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Right shot answers explain immigration giving examples from everyday life answer from vet surfaces

water continuously moves into the surrounding air this process occurs continuously from the surface of
canals legs rivers and oceans etc The change of water into water wafers is called a operation this process
also takes place from the snow surface and from the leaves of plants number 2 define condensation
answer the change of water vapor into liquid and stick with the external surface of glass is called
condensation Question number 3 what is resting and which type of change is this answer the change in
iron that is due to water and oxygen is called rusting this is a permanent change? Give an example of
chemical change in which carbon dioxide is produced answered when slate line is added in water it
produced carbon dioxide question number five explain the three states of matter and their interior
converian answer all the three states of water are changed into one another day on heating for example
ice change into liquid. Liquid change into gas.

Constructed response question number one weight ¼ of glass of vinegar and teaspoon of baking soda
then mix them together as a result, bubbles will be formed. Wait this compound again. Now it’s weight
will become less than the previous one. How will you explain the loss of the weight? Answer there is a
chemical reaction which gas is released in the form of bubbles due to this there is loss of weight.

Question number two on mixing vinegar and boiling water bubbles are produced. Out of the two one is
chemical change and the other one is physical change. Explain.

Ans. On mixing vinegar there is chemical change due to which bubbles of gas evolve, while boiling of
water is a physical change.

Christian number three. A student wave office and then allows it to melt in your opinion what will be the
weight of water and why?

Ans. The weight of water will decrease because some water parade from the surface.


Question number one why the formation of fertilizer from leaves is a chemical change? Answer. The
formation of fertilizer from leaves is a chemical process because once leaves is rotter to form it, they will
never become reversed into their original condition.

Ch 6

Light and Sound

Write short answer. Question number one. What is a transparent object? Write the names. Answer. The
objects through which light can pass completely are called transparent objects. We can see clearly
mirror, glasses, glass filled with water.

Q no 2. When is your shadow the shortest and the longest in sunlight. Answer. In morning and evening
the shadows are longest, while in noon our shadow is shortest. Number three. The moon is non-
luminous like our earth. How does it look luminous to us? Answer. The moon is non-luminous object like
our Earth but it look illuminous due to sunlight. It absorb sunlight and reflect to make itself bright.
Question number four. Can you be the winner while running with your shadow? Give the reason also.
Answer. No, we cannot win with our shadow because shadow forms beyond object.

Question number five. When a train is moving away from you, will the intensity of its sound increase or
decrease? Answer. When our train is moving away from you the intensity of its sound decrease. Number
3. Constructed response question number 1. Ears are raised is our phrase in Urdu full stop the air of
some animals such as hair and red are actually raised up? When and why? Answer who stop the hair and
rat raise up their ears due to presence of predator around their surrounding. Question number two.
Wood and charcoal are naturally non-luminous objects. Can they be made illuminous? How? Answer.
Yes would and charcoal be illuminous by ignition of match stick. Question number 3 how can you
compare the speed of light and speed of sound coming from the lightning? Answer. The speed of light is
greater than the speed of sound. This is the reason that we see the light first when it sound, during

Investigate.? Have you seen the ears of a frog, locust and fish. How do these animals hear some?
Answer. Locust and fish do not have ears, but they can hear the sound by ear like internal structure and

Chapter 7

Electricity and magnetism

Write short answers.

Why does bulb light up in a closed circuit?

Ans: When we switch ON. The circuit is completed and current start flowing which light up the bulb.

2. You are given about. What other components are required to light it up? Answer. Electric wire, so it’s,
battery question number three. Why and iron nail stuck to magnet attracts and other nail? Answer. The
nail stock too magnet have magnetic properties due to this reason irony attracts and other nail. Number
four. How are directions known as using a magnetic compass? Answer. The direction of any place on
earth can be determined with the help magnetic compass. Place the magnetic compass on art it always
suspended in north south direction. There is not any other magnetic or iron material found near two
eight. The compass even that it comes in of north, south direction… Now all the directions can be

Question number five. Abalone is charged by rubbing it with a bowling plot. Why does it stick to a wall
when brought near it? Answer. After rubbing with women cloth, the balloon becomes charged, hands it
stuck to the wall. Constructed response question number 1. 2 ring magnet arshon on a wooden stand.
The upper magnet rise up and is suspended in air as shown in the figure. A full stop why does the upper
magnet float in the air? Answer. The same poles repel each other hands the upper magnet floor in the

B. Label the n and s pool of the magnets. And question number two. There is a bar magnet without any
indication. How will you identify its South Pole? Answer. When a magnet is suspended freely it always
point in north south direction. This pattern will help us to determine its south pole. Number three. There
are three similar metal bar. One is magnet, the second one is that of iron and third bar is of aluminum.
How would you identify each bar? Answer. All the metal bars are suspended freely. The magnet bar
always suspended in North South direction, while the remaining two bars has not any specific direction.
When we bring a iron rod near magnet bar it will attract it, while the other two bars remain as it is full
stop question number four. Plastic comb charged with a woman cloth is touched with an iron key. What
do you observe? Give an example of similar phenomena in daily life. Answer when a plastic comb is
charged with a balloon cloth is touched with an iron key produce sparking. Similar like this when boys
switch off the TV screen our finger hairs stuck, to it. Number four. Investigate. You are provided bar
magnet, paper pins, glass, plastic aluminum and steel plates, a wooden board. Investigate which
material allow magnetic attraction to pass through its comp? Answer. Bar magnet and paper paints
allow the magnetic attraction to pass through it.

Chapter No 8.

The right shot answers. Number one. What is the outer layer of the earth called? Answer. The outer
shell of the art is called crust. It is that art of the earth on which mountains, deep oceans, reverse,
desert, green fields, rural and urban villains are present. Which soil is used full to make pottery? Why
are its properties? Answer. Properties, number one the particles of clay are very small in size. This soil is
sticky and have ability to hold more water. Number three. Which matter is obtained from the decade
plants and insects? Answer. And insects produce humans. Which part of the arts surface consist of
oceans? Why can we not drink seawater? Answer. 97% is salted water in the oceans. We cannot drink
seawater due to excess amount of dissolved salts. Where is the water found in the form of solid, liquid
and gas? Answer. Water is found on earth in three states of matter. In solid form it is found in mountain
and bless your full stop in liquid state it is found in reverse, leg s while in vapors phase is it exist as
clouds. Constructed response questions. Number 1. Label diagram of the water cycle answer. Number 2
full stop which soil is used to plaster the village houses? Which property of the soil is used full to do so?
Answer. Clay is used to plaster the village houses. It has ability to become more harder when dried.
Question number 3. How do the plant roads and other creatures inside the earth breed? Answer. Route
and other creature inside the earth breathe through moisture and dissolved oxygen in water and air
spaces in soil.

Question number four. Estimate the components of salt from the gaming figure full stop answer.
Components. Air. Water. Send and other mineral


25% 25% 3% 47%

Investigate. You have heard the device station caused by flowers. What is its reason? How can the
surplus water of floods be made useful? Answer. When there is more rains then requirements it
becomes flood. We can made useful the surplus water by storing it in dance.

The change of milk into yogurt is, when a person painted his iron gate, out of these which answer is
correct, which factor will not affect the dissolving of sugar in water, which one is not a chemical change,
what type of change is it when metal expands on heating physical change chemical change climate
change change of color to save from resting to save from sunlight to make it beautiful to save from
water 1 and 2 fun and 3 2 and 3 1 and 4 adding salt in water making sugar powder by grinding heating
water and sugar steering water and sugar seed germination making paper boat burning of wood cooking
food permanent chemical physical temporary
Big decorate answer

How does light travel in air? Which object does reflect maximum light? Speed of sound is maximum in.
Which of the following sounds is called nice? When water comes in the way of sound traveling through
air, in a circle along curved part along a straight line in disposed part white paper colored paper mirror
brick wall air water vacuum sound of a flute resting of leaf pressure horn chirping of birds sound will
stop sound will slow down sound will become fast no effect on the speed of sound

The flow of ground in an electric circuit is controlled by, current can easily pass through, how many
poles are there on a ring shape magnet? A freely suspended bar magnet always stay along, which one is
true statement? Bulb copper wire



Steel paper clip glass strip plastic comb wooden spoon 1 2 3 4 East West direction north south direction
any direction keeps oscillating which one north pole attracts north pole North Pole repels North Pole
South Paul repels North Pole South Pole attracts South Pole

The outer layer of the earth is called, what are the main types of the soil? Which type of soil is good for
growth of plants? What is the role of living organisms in the soil? The amount of freshwater on the earth
is, what is important in the natural mineral?

External code mental crust inner core silt, sand and rock clay, humans and sand, silled and clay sale, and
clay send clay rock making soil soft and 80 making soil hard making soil and fit for cultivation making the
air dry about 1% about 30% about 70% above 97%, minerals that decade better sand salts

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