively affects the children’s interest in education as they grow up and this explains
clearly the high level of illiteracy rates in deprived communities like Dwen Daama. Apart
from the 40 children below the age of seven (7), there are about 45 children of primary
school going age in Dwen Daama but about 35 of them are not schooling indicating clearly
their lack of interest in education as a result of waiting too long at home as children. The
village boasts of only ten (10) children who are currently doing the daily long distance walks
to other communities to access formal education, and the academic performances of these
children shows that waiting too long to start schooling definitely has negative effects. These
ten (10) children have no other choice than to take about 3 hours walk every day to and
from another village called Okyereko which happens to host the closest school from Dwen
The children do not have a paved-streets to do this daily long walks to school, and they
certainly do not have a school bus nor do they have bicycles to make their journey through
the bushes of rural Ghana to and fro school easier. Majority of the people of Dwen Daama
have no formal education, and almost all of the adults cannot read nor write, which makes
any decision to build a school in this community a step in the right direction
The national policy on education allows for a distance of between three and four kilometers
for children in primary schools in order to be classified as having access to quality
education. It therefore means that children in Dwen Daama do not have access to quality
Our Solution
The situation of the Dwen Daama compels us to find every possible means to provide a
school for the community, as our contribution to helping Ghana to achieve the Sustainable
Development Goals. We have therefore secured a 2-acre land in Dwen Daama for the
construction of a school for the community. Our school will provide a tuition-free education
which will also provide free uniforms, free stationary, and all other needed things for our
The purpose of this project is to make education accessible to the children of Dwen Daama
and its surrounding villages, and boost motivation for education among the children and
parents of the community, in pursuance of our mission to empower the less-privileged
people of Ghana for a better future.
Appeal for Funds
We are calling on corporations, institutions, and companies that have the interest of the
less-privileged people at heart to get involved and become partners of this wonderful cause.
This is a great opportunity for you to fulfil your corporate social responsibility in a way that
would leave valuable impressions on the minds of the general public and your customers
Kind people are not necessarily the richest people on earth; kind people are just those
people who are willing to share the little that they have with those who have none. Kind
people do not wait to become millionaires before they help others.
We are counting on the support of kindhearted individuals like you to make this project a
success. Your donation of 6 US dollars would buy us one bag of cement for the
construction of the school for the children of Dwen Daama. How many bags of cement
are you willing and able to support this cause with?…

Developing Successful Individuals

of Tomorrow Begins with our
It takes the effort of multiple individuals to ensure a child is able to succeed into adulthood.
Sometimes extra efforts are needed to provide youths an opportunity to be triumphant in life. The
Houston Area Urban League's Education and Youth Development (EYD) services address the
need to provide all urban youth, regardless of background, with a significant opportunity.
Through our core programs that follow an educational support model and other evidence-based
mechanisms, HAUL/EYD works to help urban youth become ready for college, work, and life.
Through our efforts, we are building the next generation of leaders, innovators, and community
advocates of the 21st century. Getting our students ready for the future is our mission. Most
importantly, for many in our programs, this is the opportunity of a lifetime.
Your donation can make the difference. Help us provide
urban youth in our communities with the opportunity to
grow into triumphant individuals that will transform and
elevate the future.

A Formidable Foundation To Acquire

Essential Skills in Multiple Developmental
GENLITES (Gaining Early Needed Literacy Information To Excel & Succeed)
focuses on enhancing adult knowledge to

1. help children acquire learning skills in key developmental domains: social and
emotional, language and literacy, cognitive, and motor and physical promoting
reading proficiency by the third grade
2. improve the reading success of children in the elementary grades

The goal is to provide skills training which can be utilized in home and educational
settings which promote positive social development and academic learning. The
trainings focus on three major areas:  Literacy, Math, and Science.

Family and Community Engagement

It's True: It Takes a Community to Raise The Next Generation

Our Family and Community Engagement program provides skills training for parents
and caregivers, where such skills can be utilized in home and educational settings to
promote social development and academic learning. The training includes Family
Literacy Nights (fun, interactive activity designed to help parents with developing
their knowledge, skills, routines and techniques to aid their child’s academic
development especially literacy), Parent Trainings, etc.

Summer Programs
Providing Interactive Activities To Promote Educational Development

One of the challenges that parents, teachers, and other stakeholders face is the summer
learning loss experienced once students complete a school year. Some of the ways to
diminish summer learning loss is by providing engaging activities for students that
promote educational and cultural development. Our summer programs provide
interactive activities and field trips to build upon their competence, confidence, and

Upcoming Events
EYD events empower the youth from various communities throughout the Houston
area. These events are possible through your support and your attendance. Spread the
word about what HAUL is doing to empower the youth of today by coming to an
event that will hopefully provide you with the opportunity to understand the vision
that we have for our youth. We hope you will join us. For more information about
EYD events, contact us today.

Partner with Us
Our programs are a way to help urban youth obtain an opportunity to succeed in life.
Plain and simple. Your support is necessary to provide hope and a chance for a better
tomorrow. We welcome you to partner with us in a variety of ways. Whether you are
providing a financial donation as an individual, or providing your skills and influence
as an organization, you will be doing your part in strengthening our education and
youth development services. You can also partner with us by volunteering as a mentor
to our youths . They need your guidance and wisdom to assist them in their journey
towards professional and personal success. To partner with HAUL and its EYD
initiatives, contact us today.

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