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THEME 5 – CH 9 The Last Leaf (Pg 115)


B. Read these lines from the text and answer the questions.

1. They’re falling faster now. Three days ago there were almost a

a. Who said this to whom?

Ans. Joanna said to Sue.

b. What does she refer to as `they’?

Ans. They here refers to the falling leaves of ivy vine.

c. What state was the speaker in? Why was she in such a state?

Ans. The speaker was very sad and depressed. She was in such a state
because she was ill and was suffering from pneumonia .

2. I have something to tell you, dear.

a. Who said this to whom?

Ans. Sue said to Joanna.

b. About whom did the speaker tell her friend?

Ans. The speaker told her friend about the painter named Behrman.

c. What did the speaker tell her friend?

Ans. The speaker informed her friend that Behrman (The painter) had
died in hospital.
C. Answer in detail.

ANS 1. Joanna’s physical condition completely shattered her from

within as she was suffering from pneumonia which developed lot of
negative feelings and emotions in her heart and mind. She went into
depression to such an extent that she related her living days with falling
leaves of the ivy vine which she could see from her window. Her mental
condition had deteriorated so much that she started believing that
when the last leaf of the ivy vine falls that day she will also die.

ANS 2. Behrman’s masterpiece is the ivy leaf which he painted the night
the last leaf fell. It was green healthy leaf clinging to the creeper. Sue
says it was a masterpiece because the leaf was so well painted that
Joanna believed it was the real, natural leaf and this gave Joanna the
will to live and helped her to recover from her illness.


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