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Science, Technology and Society

Ateneo de Davao University

Criteria Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Fair Poor
5 4 3 2 1
Depth of Insights consistently express Insights mostly express Insights generally express Paper expresses limited Paper expresses little or
reflection deep, conscious and thorough thoughtful understanding of basic understanding of the understanding of the no understanding of the
understanding of the subject the subject matter. subject matter. subject matter. subject matter.
matter. Output needs revision. Output needs revision.
Output can be used as example
of exemplar paper for other
Use of textual Cites convincing, relevant and Cites relevant and concrete Cites concrete example(s) Cites incomplete or Cites no example(s) from
evidence and concrete example(s) from the example(s) from the texts to from the texts to support vaguely developed the texts to support
historical texts to support insights. support insights. Expresses most thoughts. Expresses example(s) from the most thoughts.
context Expresses insightful and appropriate connections some connections texts to support most Expresses unsupported
appropriate connections between one’s belief between one’s belief thoughts. Expresses no and irrelevant claims.
between one’s belief systems systems and the cited systems and the cited connections between
and the cited examples from the examples from the read examples from the read one’s belief systems and
read texts. texts. texts. the cited examples from
the read texts.
Creativity Consistently expresses one’s Mostly expresses one’s Generally expresses one’s Expresses one’s thoughts Consistently expresses
insights and thoughts through insights and thoughts insights and thoughts with limited novelty and one’s thoughts without
novel, innovative, sophisticated through novel and highly through novel and creative creative manner. originality and creativity.
and creative manner. creative manner. manner.
Clarity Consistently expresses Mostly expresses Generally expresses Expresses mostly Consistently expresses
precise, appropriate and appropriate and unambiguous wording inappropriate and imprecise,
unambiguous wording; unambiguous wording; and clear sentence ambiguous wording; inappropriate and
consistently clear and lucid mostly clear sentence structure. mostly unclear ambiguous wording;
sentence structure. structure. Generally expresses sentence structure. consistently confusing
All quotations are well Mostly expresses quotations that are Mostly expresses sentence structure.
chosen, effectively framed in effective choice of effectively chosen and ineffective choice of All quotations are
the text and explicated where quotation(s); Mostly framed. quotation(s), ineffectively chosen,
necessary. effective framing and ineffective framing framed and
explication of quotation and explicating of explicated.
where necessary. quotation(s).
Conventions Consistently demonstrates Mostly follows conventions Generally follows Mostly demonstrates Consistently
(Language use; correct and appropriate word in language use, grammar conventions in language incorrect and demonstrates incorrect
Grammar; choice. No grammatical and and spelling as shown by the use, grammar and spelling inappropriate word and inappropriate word
Spelling) spelling errors. few errors. as shown by the choice. Commits several choice. Consistently
occasional errors. grammatical and spelling commits grammatical
errors. and spelling errors.
*Adapted from: NCTE/IRA; Carnegie Mellon University (CMU).

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