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European Journal of Heart Failure 9 (2007) 136 – 143

Systolic and diastolic heart failure: Different phenotypes of the
same disease?
Gilles W. De Keulenaer ⁎, Dirk L. Brutsaert
Department of Physiology, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium and Division of Cardiology, Middelheim Hospital, Groenenborgerlaan 171,
2020 Antwerpen, Belgium
Received 26 October 2005; received in revised form 20 February 2006; accepted 24 May 2006
Available online 1 August 2006


Traditional pathophysiological concepts of chronic heart failure have largely focused on the haemodynamic consequences of ventricular
systolic dysfunction. How these concepts relate to the pathophysiology of diastolic heart failure, i.e., heart failure with a preserved ejection
fraction is, however, unclear, causing uncertainty about pathophysiology, diagnosis and management.
Recent measurements of regional myocardial systolic function in patients with diastolic heart failure indicate that systolic and diastolic
heart failure may be more closely related than previously anticipated. Rather than being considered as separate diseases with a distinct
pathophysiology, systolic and diastolic heart failure may be merely different clinical presentations within a phenotypic spectrum of one and
the same disease. In this review, we will interpret these new insights in a broader conceptual context of chronic heart failure and design novel
paradigms in which systolic and diastolic heart failure jointly progress in a pathophysiological time trajectory of only one disease.
© 2006 European Society of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Chronic heart failure; Diastole; Relaxation; Ventricular function

1. Introduction exacerbations triggered by atrial fibrillation, hypertension,

infections, medical non-compliance, etc. [8].
Epidemiological studies have established that the inci- Despite these observations, consensus on the definition
dence of chronic heart failure is increasing [1,2]. These and diagnostic criteria of this syndrome is still missing [9–
studies have also revealed that about half of the patients with 12]. The syndrome is randomly called “heart failure with
chronic heart failure have a normal left ventricular ejection preserved ejection fraction” or “diastolic heart failure”, or–
fraction (> 50%). Although originally viewed as a mild erroneously as we will see later–“heart failure with
disease, it now appears that heart failure at a preserved preserved systolic function”. Traditional concepts and
ejection fraction (HFprEF) leads to an increased annual clinical trial design in chronic heart failure have largely
mortality of 5–8% (compared with 10–15% for patients with focused on the haemodynamic consequences of heart
systolic heart failure). [3–5] In patients over 70 years old, the failure with a reduced ejection fraction (“systolic heart
mortality rates for HfprEF and heart failure at reduced failure”), leaving HFprEF as a “separate” disease with no
ejection fraction may be nearly equal. With respect to consensus on the pathophysiology and without proven
morbidity, the impact of HFprEF is high with readmission therapy.
rates being similar to heart failure at reduced ejection fraction Yet, how strong is the evidence that the mechanical pump
(6-month all-cause readmission rate 45%) [6,7], reflecting abnormalities observed in HFprEF (ventricular relaxation
the episodic clinical course of the disease with sudden disturbances and increased ventricular stiffness [13]) devel-
op independently from the (mal)adaptive forces in systolic
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +32 3 2653 277; fax: +32 3 2653 276. heart failure? Alternatively, is there enough evidence to
E-mail address: (G.W. De Keulenaer). counter the hypothesis that the pathophysiology of HFprEF
1388-9842/$ - see front matter © 2006 European Society of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
G.W. De Keulenaer, D.L. Brutsaert / European Journal of Heart Failure 9 (2007) 136–143 137

is essentially identical, or at least strongly related, to the related than previously anticipated. In other words, the
pathophysiology of systolic heart failure? conjecture that HFprEF is a distinct disease in which systolic
myocardial function is preserved seems at least inaccurate.
2. Need to adjust diagnostic criteria to new HFprEF should, instead, be regarded as a variant form of
pathophysiological insights systolic heart failure, but in which symptoms and signs
develop prematurely. Although several investigators have
Despite numerous attempts to develop diagnostic formulated this view previously [17–26], it nevertheless still
criteria for HFprEF, diagnostic guidelines have remained remains controversial, in part due to attempts by some to re-
unsatisfactory [14,15]. Critiques have been formulated define terms of cardiac performance. In our opinion, these
towards the overemphasis on the presence of diastolic attempts have favoured existing uncertainties and misunder-
abnormalities on the one hand, and on the shortcomings standings [27]. We will, therefore, briefly summarize these
of using ejection fraction as a parameter of systolic misunderstandings, and explain how they should be re-
function. First, although impaired relaxation and genuine interpreted to become consistent with the insights reviewed
diastolic abnormalities undoubtedly contribute to symp- in this paper.
toms and in fact are found in all patients with HFprEF Misunderstanding 1: “Analysis of ventricular perfor-
[16], a slow left ventricular relaxation pattern is observed mance in HFprEF does not show systolic abnormalities.”
in many individuals without symptoms or signs of heart It has been recently established [27,28] that parameters of
failure. Hence, there is clearly a need to include supple- global systolic performance of the left ventricle on cardiac
mentary factors–i.e., “disease modifiers” as we will see catheterization (stroke work, preload recruitable stroke work,
below–that may influence the clinical impact of impaired ejection fraction, systolic stress-shortening relationship, end-
relaxation. systolic pressure–volume relationship, and peak (+)dP/dt) in
Second, ejection fraction is a convenient measure of patients with HFprEF were not different from control
overall haemodynamic pump dysfunction, but a poor patients and that only parameters of left ventricular
measure of systolic muscular pump dysfunction. Recent relaxation and diastolic stiffness were impaired. From
studies on the mechanical ventricular properties in patients these observations, the investigators concluded that the
diagnosed with HFprEF have consistently revealed abnor- “pathophysiology of HFprEF does not appear to be related to
malities of left ventricular systolic function. For example, significant abnormalities in the systolic properties of the left
performance of longitudinal myocardial fibers has been ventricle”.
measured by long-axis M mode echo or tissue Doppler Above-mentioned conclusions seem reasonable enough,
imaging (TDI) in patients with HFprEF. These measure- as long as one views the heart as a mere haemodynamic
ments revealed depressed contractile performance in patients pump as historically proposed by Wiggers [29], Rushmer
with HFprEF and in patients with asymptomatic diastolic [30] and Sarnoff [31]. From the observations by Abbott and
dysfunction, despite a preserved ejection fraction [17–26] Mommaerts [32] and Sonnenblick [33], it became clear,
(Fig. 1). however, that any evaluation of cardiac performance ought
These observations, therefore, support the hypothesis that to include, in addition, some properties of cardiac muscle. If
HFprEF and systolic heart failure may be more closely perceived as a mere haemodynamic [26,27], rather than as a

Fig. 1. Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction is commonly accompanied by various degrees of systolic dysfunction. (A) Systolic/mitral annular amplitude
by long-axis M mode echo (S lax) reveals a significant decrease in systolic function in diastolic heart failure (DHF), despite preserved ejection fraction
(LVEF > 45%) (reproduced from Yip et al. [18], with permission from the BMJ Publishing Group). (B) Mean regional myocardial sustained systolic velocity
(mean SM) from a 6-basal segmental model by tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) has been plotted as a function of ejection fraction in four groups of patients, i.e.,
controls, diastolic dysfunction (DD), diastolic heart failure (DHF), and systolic heart failure (SHF). Importantly, in the lower right quadrant of this scatter plot,
mean SM has significantly decreased in about 50% and 15% of patients with DHF and DD, respectively, despite preserved ejection fraction >50% (reproduced
from Yu et al. [17], with permission).
138 G.W. De Keulenaer, D.L. Brutsaert / European Journal of Heart Failure 9 (2007) 136–143

muscular pump, the above measurements are, therefore, at prematurely. This pathophysiological model is most suitable
least incomplete. to illustrate the complementary contribution of the underly-
From the perception of a traditional haemodynamic ing systemic (mal)adaptative reactions, i.e., haemodynamic
pump, preservation of peripheral perfusion pressure, stroke overload, neurohormonal activation, enhanced pro-inflam-
volume, and cardiac output (blood flow)–as well as all matory cytokine activity and endothelial dysfunction [35]. A
related or derived parameters, such as, e.g., stroke work, disadvantage of this model is, however, that it lacks a time
pressure–volume and stress-shortening relations, +dP/dt and dimension, thereby neglecting the time-dependent evolution
other derivatives–is of key importance. In normal condi- of symptom severity. In clinical practice, the symptoms in
tions, the higher end-diastolic volume, the higher is stroke many patients, especially those with HFprEF, evolve clearly
volume, the ratio of stroke volume-to-end-diastolic volume out of phase with the pathophysiological progression of
being calculated as the ejection fraction, which remains overall pump dysfunction. As this important paradox of
constant. Under stress (e.g., after an acute myocardial chronic heart failure remains unappreciated, HFprEF does
infarction), the heart is able to maintain stroke volume, as not seem to fit within the above traditional paradigm of
well as peripheral flow and perfusion pressure; hence, hae- chronic heart failure. In the following paragraphs, we will,
modynamic pump performance, constant for some time, but therefore, review two alternative paradigms of chronic heart
only at the expense of an inappropriately increased end- failure and investigate how their pathophysiology relates to
diastolic volume with concomitant ventricular remodelling. HFprEF.
The ensuing progressive decline in calculated ejection
fraction must, therefore, be seen as an early sensitive sign 3. Diastolic heart failure and alternative paradigms of
of this inappropriately increased end-diastolic volume and chronic heart failure
remodelling, and hence, of haemodynamic pump failure.
Regional and temporal contractile properties of ventric- 3.1. A time-dependent progression model of chronic heart
ular cardiac muscle are, however, most often impaired at a failure
much earlier stage. Hence, consistent with recent echo-
Doppler analysis [17–25]–particularly in hearts with In a time-dependent model of chronic heart failure,
concentric hypertrophy that are hampered somehow to depicted in Fig. 2 as a time trajectory of cardiac pump
increase their end-diastolic volume–substantial systolic performance, the progression of chronic heart failure can be
dysfunction at rest and during adrenergic stimulation [34] subdivided in three consecutive pathophysiological stages.
may be present already when mean overall haemodynamic Under stress, the heart recruits various compensatory
pump performance, including its most sensitive mechanical autoregulatory mechanisms. A fundamental feature of this
index ejection fraction, is still well preserved. In addition to first and very early “systolic activation” or pre-disease stage
myocardial temporal and regional non-uniformities, this is the capacity of the heart to delay the onset of ventricular
early stage of systolic dysfunction is also characterized by relaxation. This often ignored or underestimated feature
significant left ventricular relaxation abnormalities, i.e., in allows the ventricle to modulate systolic time duration
rate and time of onset. Importantly, in a muscular–unlike a during which a given amount of stroke work is delivered
haemodynamic–pump, ventricular relaxation should be [36–38]. In a second stage (“mild systolic dysfunction”), as
regarded as an intrinsic part of systole. Moreover, as the commonly observed during the initial phases of myocardial
haemodynamic pump index ejection fraction is blind for hypertrophy and ischemia, the above autoregulatory
such early changes in cardiac muscular pump performance, mechanisms become maladaptive. Typically, ventricular
it is too insensitive, hence inappropriate, to characterize a relaxation either regionally or globally becomes abnormally
group of patients with symptoms of heart failure resulting slow and impaired with a progressive loss of the ventricle to
from such abnormalities, i.e., diastolic heart failure, as being modulate the timing of onset of relaxation. It can be
distinct from other patients with chronic heart failure. A commonly detected as an abnormal mitral inflow signal
fortiori, therefore, measurements advocated by some [27,28] during Doppler echocardiography (E/A inversion). Impaired
of haemodynamic pump performance–some of which being relaxation is caused by three major processes, including (i)
less sensitive still than ejection fraction–can hardly provide a dysfunction of intracellular myocardial inactivation process-
sufficiently solid argument to conclude that the “pathophys- es, (ii) inappropriate loading—including those induced by
iology of HFprEF does not appear to be related to significant arterial elastance abnormalities and (iii) excessive non-
abnormalities in the systolic properties of the left ventricle.” uniformity [36–39]. Besides relaxation disturbances, the
Misunderstanding 2: “HFprEF does not fit within current systolic function abnormalities of the ventricular muscular
pathophysiological paradigms of chronic heart failure”. pump can be objectified by TDI, by abnormal systolic time
In a traditional conceptual view on the pathophysiology intervals and by increased BNP levels [24]. During this
of chronic heart failure, cardiac function is regarded as second “mild systolic dysfunction” stage, haemodynamic
evolving within a vicious circle of (de)compensatory pump performance, as reflected by the ejection fraction
mechanisms, gradually and irreversibly spiralling down (> 50%) is well preserved thanks to a well-compensated
until end-stage pump failure, or until death ensues performance of the ventricular haemodynamic pump.
G.W. De Keulenaer, D.L. Brutsaert / European Journal of Heart Failure 9 (2007) 136–143 139

Fig. 2. Time progression model of chronic heart failure. The pathophysiological as well as the clinical progression of chronic heart failure can only be understood
by studying overall pump performance as a trajectory in the ‘time’ domain. Upper: pathophysiological progression. Progressive deterioration of pump
performance typically evolves in successive stages. A first stage is a reversible, compensatory stage during which systolic function is activated. Subsequently,
some of the adaptive compensatory mechanisms may become maladaptive, i.p. during relaxation (mild systolic dysfunction), at stages where ejection fraction
(LVEF) has hardly declined. Below an ejection fraction of 45–50%, systolic function and pump performance are severely compromised and evolve towards full-
blown–mostly a combination of systolic and diastolic–pump failure. Lower: clinical progression. This diagram illustrates the paradox between the
pathophysiological progression as depicted by a single time trajectory, and its divergence from the concomitant clinical time progression as evident from the
superimposed clinical symptoms and signs in three patients with heart failure according to the NYHA Classification.

Finally during a third stage (“pump failure”), deterio- patient A in Fig. 2 lower). The latter presentation does not,
rating haemodynamic pump performance may reach a however, comply with daily clinical practice and with the
critical threshold as evident from an ejection fraction below observation that left ventricular ejection fraction correlates
40–45% with severe systolic and diastolic abnormalities. poorly with exercise tolerance. Indeed, a large proportion of
Meanwhile, hypertrophy of the ventricle irreversibly heart failure patients in NYHA class III and IV may already
evolves into so-called adverse remodelling. Adverse be diagnosed clinically at an earlier pathophysiological stage
remodelling is still an ill-defined term indicating the of pump failure, e.g., with ejection fractions clearly above
presence of a number of structural and functional abnor- 30–40% (e.g., patient B in Fig. 2 lower) or even above 45–
malities, which may result in myocardial fibrosis/necrosis 50%, indicating that overall pump performance is preserved.
and irreversible dilatation. Importantly, as indicated above, in the latter patients systolic
An advantage of this model is that the time progression of abnormalities, including significant myocardial contraction–
the clinical symptoms of chronic heart failure can be relaxation non-uniformities and impaired relaxation can be
superimposed on the time trajectory of the above patho- detected (e.g., patient C in Fig. 2 lower). The latter group
physiological progression. In chronic heart failure, it is corresponds to patients with so-called HFprEF, and some-
silently assumed as if the severity of clinical symptoms times denoted–erroneously–as heart failure with preserved
develops uniformly in all patients and synchronously with systolic function.
the severity of pump failure, in which NYHA class IV Hence, superimposing symptom progression and patho-
symptoms occur at ejection fractions below 20% (e.g., physiological progression in a time-progression model of
140 G.W. De Keulenaer, D.L. Brutsaert / European Journal of Heart Failure 9 (2007) 136–143

chronic heart failure allows incorporation of HFprEF and patients suffer from primary diastolic dysfunction; at end
systolic heart failure within one and the same pathophysi- stage, these patients have non-dilated ventricles, normal or
ological time trajectory, in which the two types of heart high ejection fraction, high filling pressures and NYHA class
failure only differ in the onset of their clinical manifestation, IV symptoms but no signs of even mild global or regional
but not in the presence or absence of systolic abnormalities. systolic dysfunction, a disease that is probably non-existent.
In terms of chronological stages of disease, HFprEF comes On the far right, patients develop NYHA class IV symptoms
earlier than systolic heart failure, suggesting that HFprEF at a stage when diastolic function is normal and only
could perhaps progress into systolic heart failure. Consis- contractile dysfunction is apparent, a disease that is also
tently, in a recent survey in predominantly hypertensive probably non-existent. An important recent study by Yotti et
African-American patients with LV hypertrophy and a al. [42] suggests that in patients with dilated cardiomyop-
normal ejection fraction (EF), 18% developed a reduced athy, ventricular dilatation itself impairs diastolic filling by
EF after a median follow-up of approximately 4 years, with a enhancing convective deceleration; along with a slowed
markedly increased risk for this outcome when pulmonary relaxation, reduced elastic recoil, and displacement onto the
oedema was seen on a chest X-ray [40]. Similarly, in about stiff portion of the passive pressure–volume relation,
20% of patients hospitalised for acute heart failure and a increased convective deceleration may thus contribute to
preserved ejection fraction, the ejection fraction was < 45% diastolic dysfunction in the patients.
during a follow-up visit 3 months later, this in absence of Accordingly, most if not all cases of heart failure (e.g.,
intermediate acute coronary complications [41]. patients A, B and C of Fig. 3), are hybrids within this
spectrum with combined systolic and diastolic abnormalities
3.2. A phenotype model of chronic heart failure and with symptoms developing at normal, slightly reduced,
moderately reduced or severely reduced left ventricular
In this model shown in Fig. 3, chronic heart failure is, ejection fraction, the latter being an index of global
again, presented as one disease but with multiple patient- haemodynamic pump performance, rather than of systolic
specific diverging phenotypical trajectories. Each patient function. The direction of the patient's trajectory towards a
follows his/her own distinct individual time trajectory of heart failure phenotype with either preserved or reduced
progressively deteriorating pump performance, the trajectory ejection fraction depends, in our opinion, on a number of
depending on a number of disease modifiers. In a large disease modifiers in which genetic, molecular, environmen-
group of heart failure patients, a wide spectrum of different tal and phenotypical factors may interact.
phenotypes can thus be identified, with two extreme Comparing clinical characteristics of heart failure
presentations at each end of the spectrum. On the far left, patients with either preserved or reduced ejection fraction

Fig. 3. Phenotype paradigm of chronic heart failure. As opposed to the fact that from a pathophysiological point of view, chronic heart failure progresses along a
single time trajectory, from a clinical point of view it progresses along an infinite number of time trajectories, unique for each patient individually. Hence, patients
may develop signs and symptoms of heart failure over a wide range of pathophysiological stages of the same disease, varying from stages with a preserved
ejection fraction (LVEF) to stages with a severely reduced ejection fraction and leading to a spectrum of heart failure phenotypes. Disease modifiers such as
gender, hypertension, ventricular hypertrophy, diabetes, age and body mass index determine, within a single pathophysiological trajectory, the time of onset of
signs and symptoms of heart failure. Consistently, in a cohort of heart failure patients, the incidence of these disease modifiers (here shown for female sex,
hypertension and diabetes) critically depends on the phenotype of the disease [42–44].
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can easily identify a number of important modifier candi- conditions, including age [61,62], hypertension [63,64] and
dates. In Fig. 3 (lower), for example, gender, incidence of diabetes [65].
hypertension and of diabetes have been compared for three
different groups of heart failure patients, i.e., with normal 4. Conclusion: systolic and diastolic heart failure;
(> 50%), slightly reduced (> 40%) or markedly impaired different phenotypes of the same disease
(< 40%) ejection fractions, respectively [43–45]. Strikingly,
female gender, diabetes and hypertension were much more In the present review, we have discussed arguments
common in the first group compared with the last group, and endorsing the hypothesis that HFprEF is a variant form of
at intermediate incidence in the second group. Based on these systolic heart failure in which symptoms develop prema-
observations, it is attractive to speculate that in each turely. Central to this discussion were considerations about
individual patient, a set of disease modifiers (which probably the heart as a muscular pump in which–unlike a mere
also include age, myocardial hypertrophy, physical fitness, haemodynamic pump–the mechanical performance of the
cholesterol levels, etc.) will influence the phenotypical heart was interpreted in terms of cardiac muscle as well as
trajectory of heart failure. In other words, after a cardiac cardiac pump parameters. Next, re-introducing time dimen-
insult, disease modifiers may direct the disease towards a sions in the disease progression model allowed the
predominantly “systolic” or “diastolic” heart failure pheno- incorporation of the pathophysiological as well as the
type. If the modifier directs towards diastolic heart failure, it clinical manifestation of HFprEF within an overall patho-
will somehow prevent ventricular remodelling and dilatation physiological time trajectory of chronic heart failure. We
of systolic heart failure, and perhaps to some extent hypothesize, therefore, that from a pathophysiological point
prognosis. This phenomenon has been demonstrated for of view systolic and HFprEF progress along a single
diabetes, obesity, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia pathophysiological time trajectory. From a clinical point of
[46–50]. view, however, heart failure may progress along an infinite
Explaining underlying mechanisms through which dis- number of time trajectories dependent on a complex
ease modifiers affect the clinical course of heart failure is a interaction of disease modifiers unique for each individual
difficult challenge and a subject of ongoing research. Each of patient. Accordingly, patients may develop signs and
the modifiers may influence or be influenced by systemic symptoms of heart failure over a wide range of pathophys-
physiological pathways (e.g., neurohormonal activity, endo- iological stages of the same disease, varying from stages
thelial function, etc.), cardiac molecular properties (levels of with mild systolic impairment (and a preserved ejection
gene expression, post-translational modifications) and fraction) to stages with severely depressed systolic function
genotypic characteristics (gene deletions, gene polymorph- (and severely reduced ejection fraction), leading to a
isms, etc). Females with myocardial injury/overload, for continuous spectrum of heart failure phenotypes. By
example, express a sex-specific cluster of myocardial genes examining heart failure from this phenotype-oriented view,
during disease progression [51], whereas gene deletions disease modifiers and their underlying mechanisms should
differently affect progression of heart failure in females and be explored more carefully in clinical trials as they may
males [52–54]. reveal crucial aspects and individualized therapeutic targets
An interesting aspect in this discussion may be the link of chronic heart failure. Clinicians should be conscious of
between disease modifiers and cardiac molecular mechan- these ongoing developments prior to undertaking initiatives
isms that determine ventricular relaxation and stiffness as the for clinical trials and diagnostic as well as therapeutic
latter processes determine diastolic function, left ventricular guidelines. In the mean time, therapy to improve prognosis
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57]. As previously shown [58–60], diastolic function is a for systolic heart failure, as both diseases seem to be part of
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