Lower Permian Palynomorphs - Brazil

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Palynology of the Lower Permian of Paraná Basin, Uruguay

Article  in  Journal of Systematic Palaeontology · December 2010

DOI: 10.1080/14772011003794546


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3 authors:

Pedro Raul Gutierrez Lucia Balarino

National Scientific and Technical Research Council Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"


Ángeles Beri
Universidad de la República de Uruguay


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Palynology of the Lower Permian of Paraná Basin, Uruguay

Pedro R. Gutiérreza; María Lucía Balarinoa; Ángeles Berib
CONICET, Sección Paleopalinología, División Paleobotánica, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales
“B. Rivadavia”, Argentina b Departamento de Paleontología, Facultad de Ciencias, Montevideo,

Online publication date: 05 November 2010

To cite this Article Gutiérrez, Pedro R. , Balarino, María Lucía and Beri, Ángeles(2010) 'Palynology of the Lower Permian
of Paraná Basin, Uruguay', Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 8: 4, 459 — 502
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/14772011003794546
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Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, Vol. 8, Issue 4, December 2010, 459–502

Palynology of the Lower Permian of Paraná Basin, Uruguay

Pedro R. Gutiérreza∗, Marı́a Lucı́a Balarinoa and Ángeles Berib
CONICET, Sección Paleopalinologı́a, División Paleobotánica, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “B. Rivadavia”, Av. Ángel
Gallardo 470, C1405DJR Buenos Aires, Argentina; bDepartamento de Paleontologı́a, Facultad de Ciencias, Iguá 4225, 11400,
Montevideo, Uruguay
(Received 10 August 2009; accepted 17 December 2009)

The palynological contents of the Permian Tres Islas and Melo formations (Frayle Muerto, Mangrullo and Paso Aguiar
members), obtained from boreholes and outcrop in northeastern Uruguay, are reported. These Permian sediments of the
Paraná Basin yielded a total of 147 species, including the following new taxa: Archangelskiapollenites globocorpus gen.
et sp. nov., A. plicatus gen. et sp. nov., Satsangisaccites uruguaiensis sp. nov. and Platysaccus orientalis sp. nov. The
Downloaded By: [GutiérrezBuenos Aires, Pedro] At: 16:04 14 November 2010

palynomorphs found allow identification, in borehole 221, of two palynological assemblages: 221-I (140-225 m) and 221-II
(93-140 m); the former is characterised by the presence of Murospora torifera Ybert, Vallatisporites arcuatus Archangelsky &
Gamerro and Lundbladispora areolata Césari et al., whereas assemblage 221-II contains Corisaccites alutas Venkatachala &
Kar, Lueckisporites stenotaeniatus Menéndez, L. virkkiae Potonié & Klaus, L. angoulaensis Jardiné, Lunatisporites variesec-
tus Archangelsky & Gamerro, Striatoabieites anaverrucosus Archangelsky & Gamerro and Staurosaccites cordubensis
Archangelsky & Gamerro, among others. In borehole 201, two assemblages were also identified: 201-I (34 and 93 m) and
201-II (5 and 34 m). The former is typified by the presence of Cristatisporites chacoparanensis Ottone, C. lestai Archangel-
sky & Gamerro, Leiotriletes corius Kar & Bose, Murospora torifera, M. bicingulata Ybert, Vallatisporites arcuatus, V. russoi
Archangelsky & Gamerro, Illinites unicus Kosanke, Limitisporites hexagonalis Maheswari and Protohaploxypinus bhard-
wajii Foster among others. Assemblage 201-II is characterized by the presence of Brevitriletes levis (Balme & Hennelly)
Bharadwaj & Srivastava, Pakhapites fusus (Bose & Kar) Menéndez, P. ovatus (Bose & Kar) Garcı́a, Platysaccus papilio-
nis Potonié & Klaus, Protohaploxypinus limpidus (Balme & Hennelly) Balme & Playford, Striatopodocarpites cancellatus
(Balme & Hennelly) Hart and Polarisaccites bilateralis Ybert & Marques-Toigo. Based on the previous records of those taxa,
assemblages 221-I, 201-I and 201-II are assigned to the Early Permian (Asselian-Artinskian) and assemblage 221-II to the
upper part of the Early Permian (Artinskian-Kungurian). According to the stratigraphical schemes of Argentina and Brazil,
they are correlated with the Biozones Cristatisporites (assemblages 221-I, 201-I and 201-II) and Striatites (assemblage
221-II and El Barón) (Chacoparaná Basin), Fusacolpites fusus-Vittatina subsaccata (assemblages 221-I, 201-I and 201-II)
and Lueckisporites-Weylandites (assemblage 221-II and El Barón) (Paganzo Basin), and Vittatina costabilis (assemblages
221-I, 201-I and 201-II) and Lueckisporites virkkiae (assemblage 221-II and El Barón) (Paraná Basin).
Keywords: palynology; systematics; Lower Permian; Uruguay

Introduction holes, which led to the proposal of a palynostratigraphic

scheme for the region (see Russo et al. 1980; Vergel 1993;
Neopalaeozoic sequences in Uruguay occupy an area of Césari et al. 1995; Archangelsky & Vergel 1996).
94,000 km2. They are found in the northern region and The Upper Palaeozoic strata of the Paraná Basin in Brazil
are part of the Paraná Basin (Fig. 1B). Outcrops spread have yielded diverse and abundant fossils, including inver-
through 24,000 km2 in the Departments of Cerro Largo, tebrates, vertebrates, plant remains and palynomorphs. The
Tacuarembó, Rivera and Durazno (NE Uruguay). Else- palynomorphs from the Paraná Basin have been known
where they are found in the subsurface (Andreis et al. 1996). since the late 1960s, especially those from the coal beds of
This basin is continuous with the Chacoparanense Basin of the Rio Bonito Formation in Rio Grande do Sul and Santa
Argentina and the Paraná Basin of Brazil (Fig. 1A). Catarina states. Papers that contribute to the taxonomy
In the Chacoparanense Basin, palynomorph fossils from and zonation schemes of this palaeoflora include Daemon
Neopalaeozoic rocks are well known (Archangelsky & & Quadros (1970), Marques-Toigo (1991) and Souza &
Gamerro 1979; Vergel 1986, 1987b, 1998; Césari et al. Marques-Toigo (2001, 2003, 2005).
1995; Gutiérrez et al. 1997, 2002; Playford & Dino In Uruguay, the first palynomorphs from Neopalaeo-
2002). These previous authors studied palynological floral zoic sediments were described by Martı́nez Macchiavello
assemblages of Pensylvannian-Permian age from bore- (1963) from the San Gregorio and Tres Islas formations.

Corresponding author. Email: prgutiérrez@macn.gov.ar

ISSN 1477-2019 print / 1478-0941 online

C 2010 The Natural History Museum
DOI: 10.1080/14772011003794546
460 P. R. Gutiérrez et al.

Figure 1. Palaeogeographical A, location of the study area;

geographical B, location of the boreholes DCLS 201
(DI.NA.MI.GE.) and DCLS 221 (DI.NA.MI.GE), and the locality
of El Barón.
Downloaded By: [GutiérrezBuenos Aires, Pedro] At: 16:04 14 November 2010

Afterwards, Marques-Toigo (1970, 1972, 1974) and Ybert

& Marques-Toigo (1971) extended the study of material
from the San Gregorio Formation. In 1980, palynological
studies started in Uruguay and a series of papers were subse-
quently published covering the systematics, biostratigraphy
and palaeoecology of the San Gregorio, Tres Islas and Melo
formations (Beri 1987, 1988, 2003; Beri & Daners 1995,
1998; Beri & Goso 1996, 1998; Beri et al. 2000, 2006; Beri
& Pecoits 2001; Gutiérrez et al. 2006). Finally, some publi-
cations by Argentina-based authors on Uruguayan material
have been carried out, including those of Vergel (1987a),
Anzótegui & Mautino (1992), Fasolo & Vergel (1994) and
Mautino et al. (1998a, b, c).
The present study provides systematic descriptions of
assemblages from boreholes 201 and 221, and an outcrop
at El Barón (Figs 1–4). This study complements the results
previously published by Beri & Daners (1995 [borehole
221], 1998 [borehole 201]) and Beri & Pecoits (2001 [El

The Paraná Basin

The existence of Neopalaeozoic rocks in Uruguay was

established by Guillemain (1911), Llambı́as de Olivar
(1918) and Walther (1919), while its presence in the
subsurface has been known since boreholes were drilled
by ANCAP in 1956 (Mackinon 1969). These sequences
occupy an area of 94,000 km2 in the northern region of
Uruguay and are part of the Paraná Basin (Fig. 1A). The
outcrops extend for 24,000 km2 in the departments of Cerro
Largo, Tacuarembó, Rivera and Durazno (Andreis et al.
1996). This basin is continuous with the Chacoparaná Basin
of Argentina and with the Paraná Basin of Brazil and has
Figure 2. Columnar stratigraphic section of the core DCLS
also been termed the Northern Basin (“Cuenca Norte”, de 201 (DI.NA.MI.GE.) showing lithology, stratigraphical units, and
Santa Ana et al. 2006). sampling levels.
Lower Permian palynology of Paraná Basin 461
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Figure 4. Stratigraphical section at El Barón: showing lithology

and sampling levels.

According to Andreis et al. (1996), four formational units

are found here: the San Gregorio, Tres Islas, Melo and
Yaguarı́ formations. The San Gregorio Formation (Ferrando
& Andreis 1982) is composed mainly of diamictites, tillites
and, to a lesser extent, conglomerates, although there are
also claystones, siltstones and occasional sandstones. They
are predominantly reddish and brownish in colour, but there
are also greyish tones. According to Andreis et al. (1996),
these beds were deposited in glacial, glacio-marine and
glacio-lacustrine environments. De Santa Ana et al. (2006)
distinguished the organic-rich, fine grained sediments at
the top of the San Gregorio Formation as the Cerro Pelado
Figure 3. Columnar stratigraphic section of the core DCLS
221 (DI.NA.MI.GE.) showing lithology, stratigraphical units, and The overlying unit, the Tres Islas Formation (Ferrando
sampling levels. & Andreis 1982), is composed of fine to very coarse
462 P. R. Gutiérrez et al.

sandstones of mainly brownish colour, with a variable tive proportions of each genus identified are specified by
percentage of usually grey claystones and siltstones (see the lowest and highest value and the arithmetic mean, e.g.
Fig. 2; Andreis et al. 1996). It was deposited in fluvial and (55.3–96.1%; mean 79.3%).
deltaic environments (Andreis et al. 1996).
The third unit, the Melo Formation (Ferrando & Andreis
1986), consists mainly of sandstones and to a lesser extent Systematic descriptions
of finer sediments, conglomerates and calcareous levels (see
Figs 2–4), mostly grey and black in colour (Andreis et al. The majority of species encountered are simply listed. For
1996). Ferrando & Andreis (1986, 1990) suggested that the species previously described from the Permian of Uruguay,
Melo Formation was deposited in wide and shallow bays see Marques-Toigo (1970, 1974), Ybert & Marques-Toigo
with lagoons. Bossi & Navarro (1988) recognized three (1971), Beri (1988), Beri & Daners (1995, 1998), Mautino
members, from base to top, the Frayle Muerto, Mangrullo, et al. (1998a, b, c), Beri et al. (2006) and Gutiérrez et al.
and Paso Aguiar members. Other authors (Preciozzi et al. (2006). Full descriptions are given only for species that are
1985; de Santa Ana 2004; de Santa Ana et al. 2006) have new, particularly abundant, significant, or which taxonomic
considered these members to have formational status. or morphological clarification is deemed necessary.
The uppermost unit of this sequence, the Yaguarı́ Forma- The suprageneric classification of spore-pollen paly-
tion (Bossi 1966), conformably overlies the Melo Forma- nomorphs largely follows Potonié & Kremp (1954), with
Downloaded By: [GutiérrezBuenos Aires, Pedro] At: 16:04 14 November 2010

tion (Ferrando & Andreis 1986), and is composed mainly later modifications by Playford & Dettmann (1996).
of sandstones and to a lesser extent claystones and silt- Morphometric terminology for bisaccate and bilateral
stones, deposited under oxic conditions in a prograding symmetrical pollen grains follows Playford & Dino (2002,
fluvial system (Bossi et al. 1998). p. 242).
Definitions of terms adopted in the description of
morphological attributes of spores and pollen grains are
Material and methods to be found in glossaries or explanatory notes furnished
by several authors (see Playford & Dino 2000a, p. 14).
Eleven levels in the DCLS 201 (DI.NA.MI.GE.) borehole Measurements of equatorial diameters are presented in the
were sampled. This well was drilled by the “Dirección format N1 (N2) N3, where N1 and N3 represent the mini-
Nacional de Minerı́a y Geologı́a” (DI.NA.MI.GE.) and is mum and the maximum value measured respectively, and
located in the northeast of the Departamento de Cerro Largo N2 the arithmetic mean for all the specimens evaluated. The
in northeastern Uruguay (Fig. 1). The well penetrated 96 m number of specimens measured appears between brackets.
of Permian sediments, including 32 m of siltstones and Measurements quoted for saccate pollen grains are in accor-
sandstones with argillaceous matrix, referred to the Frayle dance with the conventions adopted by Couper (1958),
Muerto Member (lower section of the Melo Formation; see Balme (1963), Singh (1971) and Burden & Hills (1989)
Fig. 2); and 64 m of sandstones, siltstones and claystones- (see Playford & Dino 2000a, 2002). Under Distribution
coals referred to the Tres Islas Formation. we note primarily only the material described for Uruguay,
Seventeen levels within the DCLS 221 Argentina and Brazil.
(“DI.NA.MI.GE”) well were sampled. Located in the
same area as DCLS 201 (Fig. 1), this well penetrated Anteturma Proximegerminantes Potonié, 1970
Permian sediments referred to the Melo Formation, Turma Triletes Reinsch, emend. Dettmann, 1963
including 35 m of siltstones and sandstones with argilla- Suprasubturma Acavatitriletes Dettmann, 1963
ceous matrix (Paso Aguiar Member), 18 m of claystones Subturma Azonotriletes Luber, emend. Dettmann, 1963
(Mangrullo Member), and 103 m of siltstones and sand- Infraturma Apiculati Bennie & Kindstom, emend.
stones (Frayle Muerto Member). The granitic Precambrian Potonié, 1965
basement was reached at a depth of 240 m (see Fig. 3). Subinfraturma Nodati Dybová & Jachowicz, 1957
Additional samples were collected from outcrops at Genus Anapiculatisporites Potonié & Kremp, 1954
Cañada El Barón (31◦ 58’32”S, 54◦ 05’10”W) located close
Anapiculatisporites sp. A
to the two wells (Fig. 1).
(Fig. 7J)
Each sample was processed following standard palyno-
logical methods (Wood et al. 1996). Samples were prepared
Occurrence. DCLS wells 201, 221.
in the Departamento de Paleontologı́a de la Facultad de
Ciencias laboratories in Montevideo, Uruguay. Photographs
were made with an Olympus X-55 optical light microscope. Description. Spores radial, trilete; amb triangular. Leasure
Slides are housed in the Facultad de Ciencias, Paleopaly- apparently simple, extending to the apices. Proximal face
nology Collection (FCPP), Uruguay. Approximately 400 laevigate. Distal face ornamented with low coni. Coni 1 µm
sporomorphs were counted from each sample; the rela- wide at base, 1 µm height.
Lower Permian palynology of Paraná Basin 463

Dimensions. (2 specimens). Equatorial diameter, 37– Dimensions. (6 specimens). Equatorial diameter, includ-
43 µm; exine, 1–1.5 µm thick. ing sculpture, 42(50.8)58 µm.

Remarks. The poor state of preservation of both speci- Remarks. Convolutispora archangelskyi Playford & Dino
mens does not allow a more precise assignment. generally has a much thinner and less densely sculp-
Subinfraturma Baculati Dybová & Jachowicz, 1957 tured exine with rugulate prevalence among the verru-
Genus Microbaculispora Bharadwaj, 1962 cate elements than that of C. ordonezii Archangelsky &
Microbaculispora sp. A Gamerro, (1979). Despite this, and following Playford &
(Fig. 8B) Dino (2002), we accept that there is morphological intergra-
dation between the two species. Microreticulatisporites
1995 Granulatisporites austroamericanus Archangelsky & inaequalis Menéndez & Azcuy, described by Mautino et al.
Gamerro; Beri & Daners: pl. 1, fig. 5. (1998a, p. 73, pl. 1, fig. 17) from Permian strata of the
Paraná Basin, Uruguay (Melo Formation sensu Andreis
Occurrence. DCLS well 221. et al. 1996), is similar in appearance to C. archangelskyi,
but was described as having a reticulate ornamentation.
Description. Spores radial, trilete; amb triangular with However, illustrations of this material show a rugulate exine
rounded apices and straight to slighly convex sides. Laesura with anastomosing and sinuous pattern, different from the
Downloaded By: [GutiérrezBuenos Aires, Pedro] At: 16:04 14 November 2010

simple, length two-thirds of spore radius. Exine 1–1.5 µm type material (Menéndez & Azcuy 1973, p. 57, pl. 1, figs
thick; ornamented with small bacula (0.5–1 µm diameter, 3–6). We therefore provisionally assign it to C. archangel-
1–1.5 µm high), 1–2 µm apart. skyi. Likewise, C. pintoi Dellazana (1976, pp. 4–6, pl. 1, figs
4–6), should also be assigned to C. archangelskyi, because
Dimensions. (1 specimen). Equatorial diameter, 34 µm. of the similarities in ornamentation.

Remarks. Differentiated from Microbaculispora gondwa- Previous records. Lower Permian of Argentina
nensis Bharadwaj (1962, p. 81) and M. villosa (Balme (Archangelsky & Gamerro 1979; Césari et al. 1995;
& Hennelly) Bharadwaj (1962, p. 81) by its diameter Dino & Playford 2002), Brazil (Dino et al. 2002), and
and smaller dimensions at the sculpture. Microbaculispora Uruguay (Beri & Daners 1995; Mautino et al. 1998a; Beri
tentula Tiwari (1965, p. 175, figs 35–37) has similar dimen- et al. 2006).
sions, but has equidimensional bacula.
Convolutispora candiotensis Ybert, 1975
Infraturma Murornati Potonié & Kremp, 1954
(Fig. 7O)
Genus Convolutispora Hoffmeister, Staplin & Malloy,
Occurrence. DCLS wells 201, 221.
Convolutispora archangelskyi Playford & Dino, 2002
(Fig. 7M)
Description. Spore radial, trilete. Amb subcircular to
1995 Verrucosisporites cf. V. microtuberosus (Loose) Smith convexly subtriangular. Laesura perceptible, simple,
& Butterworth; Beri & Daners: pl. 1, fig. 3. straight; length varying from four-fifths of spore radius.
1995 Convolutispora sp.; Beri & Daners: pl. 1, fig. 6. Exine 3.5 µm thick, comprehensively rugulate sculpture
1995 Convolutispora sp.; Césari et al.: 81, pl. 2, fig. 16. of sinuous, narrow, usually anastomosing rugulae (2–3 µm
?1998a Microreticulatisporites inaequalis Menéndez & longitude), giving a reticulate appearance. Rugulae up to
Azcuy; Mautino et al.: 73, pl. 1, fig. 17. 6 µm long (usually about 2–4 µm) and varying in width
2002 Convolutispora sp. Dino et al.: pl. 1, fig. 4. (1–2 µm) spacing variable (about 3–5 µm).
(for further synonymy see Playford & Dino 2002, p. 254)
Dimensions. (2 specimens). Equatorial diameter,
Occurrence. DCLS well 221, El Barón. 40(42.3)47 µm.

Description. Spore radial, trilete. Amb circular to subcir-

Previous records. Lower Permian of Brazil (Ybert 1975;
cular. Laesura perceptible to distinct, straight; length
Quadros et al. 1996; Smaniotto et al. 2006). This is the first
varying from three-quarters of spore radius to near-
record of this species from Uruguay.
equal; laesura flanked by narrowly coalescent sculpturing
elements (rugula). Exine 3.5 µm thick, including compre- Subturma Zonotriletes Waltz, 1935
hensively developed sculpture: irregularly branching, flat- Infraturma Auriculati Schopf, emend. Dettmann, 1963
topped, sinuosous rugulae, with interspersed verrucate and Genus Stenozonotriletes Naumova, emend. Potonié, 1958
less-frequent granulose. Rugulate (1–2 µm wide, 1–1.5 µm Stenozonotriletes sp. A
high) spacing variable (up to 1–1.5 µm). (Fig. 8E)
464 P. R. Gutiérrez et al.

Occurrence. DCLS well 201. distinctive, cingulate (6 µm wide). Distal surface with coni
mammoid, evident at cingulum; coni bases have circular
Description. Spore radial, trilete, cingulate, subcircular outline (4–6 µm wide). Intexine thin, up to 1 µm thick,
to convexly subtriangular. Laesura perceptible, simple, showing partial detachment from exoexine.
straight; length varying from four-fifths to one spore
radius. Cingulum 2.5–5 µm thick, smooth. Exine smooth Dimensions. (1 specimen). Equatorial diameter, 45 µm;
to scabrate. corpus diameter, 33 µm.
Densosporites sp. B
Dimensions. (15 specimens). Equatorial diameter,
(Fig. 8R)
33(44.1)56 µm; cingulum, 2.5(3.4)5 µm wide.
Suprasubturma Laminanititriletes Smith & Butterworth, Occurrence. DCLS well 201.
Subturma Zonolaminatitriletes Smith & Butterworth, Description. Spore radial, trilete, cingulate, cavate. Amb
1967 subtriangular to subcircular. Laesura straight acompanied
Infraturma Cingulicavati Smith & Butterworth, 1967 by narrow and low lips, 1–2 µm wide; extending to
Genus Cristatisporites Potonié & Kremp, 1954 inner margin of cingulum. Exoexine distinctive, cingulate
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Cristatisporites rollerii Ottone, 1989 (4 µm wide). Distal surface with coni bases circular
(Fig. 8K) (2–3 µm wide). Intexine thin showing partial detachment
from exoexine.
Occurrence. DCLS well 201.
Dimensions. (2 specimens). Equatorial diameter, 30–45
Description. Spore trilete, cavati, cingulizonate; amb µm; corpus diameter, 30–35 µm.
subtriangular. Central corpus sub-triangular to subcircular
in outline. Laesura with thin lips, slighly sinuous; extend- Genus Kraeuselisporites Leschick, emend. Jansonius,
ing to inner margin of cingulum. Proximal surface laevigate. 1962
Distal surface with coni (wider bases and acuminate tips), Kraeuselisporites punctatus Jansonius, 1962
mamoid elements, and spines. Sculptural elements discrete (Fig. 8U)
at bases forming verruca muronate, crests and irregular 1974 Kraeuselisporites punctatus Marques-Toigo: 605,
walls with aserrate surface; sporadically delimits areoles of pl. 2, figs 1–2.
variable form and size. In the zona the sculpture merges
forming radial crests that diminish in size towards the Occurrence. DCLS wells 201, 221.
external margin, where they disappear. Cingulum thin (1–3
µm wide), with acuminate coni and mammoid elements. Description. Spore radial trilete, zonate, subtriangular to
Translucent, wide zona, ranging from one-third to one-half subcircular in outline. Laesura distinctive, sinuous with
of the radius of the spore. narrow and low lips extending to the equatorial margin
of the intexine, individually 1 to 2 µm wide. Distal surface
Dimensions. (4 specimens). Equatorial diameter, 45–60 of exoexine punctuate with occasional small granules or
µm. verrucae towards equatorial margin. Proximal face laevi-
gate or punctuate. Zona is generally smaller than one-third
Previous records. Pennsylvanian-Lower Permian of to one-quarter of spore radius, with irregular margin and a
Argentina (see Césari & Gutiérrez 2001; Gutiérrez & thickening exinal dark at its base.
Barreda 2006); Pennsylvanian of Brazil (Souza et al.
2003). This is the first record of the species in Uruguay. Dimensions. (12 specimens). Overall equatorial diame-
Genus Densosporites Berry, emend. Butterworth et al., ter, 50(65)90 µm; corpus diameter, 40(51.2)78 µm; zona,
1964 4(6.8)10 µm wide.
Densosporites sp. A
(Fig. 8I) Remarks. The species differs from Kraeuselisporites
apiculatus Jansonius (1962, p. 47, pl. 11, fig. 26), K.
Occurrence. DCLS well 201. spinosus Jansonius (1962, p. 47, pl. 11, fig. 22), K. sommeri
Cauduro (1970, p. 11, figs 30–36), and K. noduspiniferus
Description. Spore radial, trilete, cingulate, cavate. Amb Cauduro (1970, p. 11, figs 37–42) by the virtual absence of
subcircular. Laesura straight, surrounded by narrow, smooth conspicuous distal ornamentation. ‘Kraeuselisporites punc-
and low lips, 1.0–1.5 µm wide; extending to inner margin tatus’ (non Jansonius 1962, p. 48, pl. 11, figs 2, 20) proposed
of cingulum. Cingulum with irregular margin. Exoexine by Marques-Toigo (1974, p. 605, pl. 2, figs 1, 2), from the
Lower Permian palynology of Paraná Basin 465

San Gregorio Formation, differs from the species described Occurrence. DCLS wells 201, 221.
here only by the characteristics of the trilete mark (sinuous
and raised) lips and, therefore, is likely to be conspecific. Description. Pollen grain radial, monosaccate. Amb
Furthermore, Marques Toigo’s species is a homonym of a subcircular, corpus outline subcircular. Corpus with one
name previously validly published. Vallatisporites puncta- irregular to lobate protuberance in pole (35 µm × 28 µm).
tus (Marques-Toigo) Souza et al. (2003, p. 55, pl. 3, fig. 1) Saccus narrow (3 to 6 µm wide).
and V. sp. A of Playford & Dino (2000a, p. 20, pl. 4, fig.
7) are distinguished by having a vacuole in the equatorial Dimensions. (3 specimens in polar view). Overall diame-
zone. ter, 62–87 µm; corpus diameter, 49–72 µm.

Previous records. Lower Triassic of Argentina and Remarks. The material illustrated by Beri (1988, fig. 22)
Canada (Jansonius 1962; Jain 1968); Upper Permian of shows the diagnostic characteristics of this species.
Russia (Mangerud 1994). Lower Permian of Uruguay
(Marques-Toigo 1974; Beri & Goso 1996). Previous records. Permian of India and Africa (Mahesh-
Turma Monoletes Ibrahim, 1933 wari 1969; Lele & Makada 1972); Lower Permian of
Suprasubturma Acavatomonoletes Dettmann, 1963 Uruguay (Beri 1988).
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Subturma Azonomonoletes Luber, 1935 Infraturma Striasacciti Bharadwaj, 1962

Genus Reticuloidosporites Pflug in Thomson & Pflug, Genus Meristocorpus Playford & Dino, 2000a
1953 Meristocorpus sp. A
(Fig. 10k)
Remarks. In this paper we follow Dettmann (1963) and
Balme’s (1970) definition of Reticuloidosporites, which Occurrence. DCLS wells 201 and 221.
includes spores with elongate sculptural elements (verruca,
rugula, crista), widely separated, that do not give rise to a Description. Pollen grains bilateral, monosaccate, taeni-
negative reticulum. ate. Amb transversely oval. Corpus distinct, outline subcir-
Reticuloidosporites sp. A cular to longitudinally oval; proximal face bearing 7 to 9
(Fig. 9A) transverse taeniae, each 4–8 µm wide. A distinct, semilu-
nar, subparallel fold is developed marginally on corpus.
Occurrence. DCLS well 221.
Dimensions. (4 specimen in polar view). Overall breadth,
95(113.8)130 µm; overall length, 70(81.7)100 µm; corpus
Description. Bilateral dilete spore. Amb broadly oval in
breadth, 50(60.8)73 µm; corpus length, 60(62.7)65 µm.
polar view, periphery slightly undulating. Laesura extend-
ing about three-quarters spore length. Exine (2–3 µm thick) Subturma Disaccites Cookson, 1947
sculptured proximally and distally with flat, low and irreg- Infraturma Dissaccitrileti Leschik, 1955
ular ridges with rounded crest, giving appearance of nega- Genus Archangelskiapollenites nov.
tive reticulum. Sculptural elements about 2–3 µm wide,
1–1.5 µm high, and separated by sinuous channels less than Type species. Archangelskiapollenites globocorpus sp.
1–2 µm wide. nov.

Dimensions. (3 specimens). Length, 32(34)35 µm; Diagnosis. Characterized by its spherical corpus with
breadth, 28(29.3)30 µm. occasional exinal folds by compression, mark dilete, amb
diploxilonoid to slightly diploxilonoid, and cappula rectan-
Anteturma Variegerminantes Potonié, 1970
gular to quadrangular.
Turma Saccites Erdtman, 1947
Subturma Monosaccites Chitaley, emend. Potonié &
Kremp, 1954 Etymology. In honour of Dr Sergio Archangelsky, Argen-
Infraturma Dipolsacciti Hart, emend. Dibner, 1971 tinian palaeobotanist and palynologist.
Subinfraturma Apertacorpini Dibner, 1971
Genus Tuberisaccites Lele & Makada, 1972 Remarks. Differentiation of pollen assigned to the new
Tuberisaccites tuberculatus (Maheswari) Lele & Makada, genus Archangelskiapollenites is difficult because the
1972 grains do not possess some of the distinct morpho-
(Fig. 9J) logic features associated with other Neopalaeozoic bisac-
cate pollen grains. Archangelskiapollenites is characterized
1988 Polarisaccites sp. Beri: 37, fig. 22. by its spherical corpus with occasional exinal folds by
466 P. R. Gutiérrez et al.

compression, mark dilete, amb diploxilonoide to slightly Description. Cappa with dilete mark extended, one-half to
haploxilonoid, and cappula rectangular to quadrangular. one-fifth corpus breath, ca, one-third. Cappula with sides
Limitisporites Leschik is distinguishable mainly by its parallel or expanded at lateral extremes; extending over
sacci being distally attached associated with a semilunar full length of corpus, breadth one-half to one-fifth corpus
corpus infold system, and a corpus that is not spheri- breath, ca, one-third.
cal. Scopulisporites Leschik (1956, p. 64), Pinuspollenites
Raatz ex Potonié (1958, p. 62), and Piceapollenites Potonié Dimensions. (35 specimens in polar view). Over-
(1931, p. 28) are very similar to Archangelskiapollenites, all breadth, 62.5(81.1)102.5 µm; corpus breadth
but do not have a monolete-dilete mark over proximal face 32.5(52.3)70 µm, corpus length, 33.6(49.1)65.5 µm; ratio
of corpus. Triadispora Klaus (1964, p. 120) has central corpus breadth:corpus length, 0.80(1.08)1.27; proximal
corpus folds (secondary structures) and a trilete mark, but saccus breadth, 10(13.9)20 µm, distal saccus breadth,
is protobisaccate. Pityosporites Seward emend. Manum 22.5(29.7)42.5 µm, saccus length, 40(49.5)65.5 µm;
(1960, p. 14) has a very narrow cappula and no proximal cappula breadth, 5(19.7)32.5 µm; dilete, 9(20.1)30 µm.
mark. Podocarpidites Cookson ex Couper (1953, p. 35)
has an exine corpus that is finely granular with a marginal Remarks. Archangelskiapollenites globocorpus sp. nov. is
crest and has no proximal mark. Valiasaccites Bose & characterized by its globosus corpus, dilete mark, inflated
Kar (1966, p. 43) has two lateral ridges (taeniae sensu and discrete sacci, outline subquadrangular to oval, and amb
Downloaded By: [GutiérrezBuenos Aires, Pedro] At: 16:04 14 November 2010

Jansonius & Hills 1979, card 3153), a monolete mark, and haploxylonoid to diploxylonoid. The material illustrated by
sacci distally attached associated with a semilunar corpus Dino et al. (2002, fig. 20) from the Permian of Brazil is
infold system. Walikalesaccites Bose & Kar (1966, p. 102), included in this species based on its general outline and
differs in being strongly diploxylonoid, with sacci distally characteristics of the corpus and cappula.
attached near the distal pole, slightly curved, corpus central
Archangelskiapollenites plicatus sp. nov.
vertically oval and mark dilete generally extending over
(Fig. 11F-G, I)
the full width of the corpus. Labiisporites Leschik emend.
Klaus (1963) is haploxilonoid and has a monolete mark. 1995 Limitisporites sp. 3 Beri & Daners: pl. 2, fig. 2.

Archangelskiapollenites globocorpus sp. nov. Holotype. FCPP 152(A) H35/1 (Fig. 11F).
(Fig. 11A, C-E)

2002 Limitisporites sp. Dino et al.: fig. 20. Paratypes. FCPP 150(A) D42/0 (Fig. 11I), and 152(A)
O32/4 (Fig. 11G).
Holotype. FCPP 152(A) M28/1 (Fig. 11E). Type locality and stratum. DCLS well 221; Mangrullo
Member; Melo Formation.
Paratypes. FCPP 152(A) R35/3 (Fig. 11A), 155(B) M49/0
(Fig. 11C), and 155(B) V35/2 (Fig. 11D). Diagnosis. Pollen grain bisaccate, diploxylonoid, oval in
outline. Central corpus transversely oval in outline, spher-
Type locality and stratum. DSCL well 221; Mangrullo ical, with semilunar transversal and longitudinal folds by
Member; Melo Formation. compression in both faces. Cappa with dilete mark. Sacci
subcircular crescentic in outline, inflated, discrete, slightly
Diagnosis. Pollen grain bisaccate, haploxylonoid to distally inclined, and much higher than corpus. Proximal
diploxylonoid, equatorial outline oval to subquadrangular. attached sacci are equatorial to subequatorial, associated
Central corpus subcircular to transversely oval in outline, with exinal folds, sometimes; distal attachment sacci are
spherical with occasionally semilunar transversal folds subequatorial and straight, located near the central distal
by compression. Cappa with dilete mark. Sacci slightly face. Cappula rectangular extending over full length of
distally inclined, equally to slightly higher than corpus. corpus.
Sacci subcircular crescentic in outline, inflate, discrete, and
infrareticulate. Proximal attached sacci are equatorial to Etymology. Latin, plicatus: folds, referring to presence of
subequatorial; distal attachment sacci are subequatorial and folds in the corpus.
straight. Cappula slightly narrow, rectangular.
Occurrence. DCLS well 221, El Barón.
Etymology. Latin, globus: ball, referring to spherical Description. Cappa with dilete mark extending one-half
shape of the corpus. to one-fifth corpus breath, ca one-third. Cappula slightly
narrow (ca one-half corpus breadth), rectangular with sides
Occurrence. DCLS well 201, 221. parallel or expanded at lateral extremes; extending over full
Lower Permian palynology of Paraná Basin 467

length of corpus, breadth of cappula is equal to one-quarter Previous records. Pennsylvanian of Brazil (Playford &
to one-half corpus breath. Dino 2000a). This is the first record of this species in
Dimensions. (34 specimens in polar view). Overall Limitisporites delasaucei (Potonié & Klaus)
breadth, 67.5(87.0)107.5 µm; corpus breadth 40(55.3)87.5 Schaarschmidt, 1963
µm, corpus length, 32.5(47.2)62.5 µm; ratio corpus (Fig. 10G)
breadth:corpus length, 0.83(1.18)1.79; proximal saccus
breadth, 12.5(17.1)30 µm, distal saccus breadth, Occurrence. DCLS well 221.
22.5(33.7)50 µm, saccus length, 32.5(54.5)70 µm; cappula
breadth, 10(19.5)30. µm; dilete, 12.5(19.8)30 µm. Ratio Description. Pollen grain bisaccate diploxylonoid, over-
cappula breadth:corpus breadth, 1:4 to 1:2. all outline transversely oval. Corpus distinctive, longitudi-
nally oval in outline, with broadly rounded ends. Mark on
proximal surface (monolete to dilete). Sacci hemispherical,
Remarks. Archangelskiapollenites plicatus is character-
discrete, without lateral exoexinal bands; distal sacci attach-
ized by its spherical corpus with exinal folds, dilete mark,
ments comprising two well-defined longitudinal crescentic
inflated and discrete sacci, outline oval, and amb diploxy-
folds (8 µm wide), delimiting cappula 6–25 µm wide (one-
lonoid. These characteristics are seen in the material illus-
half to one-fifth-corpus breadth). Sacci opposite, equal to
Downloaded By: [GutiérrezBuenos Aires, Pedro] At: 16:04 14 November 2010

trated by Beri & Daners (1995, pl. 2, fig 2) as Limitisporites

larger than corpus.
sp. 3 from the Permian of Uruguay which is therefore
included in this species. Dimensions. (2 specimens in polar view). Overall breadth,
72–85 µm; corpus breadth, 30–34 µm; corpus length,
Genus Limitisporites Leschik, emend. Schaarschmidt, 42–55 µm; ratio corpus breadth:corpus length, 0.55–0.81;
1963 proximal saccus breadth, 29–40 µm; distal saccus breadth,
23–28 µm; saccus length, 43–50 µm.
Remarks. In this paper, we follow Potonié (1958) and
Schaarschmidt (1963) in treating Jugasporites as a junior Previous records. Known widely, especially from the
synonym of Limitisporites. Permian of Gondwanaland and Europe; also from the
Permian of Brazil (Dino et al. 2002). This is the first record
Limitisporites amazonensis Playford & Dino, 2000a from Uruguay.
(Fig. 10I) Limitisporites sp. cf. L. luandensis Bose & Maheswari,
Occurrence. DCLS well 221. (Fig. 10O)

Description. Pollen grain bisaccate, dilete, lightly diploxy- Occurrence. DCLS well 221.
lonoid to haploxylonoid, with overall outline transversely
Description. Pollen grain bisaccate dilete, diploxylonoid.
oval. Corpus distinctive, longitudinally to transversely
Corpus distinctive, subcircular to transversally elongate.
oval in outline. Mark distinctive, length 0.3–0.5 corpus
Sacci hemispherical, discrete; distal sacci attachments
breadth. Sacci hemispherical, discrete, distal sacci attach-
comprising two well-defined longitudinal crescentic folds
ments comprising two well-defined longitudinal crescentic
(6–13 µm wide), delimiting cappula 13–25 µm wide
folds (5–9 µm wide; ca 6.7), delimiting cappula 10–38 µm
(0.6–0.3 corpus breadth). Sacci inflated, opposite, equal
wide (0.3–0.7 corpus breadth; ca 0.5). Sacci opposite, equal
to or larger than corpus.
or smaller than corpus.
Dimensions. (6 specimens in polar view). Overall breadth,
Dimensions. (19 specimens in polar view). Overall 80(82.9)93 µm; corpus breadth, 40(42.8)48 µm; corpus
breadth, 69(84.7)105 µm; corpus breadth, 32(47.9)63 length, 30(41.7)50 µm; ratio corpus breadth:corpus length,
µm; corpus length, 45(51.4)60 µm; ratio corpus 0.88(1.05)1.23; proximal saccus breadth, 28(35.4)40 µm;
breadth:corpus length, 0.61(0.93)1.22; proximal saccus distal saccus breadth, 15(23.8)32.5 µm; saccus length,
breadth, 25(33.5)47.5 µm; distal saccus breadth, 45(53.5)60 µm.
16(21.0)32.5 µm; saccus length, 46.3(54.6)65 µm.
Remarks. Limitisporites luandensis Bose & Maheswari
(1968, p. 63) differs in being larger (overall breadth,
Remarks. Our material is slightly more variable in corpus 112–162 µm), but is otherwise identical.
shape and not so strongly diploxylonoid as typical Limi-
tisporites amazonensis (cf. Playford & Dino 2000a, p. 102, Infraturma Disacciatrileti Leschik, emend. Potonié, 1958
pl. 5, figs 7–9). Genus Alisporites Daugherty, emend. Jansonius, 1971
468 P. R. Gutiérrez et al.

Remarks. Balme (1970) separated Alisporites and Falcis- Dimensions. (13 specimens, in polar view). Overall
porites Leschik, emend. Klaus, 1963, on the presence of breadth, 54(70)93 µm; corpus breadth 30(41.2)61 µm,
a longitudinal sulcus in Falcisporites, a feature which corpus length, 35(41.4)53 µm; ratio corpus breadth:corpus
he did not observe in Alisporites. Jansonius (1971) re- length, 0.79(1)1.15; proximal saccus breadth, 9(16.7)28
examined Daugherty’s type material, and concluded that µm, distal saccus breadth, 20(28.6)37 µm, saccus height,
Alisporites includes bisaccate, non-taeniate and distally 27(34.2)42 µm.
sulcate pollen grains. Falcisporites is also distally sulcate
but can be distinguished from Alisporites by the saccus, Remarks. Part of the material described as Alisporites
which has a much coarser reticulation, and the ‘distal australis de Jersey, coming from the Yacimiento Los
leptoma’ (cappula?) is delineated by distinct distal bladder Reyunos Formation (Césari et al. 1996, p. 54, pl. 1, fig.
bases and a differential expansion of protosaccate exoexine 1), could be referred to this species on the basis of sacci
over the cappa along the longitudinal axis (Jansonius 1971, and body shape. The central body shape, sacci insertion and
p. 356). Satsangisaccites Bharadwaj & Srivastava (1969) their features differentiate this form from known species of
can be differentiated from Alisporites by the presence of a Alisporites. We leave this species unnamed until further
narrow sulcus and sacci attachment being laterally contin- samples are available, and a more detailed characterization
uous. can be made.
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Alisporites sp. cf. A. opii Daugherty, emend. Jansonius,

Previous records. Lower Permian of Brazil (Menéndez
1976) and Argentina (Césari et al. 1996). This is its first
(Fig. 11M)
record in Uruguay.
Occurrence. DCLS well 221. Alisporites similis (Balme) Dettmann, 1963
(Fig. 11H)
Description. Pollen grain bisaccate, haploxylonoid to 1994 Alisporites australis de Jersey; Fasolo & Vergel: pl.
slightly diploxylonoid, overall outline transversally oval. 3, fig. 1.
Corpus distinct oval, longitudinally elongated. Sacci attach- 1995 Alisporites australis de Jersey; Césari et al.: 54 (pars),
ments comprising to defined longitudinal crescentic folds pl. 1, fig. 4.
delimiting cappula (13–16 µm wide) and cappa. 1996 Alisporites sp. Césari et al.: pl. 1, fig. 7.

Dimensions. (6 specimens). Overall breadth, 45(64.0)74 Occurrence. DCLS well 221, El Barón.
µm; corpus breadth 28(39.5)46 µm, corpus length,
43(53.0)62 µm; ratio corpus breadth:corpus length, Description. Pollen grain bisaccate, haploxylonoid, amb
0.61(0.7)0.87; proximal saccus breadth, 14(14.7)15 µm, transversally oval. Corpus longitudinally oval. Sacci distally
distal saccus breadth, 26(26.5)27 µm; saccus length, inclined, cresentic in outline, much smaller than corpus.
40(50.7)72 µm. Cappa oval in outline with marginal crest, which is devel-
oped between the proximal saccus bases and the cappa.
Remarks. The present material is smaller than Alisporites Cappula lightly convex-sided, extending full length of the
opii Daugherty, emend. Jansonius, and includes diploxy- corpus, with narrow sulcus (2–5 µm wide).
lonoid specimens.
Alisporites rioclarensis Menéndez, 1976 Dimensions. (8 specimens). Overall breadth, 44(56.1)84
(Fig. 11J) µm; corpus breadth, 22(31.2)47.5 µm, corpus length,
32(43.5)63 µm; ratio corpus breadth:corpus length,
1996 Alisporites australis de Jersey; Césari et al.: 54 (pars), 0.58(0.7)0.85; distal saccus breadth, 10(14.9)17.5 µm;
pl. 1, fig. 1. proximal saccus breadth, 20(25.3)28 µm.

Occurrence. DCLS well 221, El Barón. Remarks. Alisporites similis (Balme) Dettmann resembles
A. haradensis Kumar (1973, p. 117, figs 115–116) in shape
Description. Pollen grain bisaccate, haploxylonoid with but the latter is larger, has a fusiform sulcus, and lacks a
transversally subrectangular outline. Corpus outline thickened exine. Vitreisporites itunensis Pocock (1970b, p.
discernible, typically sub-quadrate. Exoexine of corpus 86, pl. 18, figs 12, 14, 24) is very similar to A. similis, but
thick, cappa poorly defined. Cappula exine thick, with is larger. The material from the Melo Formation assigned
narrow sulcus poorly defined. Sacci opposite, semicircu- to A. australis de Jersey by Fasolo & Vergel (1994) might
lar in outline, discrete, slightly smaller than corpus. Sacci be better included in A. similis based on body and sacci
attached equatorially to corpus. Exoexine of sacci finely shape, sacci insertion, thicker exinal, etc. Part of the mate-
infrareticulate. rial described as A. australis de Jersey, coming from the
Lower Permian palynology of Paraná Basin 469

Yacimiento Los Reyunos Formation (Césari et al. 1996, p. Zavattieri (1991a, p. 20, pl. 7, fig. 7 as C. cf. australiensis)
54, pl. 1, fig. 4), could be referred to this species. from the Triassic of Argentina, but differ in the corpus being
longitudinally oval. C.? sp. (Gutiérrez et al. 2006) from the
Previous records. Triassic-Cretaceous of Gondwanaland San Gregorio Formation differs in being smaller (overall
(see Raine et al. 2005). Lower Permian of Uruguay (Fasolo breadth, 50–55 µm).
& Vergel 1994; Beri & Pecoits 2001).
Genus Falcisporites Leschik, emend. Klaus, 1963
Alisporites sp. A Falcisporites nuthallensis (Clarke) Balme, 1970
(Fig. 10M) (Figs 11L, 12A)
1976 Alisporites indarraensis Segroves; Dellazana: 10, pl.
Occurrence. DCLS well 221.
3, figs 6–8.
1976 Sulcatisporites ovatus (Balme & Hennelly)
Description. Pollen grain bisaccate, diploxylonoid, over- Menéndez: 8, pl. 1, fig. 11.
all outline transversally oval to sub-rectangular. Corpus 2001 ?Alisporites australis de Jersey; Beri & Pecoits: fig.
distinctive, longitudinally oval in outline. Longitudinal 3D.
sulcus poorly defined, extending to lateral margins of (for full synonymy see Balme 1970, p. 389)
corpus. Cappa delimited by slightly convex equatorial sacci
Downloaded By: [GutiérrezBuenos Aires, Pedro] At: 16:04 14 November 2010

attachment. Sacci crescentic, discrete, opposite or with

Occurrence. DCLS well 221, El Barón.
slight distal inclination, equal or larger than corpus.
Description. Pollen grains bisaccate, haploxylonoid, over-
Dimensions. (6 specimens in polar view). Overall breadth,
all outline transversally oval. Corpus distinct, oval, longitu-
47(53)59 µm; corpus breadth, 34(37.6)45 µm; corpus
dinally elongated, and with a thin marginal border. Cappa
length, 28(36.2)46.5 µm; ratio corpus breadth:corpus
exoexine thin, delimited by slightly convex saccus attach-
length, 0.93(1.05)1.23; proximal saccus breadth, 6.5(8)10
ment, and by associated folds. Cappa wide, about two-thirds
µm; distal saccus breadth, 20(23.5)29 µm; saccus length,
of corpus width. Sulcus very narrow, with parallel sides
32(38)47.5 µm; sulcus breadth, 6(7.2)8 µm.
and thin exoexine, defined by sacci straight distal attach-
ment. Sacci discrete, semicircular in outline, opposite or
Remarks. Alisporites sp. A is distinguished from other
with slight distal inclination, equal or smaller than corpus;
Alisporites species by the shape and size of its corpus and
finely endoreticulate; attached saccus sub-equatorially to
grain, the ratio of sulcus breadth:corpus breadth, and the
proximal face.
sacci being opposite or with a slight distal inclination.
Genus Chordasporites Klaus, 1960 Dimensions. (32 specimens in polar view). Overall
Chordasporites sp. cf. C. australiensis de Jersey, 1963 breadth, 40(66.1)94 µm; corpus breadth, 21(35.2)61 µm;
(Fig. 12D) corpus length, 26(42.9)62 µm; ratio corpus breadth:corpus
length, 0.54(0.8)1.1; proximal saccus breadth, 6(17.3)38
Occurrence. DCLS wells 221, 201, El Barón. µm; distal saccus breadth, 16(31.2)50 µm; saccus
length, 24(38)64 µm; cappa breadth, 10(23.5)41 µm;
Description. Pollen grain bisaccate, slighly diploxylonoid, sulcus breadth, 1(2.5)5 µm; ratio sulcus:corpus breadth,
overall outline transversally oval. Corpus distinctive, 1/45(1/20)1/8. Saccus heigth, 24(37)64 µm. Ratio saccus
subcircular in outline. Chorda (3–4 µm wide), with non- height:corpus length, 0.65(0.80)1.05.
sinuous margins, extending total breadth, or almost total
breadth of corpus. Sacci crescentic, opposite or with slight Remarks. Falcisporites nuthallensis (Clarke) Balme is
distal inclination. Sacci with semicircular outline, approxi- distinguished from Alisporites by its narrow sulcus, high
mately equal to two-thirds body in size. ratio sulcus:corpus breadth, corpus with thin marginal
border, and sacci opposite or with slight distal inclination
Dimensions. (11 specimens in polar view). Overall (Clarke 1965, p. 346, pl. 43, figs 1, 15; text-fig. 15; Balme
breadth, 73(96.4)135 µm; saccus length, 40(52.8)73 µm; 1970, p. 389, figs 15–18). F. nuthallensis (Clarke) Balme,
corpus breadth, 40(55.2)70 µm; corpus length, 40(55.0)75 from the Triassic of Argentina (Zavattieri & Volkheimer
µm; ratio corpus breadth:corpus length, 0.93(1.0)1.2; distal 1992, p. 32, pl. 2, figs 5, 7), and F. stabilis Balme (1970, p.
saccus breadth, 26(38)50 µm; proximal saccus breadth, 387, pl. 16, figs 6–10), from the Permo-Triassic of Iran, are
20(25)30 µm. distinguished by their greater sulcus:corpus breadth ratio
(ca 1:5, and 1:2–1:3 respectively). A. splendens (Leschik)
Remarks. Chordasporites australiensis de Jersey differs Foster (1979, p. 73, pl. 25, figs 9, 10) differs in having an
in having larger sacci, wider chorda, and a slightly smaller inconspicuous sulcus. Scheuringipollenites ovatus (Balme
size range. Our specimens are similar to those described by & Hennelly) Foster (1975, p. 19, pl. 6, figs 5–6) is
470 P. R. Gutiérrez et al.

distinguished by its poorly defined corpus and semi- which are strongly inclinated distally and with a wider
elliptical sacci in polar view. A. indarraensis Segroves, cappula.
described by Dellazana (1976, p. 10, pl. 3, figs 6–8), is
Genus Platysaccus Naumova ex Potonié & Kremp, 1954
conspecific with the material described here. In A. indar-
Platysaccus orientales sp. nov.
raensis the corpus is circular to subcircular in polar view,
(Fig. 12L, N)
and the sacci, usually inflated, having strong distal inclina-
tion (Segroves 1969, p. 191, pl. 6, figs A-E). Sulcatisporites
Holotype. FCPP 155(B) C38/1 (Fig. 12N).
ovatus, described by Menéndez (1976, p. 89, pl. 1, fig.
11), probably should also be assigned to F. nuthallensis.
Alisporites cf. A. splendens (Leschik) Foster, described by Paratype. FCPP 155(B) V44/0 (Fig. 12L).
Césari et al. (1996, p. 54, pl. 1, fig. 6), is very similar to
the Uruguayan material, nevertheless it is larger and exinal Type locality and stratum. DCLS well 221; Mangrullo
folds on the proximal face and sulcus cannot be clearly Member, Melo Formation.
Diagnosis. Pollen grain bisaccate, amb strongly diploxy-
Previous records. Permian-Triassic of Gondwanaland lonoid. Corpus well defined, subcircular to slightly longitu-
and Europe (see Balme 1970; Zavattieri 1992). Triassic dinally oval. Cappula narrow, rectangular, margins paral-
Downloaded By: [GutiérrezBuenos Aires, Pedro] At: 16:04 14 November 2010

of Argentina and Chile (Zavattieri 1987, 1991a, 1992; lel, coinciding with total distal roots of sacci; extend-
Zavattieri & Volkheimer 1992; Zavattieri et al. 2003); ing over full length of corpus, breadth one-fifth that of
Permian of Brazil (Daemón & Quadros 1970; Dellazana corpus. Sacci reniform in shape, distinctly inflated, discrete,
1976); Lower Permian of Uruguay (Beri & Pecoits 2001). and much greater than semicircular in equatorial outline.
Saccus infrastructure fine to moderately coarse. Root sacci
Genus Phrixipollenites Haskell, 1968 straight.
Phrixipollenites sp. A
(Fig. 12B-C, F) Etymology. Due to its geographic provenance.

Occurrence. DCLS well 221, El Barón. Occurrence. DCLS well 221.

Description. Pollen grain bisaccate. Corpus subcircular Dimensions. (7 specimens in polar view). Overall breadth,
in polar view, biconvex in equatorial view. Cappa thick 65(78.5)83 µm; corpus breadth 36(43.3)55 µm, corpus
(2.0–3.5 µm thick), scabrate, breadth about that of corpus. length, 43(47.5)55 µm; ratio corpus breadth:corpus length,
Cappula thinner than cappa. Sacci smaller than the 0.80(0.91)1; proximal saccus breadth, 36(37.5)39 µm,
corpus, strongly pendant distally. Sacci inflated, round to saccus length, 50(56.5)65 µm.
semicircular, irregularly shallow and infrareticulate with
radial arrangement. Remarks and comparison. Platysaccus orientalis sp. nov.
is characterized by its rectangular cappula, inflated, reni-
Dimensions. (7 specimens in polar view). Overall breadth, form and discrete sacci with straight root sacci, and amb
56(53)64 µm; corpus breadth 37(38.2)40 µm, corpus diploxylonoid. P. cacheutensis Jain (1968, p. 28, pl. 8, figs
length, 31(36.4)41 µm; ratio corpus breadth:corpus length, 105–107) differs from P. orientalis in having a distinctly
0.93(1.05)1.20; maximum saccus breadth, 22–23 µm, longitudinal elongate corpus and larger sacci. Specimens of
saccus length, 29(34.7)38 µm. P. queenslandii de Jersey described by Jain (1968, p. 27, pl.
8, figs 102–104) appear distinguishable from P. orientalis
Remarks. Pollen grains resembling Phrixipollenites sp. A only by their root sacci and total amb. The cf. P. triassicus
are uncommon in Palaeozoic sediments. P. sp. from Trias- (Mädler, 1964) from the Triassic of China (Ouyang Shu &
sic of Argentina (Zavattieri & Volkheimer 1992, p. 38, Norris 1999, p. 41, pl. 6, fig. 6) is very similar to P. orien-
pl. 6, fig. 8, pl. 5, fig. 3) is distinguished by its trans- talis. However, the lack of description prohibits detailed
versely oval corpus. Pityosporites communis Tschudy & comparison. Besides, P. triassicus (Maljavkina) Dunay &
Kosanke (1966, p. 66, pl. 2, figs 32–33) from the Permian Fisher (1979, p. 86, pl. 5, figs 14–15) is smaller, has a
of Texas appears similar to Phrixipollenites sp. A, but narrower cappula with concave sides, longitudinally ellipti-
has a less extensive cappa which is thinner and granulate, cal corpus and which is smaller than the sacci. P. katriensis
bigger sacci, and an oval corpus. Some of the specimens Kar (1968, p. 126, pl. 2, figs 52, 58) from the Permian of
assigned to Pinuspollenites thoracatus by Balme (1970, India is slightly smaller and has a denser walled, vertically
p. 400, fig. 11, pl. 15, figs 10–14) bear a general resem- elliptical corpus. P. queenslandii de Jersey, from the Triassic
blance to Phrixipollenites sp. A, but differ in having wider of Argentina (Zavattieri 1992, p. 20, pl. 3, fig. 7), is similar
cappula and sacci abruptly differentiated from the corpus, to P. orientalis but has exinal plicae associated with the
Lower Permian palynology of Paraná Basin 471

distal insertion of the sacci, cappula with concave sides and Dimensions. (1 specimen in polar view). Overall breadth,
exinal bridges. Podocarpidites nous Sah & Jain (1965, p. 72 µm; corpus breadth, 48 µm, corpus length, 38 µm;
278, pl. 6, figs 113–114), from the Jurassic of India, shows saccus length, 50 µm.
a superficial resemblance to Platysaccus orientalis, but is
slightly smaller and has a conspicuous marginal rim in the Remarks. The species that comes closest to Podocar-
central corpus. The same is true for Podocarpidites cf. P. pidites sp. A is P. vermiculatus Kumar (1973, p. 119, figs
multesimus (Bolkhovitina) Pocock illustrated by Dettmann 126–127), but this species differs in having a narrower
(1963, p. 103, pl. 25, figs 13–14 only), but the reticulation corpus and a roundly oval to subcircular amb.
of the sacci is subdued and seems to show granulation in
Genus Pteruchipollenites Couper, 1958
the central corpus. Podocarpites arquatus (Kara-Muza in
Pteruchipollenites sp. cf. P. gondwanensis (Jain) Ottone
Bolkhovitina) Haskell (Zavattieri 1992, p. 16, pl. 8, fig. 24)
& Garcı́a, 1991
is separated by the presence of cappula with concave sides,
(Fig. 13A)
sacci smaller than the body and a smaller overall size.

Platysaccus sp. A Occurrence. DCLS well 221.

(Fig. 12E)
Description. Pollen grain bisaccate, amb diploxylonoid,
Downloaded By: [GutiérrezBuenos Aires, Pedro] At: 16:04 14 November 2010

non sulcate. Corpus subcircular to suboval in shape, verti-

Occurrence. DCLS well 221.
cally elongate. Sacci about semicircular in shape, with bases
undifferentiated, gradually merging with corpus exine.
Description. Pollen grain bisaccate, amb diploxylonoid, Sacci slightly inclined distally, finely reticulate.
shortly oval transversely. Corpus well defined, longitudi-
nally subhexagonal, and with thicker exine (3 µm wide). Dimensions. (2 specimens in polar view). Overall breadth,
Cappula narrow, rectangular, margins sub-parallel; extend- 75–110 µm; corpus breadth, 53–70 µm; corpus length,
ing over full length of corpus; breadth one-fifth that of 55–82 µm; cappula breadth, 15–27 µm; saccus length,
corpus. Sacci short and reniform, discrete, and semicircu- 55–76 µm.
lar in shape.
Remarks. The present material differs from the original
Dimensions. (1 specimen in polar view). Overall breadth, species description (Jain 1968, p. 21, pl. 4, figs 59–61)
43 µm; corpus breadth 24 µm, corpus length, 35 µm; mainly in the small sacci relative to the size of corpus.
ratio corpus breadth:corpus length, 0.69; proximal saccus Pterucipollenites gondwanesis (Jain) Ottone & Garcı́a
breadth, 23 µm, saccus length, 47 µm. (Ottone et al. 1992, pl. 5, fig. 6) bears a strong resemblance
to this material.
Remarks. Platysaccus sp. A differs from other species of
Platysaccus in having a distinctly longitudinally elongate, Previous records. Triassic of Argentina (Ottone & Garcı́a
subhexagonal body, smaller sacci and a thicker exine of 1991; Ottone et al. 1992).
the corpus. Triadispora suspecta Scheuring from Triassic Genus Satsangisaccites Bharadwaj & Srivastava, 1969
of France (Taugourdeau-Lantz 1974, pl. 2, fig. 4) is very Satsangisaccites uruguaiensis sp. nov.
similar to P. sp. A, but lack of description prevents a more (Fig. 13B-C, E, H-I)
precise comparison.

Genus Podocarpidites Cookson ex Couper, 1953 Holotype. FCPP 152(A) O32/0 (Fig. 13B).
Podocarpidites sp. A
(Fig. 12J) Paratypes. FCPP 152(A) J36/2 (Fig. 13E), G55/1 (Fig.
13H), M44/4 (Fig. 13C); and 150(A) D43/1 (Pl. 7, Fig.
13I), C32/0.
Occurrence. El Barón.
Type locality and stratum. DCLS well 221 (120.5 m);
Description. Pollen grain bisaccate, amb slightly diploxy- Melo Formation.
lonoid, oval transversely. Corpus dark in colour, well
defined, transversely elongate, and with thick exine Diagnosis. Pollen grains bisaccate, diploxylonoid, corpus
(1–2 µm wide). Cappa verrucose, verruca low and vermicu- subcircular or oval with a thin equatorial thickness. Sacci
late in pattern. Cappula rectangular with margins subparal- laterally connected by exoexinal bands. Proximal sacci
lel; extending over full length of corpus, breadth about half attachment are subequatorial or equatorial, associated with
that of corpus. Sacci smaller that corpus, discrete, semicir- two crescentic, lateral exinal folds connected at the end
cular to weakly crescentic in polar view. of the corpus. Distally, the sacci are inclined and attached,
472 P. R. Gutiérrez et al.

sacci delimits sharply leaving a narrow, longitudinally elon- in outline, thickened along its equator. Sacci are later-
gated sulcus; rarely with median groove. Sacci larger than ally connected by exoexinal bands (4–8 µm wide); prox-
corpus, and distinctly greater than semicircular in equato- imal sacci attachment are subequatorial, associated with
rial outline. two crescentic, lateral exinal folds (2–3 µm wide), and
connected to the end of corpus; distally the sacci are slightly
Occurrence. DCLS well 221, El Barón. inclined and sacci attachment delimits a narrow and longi-
tudinally elongated sulcus; median groove may be clearly
Description. Pollen grain bisaccate, amb diploxylonoid, seen. Sacci larger than corpus and semicircular in equatorial
overall outline, transversely oval. Corpus perceptible, outline.
outline subcircular to longitudinally or transversely oval.
Corpus outline is marked by the presence of a thickened Dimensions. (1 specimen in polar view). Overall breadth,
wall along its equator. Corpus exine is thick, laevigate 60 µm; corpus breadth 30 µm, corpus length, 43 µm;
and intramicroreticulate. Sacci are laterally connected by ratio corpus breadth:corpus length, 0.70; proximal saccus
distinct exoexinal bands (1–5 µm, ca 2.6 µm wide); prox- breadth, 23 µm, distal saccus breadth, 15 µm, saccus
imal sacci attachment is subequatorial or equatorial, asso- length, 38 µm.
ciated with two crescentic, lateral exinal folds (3–6 µm Infraturma Striatiti Pant, 1954
wide), connected to the end of corpus; distally the sacci
Downloaded By: [GutiérrezBuenos Aires, Pedro] At: 16:04 14 November 2010

Genus Hamiapollenites Wilson, 1962

are inclined and attachment of the sacci leaving a narrow, Hamiapollenites sp. cf. bullaeformis (Samoilovich)
longitudinally elongated sulcus (sulcus wide, 2–5 µm, ca Jansonius, 1962
3.7 µm; ratio sulcus wide:corpus breadth, 1:17–1:22, ca (Fig. 13L)
1:11); rarely a median groove may be clearly seen. Sacci
larger than corpus (saccus breadth:corpus breadth, 1.0–1.2; Occurrence. DCLS wells 201, 221, El Barón.
saccus length:corpus length, 1.0–1.6), and distinctly greater
than semicircular in equatorial outline. Description. Pollen grains bisaccate, taeniate, haploxy-
lonoid. Corpus subcircular to slightly transversely oval in
Dimensions. (21 specimens in polar view). Overall polar view; cappa divided transversely into 9 to 11 contin-
breadth, 59(84.0)98 µm; corpus breadth 26(40.6)52 uous, subparallel taeniae, separated by narrow linear chan-
µm, corpus length, 25(42.7)53 µm; ratio corpus nels. Cappula bisected by central longitudinal exine band,
breadth:corpus length, 0.80(0.96)1.16; proximal saccus 3–10 µm wide, thicker than remainder of distal exine. Sacci
breadth, 28(38.6)53 µm, distal saccus breadth, 18(25.1)35 much smaller than corpus, semicircular in outline; attached
µm, saccus length, 34(49.9)59 µm. equatorially to corpus.

Comparison. Pityosporites nucleoparvus Anderson Dimensions. (6 specimens in polar view). Overall breadth,
(1977, p. 112, pl. 138, figs 1–2) is known only from its 65(67.5)70 µm; corpus breadth, 35(43.3)50 µm; corpus
brief diagnosis and its illustrations, thus precluding a length, 35(44.3)55 µm; ratio corpus breadth:corpus length,
detailed comparison. It possibly differs from the present 0.91(1.00)1.13; saccus length, 23 µm.
species in having neither a narrow sulcus nor an exinal
band between the sacci. Satsangisaccites nidpurensis Remarks. Hamiapollenites bullaeformis (Samoilovich)
Bharadwaj & Srivastava (1969, p. 132, pl. 27, figs 50–60) Jansonius, 1962 is very similar but slightly smaller. It
is consistently larger than S. uruguaiensis (overall breadth, differs from H. fusiformis in that its sacci and corpus are
107.5–152.5 µm), is haploxylonoid in outline, and has a of clearly different size and shows fewer taeniae. Proto-
corpus that is rhomboidal or broadly vertically oval, with sacculina elliptica Menéndez (1976, p. 16, pl. 2, figs 3,
its outline diffuse, only marked by the presence of folds 7), from the Permian of Brazil (Iratı́ Formation), is smaller
along its equator. S. triassicus Bharadwaj & Srivastava and has from 9 or 10 taeniae, and therefore is likely to be
(1969, p. 132, pl. 27, figs 61–66) is distinguished by its synonymous.
transversely oval corpus, its diffuse haploxylonoid outline,
and its smaller size (overall breadth, 42.5–75 µm). Genus Lahirites Bharadwaj, 1962
Lahirites karanpuraensis Bharadwaj & Dwivedi, 1981
Satsangisaccites sp. A (Fig. 13K)
(Fig. 13D)
Occurrence. DCLS well 221.
Occurrence. El Barón.
Description. Pollen grain striate, bisaccate, diploxylonoid.
Description. Pollen grain bisaccate, amb haploxylonoid, Central corpus dark, subcircular to oval transversely, with-
overall outline transversely oval. Corpus transversely oval out an equatorial rim; proximally horizontally striated
Lower Permian palynology of Paraná Basin 473

(number of striations, 8). Striations branched. Sacci hemi- Lueckisporites singrauliensis Sinha, 1972
spherical; saccus attached along the full length of corpus; (Fig. 14J)
straight at sides, convex in the middle. Distal sulcus straight
to biconvex. Occurrence. DCLS well 221, El Barón.

Dimensions. (5 specimens in polar view). Overall breadth, Description. Pollen grain strongly diploxylonoid, longi-
58(69.6)80 µm; corpus breadth, 38(43.4)50 µm, corpus tudinally oval. Central corpus small, longitudinally oval
length, 33(37.5)43 µm; sulcus wide, 3–7 µm; saccus to circular, bearing two reniform taeniae, almost equal
length, 45(51.5)57 µm; distal saccus breadth, 25(33.3)40 in length to corpus breadth. Sacci more than half-circle,
µm. proximally equatorially attached; distally inclined forming
narrow and straight cappula.
Previous records. Permian of India (Bharadwaj &
Dimensions. (14 specimens in polar view). Overall
Dwivedi 1981). This is the first record from Uruguay.
breadth, 72(81.1)105 µm; corpus breadth, 36(48.8)68 µm,
Genus Lueckisporites Potonié & Klaus, emend. Klaus, corpus length, 29(37.5)56 µm; ratio corpus breadth:corpus
1963 length, 1.00(1.19)1.42; saccus length, 38(58.5)90 µm.
Lueckisporites angoulaensis Jardiné 1974
Downloaded By: [GutiérrezBuenos Aires, Pedro] At: 16:04 14 November 2010

(Fig. 14E) Remarks. Despite the shape of the central corpus (more
elliptical than in the original; Sinha 1972, p. 187, pl. 5,
1979 Lueckisporites densicorpus Archangelsky & figs 61–62), we believe this material should be included in
Gamerro: 450, pl. 9, figs 1–5. Lueckisporites singrauliensis Sinha because of similarities
in overall outline, size, form of the taeniae etc.
Occurrence. DCLS well 221.
Previous records. Upper Permian of India (Sinha 1972).
Description. Pollen grain bisaccate, strongly diploxy- This is the first record from Uruguay.
lonoid. Central corpus dark, subcircular. Cappa with two Genus Lunatisporites Leschik, emend. Scheuring, 1970
horizontal taeniae. Taenia (6–8 µm wide) curved, having a Lunatisporites sp. A
space at 3–5 µm wide in proximal pole. Sacci intrareticu- (Fig. 15B)
late and hemipherical in polar view with a pronounced distal
inclination. Cappula about one-fifth breadth of corpus, rect- Occurrence. DCLS well 221.
angular, with parallel sides.
Description. Pollen grains bisaccate, taeniate, strongly
Dimensions. (2 specimens in polar view). Overall breadth, diploxylonoid. Monolete geniculate, length ca 20% of
60–75 µm; corpus breadth, 27–30 µm, corpus length, corpus width. Corpus subcircular; cappa featuring 4–6
28–30 µm; ratio corpus breadth:corpus length, 0.96–1.00; transverse taeniae, about 5–10 µm wide. Cappula breadth
saccus length, 38–42 µm; distal saccus breadth, 28–32 µm; about one-quarter of corpus width, rectangular, usually
leptoma breadth, 8–10 µm. bordered by longitudinal intexinal folds asocciated with
the sacci attachment. Sacci with distal inclination.
Remarks. Lueckisporites densicorpus Archangelsky &
Gamerro (1979, p. 450, figs 1–5) presents the same char- Dimensions. (2 specimens in polar view). Overall breadth,
acteristics as L. angoulaensis (corpus with thick exine, 105–112 µm; corpus breadth, 51–53 µm, corpus length,
transversely oval, narrow cappula, outline strongly diploxy- 50–55 µm; ratio corpus breadth:corpus length, 0.93–1.06;
lonoide, similar size). The features used by Archangelsky & saccus length, 70–72 µm.
Gamerro (1979, p. 450) to separate them (narrower central Lunatisporites sp. B
ribs and lack of trilete mark) are not judged by us as suffi- (Fig. 15F)
cient enough to create a new taxon. L. densus Cauduro
(1970, p. 20, figs 112–114) differs in having a circular Occurrence. DCLS well 221.
central corpus, a not so markedly diploxylonoid outline, and
a lower ratio of overall size:corpus than in L. angoulaensis. Description. Pollen grains bisaccate, taeniate, strongly
diploxylonoid. Monolete geniculate, length ca half of
Previous records. Lower Permian of Argentina corpus wide. Corpus subcircular to transversely oval; cappa
(Archangelsky & Gamerro 1979), Brazil (Souza & featuring 6 transverse taeniae, about 10–20 µm wide.
Marques-Toigo 2005; Premaor et al. 2006), and Uruguay Cappula breadth about half that of corpus wide, rectan-
(Beri & Daners 1995). gular. Sacci with strongly distal inclination.
474 P. R. Gutiérrez et al.

Dimensions. (2 specimens in polar view). Overall breadth, Occurrence. DCLS wells 201, 221.
120–130 µm; corpus breadth, 79–84 µm, corpus length,
70–80 µm; ratio corpus breadth:corpus length, 0.98–1.20; Description. Pollen grains bisaccate, taeniate, slightly
saccus length, 85–87 µm. haploxylonoid. Corpus outline subcircular to transversely
Genus Protohaploxypinus Samoilovich, emend. Morbey, oval. Corpus lined on the outside by an incomplete, all
1975 round marginal proximal thickened wall. Cappa divided
Protohaploxypinus sp. cf. P. suchonensis (Sedova) Hart, into seven to twelve (generally ten) transverse taeniae,
1964 simple to branched. Cappula defined by straight to convex
(Fig. 15D) distal saccus attachment. Sacci semicircular in outline,
larger than the corpus. Saccus distal attachment full length,
Occurrence. El Barón. straigth to slightly convex.

Description. Pollen grains bisaccate, taeniate, haploxy- Dimensions. (10 specimens in polar view). Overall
lonoid, transversely oval. Corpus oval, with longitudi- breadth, 65(79.1)97 µm; sacci length, 45(51.7)60 µm;
nal elongation. Cappa divided into 7 subparallel, trans- corpus breadth, 45(55.8)70 µm; corpus length, 40(51.3)66
verse taeniae of variable width (ca 2–4 µm), separated by µm; ratio corpus breadth:corpus length, 0.91(1.03)1.15;
proximal saccus breadth, 20(24)27 µm; distal saccus
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narrow clefts. Cappula longitudinally rectangular (equal

to 1/4 of corpus breadth). Sacci greater than semicir- breadth, 12(15)19 µm.
cular in equatorial outline. Endoreticulum not clearly
discernible. Striatites sp. B
(Fig. 15E)
Dimensions. (1 specimen in polar view). Overall breadth,
42 µm; corpus breadth, 22 µm, corpus length, 37 µm; ratio Occurrence. DCLS well 221, El Barón.
corpus breadth:corpus length, 0.60; saccus length, 28 µm.
Description. Pollen grains bisaccate, taeniate, diploxy-
Remarks. This form resembles greatly Protohaploxypinus lonoid to slightly haploxylonoid. Corpus outline trans-
suchonensis (Sedova) Hart, 1964 in general morphology. versely oval, darker than sacci. Cappa divided into 8 to
The Uruguayan form differs in having a slightly smaller 10 transverse taeniae, simple to branched. Cappula defined
size than that observed in the original material (overall by straight distal saccus attachment. Sacci crescentic to
breadth, 55–85 µm; corpus breadth, 30–44 µm). semicircular in outline, larger than the corpus. Saccus
Genus Rhizomaspora Wilson, 1962 with distal attachment along full length of corpus, straight
Rhizomaspora divaricata Wilson, 1962 to slightly convex; sometimes associated with exinal
(Fig. 14D) folds.

Occurrence. DCLS well 221. Dimensions. (9 specimens in polar view). Overall breadth,
67(84.7)110 µm; sacci length, 37(50.6)65 µm; corpus
Description. Pollen grain bisaccate, strongly diploxy- breadth, 36(54.6)72 µm; corpus length, 30(47.3)63 µm;
lonoid. Corpus subcircular with exine 2 µm thick. Cappa ratio corpus breadth:corpus length, 1.05(1.16)1.30; proxi-
ornamentated with radiating ribs which are smooth. Sulcus mal saccus breadth, 30–31 µm.
narrow, obscure. Sacci reniform, proximal attachment on
equator; distal attachment deeply inserted upon tube cell, Division Prasinophyta Round, 1971
unattached parts often overlapping on free edges. Sacci Genus Leiosphaeridia Eisenack, emend. Downie &
attachment with radial lineation. Sarjeant, 1963
Leiosphaeridia sp. A
Dimensions. (1 specimen in polar view). Overall breadth, (Fig. 5D)
62 µm; corpus breadth, 23 µm, corpus length, 24 µm;
saccus length, 42 µm. Occurrence. DCLS well 201.

Previous records. Upper Permian of Oklahoma, USA Description. Vesicle spheroidal. Wall single-layered, thick
(Wilson 1962). Not previously recorded from Uruguay. (2.5 µm wide), laevigate, folded. Folds ranging from a
Genus Striatites Pant ex Jansonius & Hills, 1981 single broad crescentic fold at vesicle margin.
Striatites sp. A
(Fig. 15J) Dimensions. (1 specimen). Diameter, 40 µm.
Lower Permian palynology of Paraná Basin 475

Fungi freshwater algae (3.5–45%; mean 18.3%), monosaccate

Genus Spheripollenites Couper, emend. Jansonius, 1962 (3.1–11.1%; mean 7.2%) and bisaccate pollen grains
Spheripollenites sp. A (0.7–8.9%; mean 5.5%), and rare striate (0.3–4; mean 1.7%)
(Fig. 5F) and plicate pollen grains (0–7%; mean 0.3%). Among the
spores, lycophytes, especially Lundbladispora (27.3–71%;
Occurrence. DCLS wells 201, 221. mean 44.6%), and filicophytes (Punctatisporites: 3.3–25%;
mean 12.9%) are common; among the freshwater algae,
Description. Vesicle spheroidal, uniporate. Wall single- Botryococcus (2.8–43.3%; mean 17.1%) and Portalites
layered, 1–1.5 µm wide, laevigate to infrapunctate, rarely (0–1.7%; mean 1.1%) are frequent.
folded. Pore single, 0.5 µm diameter. Some of the species found in this assemblage (e.g.,
Vallatisporites arcuatus, Portalites gondwanensis,
Dimensions. (10 specimens). Diameter, 20(22.5)28 µm. Scheuringipollenites barakarensis, Lundbladispora areo-
lata, Murospora torifera, Horriditriletes superbus, H.
Remarks. Spheripollenites stellarius (Leschik) Jain ramosus, Anapiculatasporites sp. A, Leiotriletes directus,
(1968, p. 30, fig. 124) has a pore 8 µm in diameter. Inaper- L. corius, Caheniasaccites ovatus and Cristatisporites
tisporites minutus (de Jersey) de Jersey (1963, p. 2, pl. 1, inconstans) are also found in the upper levels (Assemblage
figs 1–2) is similar, but shows a slightly smaller diameter 221-II).
Downloaded By: [GutiérrezBuenos Aires, Pedro] At: 16:04 14 November 2010

(7–20 µm in diameter) and does not have a pore. Assemblage 221-II (Mangrullo and Paso Aguiar
members) is a palynoflora dominated by pollen grains, a
mixture of striate (9.6–53.3%; mean 33.1%), bisaccate non-
striate (5.0–42.8%; mean 24.8%), plicate (0.8–16.3%; mean
6.9%) and monosaccate (1.2–11.0%, mean 5.6%) forms.
Microfloral characteristics There are also freshwater algae (0–79%; mean 22%) and
trilete spores (1.5–12.0%; mean 6.2%).
In borehole Cerrillada N◦ 221, samples were anal-
The predominant genera found are Botryococcus
ysed between 91 and 225 m (Supplementary Data/
(0–78%; mean 21.8%), Lunatisporites (0.8–12.6%; mean
DI.NA.MI.GE. DCLS 221 WELL), corresponding to the
6%), Limitisporites (0.4–18.2%; mean 5.3%), Lueck-
Melo Formation, more precisely to the Paso Aguiar (91 and
isporites (3.1–10%; mean 5%), Corisaccites (1.2–7.5%;
120 m), Mangrullo (120 and 138 m) and Fraye Muerto (138
mean 4.6%), Protohaploxypinus (0.4–9%; mean 4.3%),
and 225 m) members. Based on the distribution of the 109
Vittatina (0.5–10%; mean 3.8%), Alisporites (0–6.9%;
identified species in this borehole, two assemblages can be
mean 2.5%), Striatopodocarpites (0.4–4.1%; mean 2.4%),
distinguished: 221-I (between 225 and 155 m) and 221-II
Scheuringipollenites (0.4–5.2%; mean 2.1%), Platysaccus
(between 140 and 91 m).
(0–5.7%; mean 1.9%), Punctatisporites (0–2.1%; mean
Assemblage 221-I (Frayle Muerto Member) is dominated
1.7%), Weylandites (0–5.2%; mean 1.5%) and Lundbladis-
by trilete spores (38–92%; mean 66.3%), with subsidiary
pora (0–4.8%; mean 1.4%).
Species that characterise this interval include:
Kraeuselisporites apiculata, Brazilea scissa,
Cannanoropollis mehtae, Limitisporites hexagonalis, L.
amazonensis, L. delasaucei, L. cf. luandensis, Alisporites
rioclarensis, A. parvus, A. similis, A. cf. opii, Falcisporites
nuthalensis, Archangelskiapollenites globocorpus, A.
plicatus, Vitreisporites pallidus, Polarisaccites bilater-
alis, Platysaccus leschikii, Pteruchipollenites gracilis,
P. cf. gondwanensis, Satsangisaccites uruguaiensis,
Scheuringipollenites medius, Mabuitasaccites crucistria-
tus, Corisaccites alutas, Hamiapollenites fusiformis, H.
cf. bullaeformis, Laharites karanpurensis, Lueckisporites
Figure 5. A, Portalites gondwanensis Nahuys et al., 1968, FCPP stenotaeniatus, L. latisaccus, L. singrauliensis, L. virkkiae,
133, slide A, U43/4; B, C, Brazilea scisa (Balme & Hennelly) L. angoulensis, Lunatisporites noviaulensis, L. variesectus,
Foster, 1975; B, FCPP 134, slide A, E31/1; C, FCPP 155, slide B, Protohaploxypinus amplus, P. bardwajii, P. limpidus,
D33/1; D, Leiosphaeridia sp. A, FCPP DCLS 201, 32 m, slide A, Staurosaccites cordubensis, Striatoabieites anaverruco-
X50/4; E, Botryococcus braunii Kützing, 1848, FCPP 153, slide
A, F28/2; F, Spheripollenites sp. A, FCPP 129, slide A, T52/0; G,
sus, S. multistriatus, Striatopodocarpites octostriatus,
Leiosphaeridia talchirensis Lele & Karim, 1971, FCPP 134, slide Marsupipollenites tiradiatus, Weylandites lucifer, W.
A, V36/1; H, Brazilea plurigenus (Balme & Hennelly) Foster, magmus, Vittatina corrugata, Pahkapites fusus, and P.
1975, FCPP 134, slide A, L32/2. All x 350. ovatus, among others.
476 P. R. Gutiérrez et al.
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Figure 6. Correlation between the Upper Palaeozoic palynozones of the Brazilian Paraná Basin, Argentinian Paganzo Basin and Chaco-
paraná Basin, and the assemblages recognized in boreholes Paso de Melo 201, Cerrillada 221, and Barón. Abbreviations: PA Mb (Paso
Aguiar Member), Mg Mb (Mangrullo Member), FM Mb (Frayle Muerto Member).

Based on previous records of these species, it is possi- ovatus, Potonieisporites novicus, Vallatisporites arcuatus,
ble to assign both assemblages to the Early Permian. Horriditriletes superbus, H. ramosus, Anapiculatasporites
Assemblage 221-I probably indicates a slightly younger sp. A, Leiotriletes directus, L. corius, Lublandispora areo-
age (end of Early Permian, beginning of Middle Permian?), lata and Murospora torifera, among others, with biozone
based on the presence of Lueckisporites stenotaenia- Cr. Finally, it shares the presence of Vittatina subsaccata,
tus, L. latisaccus, L. singrauliensis, L. virkkiae, L. Pakhapites fusus and P. ovatus with biozone FS.
angoulensis, Lunatisporites noviaulensis, L. variesec- On the other hand, assemblage 221-II is corre-
tus, Laharites karanpurensis, Alisporites rioclarensis, lated with the biozones of Lueckisporites virkkiae
Striatoabieites anaverrucosus, Corisaccites alutas, Stri- (Lv, Paraná), Striatites (S, Chacoparaná Basin) and
atopodocarpites octostriatus, Vitreisporites pallidus and Lueckisporites-Weylandites (LW, Paganzo Basin). It shares
Falcisporites nuthalensis. the presence of Lueckisporites virkkiae, L. stenotaeniatus,
Compared with the palynostratigraphic schemes of L. angoulensis, Lunatisporites variesectus, Weylan-
the Paraná (Brazil, see Souza & Marques-Toigo 2001, dites lucifer, Marsupipollenites striatus, Staurosaccites
2003, 2005), Chacoparaná (Argentina, see Russo et al. cordubensis and Vittatina costabilis with biozone Lv, and
1980; Césari et al. 1995; Gutiérrez et al. 2003, 2006) Lueckisporites virkkiae, L. latisaccus, L. angoulensis, S.
and Paganzo basins (Césari & Gutiérrez 2001; Césari cordubensis, Convolutispora archangelskyi, C. ordonezii,
2007) (Fig. 6), assemblage 221-I can be correlated with Corisaccites alutas, Lunatisporites noviaulensis and Stri-
the biozones of Vittatina costabilis (Vc, Paraná Basin), atoabieites anaverrucosus, among others, with biozone
Cristatisporites (Cr, Chacoparaná Basin) and Pakhapites S. Finally, the presence of Lueckisporites stenotaeniatus,
fusus-Vittatina subsaccata (FS, Paganzo Basin), as it L. latisaccus, L. virkkiae, L. angoulensis, Lunatisporites
shares Vittatina costabilis, V. subsaccata, Lublandispora variesectus, Illinites unicus, Alisporites australis, Stria-
riobonitensis and Potonieisporites novices with biozone toabieites anaverrucosus, Corisaccites alutas, Staurosac-
Vc, and Cristatisporites inconstans, Caheniasaccites cites cordubensis, Striatoabieites multistriatus, Weylandites
Lower Permian palynology of Paraná Basin 477
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Figure 7. A, Calamospora tener (Leschik) de Jersey, 1962, FCPP 152, slide A, N28/0; B, Leiotriletes corius Kar & Bose, 1967, FCPP
133, slide A, S54/4; C, Leiotriletes tiwarii Saxena, 1993, FCPP 133, slide A, S54/3; D, Leiotriletes directus Balme & Hennelly, 1956,
FCPP 134, slide A, G31/2; E, Punctatisporites gretensis Balme & Hennelly, 1956, FCPP 133, slide A, C57/0; F, Retusotriletes simplex
(Naumova) Potonié, 1958, FCPP 134, slide A, Q34/1; G, Brevitriletes levis (Balme & Hennelly) Bharadwaj & Srivastava, 1969, FCPP
133, slide A, E48/0; H, Cyclogranisporites gondwanensis Bharadwaj & Salujha, 1964, FCPP 129, slide A, O36/0; I, Granulatisporites
austroamericanus Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979, FCPP 130, slide A, R38/1; J, Anapiculatisporites sp. A, FCPP 170, slide A, C39/1; K,
Brevitriletes cornutus (Balme & Hennelly) Backhouse, 1991, FCPP 134, slide A, F31/2; L, A. tereteangulus (Balme & Hennelly) Playford
& Dino, 2002, FCPP 131, slide A, K36/2; M, Convolutispora archangelskyi Playford & Dino, 2002, FCPP DCLS 221, 110 m, slide A,
D38/1, x750; N, Convolutispora ordonezii Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979, FCPP 155, slide B, Q28/2; O, Convolutispora candiotensis
Ybert, 1975, FCPP 133, slide A, V36/0; P, Converrucosisporites micronodosus (Balme & Hennelly) Playford & Dino, 2002, FCPP 134,
slide A, F38/0; Q, Verrucosisporites andersonii (Anderson) Backhouse, 1988, FCPP 134, slide A, H51/4; R, Horriditriletes superbus
(Foster) Césari et al., 1995, FCPP 130, slide A, S31/4; S, Verrucosisporites microtuberosus (Loose) Smith & Butterworth, 1967, FCPP
150, slide A, J29/3; T, Horriditriletes uruguaiensis (Marques-Toigo) Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979, FCPP 134, slide A, O37/4; U,
Converrucosisporites confluens (Archangelsky & Gamerro) Playford & Dino, 2002, FCPP 133, slide A, N57/0. All x 550.
478 P. R. Gutiérrez et al.
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Figure 8. A, Horriditriletes ramosus (Balme & Hennelly) Bharadwaj & Salujha, 1964, FCPP 170, slide A, G37/0; B, Microbaculispora
sp. A, FCPP 146, slide A, V39/3; C, Murospora bicingulata Ybert, 1975, FCPP 134, slide A, X48/3; D, Murospora torifera Ybert, 1975,
FCPP 134, slide A, F51/0; E, Stenozonotriletes sp. A, FCPP 134, slide A, W37/3; F, Cristatisporites chacoparanensis Ottone, 1989,
FCPP 138, slide A, E34/2; G, Cristatisporites lestai Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979, FCPP 138, slide A, F44/0; H, Cristatisporites
menendezii (Menéndez & Azcuy) Playford, 1978, FCPP 138, slide A, B51/4; I, Densosporites sp. A, FCPP 131, slide A, U34/4; J,
Gondisporites serrulatus Césari et al., 1995, FCPP 142, slide A, P51/2; K, Cristatisporites rollerii Ottone, 1989, FCPP 133, slide A,
F56/0; L, Cristatisporites inconstans Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979, FCPP 165, slide A, P32/0; M, Vallatisporites russoi Archangelsky
& Gamerro, 1979, FCPP 134, slide A, Y43/0; N, Lundbladispora riobonitensis Marques-Toigo & Piccarelli, 1985, FCPP 165, slide A,
L36/3; O, Lundbladispora areolata Césari et al., 1995, FCPP 170, slide A, U40/3; P, Lundbladispora braziliensis (Pant & Srivastava)
Marques-Toigo & Pons, emend. Marques-Toigo & Piccarelli, 1985, FCPP 129, slide A, Y41/3; Q, Spelaeotriletes ybertii (Marques-Toigo)
Playford & Powis, 1979, FCPP 134, slide A, W46/3; R, Densosporites sp. B, FCPP 133, slide A, E37/3; S, Krauselisporites apiculatus
Jansonius, 1962, FCPP 130, slide A, X30/0; T, Vallatisporites arcuatus (Marques-Toigo) Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979, FCPP 133,
slide A, C57/0; U, Krauselisporites punctatus Jansonius, 1962, FCPP 144, slide B, S28/2. All x 500.
Lower Permian palynology of Paraná Basin 479
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Figure 9. A, Reticuloidosporites sp. A, FCPP 153, slide A, V35/0; B, Polypodiisporites mutabilis Balme, 1970, FCPP 153, slide A, F28/2;
C, Laevigatosporites vulgaris (Ibrahim) Alpern & Doubinger, 1973, FCPP 74, slide 2, E14/0; D, Barakarites rotatus (Balme & Hennelly)
Bharadwaj & Tiwari, 1964, FCPP 133, slide A, Y53/3; E, Cannanoropollis mehtae (Lele) Bose & Maheshwari, 1968, FCPP 140, slide
A, A34/3; F, Costatascyclus crenatus Felix & Burdbridge, emend. Urban, 1971, FCPP 150, slide A, D43/1; G, Cannanoropollis janakii
Potonié & Sah, 1960, FCPP 133, slide A, M54/3; H, Cannanoropollis densus (Lele) Bose & Maheshwari, 1968, FCPP 144, slide B, H31/4;
I, Plicatipollenites trigonalis Lele, 1964, FCPP 152, slide A, L35/4; J, Tuberisaccites tuberculatus (Maheshwari) Lele & Makada, 1972,
FCPP 133, slide A, B53/3; K, Potonieisporites novicus Bharadwaj, 1954, FCPP 131, slide A, W30/0; L, Potonieisporites brasiliensis
(Nahuys et al.) Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979, FCPP 152, slide A, O32/3; M, Plicatipollenites malabarensis (Potonié & Sah) Foster,
1975, FCPP 140, slide A, B53/3; N, Potonieisporites neglectus Potonié & Lele, 1961, FCPP 144, slide B, V27/1; O, Potonieisporites
triangulatus Tiwari, 1965, FCPP 152, slide A, L36/1, x500; P, Plicatipollenites gondwanensis (Balme & Hennelly) Lele, 1964, FCPP
133, slide A, C56/4; Q, Potonieisporites magnus Lele & Karim, 1971, FCPP 155, slide B, F26/1. All x 360, except A and B x 800, and
C x 600.
480 P. R. Gutiérrez et al.
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Figure 10. A, Caheniasaccites ovatus Bose & Kar, emend. Gutiérrez, 1993, FCPP 138, slide A, E49/0; B, Mabuitasaccites crucistriatus
(Ybert) Playford & Dino, 2000b, FCPP 152, slide A, M41/0; C, Latusipollenites quadrisaccatus Marques-Toigo, 1974, FCPP 133, slide A,
L55/0; D, Caheniasaccites densus Lele & Karim, emend. Gutiérrez, 1993, FCPP 144, slide B, C36/0; E, Striomonosaccites cicatricosus
Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979, FCPP 150, slide A, J45/3; F, Colpisaccites granulosus Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979, FCPP 152, slide
A, R35/0; G, Limitisporites delasaucei (Potonié & Klaus) Schaarschmidt, 1963, FCPP 152, slide A, F45/3; H, Stellapollenites talchirensis
Lele, 1965, FCPP 131, slide A, W41/4; I, Limitisporites amazonensis Playford & Dino, 2000a, FCPP 152, slide A, G36/1; J, Divarisaccus
stringoplicatus Ottone, 1991, FCPP 148, slide A, J41/1; K, Meristocorpus sp. A, FCPP 140, slide A, X41/3; L, Limitisporites vesiculosus
(Potonié & Klaus) Schaarschmidt, 1963, FCPP 144, slide B, O30/0; M, Alisporites sp. A, FCPP 152, slide A, P39/0; N, Limitisporites
rectus Leschik, 1956, FCPP 150, slide A, G34/3; O, Limitisporites sp. cf. Limitisporites luandensis Bose & Maheshwari, 1968, FCPP
153, slide A, N29/3; P, Limitisporites hexagonalis Bose & Maheshwari, 1968, FCPP 152, slide A, U39/0. All x 380, except B, F-G, I,
M-P x 500.
Lower Permian palynology of Paraná Basin 481
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Figure 11. A, C-E, Archangelskiapollenites globocorpus gen. et sp. nov.; A, paratype, FCPP 152, slide A, R35/3; C, paratype, FCPP 155,
slide B, M49/0; D, paratype, FCPP 155, slide B, V35/2; E, holotype, FCPP 152, slide A, M28/1; B, Alisporites australis de Jersey, 1962,
FCPP74, slide 2, D23/0; F-G, I, Archangelskiapollenites plicatus gen. et sp. nov.; F, holotype, FCPP 152, slide A, H35/1; G, paratype,
FCPP 152, slide A, O32/4; I, paratype, FCPP 150, slide A, D42/0; H, Alisporites similis (Balme) Dettmann, 1963, FCPP 150, slide A,
C43/2; J, Alisporites rioclarensis Menéndez, 1976, FCPP 152, slide A, K28/2; K, Alisporites parvus de Jersey, 1962, FCPP 152, slide A,
K43/2; L, Falcisporites nuthallensis (Clarke) Balme, 1970, FCPP 152, slide A, R37/3; M, Alisporites sp. cf. A. opii Daugherty, emend.
Jansonius, 1971, FCPP 152, slide A, Q35/0. All x 580.
482 P. R. Gutiérrez et al.
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Figure 12. A, Falcisporites nuthallensis (Clarke) Balme, 1970, FCPP 152, slide A, R42/2; B-C, F, Phrixipollenites sp. A; B, FCPP 150,
slide A, G30/0; C, FCPP 152, slide A, L41/3; F, FCPP 152, slide A, L28/4; D, Chordasporites sp. cf. C. australiensis de Jersey, 1963,
FCPP 152, slide A, M38/1; E, Platysaccus sp. A, FCPP 155, slide B, U25/3; G, Platysaccus leschikii Hart, 1960, FCPP 155, slide B,
H37/1; H, K, Scheuringipollenites medius (Burjack) Dias-Fabrı́cio, 1981; H, FCPP74, slide 2, E13/0; K, FCPP 150, slide A, C35/1;
I, Platysaccus papilionis Potonié & Klaus, 1954, FCPP 152, slide A, O38/2; J, Podocarpidites sp. A, FCPP74, slide 2, S22/4; L, N,
Platysaccus orientalis sp. nov.; L, paratype, FCPP 155, slide B, V44/0; N, holotype, FCPP 155, slide B, C38/1; M, Pteruchipollenites
gracilis (Segroves) Foster, 1979, FCPP 150, slide A, H30/1. All x 600.
Lower Permian palynology of Paraná Basin 483
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Figure 13. A, Pteruchipollenites sp. cf. Pteruchipollenites gondwanensis (Jain) Foster, 1979, FCPP 150, slide A, A43/1. B-C, E, H-I,
Satsangisaccites uruguaiensis sp. nov.; P., holotype, FCPP 152, slide A, O30/2; C, paratype, FCPP 152, slide A, M44/4; E, paratype, FCPP
152, slide A, J36/2; H, paratype, FCPP 152, slide A, G55/1; I, paratype, FCPP 150, slide A, D43/1; D, Satsangisaccites sp. A, FCPP74,
slide 2, D23/0; F, Scheuringipollenites circularis Césari et al., 1995, FCPP 150, slide A, C41/0; G, Scheuringipollenites barakarensis
(Tiwari) Tiwari, 1973, FCPP 144, slide B, J29/4; J, Lueckisporites virkkiae (Potonié & Klaus) Klaus, 1963, FCPP 152, slide A, B43/0; K,
Lahirites karanpuraensis Bharadwaj & Dwivedi, 1981, FCPP 155, slide B, B25/0; L, Hamiapollenites sp. cf. H. bullaeformis (Samoilovich)
Jansonius, 1962, FCPP 153, slide A, L41/0; M, Hamiapollenites fusiformis Marques-Toigo, emend. Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979,
FCPP 152, slide A, N38/1; N, Vitreisporites pallidus (Reissinger) Nilsson, 1958, FCPP 155, slide B, F30/4; O, Corisaccites alutas
Venkatachala & Kar, 1966b, FCPP 152, slide A, K28/1. All x 550.
484 P. R. Gutiérrez et al.
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Figure 14. A, C, Lueckisporites latisaccus Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979; A, FCPP 152, slide A, K43/4; C, FCPP 152, slide A, G36/1;
B, Lueckisporites virkkiae (Potonié & Klaus) Klaus, 1963, FCPP 152, slide B, P37/1; D, Rhizomaspora divaricata Wilson, 1962, FCPP
152, slide A, Q38/2; E, Lueckisporites angoulaensis Jardiné, 1974, FCPP 152, slide A, M40/3; F, Protohaploxypinus limpidus (Balme &
Hennelly) Balme & Playford, 1967, FCPP 155, slide B, E38/0; G, L, Lueckisporites stenotaeniatus Menéndez, 1976; G, FCPP 152, slide
A, N40/3; L, FCPP 152, slide A, C37/1; H, Lunatisporites pellucidus (Goubin) Helby, emend. de Jersey, 1972, FCPP 133, slide A, R56/1;
I, Lunatisporites variesectus Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979, FCPP 152, slide A, B32/3; J, Lueckisporites singrauliensis Sinha, 1972,
FCPP 152, slide A, P38/1; K, Lunatisporites noviaulensis (Leschik) de Jersey, 1979, FCPP 152, slide A, O39/0. All x 570.
Lower Permian palynology of Paraná Basin 485
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Figure 15. A, C, Lunatisporites variesectus Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979; A, FCPP 152, slide A, E42/3; C, FCPP 152, slide A, K41/0;
B, Lunatisporites sp. A, FCPP 152, slide A, T36/0; D, Protohaploxypinus sp. cf. P. suchoneneis (Sedova) Hart, 1964, FCPP74, slide 2,
T22/0; E, Striatites sp. B, FCPP 152, slide A, L36/2; F, Lunatisporites sp. B, FCPP 152, slide A, O38/0; G, Protohaploxypinus goraiensis
(Potonié & Lele) Hart, 1964, FCPP 130, slide A, N41/4; H, Protohaploxypinus amplus (Balme & Hennelly) Hart, 1964, FCPP 152, slide
A, O41/4; I, K, Staurosaccites cordubensis Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979; I, FCPP 152, slide A, N42/0; K, FCPP 150, slide A, J31/4;
J, Striatites sp. A, FCPP 152, slide A, L33/2; L, Striatoabieites multistriatus (Balme & Hennelly) Hart, 1964, FCPP 150, slide A, C40/2;
M, Protohaploxypinus bhardwajii Foster, 1979, FCPP 152, slide A, O36/0. All x 550.
486 P. R. Gutiérrez et al.
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Figure 16. A, Striatoabieites anaverrucosus Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979, FCPP 152, slide A, H42/0; B, Striatopodocarpites octos-
triatus Hart, 1960, FCPP 150, slide A, J24/4; C, Striatopodocarpites cancellatus (Balme & Hennelly) Hart, 1963, FCPP 152, slide A,
J42/3; D, Polarisaccites bilateralis Ybert & Marques-Toigo, 1971, FCPP 155, slide B, P31/0; E, Illinites unicus Kosanke, 1950, FCPP
133, slide A, F46/0; F, Striatopodocarpites gondwanensis Lakhanpal et al., 1960, FCPP74, slide 2, S18/0; G, K, Vittatina subsaccata
Samoilovich, emend. Jansonius, 1962; G, FCPP 152, slide A, G43/0; K, FCPP 152, slide A, S42/0; H, Weylandites lucifer (Bharadwaj &
Salujha) Foster, 1975, FCPP 152, slide A, S35/4; I, Marsupipollenites striatus (Balme & Hennelly) Hart, 1965, FCPP74, slide 2, E43/1; J,
N, Vittatina corrugata Marques-Toigo, 1974; J, FCPP 152, slide A, T34/4; N, FCPP 150, slide A, C31/0; L, Vittatina costabilis (Wilson)
Tschudy & Kosanke, 1966, FCPP 150, slide A, C41/1; M, Weylandites magmus (Bose & Kar) Backhouse, 1991, FCPP 74, slide 2, V32/0;
O, Pakhapites fusus (Bose & Kar) Menéndez, 1971, FCPP 131, slide A, L35/1; P, Pakhapites ovatus (Bose & Kar) Garcı́a, 1996, FCPP
133, slide A, N43/0. Q, Marsupipollenites triradiatus Balme & Hennelly, 1956, FCPP 150, slide A, C42/0; R, Tetraporina punctata
(Tiwari & Navale) Kar & Bose 1976, FCPP 138, slide A, E31/1. All x 600.
Lower Permian palynology of Paraná Basin 487

magmus and Vittatita subsaccata is shared with biozone LW following taxa with these biozones: Vittatina subsac-
(earliest Permian). cata, Stellapollenites talchirensis, Converrucosisporites
Borehole DI.NA.MI.GE. DCLS 201 (Electronic Supple- confluens, Hamiapollenites fusiformis, Illinites unicus,
mentary Data/DI.NA.MI.GE. DCLS 201 WELL) pene- Lundbladispora riobonitensis, Potonieisporites novicus,
trated about 89 m of Permian sedimentary rocks, assignable Spelaeotriletes ybertii, Protohaploxypinus goraiensis and
to the Melo (Frayle Muerto Member, 6–32 m deep) Cristatisporites inconstans. They also share with biozone
and Tres Islas (32–93 m) formations, yielding 98 Cr the following species: C. inconstans, Converuco-
species. Although most species are present throughout sisporites micronodosus, C. confluens, Vallatisporites
the column (among them Kraeuselisporites punctatus, russoi, Lundbladispora areolata, Gondisporites serru-
Latusipollenites quadrisaccatus, Lueckisporites virkkiae, latus, Leiotriletes tiwari, Brevitriletes levis, B. cornu-
Scheuringipollenites barakarensis, S. circularis, Vittatina tus, Convolutispora ordonezii, Horriditriletes superbus,
corrugata, Converrucosisporites confluens and Horrid- Hamiapollenites fusiformis, Illinites unicus, Mabuitasac-
itriletes uruguaiensis), it is possible to differentiate two cites crucistriatus, Striomonosaccites cicatricosus, Stri-
assemblages: 201-I and 201-II. atopodocarpites cancellatus, Scheuringipollenites medius,
Assemblage 201-I (34–93 m) includes microflora domi- Vittatina subsaccata, V. costabilis, Pahkapites fusus and
nated by trilete spores (55.3–96.1%; mean 79.3%), accom- Weylandites lucifer, among others.
panied by monosaccate (1–36.7%; mean 11.8%) and Finally, Barakarites rotatus, Pakhapites fusus, Vittatina
Downloaded By: [GutiérrezBuenos Aires, Pedro] At: 16:04 14 November 2010

bisaccate pollen grains (1.8–9.3%; mean 4.3%). Other subsaccata, Protohaploxypinus limpidus, Latusipollen-
groups are present in low proportions. Among the ites quadrisaccatus, Cannanoropollis mehtae, Lund-
spores, filicophytes and lycophytes, such as Punc- bladispora brasiliensis, L. riobonitensis, Cristatisporites
tatisporites (1.9–81.3%; mean 43.3%), Lundbladispora rolleri, C. menendezii, Striatoabieites multistriatus and
(0–65%; mean 20.4%), Cristatisporites (0–10.2%; mean Marsupipollenites striatus are shared with biozone
5.5%), Vallatisporites (0–6.7%; mean 2.9%), Leiotriletes FS.
(0.5–2.5%; mean 1.1%) and Murospora (0.2–2.6%; mean The following taxa are added to the assemblage listed
1.1%) are frequent. Also, pollen grains of gymnosperms by Beri and Pecoits (2001, with 30 species) from El
are found, such as Potonieisporites (0–5.1%; mean 1.2%), Barón: Convolutispora archangelskyi, Potonieisporites
Cannanoropollis (0–15.3%; mean 4%) and Scheuringipol- novicus, Mabuitasaccites crucistriatus, Archangelskiapol-
lenites (0.3–1.4%; mean 1.1%). lenites plicatus, Colpisaccites granulosus, Alisporites
Species typical of this interval include: Leiotriletes rioclarensis, A. similis, Chordasporites cf. australiensis,
corius, L. tiwari, Punctatisporites gretensis, Retusotriletes Falcisporites nuthallensis, Prixipollenites sp. A, Platysac-
simplex, Stenozonotriletes sp. A, Cristatisporites chaco- cus papilionis, Podocarpidites sp. A, Satsangisaccites
paranensis, C. lestai, C. rollerii, Lundbladispora areolata, uruguaiensis, S. sp. A, Scheuringipollenites circularis,
Murospora bicingulata, M. torifera, Vallatisporites arcu- S. barakarensis, S. medius, Vitreisporites pallidus,
atis, V. russoi, Caheniasaccites densus, Limitisporites vesis- Polarisaccites bilateralis, Hamiapollenites cf. bullae-
culosus, Protohaploxypinus bharadwajii, Illinites unicus formis, Lueckisporites latisaccus, L. singraulensis, L.
and Leiosphaeridia talchirensis. virkkiae, Protohaploxypinus limpidus, P. cf. suchonensis,
Assemblage 201-II (6–34 m) is characterised by the Striatites sp. B, Striatopodocarpites gondwanensis, S.
predominance of trilete spores (54–69%; mean 59.8%), cancellatus, S. octostriatus, Marsupipollenites striatus,
as well as monosaccate (9–23.3; mean 16.6%) and bisac- Weylandites magmus and Brazilea plurigenus. This
cate pollen grains (7.3–14.2%; mean 11.7%). The spores microflora is correlated with assemblage 221-II and,
Lundbladispora (33.3–47.7%; mean 39.9%) and Punc- therefore, equivalent to the biozones of Lueckisporites
tatisporites (7.8–12%; mean 10.2%) are frequent, as is virkkiae (Paraná Basin), Striatites (Chacoparaná Basin)
the bisaccate pollen grain Scheuringipollenites (3.8–5.9%; and Lueckisporites-Weylandites (Paganzo Basin).
mean 5%).
Species typical of this assemblage include Anapic-
ulatisporites tereteangulus, Cyclogranisporites gondwa- Acknowledgements
nensis, Verrucosisporites andersonii, Brevitriletes levis,
Spelaeotriletes ybertii, Pakhapites ovatus, P. fusus, This research has been funded by the Universidad de
Platysaccus papilionis, Polarisaccites bilateralis, Proto- la República (research grant CSIC, I+D) and Agencia
haploxypinus limpidus, Striatopodocarpites cancellatus Nacional de Promoción Cientı́fica y Técnica (research grant
and Spheripollenites sp. A, among others. ANPCYT-PICT 11817, 32693) awarded to Á. Beri and P.R.
Both assemblages are equivalent to the biozones Gutiérrez, respectively. These studies were carried out as
Vittatina costabilis (Vc, Paraná Basin), Cristatisporites part of of the CSIC, I+D Project (“Estudio palinológico de
(Cr, Chacoparaná Basin) and Pakhapites fusus-Vittatita sedimentos del Paleozoico Superior en las cuencas Paraná
subsaccata (FS, Paganzo Basin). They share the and Chacoparanense”), Facultad de Ciencias (Uruguay).
488 P. R. Gutiérrez et al.

Note Balme, B. E. 1963. Plant microfossils from the Lower Triassic of

Western Australia. Palaeontology, 6, 12–40.
Balme, B. E. 1970. Palynology of Permian and Triassic Strata
Supplementary material can be viewed online.
in the Salt Range and Surghar Range, West Pakistan.
Pp. 305–453 in B. Kummel & C. Teichert (eds) Stratigraphic
Boundary problems: Permian and Triassic of West Pakistan.
University of Kansas, Special Publication, 4.
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496 P. R. Gutiérrez et al.

Appendix 1. List of taxa recorded from CDLS wells 201 and 221, DCLS well 201. Permian from South America (see Playford
and from the locality El Barón, with notes on their distribution. For & Dino 2002). Lower Permian from Uruguay (Mautino
detailed stratigraphic distribution within individual DCLS well see et al. 1998a; Beri et al. 2000, 2006).
Supplementary Data Subinfraturma Nodati Dybová & Jachowicz, 1957
Genus Anapiculatisporites Potonié & Kremp, 1954
Anteturma Proximegerminantes R. Potonié, 1970 Anapiculatisporites tereteangulus (Balme & Hennelly) Play-
Turma Triletes Reinsch, emend. Dettmann, 1963 ford & Dino, 2002 (Fig. 7L)
Suprasubturma Acavatitriletes Dettmann, 1963 DCLS well 201. Permian Gondwana strata (Balme &
Subturma Azonotriletes Luber, emend. Dettmann, 1963 Hennelly 1956; Balme 1970; Anderson 1977; Rigby &
Infraturma Laevigati Bennie & Kidston, emend. R. Potonié, 1956 Heckel 1977; Foster 1979; Backhouse 1991; Lindström
Genus Calamospora Schopf, Wilson & Bentall, 1944 1995; Stephenson 2004). Lower Permian of Uruguay
Calamospora tener (Leschik) de Jersey, 1962 (Fig. 7A) (Mautino et al. 1998a; Beri & Pecoits 2001; Beri et al.
DCLS wells 201, 221. Well-known from Triassic-Jurassic 2006).
rocks of Europe, Greenland, Canada, Australia, Antarctica, Genus Brevitriletes Balme & Hennelly, emend. Bharadwaj &
Chile and Argentina (see Zavattieri 1986; Ottone & Garcı́a Srivastava, 1969
1991; Zavattieri et al. 2003). First record in Uruguay. Brevitriletes cornutus (Balme & Hennelly) Backhouse, 1991
Genus Leiotriletes Naumova, emend. Potonié & Kremp, 1954 (Fig. 7K)
Leiotriletes corius Kar & Bose, 1967 (Fig. 7B) DCLS well 201. Permian from Africa and Australia (see
DCLS wells 201, 221. Permian of Africa (Høeg & Bose Stephenson 2004; Raine et al. 2005). Late Carboniferous-
1960; Kar & Bose 1967); Lower Permian of Uruguay (Beri Early Permian from Argentina, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and
Downloaded By: [GutiérrezBuenos Aires, Pedro] At: 16:04 14 November 2010

et al. 2006); Pennsylvanian of Argentina (Césari & Gutiérrez Oman (Ybert 1975; Archangelsky & Gamerro 1979;
1985, 2001; Gutiérrez & Césari 1989). Quadros et al. 1996; Vergel 1998; Gutiérrez & Césari 2000;
Leiotriletes directus Balme & Hennelly, 1956 (Fig. 7D) Césari & Gutiérrez 2001; Cazzulo-Klepzig et al. 2002;
DCLS wells 201, 221. Widely known from Permian to Stephenson 2004). Lower Permian from Uruguay (Beri
Jurassic strata of the world (see Raine et al. 2005). Lower 1987; Beri et al. 2006).
Permian of Uruguay (Mautino et al. 1998a; Beri et al. Brevitriletes levis (Balme & Hennelly) Bharadwaj & Srivas-
2006). Argentina: Pennsylvanian-Lower Permian (Gutiérrez tava, 1969 (Fig. 7G)
& Césari 2000; Césari & Gutiérrez 2001; di Pasquo et al. DCLS well 201. Permian of Gondwanaland (Raine et al.
2001) and Triassic (Rojo & Zavattieri 2005). 2005). Pennsylvanian-Lower Permian of Argentina and
Leiotriletes tiwarii Saxena, 1993 (Fig. 7C) Brazil (Menéndez & Azcuy 1969, 1971; Ybert 1975; Souza
DCLS well 201. Known widely from Permian to Jurassic et al. 1997, 2003; Vergel 1998; Césari & Gutiérrez 2001;
strata of world (see Raine et al. 2005). Lower Permian of Dino & Playford 2002; di Pasquo et al. 2003a; Balarino &
Uruguay (Beri 1987; Mautino et al. 1998a; Beri & Goso Gutiérrez 2006); Lower Permian of Brazil (Smaniotto et al.
1996; Beri et al. 2006) and Brazil (Quadros et al. 1996). 2006) and Uruguay (Fasolo & Vergel 1994; Mautino et al.
Saxena (1993) replaced Leiotriletes virkki (Tiwari: 170–171, 1998a; Beri et al. 2006).
pl. 1, figs 2–3) with Leiotriletes tiwarii, a name previously Subinfraturma Verrucati Dybová & Jachowicz, 1957
proposed by Biswas (1962: 43, pl. 9, fig. 53). Genus Converrucosisporites Potonié & Kremp, 1954
Genus Punctatisporites Ibrahim, emend. Potonié & Kremp, 1954 Converrucosisporites confluens (Archangelsky & Gamerro)
Punctatisporites gretensis Balme & Hennelly, 1956 Playford & Dino, 2002 (Fig. 7U)
(Fig. 7E) DCLS well 201. Lower Permian of Gondwanaland (Back-
DCLS well 201. Widely known from Early Permian strata house 1991; Lindström 1995; Stephenson 2004). Lower
from Gondwanaland (see Foster 1975; Rigby & Heckel Permian of Argentina (Archangelsky & Gamerro 1979;
1977). Lower Permian of Uruguay (Beri 1988; Beri & Daners Gamerro & Archangelsky 1981; Césari et al. 1995; Césari
1995, 1998; Beri & Goso 1996; Mautino et al. 1998a; Beri & Gutiérrez 2001; Playford & Dino 2002), Brazil (Souza
et al. 2006). & Calegari 2004) and Uruguay (Verolasky et al. 2003; Beri
Infraturma Retusotrileti Streel, 1964 et al. 2006).
Genus Retusotriletes Naumova, emend. Streel, 1964 Converrucosisporites micronodosus (Balme & Hennelly)
Retusotriletes simplex Naumova, 1953 (Fig. 7F) Playford & Dino, 2002 (Fig. 7P)
DCLS well 201. Widely known from Palaeozoic strata from DCLS well 201. Lower Permian of Gondwanaland (Raine
Worldwide; Lower Permian from Uruguay (Beri et al. 2006). et al. 2005); Triassic of Australia (de Jersey 1979). Lower
Subinfraturma Granulati Dybová & Jachowicz, 1957 Permian of Argentina (Archangelsky & Gamerro 1979;
Genus Cyclogranisporites Potonié & Kremp, 1954 Gamerro & Archangelsky 1981; Playford & Dino 2002),
Cyclogranisporites gondwanensis Bharadwaj & Salujha, 1964 Brazil (Quadros et al. 1996) and Uruguay (Beri 1987, 1988;
(Fig. 7H) Beri & Daners 1998; Mautino et al. 1998a; Beri et al.
DCLS well 201. Permian from Africa, India, Antarctica and 2006).
Australia (Bharadwaj 1962; Bharadwaj & Salujha 1964; Genus Verrucosisporites Ibrahim, emend. Smith & Butterworth,
Tiwari 1965, Bose & Kar 1966; Balme & Playford 1967; 1967
Srivastava 1970; Sinha 1972; Anderson 1977; Rigby & Verrucosisporites andersonii (Anderson) Backhouse, 1988
Heckel 1977; Foster 1979; Bharadwaj & Dwivedi 1981; (Fig. 7Q)
Mandal & Maithy 1981; Tiwari & Rana 1981; Crosbie DCLS well 201. Namurian-Lower Permian of Australia
1985; Banerjee 1988). Lower Permian of Brazil (Ybert (Price 1983; Backhouse 1988, 1991; Jones & Truswell
1975). This is the first record in Uruguay. 1992); Lower Permian of Africa (Anderson 1977), Antarc-
Genus Granulatisporites Ibrahim, emend. Potonié & Kremp, 1954 tica (Lindström 1995), Oman and Saudi Arabia (Stephenson
Granulatisporites austroamericanus Archangelsky & & Filatoff 2000a; Stephenson & Osterloff 2002; Stephenson
Gamerro, 1979 (Fig. 7I) et al. 2003; Stephenson 2004). Pennsylvanian of Argentina
Lower Permian palynology of Paraná Basin 497

(Garcı́a 1995; Césari & Gutiérrez 2001). This is the first Cristatisporites inconstans Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979
record in Uruguay. (Fig. 8L)
Verrucosisporites microtuberosus (Loose) Smith & Butter- DCLS wells 201, 221. Pennsylvanian-Lower Permian of
worth, 1967 (Fig. 7S) Argentina (Archangelsky & Gamerro 1979; Césari et al.
DCLS well 221. Carboniferous of the USA and Europe 1995; Césari & Gutiérrez 2001; Playford & Dino 2002)
(Smith & Butterworth 1967; Ravn 1979); Lower Permian and Brazil (Quadros et al. 1996; Souza et al. 2003); Lower
of Brazil (Quadros et al. 1996; Souza & Calegari 2004) and Permian of Uruguay (Mautino et al. 1998a; Veroslavsky
Uruguay (Beri & Daners 1995). et al. 2003; Beri et al. 2006).
Subinfraturma Baculati Dybová & Jachowicz, 1957 Cristatisporites lestai Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979 (Fig.
Genus Horriditriletes Bharadwaj & Salujha, 1964 8G)
Horriditriletes ramosus (Balme & Hennelly) Bharadwaj & DCLS well 201. Pennsylvanian-Lower Permian of Argentina
Salujha, 1964 (Fig. 8A) (Archangelsky & Gamerro 1979; Césari et al. 1995; Césari
DCLS wells 221, 201. Permian of Australia, India, Africa, & Gutiérrez 2001; Playford & Dino 2002) and Brazil
Brazil and Bolivia (Foster 1979; Quadros et al. 1996; Souza (Quadros et al. 1996; Souza et al. 2003); Lower Permian
& Calegari 2004; Raine et al. 2005; Smaniotto et al. 2006). of Uruguay (Beri et al. 2006).
Triassic of Argentina (Zavattieri 1986; Volkheimer & Papú Cristatisporites menendezii (Menéndez & Azcuy) Playford,
1993), Lower Permian of Uruguay (Fasolo & Vergel 1994; 1978 (Fig. 8H)
Beri et al. 2006). DCLS well 201. Pennsylvanian of Argentina (Césari &
Horriditriletes superbus (Foster) Césari, Archangelsky & Gutiérrez 2001; Gutiérrez & Limarino 2001), and Brazil
Villar de Seoane, 1995 (Fig. 7R) (Quadros et al. 1996; Souza et al. 1997); Pennsylvanian-
Downloaded By: [GutiérrezBuenos Aires, Pedro] At: 16:04 14 November 2010

DCLS wells 221, 201. Lower Permian of Australia (Foster Lower Permian of Brazil (Souza et al. 2003) and Oman
1979; Mildenhall 1994), Brazil (Smaniotto et al. 2006), (Stephenson & Filatoff 2000a); Lower Permian of Uruguay
Argentina (Césari et al. 1995; Vergel 1998) and Uruguay (Beri et al. 2006).
(Mautino et al. 1998a). Genus Gondisporites Bharadwaj, 1962
Horriditriletes uruguaiensis (Marques-Toigo) Archangelsky Gondisporites serrulatus Césari, Archangelsky & Seoane,
& Gamerro 1979 (Fig. 7T) 1995 (Fig. 8J)
DCLS well 201. Lower Permian of Gondwanaland (Stephen- DCLS well 201. Lower Permian of Argentina (Césari et al.
son 2004); Pennsylvanian-Lower Permian from Brazil and 1995) and Uruguay (Mautino et al. 1998a).
Argentina (Pons 1977; Archangelsky & Gamerro 1979; Genus Kraeuselisporites Leschick, emend. Jansonius, 1962
Marques-Toigo 1991; Césari et al. 1995; Souza et al. Kraeuselisporites apiculatus Jansonius, 1962 (Fig. 8S)
1997; Vergel 1998; Gutiérrez & Césari 2000; Césari & DCLS wells 201, 221. Upper Permian-Lower Trias-
Gutiérrez 2001; Gutiérrez & Limarino 2001; Dino & Play- sic of Canada and Russia (Jansonius 1962; Balme
ford 2002; Smaniotto et al. 2006). Lower Permian of 1979; Mangerud 1994); Permian of Gabon (Jardiné
Uruguay (Marques-Toigo 1974; Beri & Goso 1996, 1998; 1974) and Brazil (Dı́as-Fabricio 1981; Quadros et al.
Mautino et al. 1998a; Beri et al. 2006). 1996); Lower Permian of Uruguay (Beri & Goso
Infraturma Murornati Potonié & Kremp, 1954 1996).
Genus Convolutispora Hoffmeister, Staplin & Malloy, 1955 Genus Lundbladispora Balme ex Playford, 1965
Convolutispora ordonezii Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979 Lundbladispora areolata Césari, Archangelsky & Seoane,
(Fig. 7N) 1995 (Fig. 8O)
DCLS wells 201, 221. Pennsylvanian of northern Argentina DCLS wells 201, 221. Lower Permian from Argentina
and eastern Paraguay (Archangelsky & Gamerro 1979; (Césari et al. 1995) and Uruguay (Beri et al. 2006).
Césari & Gutiérrez 1985; Vergel 1986; Ottone 1989; Césari Lundbladispora braziliensis (Pant & Srivastava) Marques-
et al. 1995; Césari & Bercowski 1997; Muff et al. 1999; Toigo & Pons, emend Marques-Toigo & Piccarelli, 1985 (Fig.
Playford & Dino 2002). Lower Permian of Uruguay (Beri & 8P)
Daners 1995; Beri & Goso 1996; Mautino et al. 1998a; Beri DCLS wells 201, 221. Pennsylvanian-Lower Permian of
& Pecoits 2001; Beri et al. 2006). Argentina, Brazil, Oman and Saudi Arabia (Gutiérrez &
Subturma Zonotriletes Waltz, 1935 Césari 1989; Césari & Gutiérrez 2001; Playford & Dino
Infraturma Auriculati Schopf, emend. Dettmann, 1963 2002; Stephenson 2004), and Lower Permian from Uruguay
Genus Murospora Somers, 1952 (Beri & Goso 1996, 1998; Beri et al. 2006).
Murospora bicingulata Ybert, 1975 (Fig. 8C) Lundbladispora riobonitensis Marques-Toigo & Piccarelli,
DCLS well 201. Lower Permian of Brazil (Ybert 1975; 1985 (Fig. 8N)
Quadros et al. 1996) and Uruguay (Beri et al. 2000, 2006). DCLS wells 201, 221. Pennsylvanian-Lower Permian of
Murospora torifera Ybert, 1975 (Fig. 8D) Argentina (Césari & Gutiérrez 2001) and Lower Permian
DCLS wells 201, 221. Lower Permian of Brazil (Ybert 1975) of Uruguay (Beri et al. 2006).
and Uruguay (Beri & Goso 1996; Veroslavsky et al. 2003; Genus Vallatisporites Hacquebard, 1957
Beri et al. 2006). Vallatisporites arcuatus (Marques-Toigo) Archangelsky &
Suprasubturma Laminanititriletes Smith & Butterworth, 1967 Gamerro, 1979 (Fig. 8T)
Subturma Zonolaminatitriletes Smith & Butterworth, 1967 DCLS wells 201, 221. Pennsylvanian-Lower Permian of
Infraturma Cingulicavati Smith & Butterworth, 1967 Argentina, Brazil, Oman and Saudi Arabia (Archangelsky
Genus Cristatisporites Potonié & Kremp, 1954 & Gamerro 1979; Césari et al. 1995; Quadros et al. 1996;
Cristatisporites chacoparanaensis Ottone, 1989 (Fig. 8F) Souza et al. 1997; Césari & Gutiérrez 2001; Playford &
DCLS well 201. Pennsylvanian-Lower Permian of Argentina Dino 2002; Stephenson 2004), Lower Permian of Uruguay
(Archangelsky & Gamerro 1979; Césari et al. 1995; Césari (Marques-Toigo 1974; Beri 1988; Beri & Daners 1995,
& Gutiérrez 2001); Lower Permian of Uruguay (Fasolo & 1998; Beri & Goso 1996; Mautino et al. 1998a; Beri et al.
Vergel 1994; Beri et al. 2006). 2006).
498 P. R. Gutiérrez et al.

Vallatisporites russoi Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979 (Fig. DCLS wells 201, 221. Known widely from Gondwanan
8M) Permian strata (Gutiérrez 1993). Pennsylvanian-Lower
DCLS well 201. Pennsylvanian-Lower Permian of Argentina Permian of Argentina (Gutiérrez & Césari 2000; Césari &
(Archangelsky & Gamerro 1979; Césari et al. 1995; Césari Gutiérrez 2001; Balarino & Gutiérrez 2006). Lower Permian
& Gutiérrez 2001; Playford & Dino 2002); Lower Permian of Uruguay (Fasolo & Vergel 1994; Veroslavsky et al. 2003;
of Uruguay (Beri 1988; Beri & Goso 1996; Mautino et al. Gutiérrez et al. 2006).
1998a; Veroslavsky et al. 2003; Beri et al. 2006). Genus Costatascyclus Felix & Burbridge, emend. Urban, 1971
Suprasupturma Pseudosaccitriletes Richardson, 1965 Costatascyclus crenatus Felix & Burdbridge, emend. Urban,
Infraturma Monopseudosacciti Smith & Butterworth, 1967 1971 (Fig. 9F)
Genus Spelaeotriletes Neves & Owens, 1966 DCLS wells 201, 221. Pennsylvanian of USA (Felix &
Spelaeotriletes ybertii (Marques-Toigo) Playford & Powis, Burbridge 1967; Ravn 1979); Uppermost Carboniferous-
1979 (Fig. 8Q) Lower Permian of Brazil (Playford & Dino 2000b; Souza
DCLS well 201. Pennsylvanian-Lower Permian of Brazil et al. 2003); Lower Permian of Uruguay (Beri 1988;
and Argentina (Césari & Gutiérrez 2001; Dino & Playford Gutiérrez et al. 2006). Caheniasaccites ovatus Bose & Kar,
2002; Souza et al. 2003) and Uruguay (Marques-Toigo 1970; emend. Archangelsky & Gamerro illustrated by Beri (1988,
Playford et al. 2001). p. 37, fig. 21), from the Lower Permian of Uruguay, is
Turma Monoletes Ibrahim, 1933 included in this species.
Suprasubturma Acavatomonoletes Dettmann, 1963 Genus Plicatipollenites Lele, 1964
Subturma Azonomonoletes Luber, 1935 Plicatipollenites gondwanensis (Balme & Hennelly) Lele,
Genus Laevigatosporites Ibrahim, 1933 1964 (Fig. 9P)
Downloaded By: [GutiérrezBuenos Aires, Pedro] At: 16:04 14 November 2010

Laevigatosporites vulgaris Ibrahim, 1933 (Fig. 9C) DCLS wells 201, 221. Pennsylvanian-Permian strata of
DCLS well 201. This species is well known from Pennsylva- Gondwanaland (Gutiérrez 1993; Césari et al. 1995; Césari &
nian, Permian and Triassic palynofloral assemblages (Foster Gutiérrez 2001; Playford & Dino 2000a; Felix et al. 2006).
1979; Raine et al. 2005). Pennsylvanian of Argentina (Césari Permian of Brazil (Cauduro 1970; Menéndez 1976; Quadros
& Gutiérrez 2001; Playford & Dino 2002). Permian of et al. 1996); Lower Permian of Uruguay (Beri & Goso 1996;
Brazil (Playford & Dino 2000a). Lower Permian of Uruguay Mautino et al. 1998b).
(Fasolo & Vergel 1994). Plicatipollenites malabarensis (Potonié & Sah) Foster, 1975
Genus Polypodiisporites Potonié & Gelletich ex Potonié, 1956 (Fig. 9M)
Polypodiisporites mutabilis Balme, 1970 (Fig. 9B) DCLS wells 201, 221. Pennsylvanian-Permian strata of
DCLS well 221. Upper Permian (Chhidru Formation) Gondwanaland (Gutiérrez 1993; Quadros et al. 1996; Play-
of West Pakistan (Balme 1970); Permian of Tanzania ford & Dino 2000a; Felix et al. 2006). Lower Permian of
(Weiss 2001); Lower Permian of Uruguay (Mautino et al. Uruguay (Beri & Goso 1996; Beri & Daners 1998; Mautino
1988a). et al. 1998b; Beri et al. 2000; Gutiérrez et al. 2006).
Anteturma Variegerminantes Potonié, 1970 Plicatipollenites trigonalis Lele, 1964 (Fig. 9I)
Turma Saccites Erdtman, 1947 DCLS well 221. Pennsylvanian-Permian of Argentina and
Subturma Monosaccites Chitaley, emend. Potonié & Kremp, 1954 Brazil (Gutiérrez 1993; Césari et al. 1995; Quadros et al.
Infraturma Dipolsacciti Hart, emend. Dibner, 1971 1996; Azcuy & di Pasquo 2000; Playford & Dino 2000a;
Subinfraturma Apertacorpini Dibner, 1971 Césari & Gutiérrez 2001; Pérez Loinaze & Césari 2004;
Genus Barakarites Bharadwaj & Tiwari, 1964 Felix et al. 2006; Premaor et al. 2006). This is the first
Barakarites rotatus (Balme & Hennelly) Bharadwaj & Tiwari, record from Uruguay.
1964 (Fig. 9D) Genus Potonieisporites Bhardwaj, emend. Bharadwaj, 1964
DCLS well 201. Known widely from Gondwanan Permian Potonieisporites brasiliensis (Nahuys et al.) Archangelsky &
strata (Foster 1979; Backhouse 1991; Playford & Dino Gamerro, 1979 (Fig. 9L)
2000b; Stephenson & Filatoff 2000a). Argentina: Lower DCLS wells 201, 221. Pennsylvanian-Permian of Argentina
Permian (Gutiérrez & Césari 2000; Césari & Gutiérrez and Brazil (Nahuy et al. 1968; Gutiérrez 1993; Quadros et al.
2001; Balarino & Gutiérrez 2006). This is the first record in 1996; Azcuy & di Pasquo 2000; Playford & Dino 2000a,
Uruguay. 2002; Stephenson & Filatoff 2000a; Césari & Gutiérrez
Genus Cannanoropollis Potonié & Sah, 1960 2001). Lower Permian of Uruguay (Beri & Goso 1996; Beri
Cannanoropollis densus (Lele) Bose & Maheshwari, 1968 & Daners 1998; Beri & Pecoits 2001; Gutiérrez et al. 2006).
(Fig. 9H) Potonieisporites magnus Lele & Karim, 1971 (Fig. 9Q)
DCLS wells 201, 221. Known widely from Gondwanan DCLS wells 201, 221. Pennsylvanian-Permian of Argentina
Pennsylvanian-Permian strata (see Foster 1979; Gutiérrez and Brazil (Gutiérrez 1993; Azcuy & di Pasquo 2000;
1993). Argentina: Pennsylvanian-Lower Permian (Gutiérrez Gutiérrez & Césari 2000; Césari & Gutiérrez 2001; Souza
1993; Azcuy & di Pasquo 2000; Césari & Gutiérrez 2001). et al. 2003). Lower Permian of Uruguay (Gutiérrez et al.
Lower Permian of Uruguay (Beri 1988; Beri & Goso 1996; 2006).
Mautino et al. 1998b; Gutiérrez et al. 2006). Potonieisporites neglectus Potonié & Lele, 1961 (Fig. 9N)
Cannanoropollis janakii Potonié & Sah, 1960 (Fig. 9G) DCLS well 221. Pennsylvanian-Permian of Gondwana
DCLS wells 201, 221. Known widely from Gondwanan (Gutiérrez 1993; Quadros et al. 1996; Playford & Dino
Permian strata (see Foster 1979; Gutiérrez 1993; Dino 2000b). Lower Permian of Uruguay (Veroslavsky et al.
& Playford 2000b). Pennsylvanian-Lower Permian of 2003).
Argentina (Gutiérrez 1993; Azcuy & di Pasquo 2000). Lower Potonieisporites novicus Bharadwaj, 1954 (Fig. 9K)
Permian of Uruguay (Mautino et al. 1998b; Gutiérrez et al. DCLS wells 201, 221, El Barón. Widely reported from
2006). strata ranging in age from Namurian to Early Permian of
Cannanoropollis mehtae (Lele) Bose & Maheswari, 1968 (Fig. Gondwana (Gutiérrez 1993; Quadros et al. 1996; Play-
9E) ford & Dino 2000b). Pennsylvanian-Lower Permian of
Lower Permian palynology of Paraná Basin 499

Argentina (Azcuy & di Pasquo 2000; Gutiérrez & Césari Subturma Disaccites Cookson, 1947
2000; Césari & Gutiérrez 2001). Lower Permian of Uruguay Subturma Dissaccitrileti Leschik, 1955
(Beri & Goso 1996; Mautino et al. 1998b; Gutiérrez et al. Genus Colpisaccites Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979
2006). Colpisaccites granulosus Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979
Potonieisporites triangulatus Tiwari, 1965 (Fig. 9O) (Fig. 10F)
DCLS wells 201, 221. Pennsylvanian and Permian of DCLS well 221, El Barón. Pennsylvanian-Lower Permian
Argentina, Brazil and India (see Tiwari 1965; Ottone & of Argentina (Archangelsky & Gamerro 1979; Césari et al.
Azcuy 1990; Gutiérrez 1993; Playford & Dino 2000b). This 1995, 1996; Césari & Gutiérrez 2001; Balarino & Gutiérrez
is the first record in Uruguay. 2006). Pennsylvanian of Brazil (Playford & Dino 2000a).
Subinfraturma Clausicorpini Dibner, 1971 Lower Permian of Uruguay (Beri & Daners 1995; Mautino
Genus Caheniasaccites Bose & Kar, emend. Archangelsky & et al. 1998b; Gutiérrez et al. 2006).
Gamerro, 1979 Genus Limitisporites Leschik, emend. Schaarschmidt, 1963
Caheniasaccites densus Lele & Karim, emend. Gutiérrez, 1993 Limitisporites hexagonalis Bose & Maheshwari, 1968
(Fig. 10D) (Fig. 10P)
DCLS well 201. Pennsylvanian-Permian of Argentina and DCLS well 201, 221. Widely known from Pennsylvanian-
Brazil (see Gutiérrez 1993; Gutiérrez & Césari 2000; Césari Permian of Gondwanaland sequences. In Argentina
& Gutiérrez 2001; Playford & Dino 2002). Lower Permian (Gutiérrez & Césari 2000; Césari & Gutiérrez 2001; di
of Uruguay (Gutiérrez et al. 2006). Pasquo et al. 2001; Pérez Loinaze & Césari 2004); Permian
Caheniasaccites ovatus Bose & Kar, emend. Gutiérrez, 1993 of Uruguay (Fasolo & Vergel 1994; Beri & Daners 1995;
(Fig. 10A) Mautino et al. 1988b; Beri & Pecoits 2001). From the
Downloaded By: [GutiérrezBuenos Aires, Pedro] At: 16:04 14 November 2010

DCLS wells 201, 221. Widespread in Gondwana succes- observed features in the illustrations of the material referred
sions of Late Carboniferous-Permian age (Gutiérrez 1993; to Limitisporites rectus Leschik by Beri & Daners (1995, pl.
Gutiérrez & Césari 2000; Playford & Dino 2000a; Césari 2, fig. 4) from the Lower Permian of Uruguay, this material
& Gutiérrez 2001). Lower Permian of Uruguay (Gutiérrez is here referred to L. hexagonalis.
et al. 2006). Limitisporites rectus Leschik 1956 (Fig. 10N)
Subinfraturma Bilateralsaccini Dibner, 1971 DCLS wells 201, 221. Widely known from Pennsylvanian-
Genus Latusipollenites Marques-Toigo, 1974 Permian of Gondwanaland. Pennsylvanian of Argentina
Latusipollenites quadrisaccatus Marques-Toigo, 1974 (Fig. (Gutiérrez & Césari 2000; Césari & Gutiérrez 2001; di
10C) Pasquo et al. 2001; Pérez Loinaze & Césari 2004; Balar-
DCLS well 201. Pennsylvanian-Permian of Argentina and ino & Gutiérrez 2006) and Lower Permian of Brazil (Souza
Brazil (Dias-Fabricio 1981; Dı́as 1993; Gutiérrez & Césari & Calegari 2004) and Uruguay (Mautino et al. 1988b; Beri
2000; Césari & Gutiérrez 2001; Balarino & Gutiérrez 2006; & Pecoits 2001, Gutiérrez et al. 2006).
Gutiérrez et al. 2006). Lower Permian of Uruguay (Marques- Limitisporites vesiculosus (Potonié & Klaus) Schaarschmidt,
Toigo 1974; Gutiérrez et al. 2006). 1963 (Fig. 10L)
Subinfraturma Amphisaccini Dibner, 1971 DCLS well 201. Permian of Brazil (Dino et al. 2002; Souza
Genus Divarisaccus Venkatachala & Kar, 1966a et al. 2003; Souza & Callegari 2004). This is the first record
Divarisaccus stringoplicatus Ottone, 1991 (Fig. 10J) from Uruguay. From the features observed in the illustrations
DCLS well 221. Pennsylvanian of Argentina and Brazil of material referred to Limitisporites delasaucei (Potonié &
(Ottone 1991; Césari & Limarino 2002; Longhim et al. 2002; Klaus) Schaarschmidt by Dino et al. (2002, fig. 19), this is
Souza et al. 2003); Lower Permian of Brazil (Smaniotto et al. better placed in L. vesiculosus.
2006). This is the first record in Uruguay. Infraturma Disacciatrileti Leschik, emend. Potonié, 1958
Genus Stellapollenites Lele, 1965 Genus Alisporites Daugherty, emend. Jansonius, 1971
Stellapollenites talchirensis Lele, 1965 (Fig. 10H) Alisporites australis de Jersey, 1962 (Fig. 11B)
DCLS well 201. Permian of India and Africa (Lele 1965; DCLS well 221, El Barón. Permian-Lower Jurassic of Gond-
Bose & Kar 1966; Chandra & Lele 1980). Lower Permian wana (Foster 1979). Argentina: Permian-Jurassic (Jain 1968;
of Brazil (Marques-Toigo & Pons 1976; Dias 1993; Quadros Zavattieri 1987, 1991b, 1992; Papú 1991; Ottone et al. 1992;
et al. 1996) and Uruguay (Gutiérrez et al. 2006). Zavattieri & Volkheimer 1992; Césari et al. 1996; Césari &
Infraturma Striasacciti Bharadwaj, 1962 Gutiérrez 2001; Balarino & Gutiérrez 2006). Lower Permian
Genus Mabuitasaccites Bose & Kar, 1966 of Uruguay (Fasolo & Vergel 1994; Beri & Pecoits 2001).
Mabuitasaccites crucistriatus (Ybert) Playford & Dino, 2000b Based on the features observed in Sulcatisporites ovatus
(Fig. 10B) (Balme & Hennelly) Bharadwaj illustrated by Russo et al.
DCLS wells 221, 201, El Barón. Permian of Brazil (1980, pl. 1, fig. 8) from the Chacoparaná Basin, this material
and Argentina (Daemón & Quadros 1970; Ybert 1975; is likely to be A. australis.
Archangelsky & Gamerro 1979; Dias 1993; Césari et al. Alisporites parvus de Jersey, 1962 (Fig. 11K)
1995; Quadro et al. 1996; Playford & Dino 2000b; Balarino DCLS well 221. Triassic-Jurassic of Gondwanaland (Raine
& Gutiérrez 2006). Lower Permian of Uruguay (Gutiérrez et al. 2006); Triassic of Argentina (Zavattieri & Rojo 2005).
et al. 2006). This is the first record from Uruguay.
Genus Striomonosaccites Bharadwaj, 1962 Genus Platysaccus Naumova ex Potonié & Kremp, 1954
Striomonosaccites cicatricosus Archangelsky & Gamerro, Platysaccus papilionis Potonié & Klaus, 1954 (Fig. 12I)
1979 (Fig. 10E) DCLS wells 201, 221, El Barón. Widely known from
DCLS wells 201, 221, El Barón. Permian of Brazil and Pennsylvanian-Jurassic sequences of Gondwanaland and
Argentina (Daemón & Quadros 1970; Archangelsky & Euroamerica (see Zavatieri 1987). In Argentina it has been
Gamerro 1979; Dias 1993; Césari et al. 1995). Lower recorded from the Pennsylvanian-Lower Permian (Césari &
Permian of Uruguay (Beri & Daners 1998; Mautino et al. Gutiérrez 2001) and Triassic (Jain 1968; Zavattieri 1987).
1998b; Gutiérrez et al. 2006). Lower Permian of Brazil (Quadros et al. 1996) and Uruguay
500 P. R. Gutiérrez et al.

(Beri & Daners 1995; Gutiérrez et al. 2006). The material Genus Hamiapollenites Wilson, 1962
illustrated as Platysaccus vesiculosus Schaarschmidt by Beri Hamiapollenites fusiformis Marques-Toigo, emend.
& Daners (1995, pl. 2, fig. 1) from the Lower Permian of Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979 (Fig. 13M)
Uruguay is included in P. papilionis on account of its char- DCLS wells 201, 221, El Barón. Uppermost Carboniferous-
acteristics amb, form of the corpus, absence of folds, etc. Lower Permian of Brazil (Dellazana 1976; Pons 1979;
Platysaccus leschikii Hart, 1960 (Fig. 12G) Marques-Toigo et al. 1990; Dı́as 1993; Quadros et al. 1996;
DCLS well 221. Widely known from Permian-Triassic Playford & Dino 2000b) and Argentina (Archangelsky &
sequences of Gondwanaland and Euroamerica (Lindström Gamerro 1979; Vergel 1987b; Césari et al. 1995; Gutiérrez &
1995, 1996). Lower Permian of Uruguay (Fasolo & Vergel Césari 2000; Césari & Gutiérrez 2001; Balarino & Gutiérrez
1994). 2006). Lower Permian of Uruguay (Marques-Toigo 1974;
Genus Pteruchipollenites Couper, 1958 Vergel 1987a; Beri 1988; Beri & Daners 1995).
Pteruchipollenites gracilis (Segroves) Foster, 1979 (Fig. 12M) Genus Lueckisporites Potonié & Klaus, emend. Klaus, 1963
DCLS wells 201, 221. Permian of Africa, Antartic and Lueckisporites latisaccus Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979
Australia (Foster 1979; Lindström 1995). Pennsylvanian- (Fig. 14A, C)
Lower Permian of Argentina (Gutiérrez & Césari 2000; DCLS well 221, El Barón. Lower Permian of Brazil
Césari & Gutiérrez 2001; Balarino & Gutiérrez 2006). Trias- (Marques-Toigo & Souza 2005; Premoar et al. 2006) and
sic of Argentina (Ottone & Garcı́a 1991). Lower Permian of Argentina (Archangelsky & Gamerro 1979; Césari et al.
Uruguay (Fasolo & Vergel 1994; Gutiérrez et al. 2006). 1995; Césari & Gutiérrez 2001). This is the first record from
Genus Scheuringipollenites Tiwari, 1973 Uruguay. In contrast to Premoar et al. (2006, p. 226), we
Scheuringipollenites barakarensis (Tiwari) Tiwari, 1973 (Fig. agree with the criteria used by Archangelsky & Gamerro
Downloaded By: [GutiérrezBuenos Aires, Pedro] At: 16:04 14 November 2010

13G) (1979, p. 451) for separating Luekisporites latisaccus from

DCLS wells 201, 201, El Barón. Permian of Gondwana (see L. nyakapendensis Hart (1960), including absence of striae
Lidström 1995, 1996). Uppermost Carboniferous of Brazil on cappa, wide average striae and presence of monolete
(Longhim et al. 2002); Permian of Argentina (Césari & mark.
Gutiérrez 2001; Balarino & Gutiérrez 2006); Lower Permian Lueckisporites stenotaeniatus Menéndez, 1976 (Fig. 14G, L)
of Uruguay (Gutiérrez et al. 2006). DCLS well 221, El Barón. Lower Permian of Brazil
Scheuringipollenites circularis Césari, Archangelsky & (Menéndez 1976; Souza & Marques-Toigo 2005; Premaor
Seoane, 1995 (Fig. 13F) et al. 2006), Argentina (Archangelsky & Gamerro 1979;
DCLS wells 201, 221, El Barón. Lower Permian of Argentina Césari et al. 1995, 1996; Césari & Gutiérrez 2001) and
(Césari et al. 1995; Césari & Gutiérrez 2001; Balarino Uruguay (Beri & Daners 1995; Mautino et al. 1998b; Beri
& Gutiérrez 2006), and Uruguay (Mautino et al. 1998b; et al. 2000).
Gutiérrez et al. 2006). Lueckisporites virkkiae Potonié & Klaus, emend. Clarke, 1965
Scheuringipollenites medius (Burjack) Dı́as-Fabricio, 1981 (Figs 13J, 14B)
(Fig. 12H, K) DCLS well 201, 201, El Barón. Typical of the Permian
DCLS wells 201, 221, El Barón. Lower Permian of Argentina globally (Raine et al. 2006). Lower Permian of Argentina
(Césari et al. 1995, 1996; Césari & Gutiérrez 2001; Balar- (Archangelsky & Gamerro 1979; Césari et al. 1996; Césari
ino & Gutiérrez 2006), Brazil (Dias-Fabricio 1981; Quadros & Gutiérrez 2001) and Brazil (Dellazana 1976; Menéndez
et al. 1996) and Uruguay (Gutiérrez et al. 2006). 1976; Quadros et al. 1996; Premaor et al. 2006). This is the
Genus Vitreisporites Leschik, emend. Jansonius, 1962 first record from Uruguay.
Vitreisporites pallidus (Reissinger) Nilsson, 1958 (Fig. 13N) Genus Lunatisporites Leschik, emend. Scheuring, 1970
DCLS well 221, El Barón. Permian to Cretaceous (see Lunatisporites noviaulensis (Leschik) de Jersey, 1979 (Fig.
Farabee & Canright 1986; Lindström 1996; Raine et al. 14K)
2006). This is the first record from Uruguay. DCLS well 221. Permian-Triassic of Gondwana and Europe
Infraturma Striatiti Pant, 1954 (Clarke 1965; Balme 1970, 1979; Jardiné 1974; de Jersey
Genus Corisaccites Venkatachala & Kar, 1966b 1979; Raine et al. 2005). Permian of Brazil (Quadros et al.
Corisaccites alutas Venkatachala & Kar, 1966b (Fig. 13O) 1996). This is the first record from Uruguay.
DCLS well 221. Permian of Gondwana (see Playford & Dino Lunatisporites pellucidus (Goubin) Helby, emend. de Jersey
2000b). Permian of Africa (Anderson 1977; Weiss 2001), 1972 (Fig. 14H)
Oman (Stephenson & Filatoff 2000b), Brazil (Cauduro 1970; DCLS well 201. Permian-Triassic of Gondwana (Balme
Daemon & Quadros 1970; Playford & Dino 2000b; Dino 1970, 1979; de Jersey 1972, 1979; Raine et al. 2005). Lower
et al. 2002) and Argentina (Archangelsky & Gamerro 1980; Permian of Brazil (Nahuys et al. 1968). This is the first
Playford & Dino 2002). This is the first record from Uruguay. record from Uruguay.
Some specimens assignable to this species (corpus with two Lunatisporites variesectus Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979
well-defined taeniae and with narrow cappula) were included (Figs 14I, 15A, C)
by Anderson (1977, p. 125, pl. 180, figs 18–19, 21–22; pl. DCLS wells 201, 221, El Barón. Late Pennsylvanian-Lower
181, fig. 3–4, 7, 9 only) in Lueckisporites nyakapenden- Permian of Argentina (Archangelsky & Gamerro 1979;
sis Hart and L. welkomensis Anderson (1977, p. 126; pl. Césari et al. 1995, 1996; Césari & Gutiérrez 2001; Balar-
182, figs 2, 6–9 only). The specimens described by Cauduro ino & Gutiérrez 2006). Other South American reports are
(1970, pp. 20–21, pl. 16, figs 112–114) as L. densus, from the from the Permian in the Paraná Basin of Brazil and Paraguay
Rio Bonito Formation of Brazil, are identifiable as Corisac- (Playford & Dino 2002; Premaor et al. 2006). Lower Permian
cites alutas. The material illustrated as C. sp. by Archangel- of Uruguay (Beri & Daners 1995; Beri et al. 2000; Beri &
sky & Gamerro (1980, pl. 2, fig. 5), from the Lower Permian Pecoits 2001).
of Colorado Basin (Argentina), could be referred to C. alutas Genus Protohaploxypinus Samoilovich, emend. Morbey, 1975
on the basis of the narrow sulcus, body shape, and sacci Protohaploxypinus amplus (Balme & Hennelly) Hart, 1964
ouline. (Fig. 15H)
Lower Permian palynology of Paraná Basin 501

DCLS wells 201, 221, El Barón. Known widely from DCLS wells 201, 221, El Barón. Permian of Gondwanaland
Permian strata of Gondwanaland (Foster 1979; Backhouse (Raine et al. 2005). Lower Permian of Brazil (Premaor et al.
1991; Farabee et al. 1991; Lindström 1995). Lower Permian 2006) and Argentina (Césari et al. 1996).
of Brazil (Daemón & Quadros 1970; Ybert 1975; Dellazana Striatopodocarpites gondwanensis Lakhanpal, Sah & Dube,
1976; Pons 1977; Quadros et al. 1996; Souza et al. 1997; emend. Hart, 1964 (Fig. 16F)
Playford & Dino 2000b; Souza & Callegari 2004; Premaor DCLS wells 201, 221, El Barón. Permian of India (Lakhan-
et al. 2006). Uppermost Pennsylvannian-Lower Permian of pal et al. 1960; Tiwari 1965; Maheshwari 1967; Kar 1968;
Argentina (Césari et al. 1995; Gutiérrez & Césari 2000; Sinha 1972), Australia (Segroves 1969; Foster 1975, 1979)
Césari & Gutiérrez 2001; Balarino & Gutiérrez 2006). Lower and Africa (Jardiné 1974; MacRae 1988). This is the first
Permian of Uruguay (Beri & Daners 1995; Mautino et al. record from Uruguay.
1988b). Striatopodocarpites octostriatus Hart, 1960 (Fig. 16B)
Protohaploxypinus bharadwajii Foster, 1979 (Fig. 15M) DCLS well 221, El Barón. Permian of Africa (Hart 1960;
DCLS well 201, 221. Permian of India, Australia and Antarc- Weiss 2001). This is the first record from Uruguay.
tica (Foster 1979; Playford 1990). Lower Permian of Brazil Infraturma Circumstriatiti Lele & Makada, 1972
(Playford & Dino 2000b; Premaor et al. 2006) and Uruguay Genus Illinites Kosanke, emend. Jansonius & Hills, 1976
(Fasolo & Vergel 1994; Gutiérrez et al. 2006). Illinites unicus Kosanke, 1950 (Fig. 16E)
Protohaploxypinus goraiensis (Potonié & Lele) Hart, 1964 DCLS well 201. Known widely from the Pennsylvanian and
(Fig. 15G) Permian globally (Playford & Dino 2000b; Azcuy et al.
DCLS well 201. Lower Permian of Africa (Stapleton 1978), 2002). This is the first record from Uruguay.
Brazil (Quadros et al. 1996) and Uruguay (Beri & Daners Subturma Polysaccites Cookson, 1947
Downloaded By: [GutiérrezBuenos Aires, Pedro] At: 16:04 14 November 2010

1995; Mautino et al. 1998b; Gutiérrez et al. 2006). Genus Polarisaccites Ybert & Marques-Toigo, 1971
Protohaploxypinus limpidus (Balme & Hennelly) Balme & Polarisaccites bilateralis Ybert & Marques-Toigo, 1971 (Fig.
Playford, 1967 (Fig. 14F) 16D)
DCLS well 201, 221, El Barón. Reported widely from Gond- DCLS well 201, 221, El Barón. Lower Permian of Uruguay
wanaland (Anderson 1977; Foster 1979; Farabee et al. 1991). (Ybert & Marques-Toigo 1971; Marques-Toigo 1972),
Lower Permian of Argentina (Gutiérrez & Césari 2000; Argentina (Archangelsky & Gamerro 1979; Vergel 1987b;
Césari & Gutiérrez 2001), Brazil (Marques-Toigo 1972; Césari et al. 1995) and Brazil (Ybert 1975; Dias-Fabricio
Marques-Toigo et al. 1990; Dias 1993; Quadros et al. 1996) 1981; Dias 1993; Playford & Dino 2000b). Some of the
and Uruguay (Beri & Daners 1995; Veroslavsky et al. 2003; material described as Gnetaceapollenites ovatus Anderson
Gutiérrez et al. 2006). (1977: 132, pl. 187, figs 3–5) may be referred to this
Genus Staurosaccites Dolby in Dolby & Balme, 1976 species.
Staurosaccites cordubensis Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979 Turma Plicates Naumova, emend. Potonié, 1960
(Fig. 15I, K) Subturma Costates Potonié, 1970
DCLS well 221, El Barón. Lower Permian of Argentina Genus Vittatina Luber ex Samoilovich, emend. Wilson, 1962
(Archangelsky & Gamerro 1979; Césari et al. 1996; Césari Vittatina corrugata Marques-Toigo, 1974 (Fig. 16J, N)
& Gutiérrez 2001; Playford & Dino 2002), Brazil (Daemón DCLS wells 201, 221. Lower Permian of Brazil (Quadros
& Quadros 1970; Menéndez 1976; Quadros et al. 1996; et al. 1996; Souza & Calegari 2004), Uruguay (Marques-
Premaor et al. 2006) and Uruguay (Beri & Daners 1995). Toigo 1974; Beri & Daners 1996; Beri & Goso 1996, 1998;
The material illustrated as Staurosaccites sp. by Archangel- Beri 1988; Mautino et al. 1998b; Beri et al. 2000; Beri
sky & Gamerro (1980, pl. 2, fig. 11), from the Lower & Pecoits 2001). The material described as Tiwarispora
Permian of the Colorado Basin (Argentina), could be simplex (Tiwari) Maheshwari & Kar by Mautino et al.
referred to S. cordubensis on the basis of corpus and (1988b, p. 309, pl. 3, fig. 7), from the Melo Formation,
sacci shape, overal ouline, and a monolete mark in the is referred to this species.
corpus. Vittatina costabilis Wilson, emend. Tschudy & Kosanke, 1966
Genus Striatoabieites Zoricheva & Sedova ex Sedova, emend. (Fig. 16L)
Hart, 1964 DCLS wells 201, 221, El Barón. Permian of Africa, Oman
Striatoabieites anaverrucosus Archangelsky & Gamerro, 1979 (Stapleton 1978; Stephenson & Filatoff 2000a); Permian
(Fig. 16A) of Brazil (Quadros et al. 1996; Playford & Dino 2000b;
DCLS well 221, El Barón. Lower Permian of Argentina Souza & Calegari 2004; Premaor et al. 2006; Smaniotto
(Archangelsky & Gamerro 1979; Césari & Gutiérrez 2001; et al. 2006); Lower Permian of Argentina (Césari et al.
Playford & Dino 2002) and Uruguay (Beri & Daners 1995; 1995; Césari & Gutiérrez 2001) and Uruguay (Beri & Daners
Beri & Pecoits 2001). 1995; Beri & Goso 1996; Beri 1988; Mautino et al. 1998b).
Striatoabieites multistriatus (Balme & Hennelly) Hart, 1964 The material assigned to Vittatina latericostata Menéndez
(Fig. 15L) by Mautino et al. (1998b, p. 309, pl. 3, fig. 3), from the
DCLS wells 201, 221, El Barón. Permian-Triassic? of Gond- Melo Formation, is transferred to this species because of
wanaland (Playford & Dino 2002; Raine et al. 2005). Lower the characteristic amb, number of teniae, presence of folds,
Permian of Argentina (Césari et al. 1995, 1996; Césari & etc.
Gutiérrez 2001; Playford & Dino 2002), Brazil (Souza & Vittatina subsaccata Samoilovich, 1953 (Fig. 16G, K)
Calegari 2004) and Uruguay (Beri & Daners 1995; Beri & DCLS wells 201, 221, El Barón. Typical of the Permian of
Goso 1996; Mautino et al. 1998b; Beri & Pecoits 2001; Russia and Canada (Jansonius 1962), it is also found in the
Gutiérrez et al. 2006). Lower Permian of Argentina (Césari et al. 1995; Gutiérrez &
Genus Striatopodocarpites Zoricheva & Sedova ex Sedova, Césari 2000; Césari & Gutiérrez 2001; Balarino & Gutiérrez
emend. Hart, 1964 2006), Brazil (Playford & Dino 2000b; Quadros et al. 1996)
Striatopodocarpites cancellatus (Balme & Hennelly) Hart, and Uruguay (Beri 1987; Beri & Daners 1995; Mautino et al.
1963 (Fig. 16C) 1998b; Gutiérrez et al. 2006).
502 P. R. Gutiérrez et al.

Genus Weylandites Bharadwaj & Srivastava, 1969 Pakhapites ovatus (Bose & Kar) Garcı́a, 1996 (Fig. 16P)
Weylandites lucifer (Bharadwaj & Salujha) Foster, 1975 (Fig. DCLS wells 201, 221. Permian of Gondwana (Bose & Kar
16H) 1966; Kar & Bose 1967; Jardiné 1974). Lower Permian of
DCLS wells 201, 221, El Barón. Permian of Gondwana Argentina (Césari & Gutiérrez 2001), Brazil (Quadros et al.
(Foster 1975, 1979; Macrae 1988; Raine et al. 2005); Lower 1996) and Uruguay (Gutiérrez et al. 2006).
Permian of Argentina (Césari et al. 1995; Césari & Gutiérrez Division Chlorophyta Pacher, 1914
2001), Brasil (Menéndez 1976; Quadros et al. 1996; Premaor Class Clorophyceae Kützing, 1843
et al. 2006) and Uruguay (Fasolo & Vergel 1994; Beri & Genus Botryococcus Kützing, 1849
Daners 1995; Mautino et al. 1998b; Beri & Pecoits 2001; Botryococcus braunii Kützing, 1849 (Fig. 5E)
Gutiérrez et al. 2006). DCLS wells 201, 221. Widely known from Permian to
Weylandites magmus (Bose & Kar) Bharadwaj & Dwivedi, Quaternary strata of the world. Lower Permian of Uruguay
1981 (Fig. 16M) (Beri & Daners 1995, 1998; Mautino et al. 1998a; Beri et al.
DCLS wells 201, 221, El Barón. Permian of Gondwana 2000, 2006).
(Bhradwaj & Dwivedi 1981; Backhouse 1991; Raine et al. Class Zygmantaceae Round, 1971
2005); Lower Permian of Argentina (Césari et al. 1996; Order Zygnematales Borge & Pascher, 1913
Césari & Gutiérrez 2001; Balarino & Gutiérrez 2006) and Genus Tetraporina Naumova ex Naumova, emend. Lindgren,
Uruguay (Mautino et al. 1998b; Beri & Pecoits 2001; 1980
Gutiérrez et al. 2006). The material described as Vittatina Tetraporina punctata (Tiwari & Navale) Kar & Bose, 1976
densa Anderson (1977, p. 107, pl. 132, figs 1–39), from (Fig. 16R)
the Permian of South Africa, should be referred to this DCLS well 201. Pennsylvanian of Argentina (Césari et al.
Downloaded By: [GutiérrezBuenos Aires, Pedro] At: 16:04 14 November 2010

species. 1995; Césari & Gutiérrez 2001; Gutiérrez & Limarino

Subturma Praecolpates Potonié & Kremp, 1954 2001). Lower Permian of Uruguay (Beri et al. 2006).
Genus Marsupipollenites Balme & Hennelly, emend. Balme, Grupo Acritarcha Evitt, 1963
1970 Subgrupo Schizomorphitae Segroves, 1967
Marsupipollenites striatus (Balme & Hennelly) Foster, 1975 Genus Brazilea Tiwari & Navale, 1967
(Fig. 16I) Brazilea scissa (Balme & Hennelly) Foster, 1975 (Fig. 5B, C)
DCLS wells 201, 221, El Barón. Permian of Gondwana DCLS wells 201, 221. Pennsylvanian-Lower Permian of
(Raine et al. 2005); Lower Permian of Argentina (Archangel- Argentina (Archangelsky & Gamerro 1979; Césari et al.
sky & Gamerro 1979; Césari et al. 1995, 1996; Gutiérrez 1995, 1996; Césari & Gutiérrez 2001; Gutiérrez & Limarino
& Césari 2000; Césari & Gutiérrez 2001), Brazil (Nahuys 2001); Lower Permian of Brazil (Smaniotto et al. 2006) and
et al. 1968; Dı́as-Fabricio 1981; Quadros et al. 1996; Uruguay (Beri et al. 2006).
Premaor et al. 2006) and Uruguay (Beri & Daners 1995; Brazilea plurigenus (Balme & Hennelly) Foster, 1979 (Fig.
Mautino et al. 1998b; Beri & Pecoits 2001; Gutiérrez et al. 5H)
2006). DCLS wells 201, 221, El Barón. Pennsylvanian-Lower
Marsupipollenites triradiatus Balme & Hennelly, 1956 (Fig. Permian of Argentina (Césari et al. 1995; Gutiérrez &
16Q) Limarino 2001), Lower Permian of Uruguay (Beri et al.
DCLS well 221. Permian of Gondwana (de Jersey 1979; 2006).
Raine et al. 2005). Lower Permian of Brazil (Quadros et al. Division Prasinophyta Round, 1971
1996; Premaor et al. 2006) and Uruguay (Mautino et al. Genus Leiosphaeridia Eisenack, emend. Downie & Sarjeant, 1963
1998b; Beri & Pecoits 2001; Gutiérrez et al. 2006). Leiosphaeridia talchirensis Lele & Karim 1971 (Fig. 5G)
Turma Monocolpates Iversen & Troels-Smith, 1950 DCLS well 201. Permian of India (Lele & Karim 1971; Lele
Subturma Striaticolpites Bose & Kar, 1966 1975). Lower Permian of Brazil (Smaniotto et al. 2006)
Infraturma Monostriocolpites Bose & Kar, 1966 and Uruguay (Beri et al. 2006). The material described as
Genus Pakhapites Hart, 1965 Leiosphaeridia sp. by Beri et al. (2006, p. 241, fig. 4O;
Pakhapites fusus (Bose & Kar) Menéndez, 1971 San Gregorio Formation, Uruguay) and by Smaniotto et al.
(Fig. 16O) (2006, p. 318–319, fig. 5P; Lower Permian of Brazil), is
DCLS wells 201, 221. Permian of Gondwanaland (Bose included in L. talchirensis Lele & Karim based on the nature
& Kar 1966, 1967; Stapleton 1978; Foster 1979; Chan- of the exina (levigate, folded with a single broad crescentic
dra & Lele 1980; Playford & Dino 2000b; Gutiérrez & fold at vesicle margin, dimenions, etc.).
Césari 2000). Lower Permian of Argentina (Menéndez 1971; Fungi
Césari et al. 1995, 1996; Gutiérrez & Césari 2000; Césari & Genus Portalites Hemer & Nygreen, 1967
Gutiérrez 2001; Playford & Dino 2002; Balarino & Gutiérrez Portalites gondwanensis Nahuys, Alpern & Ybert, 1968 (Fig.
2006), Brazil (Bharadwaj et al. 1976; Menéndez 1976; Dı́as- 5A)
Fabricio 1981; Marques-Toigo et al. 1990; Quadros et al. DCLS wells 201, 221. Pennsylvanian of Argentina (Césari
1996) and Uruguay (Fasolo & Vergel 1994; Gutiérrez et al. & Gutiérrez 2001); Lower Permian of Uruguay (Beri et al.
2006). 2006).

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