Critique Paper For Stress Buster Webinar

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“Critique Paper for stress Buster webinar”

BY: Franz
A good communication skill is necessary for today’s world, it helps you to able to understand people, and discern
situations, it can also help build trust, share ideas, and better sociability.
The host communication skills was very superb, it was very clear, and it didn’t sound forced they also sound so
natural the way they speak, the host also speak English or Filipino fluently they also didn’t stutter, host A or Ms.
Helen Fernandez was very fluent in English, her English was very astonishing and very clean she’s also very
straightforward, host B or Prof. Rosalea Cornelia Araneta – de Leon was also very fluent in English but prefers to
talk in Filipino, she’s not very straightforward, but she’s full of experiences, which she talk about all throughout
the webinar, she talks about most of her encounters with different situation, and how she was able to deal with it,
she’s very intelligent with the way she talks and also very openly minded, in the webinar I noticed the way they
communicate which they use different types of communication elements the first one that I notice is, gesture or
hand gestures through this gesture they were able to assert their intentions to their listeners it also make them
composed and not lose focus, the second one is language the first host was fully using English as her main
language throughout the webinar, although it was in English the words she used were not complex so even people
with low English proficiency can still understand it, the second host also proceeds to use English but halfway uses
Filipino as she was more comfortable speaking with it, last and thirdly is experience throughout the webinar the
host and hostess often talks about their past experiences and how they were able to deal with it which are quite
interesting to hear, it kind of makes the listener to listen more as it was a part of their lives.
In conclusion the speaker’s give’s two messages, Speaker A or Ms. Helen talks how stress can either benefit you,
or becomes a burden on you, an example of that is when a student is bothered by his upcoming test because of this
he decided to study all his pointers until he learn all of it, another one is when a student is also bothered by his
upcoming test but succumb into despair knowing he will fail, now this taught us that simple problems can be
solve through simple solutions. Speaker B or Prof. Rosalea talks how a person need someone to talk to in order to
survive and she use the quote by John Donne that “no man is an island” an example of this is a student who likes
to be alone, he don’t want to socialize with his fellow students, or anyone else, when there is a group project he
decided to do it alone considering he don’t want to be grouped with anyone, but regrets it later on as it took him
longer time to finish all the project he talks about it to the teacher and the teacher transferred him on a group
which they happily accepted him without complaining, this teach us that there are things you can’t do alone.

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