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Unethical Practices Ethical Practices

Gathering information and analyzing data are

1. Jaypee, a senior high school student, is part of the ethical criteria for conducting research
planning to conduct his first research on and doing so takes time and effort. If she was
the misbehavior of fellow students during planning to do it, even if it was her first time, she
examinations. However, he has no idea should take notes on what to do and use them as
on the ethical guidelines in conducting a guideline. Some students do not read these
such research. instructions thoroughly or make an effort to
follow them, and as a result, they may receive
poor grades on their research papers. Students,
understandably, do not want to put up such
effort and are therefore afraid of accepting
responsibility for the prospect of failure, resorting
to dishonesty and plagiarism to avoid low grades.
However, they should not let their fear prevent
them from doing what needs to be done; if your
study goes wrong, take time to develop it and
seek help. Knowing nothing and doing research
will not become reliable to the readers.
Last place on an honors roll isn't that terrible
2. Because of non-participation in unless Trey isn't happy with it. Was he not there
extracurricular activities, Trey, an honor during the research discussion? Why hadn't he
student, ranked last in the honor roll. A been informed earlier? Is participation in
qualitative research about Trey is extracurricular activities required? In any case, it
conducted without informing him. should always be the student's responsibility to
keep up to date on whatever they may have
missed. If he wasn't notified, he must be absent.
Without waiting to be informed, Trey must take
action to improve his credibility and maintain
smooth operations without missing a single
assignment. If the qualitive research involved the
participation of the activities then he may use
other methods to conduct the research, although
the honors list has been rolled and therefore
means that he lost the chance to gain higher
grades. He should take note that things like
missing deadlines or failing to deliver work will
deny you a promotion. Show Initiative without
being told.
Both the victim and the Gabby are responsible for
3. Gabby, a graduating student, claimed the the outcome; the classmate, also known as the
research work of his classmate. He victim, should not post a work online, even if it is
erased the name of the original through messenger, or someone you aren't close
researcher and placed his own. with is requesting to check your paper unless you
have a reason to do so in order to prevent
someone from stealing it; however, if their
research paper is being printed, it is still the
responsibility of the victim. Gabby, on the other
hand she should have done her research, or the
person she took it from would file a complaint,
and they may have proof in conducting their
research before printing it. Gabby will have to
pay the price for it. Lying is a trait that is detested
in and outside the workplace. It kills trust, affects
relationships, and put everyone in trouble. Even if
Gabby tried to claim it was hers. She may have
succeed without being suspected or caught,
either way the possibility of being punished
outweighs her possibility in succeeding.

To increase the number of participants in her

4. To maximize the participants in her study, she will need to employ other strategies
study, Pauline, the class valedictorian, that will benefit both her research and her
forced her classmates to join her study. leadership. In forcing students to participate in
her research, she may have already manipulated
people emotionally by exploiting their
vulnerabilities. Any of the pupils has the right to
sue her for doing so, or to bring the problem to
the councilor's attention, in which case she will
be held accountable for the consequences. There
is also substantial proof that this may occur since
others who are being pulled to it will agree that
her actions may lead them into it. A better
approach to do it is to be patient; she most likely
did not wait long enough to maximize her
participants, resulting in forcing others into it.

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