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Project Proposal

ABCD Program Money in Trash

(Community Collection Process for Masville, Sucat, Paranaque)

Covid 19 indeed made vast changes in the world and to all life forms. This pandemic
also made us realize how important health is wherein we have to wear face masks, face
shields, and do social distancing whenever going out. Vaccines are already invented
and Covid 19 is already nearing its dawn. 

Content :
o A healthier living after pandemic
o Introductions of ABCD Program
o Community Problem Analysis
o Objective of the Project
o Project Organisation and Implementation
o Budget and Financing

What is ABCD Money in Trash Program?

Assessing the needs and Bouncing the Community Development with Money in Trash

When the COVID-19 pandemic started a year ago, everyone became health-conscious
and the health industry boomed. This only corresponds with the increase in medical
supplies and demand. Now as this pandemic is nearing its dawn, where are all the
leftovers? The garbages and medical supplies disposals?

Problem analysis for covid-19 aftermath

This project is purposely for Masville Sucat Paranaque, A developing area with no fixed
Home Owners Association yet. A lack of basic needs and services leads to informal
settlements having impacts on the environment. This includes inadequate sanitation
which leads occupants to pollution, the use of coal and biomass fuel for lighting, causing
air pollution and in turn contributing to the emission of greenhouse gases.
Improper disposal causing health risks in the community:

 facemasks on the street pavements-It can be seen along hi-ways and streets that
face masks are thrown anywhere.
 face shield improper disposal-Plastics materials will take time t o decompose,
adding up with the number of another land mills to occupy.
 screwed up biodegrable nonbiodegrable Materials-Mixed up garbages can
caused a lot of risk factors and adding up with the global warming


Millions of gloves and face masks being used then thrown away every single
dayAccording to in uk setting.

In the Philippines, medical waste piles up as COVID-19 cases rise , Since the COVID-
19 pandemic began in the Philippines, San Lazaro Hospital in Manila City—one of the
government hospitals at the forefront of the country’s battle against the severe
respiratory illness—has been generating an average of 10,000 kilograms of infectious
medical waste every month.

From March to June, it produced an estimated 29,473 kilograms of infectious healthcare

waste, which according to the Department of Health, includes used personal protective
equipment (PPE), dressings, swabs, blood bags, urine bags, sputum cups, syringes,
test tubes and histopathological waste.

This pie charts that garbages are:

 RESIDUAL 17.98%

Majority of Garbage and wastes in the Philippines are directly thrown to landfills instead
of having those recycled.
Objective of the project

 advocate a healthy living lifestyle - Mixed up garbages can cause a

lot of risk factors and adding up with the global warming
 Proper waste management - Plastic materials will take time to
decompose, adding up with the number of other land mills to occupy.
 provide jobs and livelihood -It can be seen along highways and
streets that face masks are thrown anywhere.
 create a health risk-free community - Mixed up garbages can cause a
lot of risk factors and add up with global warming
 produce energy (electricity) - Plastics materials will take time to
decompose, adding up with the number of other land mills to occupy.
 save mother earth

Project Organization and Implementation

It all starts with the collections that will be segregated from
recyclables, biodegradables, and nonbiodegradables. Recyclables
will be refurbished, resold, and will have an alternative use.
Biodegradables and Nonbiodegrables will be transported to
designated waste management facilities. Biodegradables can be
turned into fertilizers that will be used in landfills and agricultural
sectors. These biodegradables are mostly leftover foods, expired,
and other biodegradable materials can be turned into a BIOgas as
well. Nonbiodegradables will be incinerated to be burned, where the
combusted air gas and other compositions can be turned into
electricity that can be used in the household, community lamp posts,
etc. While the residue’s which mostly are metals can be sold off to
private institutions life car repair, scraps, and metal transforming

Collection Process
o CEvery household in the community will have to segregate recyclese materials,
biodegradables and non-biodegradables
 There will be Big Trash Cans in each streets
 Non-reusable facemasks has to be placed on the boxes outside
 Alcohols on the front door of their house to lessen exposure of
bacteria's that is going to be provided by brgy officials in exchange
of their recyclable materials and good standing in terms of
segregating wastes
o There will be designated areas for recyclable materials
 Recycled materials will be resold for cheaper price
 Recycled materials will be on bidding for interested individuals
 Recycled materials will be used for community purposes
o Biodegradables will be collected during Friday
o NON-Biodegradables will be collected during Sunday
o Barangay. officials will be implementing the segregation policy
o Transporting Process
 Government funds - In Paranaque, there is a yearly budget of 5,000,000 pesos
for waste management covering 16 brgys. Portions of this can be allocated and
equally distributed to local officials governing the area. 
 Recycled Materials Conversion - profits from sold recycled material in the
 Donation - The project is open for LGU’s, NGO and private institutions donation. 

This project proposal is specifically for the

collection process in Masville Paranaque as it
can be clearly seen that there are still areas of
improvement in the waste management process.
I’m proposing the COLLECTION PROCESS and
the transportation of this wastes can be
endorsed to the higher governing officer that is
assigned for the sector

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