SST Exam Question Paper

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Important Instructions:

 The Question Paper contains four sections.

 Section A has 13 questions. Attempt all 13 questions
 Section B has 12 questions. Attempt all 12 questions
 Section C has 12 questions. Attempt all 12 questions
 Section D has 13 questions (3 map based questions). Attempt all 13 questions
 Each question carry 1 mark
 Thre is no negative marking

 Write your name, roll no., class, section on the top of your answer sheet.
 Submit the same file also to your class teacher by 10.20 A.M. only
 Upload only pdf file of your answer sheets with a clear contrast view in LMS.
 File name should be consisted of your roll no> your first name> subject name.

Answer the following questions by Choosing the correct option

(All Questions are Compulsory)

1) A triangular slave trade took place between Europe, the Americas and…..?
a. Asia
b. Australia
c. Africa
d. None

2) Who said “the task of representing the people has to be given to the rich”?
a. Mirabeau
b. Jean Paul Marat
c. Rousseau
d. Georges Denton
3) What did the slaves wear after becoming free?
a. Blue cap
b. Red cap
c. White cap
d. Green cap

4) What does the word livres stand for?

a. Unit of currency in France
b. Tax levied by the state
c. Tax levied by the Church
d. Tax to the Landlord

5) Which of the following was a factor in the rise of Napoleon?

a. Fall of the Jacobin government
b. Robespierre Reign of terror
c. Political instability of the directory
d. Nationalist forces

6) What did Bastille symbolize?

a. Despotic power of the king

b. Benevolence of the king
c. Armed might of France
d. Prestige and power

7) Which of the following symbolized Eternity?

a. Sceptre
b. Eye within a triangle radiating light
c. The Law Table
d. Snake biting its tail to form a ring

8) Members of the Third Estate were led by

a. Louis XVI and Marie Antionette

b. Lenin and Kerensky
c. Mirabeau and Abbe Sieyes
d. Rousseau and Voltaire

9) Which of these rights were not established as ‘natural and inalienable’ rights by the constitution of 1791?

a. Right to life
b. Freedom of speech and opinion
c. Equality before the law
d. All the above
10) What type of government did the Constitution of 1791 create?

a. Limited monarchy
b. Absolute monarchy
c. Republic
d. Communist

11) What did the Tennis Court Oath establish?

a. That no one would be Louis XVI’s doubles partner

b. That the Third Estate would accept the tax burden in return for freedom from feudal contracts
c. That the National Assembly wouldn’t dissolve until they had created a constitution
d. That France would no longer support the Catholic Church

12) France celebrates July 14 as a holiday because it is the anniversary of-

a. The storming of the Bastille

b. The beginning of the First French Republic
c. The Tennis Court Oath
d. The death of Robespierre

13) Which of the following did not occur?

a. Robespierre eliminated all economic controls and allowed prices to rise sharply
b. Louis XVI attempted to flee France
c. The Jacobins took control of the National Convention away from the Girondins
d. For a time, the French government was a limited monarchy


14) What is meant by Secular?

a. Citizens have complete freedom to follow any religion. But there is no official religion. Government
treats all religious beliefs and practices with equal respect
b. All are equal before the law. The traditional social inequalities have to be ended. The government
should ensure equal opportunity for all.
c. There are no unreasonable restrictions on the citizens in what they think, how they wish to express
their thoughts and the way they wish to follow up their thoughts in action
d. People have the supreme right to make decisions on internal as well as external matters. No external
power can dictate the government of India
15) A distinct section of a document is called …?

a. Phrase
b. Clause
c. Remark
d. Subsection

16) A preliminary version of a legal document is called ….?

a. Blueprint
b. Version
c. Draft
d. Plan

17) Which of these features were accepted by all the Indian leaders much before they sat down to make the

a. Universal adult franchise

b. Right to freedom
c. Protection of the rights of minorities
d. All of the above

18) Which of the following sentences is wrong about Dr B.R. Ambedkar?

a. He was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee.

b. He was born in Maharashtra.
c. He was law minister in post-independence India.
d. He was the founder of the Republican Party of India.

19) The Constitution begins with a short statement of its basic values. What is it called?

a. Preface
b. Preamble
c. Introduction
d. Article

20) When did the Indian constitution come into force?

a. 26th Nov, 1949

b. 15th August, 1947
c. 26th Jan, 1950
d. 26th Jan, 1930

21) Non-interference means:-

a. Respect the sentiments of all religion

b. Respect only one religion
c. Both (1) & (2)
d. None of these
22) In which year did Motilal Nehru and others draft a constitution for India?

a. 1931
b. 1928
c. 1929
d. 1932

23) Which of the following statements is not correct?

1) The Constitution forbids employment of children below the age of 14 years in dangerous jobs like
factories and mines.
2) The freedom of religion is not an unlimited right as govt. can interfere in religious matters for rooting
out certain social evils.
3) The Constitution allows conversions in India.
4) All minorities, religious or linguistic can set up their own education institutions.

a. 4 only
b. 3 and 4
c. 3 only
d. None

24) The ____ expresses the aspirations of the people about creating a good society.

a. Government
b. Majority Population
c. Parliament
d. Constitution

25) The Directive Principles of State Policy in the Constitution of India was adopted from

a. Irish
b. Canada
c. Germany
d. Australia


26) The minimum wages for a farm labourer set by the government is
a. Rs. 50
b. Rs. 60
c. Rs. 70
d. Rs. 80
27) Money in hand is an example of
a. Human capital
b. Fixed capital
c. Working capital
d. Physical capital

28) What is the main production activity in Palampur village?

a. Farming
b. Animal husbandry
c. Transport
d. Small-scale manufacturing

29) The village of Palampur has about ____________ families belonging to several different castes.
a. 450
b. 650
c. 550
d. 350

30) The small farmers constitute about __________ per cent of total farmers in India.

31)___________ Is natural resource, whereas.

b. Capital
c. Both (a & b)

32) Which of the following is included in the tertiary sector?

a. Fishing
b. Trade
c. Mining
d. Health

33) Investment in human capital can be made through

a.. Education
b. Training
c. Medical care
d.All the three

34) The quality of population depends upon which of the followings factors?

a. Health b. Wealth c. Skill formation d. Life expectancy.

A. a , b and c
B. a, b and d
C. b, c and d
D. a, c and d

35) People as resource is a way of referring to a country’s working people:

a. True
b. False
c. Both (a & b)
d. None

36) What is the aim of SarvaSiksha Abhiyan?

a. To provide elementary education to women
b. To provide elementary education to the rural poor
c. To provide elementary education to all children in the age group 6-14 years
d. To provide elementary education to the urban poor

37) The scheme for the establishment of residential schools to impart education to talented children from rural
areas is
a. KendriyaVidyalayas
b. Navodaya Vidyalayas
c. Sarvodaya Vidyalayas
d. None of the aboves


38) The Himalayas consist of three parallel ranges in its longitudinal extent. Which of the following is the name
of the Southern-most range?
a. The Himadri
b. The Himachal
c. The Shivaliks
d. The Purvanchal
39) Which of the following are young-fold mountains?
a.The Aravalis
b. The Nilgiris
c. The Himalayas
d.The Sahyadri

40) The Southern part of the western coast is called the

a. Konkan coast
b. Kannad coast
c. Malabar coast
d. Coromandel coast

41) The highest peak in the Western Ghats is

a. Anai Mudi
b. Nanda Devi
c. Mahendragiri
d. Satpura

42) A landmass bounded by sea on three sides is referred to as

a. Coast
b. Island
c. Peninsula
d. None of the above

43) Kumaon Himalayas are situated between two rivers. What are their names?
a. Teesta and Dihang
b. Kali and Teesta
c. Satluj and Kali
d. Indus and Satluj

44) Which physiographic division of India constitutes one of the ancient land masses on the Earth’s surface?
a. The Deccan Plateau
b. The Indian Desert
c. The Northern Plains
d. The Coastal Plains

45) Arrange the following eastern Hills as per their general alignment from north to south:

I. Patkai Bum
II. Mizo Hills
III. Naga Hills
IV. Manipur Hills

46) Western coastal plain provides natural conditions for the development of ports and harbors because

a. They are emergent coastal plain and broad in nature.

b. They are submerged coastal plain and narrow in nature.
c. They provide enough infrastructures for the development of ports.
d. None

47) Consider the following statements as true:

I. Andaman and Nicobar Islands group are volcanic in origin.

II. The Lakshadweep islands are formed due to the coral deposits.

a. I only
b. II only
c. Both
d. None

Question no. 48-50 are based on map and mandatory to attempt

48) One mountain range of India

a. Zaskar

b. Karakoram

c. Pir Panjal

d. Satpura

49) One Mountain peak of Himalaya

a. Kanchenjunga

b. Trisul

c. Mount K2

d. Nanda Devi

50) Southern coast of Eastern Ghats

a. Malabar

b. Konkan

c. Coromandel

d. Northern Circars

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