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Preliminary Examination

I. Identification (2 points for evert correct answer)

1. It is a system of government where the powers to govern are divided between the
national government and regional governments. FEDERAL
2. It is a fundamental principle which restrains the exercise of independent branches of the
government to prevent abuse of power. CHECKS AND BALANCES
3. It is a kind of government which all of the powers possessed by the government are
lodged in a single central organ. UNITARY
4. It is a kind of government which the executive is independent and co-equal with the
legislature. PRESIDENTIAL
5. It is an ideology based on economic collectivism, advocating public ownership of the
major instrument of production, distribution and exchange. SOCIALISM
6. A body of people occupying a defined territory and organized politically with the power
to make and enforce the law without the consent of any higher authority. STATE
7. It is the first National Constitution of the United States which established a firm league
of friendship among States which are sovereign, free and independent from each other
and have not delegated their powers to the United States. ARTICLES OF
8. It is one classification of powers of the government which belong to the National
Government without specific grant by virtue of the fact that it is the national
government of a sovereign state.
9. It is the kind of power which may be exercised only by the National Government.
10. It is a membership in a political community.

II. Enumerations (2 points for every correct answer)

1 – 6 Six basic principles of an American constitutional system.

1. Popular Sovereignty;
2. Limited Government;
3. Separation of Powers;
4. Checks and balances;
5. Judicial Review; and
6. Federalism

7 – 8 Two basic rules applied in the determination of citizenship by birth.

7. Jus Soli – the law of the soil where born; and
8. Jus Sanguinis – the law of the blood, to whom born.

9 – 13 Modes of nominations in American Politics

9. The Caucus;
10. Self-Announcement;
11. The Delegate Convention;
12. The Direct Primary; and
13. The Presidential Primary

14 – 18 Five functions of political parties.

14. Nomination of Candidates;
15. Informer and Stimulator;
16. Bonding Agent;
17. Watchdog; and
18. Conduct of Government.

19 – 20 Two modes of losing citizenship.

19. Punishment for crime; and
20. Denaturalization.

III. Essay ( 5 points each)

Explain each of the following:

1. Bill of Attainder.
It is a legislative act to inflict punishment without judicial trial. It is the imposition of
punishment aimed at a person or group of people guilty of a crime without the
process of a trial. Both Congress and the State legislatures are forbidden to pass such

2. Ex post facto laws.

Passage of retroactive laws which are prejudicial to the accused. It is to give a law
retroactive application to the prejudice of the accused is to make it an ex post facto
law. It is a criminal law which is applied to an act committed before the passage of the
law and which works to the disadvantage of the accused.

3. Principle of double jeopardy.

Putting a person a trial for an offense for which he had been previously been put on
trial under a valid charge. This is to prevent a person to be tried on a crime that had
been judged with finality for a second time, this is for the reason for that person to
not be inflicted with the punishment he have been through before.

4. Right against self-incrimination.

It is the constitutional right of a person to refuse to answer questions towards him
which may be used to incriminated him or his acts.

5. Unreasonable searches and seizures.

The person’s right to privacy will be in danger if the police will barge through ther
property without proper warrant for such actions. This is a violation on the person’s
privacy and property.

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