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RAYLEIGH-JEANS LAW: Rayleigh derived an equation for the blackbody radiation on the basis of principle of equipartition of energy.The principle of equipartition of energy suggests that an average energy kT is assigned to each mode of vibration. The number of vibrations/unit volume whose wavelength is in the range of A and A+dA is given by 8nA-4dA. DISCUSSIONS Drawbacks of Wein’s law: Wein’s law holds good for the shorter wavelength region and high temperature of the source. It failed to explain gradual drop in intensity of radiation corresponding to longer wavelength greater than the peak value. Drawbacks of Rayleigh-Jeans Law: (or Ultra Violet Catastrophe) Rayleigh-Jeans Law predicts to radiate all the energy at shorter wavelength side but it does not happen so. A black body radiates mainly in the infra-red or visible region of electromagnetic radiation spectrum and intensity of radiation decreases down steeply for shorter wavelengths. Thus, the Rayleigh-Jeans Law fails to explain the lower wavelength side of the spectrum. This is referred to as ultra- violet Catastrophe. Page 4 of 6 CONCLUSIONS DEDUCTION OF PLANCK'S LAW TO WELN'S LAW AND RAYLEIGH JEANS, 1) Forshorter wave When is larg, ar v= cs lage. Ts yey lage ele) ze Substituting in eqn 1 a= ly ecard as 71>" Where (y= the and C= bok This the Wein's aw of ration. 2) Forlonger wavelengths v= cis small ‘When v is small hu/kT is very small. Expanding e™* as power seis: HT | + ho kT + (bu/kT)? 1+ bu. IE hulk is small is higher powers ae neglected hy _ he AT OAT Substituting in eqn 1 o Sac hie) lar) | 8a] [87 i This is Rayleigh Jans Law of Radiation, Uidh Maa BIBLIOGRAPHY Module 2: Quantum Mechanics & Modern Physics Name of the Faculty : Dr.Shivaraj Maidur Asst. Professor Page 5 of 6

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