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Formerly; Notre dame of cotabato girls department


#Sinsuat avenue, Cotabato city

Academic year (2021- 2022)

daily learning plan

Department: Basic education

Subject/ level: ENGLISH 9

Unit: 1

Quarter: 1

Date: March 24, 2022

Topic identify types and feature of poetry topic.

Day 1

Transfer goal: (Units plan)

The learners in the long run and on their own will be able to:

Expand it's vocabulary throughout finding the exact same sound with each word.

Essential understanding;

Understanding the ways of creating poems and using different kind of words.
Essential question;

What makes poetry not popular to this modern day?

I. preliminaries

1.1 Opening prayer

The teacher will ask the students. Who would like to lead the prayer.

1.2 Class greetings

The teacher and learners greet each other by saying: Learners: Good morning Mister Bedes praise be
Jesus and Mary.

1.3 Attendance check

The teacher will ask for attendance of the class by asking the learners who among their classmates is not

II. Lesson development

2.1 Review/ APK

The teacher will activate the class prior knowledge about the lesson by asking this question " Class may I
know who among you is familiar with poetry?"

2.2 Presentation of the lesson topic and objectives for the day.

The teacher will proceed to the presentation of the lesson for the day by saying" The reason why I ask
about Who's familiar about poetry. It's because Topic identify types and feature of poetry topic.
To guide our discussion, I have prepared three objectives to be accomplished at the end of the period.


After the given class time, The learners are enable to:

a. Discuss the features of types and feature of poetry topic.

b. Identify Types and features of poetry in text.

c. Compose a story using features of poetry as a guide.

2.3 Learning process

a. Discussion of the lesson of the topic

The teacher will begin the discussion of the lesson in this manner:

1. The teacher will let the learners view a video on YouTube about how we make poetries Through this

2. The teacher will ask following questions:

2.1 How many stanza in order to be called a poem?

2.2 Enumarate what kind of words is the best when making a poetry?

2.3 What is the best topic when making poem?

2.4 What is stanza?

2.5 What is Haiku

2.6 What is freestyle in poetry?

2.7 what is Sonnet?

2.8 what is Villanelle

2.9 what is Ekphrastic Poems

The teacher will instruct the students to identify the different types of poetry.
Writing in a prepared poem to be by the teacher himself.

B. Broadening of the lesson topic.

Understanding the different types of poetry and enhancing the vocabulary. Using the different types of
words and also enhacing the pronunciation and emotion during the presentation of poems. To practice
on how to use feelings as guide to make such expressive poem.

C. integration

Ignatian core values- Excellence

The teacher and the learners will realize how important values into your work within the types of
poetry. Dylan Thomas. “Poetry is what in a poem makes you laugh, cry, prickle, be silent, makes your
toenails twinkle, makes you want to do this or that or nothing, makes you know that you are alone in
the unknown world, that your bliss and suffering is forever shared and forever all your own.”

D. synthesis

Poetry making is essentially to make student to know more than the capacity of usage of words In order
to improve is to look for more. Poetry helps for learners to have to look for the same exact sound. And
may also help their pronunciation by speaking fluently.

III. Evaluation

Direction: Make a poem based on something on your emotions.

IV. purposive assignment

V. closing prayer.
The teacher will ask the student. To lead the closing prayer.

Design by:

Bedes, Jeffrey

Macalisang, Reengee

Approved by:

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