By Devendra Swaroop Bhargava, F. Asce

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By Devendra Swaroop Bhargava, 1 F. ASCE

ABSTRACT: The classical Streeter-Phelps models for computation of the bio-

chemical oxygen demand (BOD) and dissolved oxygen (DO) deficit concentra-
tions in the streams do not account for bioflocculation and setting of the set-
tleable organic matter. These are therefore of little value in the accurate
computation of the DO sag elements in polluted streams. The extremely fast
BOD assimilation in rivers, based on the physiochemical linear removal of the
settleable BOD with exponential laws for the nonsettleable BOD, was modeled
by others and has been utilized here for evolving the models for the accurate
prediction of the DO sag-related elements. Case examples with river data are
presented to show the utility of the evolved models for the prediction of DO
sags (simple as well as compound DO sags).


Dissolved oxygen (DO) in rivers is one of the most significant indexes

of a river's health. The value of river water for most beneficial uses,
particularly fish culture, wildlife propagation, and recreational uses, is
rated on the basis of the DO content of the river. Maintenance of a cer-
tain minimum level of DO is a common legislative requirement laid down
by pollution-control regulatory agencies.
With ever-growing urbanization and industrialization, a wide variety
of wastewaters enter into the rivers and consume the DO content of the
river during their stabilization. The organic wastewaters have the great-
est detrimental effect on the stream's DO.
Under such conditions, the prediction of DO at different points in the
stream's course would determine the suitability of the stream for various
uses. The well-known DO sag curve resulting from deoxygenation [due
to the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) assimilation] and reoxygen-
ation (due to the reaeration taking place in the streams) was modeled
several decades ago. In 1925, Streeter and Phelps (3) presented a de-
tailed analysis of the DO sag, and the models presented by them have
been in use since then for stream analysis studies. These models as-
sumed first-order kinetics for BOD assimilation. D, the DO deficit (DO
saturation - actual DO) at any point in the stream could be predicted
from their model, shown by Eq. 1 in Appendix I, in which S0 = the
initial BOD concentration in mg/L at time t = 0 where the outfall drains
into the river; D0 = the initial DO deficit in mg/L at t = 0; k = the BOD
rate constant in day - 1 ; and kr = the reaeration rate constant in day - 1 .
The critical DO deficit Dc at time tc when the DO in the stream reaches
'Reader (Pollution Control), Div. of Environ. Engrg., Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Univ.
of Roorkee, Roorkee-247667, U.P., India.
Note.—Discussion open until November 1, 1986. To extend the closing date
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Manager of Journals.
The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible publication
on May 2, 1984. This paper is part of the Journal of Environmental Engineering,
Vol. 112, No. 3, June, 1986. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9372/86/0003-0572/$01.00. Paper
No. 20696.


J. Environ. Eng., 1986, 112(3): 572-585

a minimum value is of engineering significance. Fair (2) had given models
for computing the values of tc, Dc, t( (the time for the point of inflection
in the DO sag curve), and D, (the DO deficit concentration at the point
of inflection). These models, shown by Eqs. 2-5 in Appendix I do not
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account for BOD removal due to bioflocculation (followed by sedimen-

tation), which normally takes place after the sewage (partially treated)
outfalls drain into the streams. The Streeter-Phelps models would,
therefore, be of little value in an accurate prediction of the BOD and DO
sag after the sewage outfalls drain into the streams.


The BOD assimilation has been reported to be extremely fast for the
Ganga and Yamuna Rivers of the Indogangetic plain (1). These streams
provide significant bioflocculation of the colloidal part of the organic matter
discharged into the rivers; as a result, about 60% of the BOD gets re-
moved in 30 min-60 min (1). In these rivers, the rate constant of BOD,
k (base e), was found to range as high as 1.5 to 5.5 day""1 [instead of the
usually reported values of 0.23 to 0.5 day -1 , showing an extremely fast
(6-20 times faster) BOD assimilation] (1). This phenomenon, wherein
the suspended and colloidal part of the BOD is removed through phy-
siochemical processes (e.g., coagulation-flocculation and settling) that take
place just after the sewage outfall and the remaining BOD is decayed
exponentially, has been modeled (1). S (mg/L), the BOD remaining at
time t (days), can be predicted from the model (1) shown by Eq. 6 in
Appendix I.
The first term on the right-hand side of Eq. 6 indicates that S0_x, the
settleable portion of the initial BOD concentration in mg/L would be
completely removed within a transition time of T = (d/v) days (d = the
depth of stream in m, and v = the settling velocity (m/day) of the bio-
flocculated particles). Through data analysis and plots, the linear phy-
siochemical decay of settleable BOD has been shown to be 10-25 times
faster than the exponential decay (1) and, therefore, this first term (ap-
plicable only for t £ T) describes the removal of settleable BOD appro-
priately. The benthic material, immediately after the outfall, undergoes
anaerobic stabilization at the bottom. The effect is assumed to be neg-
ligible in the model. The transition time T would be longer for deeper
rivers or for smaller flocculated particle size. After T, the BOD exertion
would only be due to the nonsettleable organic matter represented by
S0-y in mg/L. The sum of S0-x and S0_y is S 0 , the initial total BOD con-
centration in mg/L just after the sewage outfall point in the stream. In
some situations, when completely treated (primary as well as secondary
treatments) sewage is discharged into the stream, the S0-x component
would become zero, and the SQ-y component would equal S0 . The model
presented in Eq. 6 would, therefore, adequately describe all other river
cases too.
An analysis of the DO sag resulting from this model, incorporating
the settling and biodegradation phenomenon, including the case of com-
pound DO sag curves resulting from multiple wastewater outfalls drain-
ing into the rivers, are attempted herein.


J. Environ. Eng., 1986, 112(3): 572-585


The demand for oxygen for the assimilation of BOD is mostly met
from reoxygenation. Neglecting other sources and sinks of oxygen sup-
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ply in the streams, the rate of net reoxygenation is given by Eq. 7 in

Appendix I, in which d02/dt = the net reaeration rate in mg/L per day;
k'S = the deoxygenation rate in mg/L per day; K' = the rate constant
for BOD assimilation in day - 1 ; S = BOD reremaining at time t (days) in
mg/L; krD - reoxygenation rate in mg/L per day; kr = the reaeration
rate constant in day -1 , which depends on several environmental and
stream factors; and D = the oxygen deficit at time t (days) in mg/L,
which equals the DO saturation minus actual DO at the stated time.
Thus, dD/dt, the rate for DO deficit, is similarly written as Eq. 8 in Ap-
pendix I.
The value of k' for the expression for S incorporating the settling and
biodegradation phenomenon shown by Eq. 6 may have different values
for the assimilation of settleable and nonsettleable parts of the total BOD,
S, shown by Eqs. 7 and 8. The nonsettleable organic matter exerts the
oxygen demand at a maximum rate equal to the rate of BOD exertion
(k) indicated in the second term on the right-hand side of Eq. 6. But the
settleable organic matter would exert a part of its oxygen demand before
it reaches the bottom of the stream and this rate constant (m) of oxygen
demand may be even more than k, such that the maximum value of m
would equal k,, the reaeration rate constant of the stream. Thus k' for
the first term on the right-hand side of Eq. 6 would equal m, and for
the second term on the right-hand side of Eq. 6, k' would equal k. The
resulting expression for dD/dt is shown by Eq. 9 in Appendix I.

Expressions for DO Deficit, D

For t < T.—Rearranging Eq. 9 and multiplying both sides by an in-
tegrating factor, exp {krt), yields, on simplification, Eq. 10, shown in Ap-
pendix I.
Integration of Eq. 10 with respect to t results in Eq. 11, shown in Ap-
pendix I, in which C = constant of integration, and ft exp (krt)dt = ( 1 /
kr) Jt-d[exp (krt)] = (l/kr)t exp (krt) - (l/kr) / exp (krt) dt = (l/kr)[t exp
(k^) - (l/kr) exp (k^)] = (\/kr)[t - (l/kr)] exp (krt). On simplification,
Eq. 12, shown in Appendix I, results.
C is evaluated by substitution of D = D0 at t = 0, and is expressed by
Eq. 13 in Appendix I.
Substituting the value of integration constant C in Eq. 12, dividing
both sides by exp (krt), and simplifying, we get the expression for D
shown by Eq. 14 in Appendix I.
Eq. 14 is applicable for t s T-DT; the value of D at t = T = (d/v), as
determined from Eq. 14, is shown as Eq. 15 in Appendix I.
For t > T.—The first right-hand term of Eq. 6 is eliminated, and the
resulting expression for dD/dt is shown in Eq. 16 in Appendix I.
Multiplying both sides of Eq. 16 by the integrating factor exp (krt),
rearranging terms, and simplifying yields Eq. 17, shown in Appendix I.
Integration of Eq. 17 with respect to t, yields Eq. 18 in Appendix I, in
which C is the constant of integration. The value of C [evaluated by

J. Environ. Eng., 1986, 112(3): 572-585

substitution of D = DT at t = T = (d/v) in Eq. 18] is shown by Eq. 19
in Appendix I.
Substitution of the value of C in Eq. 18 and dividing both sides of
the resulting expression by exp (krt) yields, on simplification, an expres-
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sion for D shown by Eq. 20 in Appendix I.

Determination of Critical Deficit Concentration, Dc
The point of maximum deficit occurs after tc days. At this point, the
value of D is the critical DO deficit concentration, D c . This is the sag
point of the DO sag curve, where the rate of oxygen utilization equals
the rate of reaeration, i.e., k'S = krD. This condition is shown in Eq. 21
in Appendix I, and can be used to evaluate the tc and Dc values.

Expressions for tc
For tc s T.—On differentiating the expression for D (Eq. 14) with re-
spect to t, we get an expression for dD/dt shown by Eq. 22 in Appen-
dix I.
At t = tc, dD/dt = 0. On substitution of these values in Eq. 22 and
rearranging after simplification, we obtain an expression shown by Eq.
23 in Appendix I, from which tc can be determined by trial.
For tc > T.—On differentiating the expression for D (Eq. 20) with re-
spect to t, we get an expression for dD/dt shown by Eq. 24 in Appen-
dix I. '
At t = tc, dD/dt = 0. On substitution of these values in Eq. 24 and
rearranging after simplification, we obtain an expression for tc shown by
Eq. 25 in Appendix I.

Expressions for Dc
For t s T.—At t = tc, D = Dc. Substitution of these values and the
expression for k'S (abstracted from Eq. 9) in Eq. 21, yields, on simpli-
fication, an expression for Dc (Eq. 26 in Appendix I).
For t > T.—At t = tc, D = Dc. Substitution of these values and the
corresponding expression for k'S (abstracted from Eq. 9 at these con-
ditions) in Eq. 21, yields, on simplification, an expression for Dc (Eq. 27
in Appendix I).

Determination of Point of Inflection in DO Sag

At this point of maximum rate recovery in the DO sag curve, d2D/dt2
= 0. This occurs at distance t{, where D = D,.

Expressions for t{
For ti s T.—Differentiating the expression for dD/dt (given by Eq. 22)
with respect to t, we get an expression for d2D/dt2 (Eq. 28 in Appendix
At the inflection point, t = t,•, and d2D/dt2 = 0. On substitution of
these values in Eq. 28 and rearranging after simplification, we get an
expression for £,• shown by Eq. 29 in Appendix I.
For t{ > T.—Differentiating the expression for dD/dt (given by Eq. 24)
with respect to t, we get an expression for d2D/dt2 shown by Eq. 30 in
Appendix I.
At the inflection point, t = tir and dzD/dt2 = 0. On substitution of

J. Environ. Eng., 1986, 112(3): 572-585

these values in Eq. 30 and rearranging after simplification, we get an
expression for tt shown by Eq. 31 in Appendix I.

Expressions for D,, DO Deficit at Point of Inflection

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For ti s T.—At the point of inflection, d2D/dt2 = 0. Differentiating Eq.

9 with respect to t, on simplification, an expression for d2D/dt2 shown
by Eq. 32 in Appendix I is obtained.
At t = ti, D = D, and d2D/dt2 = 0. Substitution of these values in Eq.
32 yields, on simplification, an expression for D, shown by Eq. 33 in
Appendix I.
For t{ > T.—Differentiation of Eq. 16 with respect to t yields, on sim-
plification, an expression for d2D/dt2 by Eq. 34 in Appendix I.
At t = tj, D = D, and d2D/dt2 = 0. Substitution of these values in Eq.
34 yields, on simplification, an expression for D, shown by Eq. 35 in
Appendix I.


In many situations, more than one sewage outfall discharges into

streams, and as a result, a sag in the DO curve occurs after every outfall.
To compute such a compound DO sag curve, Eqs. 14 and 20 have to be
repeated after every sewage outfall. While applying these equations, care
should be taken to calculate the appropriate S0_y values. The S0-y value
to be used would equal the S0-y value from the outfall under consid-
eration plus the remaining S0_y value at this point from the previous
outfall. Similarly, the D0 and DT values would be taken at the precise
point of sewage outfall and time T days downstream of it, respectively.
Illustrative examples of the river data presented herein should make the
computations amply clear.


During a water quality survey of the Ganga and Yamuna Rivers, data
on BOD and DO was collected at several points downstream of the sew-
age outfall points at some major urban centers (1). The data was ana-
lyzed and the S 0 - y ', S0_ y ., k, kr, and (v/d) values were determined at
the urban centers (1). The models presented in this paper ate utilized
to compute the DO sags at Kanpur (simple DO sag) along the Ganga
River and Delhi (compound DO sag) along the Yamuna River. The re-
lated calculations follow, for which the data presented are taken from
Ref. 1. One point for the DO (winter) in Yamuna at Delhi at distance
0.3 days has been taken from Ref. 4.

Kanpur (Summer): Case of Simple DO Sag

S0-x = 16 mg/L; S0_y = 12 mg/L; k = 3.5 day" 1 ; kr = 9.0 day - 1 ; (v/d)
= 40 day" 1 ; (d/v) = T = 0.025 days; m = kr = 9 day" 1 ; river temperature
= 29° C; DO just at the upstream of the waste outfall = 4.0 mg/L; thus,
D0 = 7.75 - 4.0 = 3.75 mg/L.
The values of D, the DO deficits at t = 0-0.025 days determined from
Eq. 14 and at t > 0.025 days computed from Eq. 20, are shown in Table
1. The D value at t = T = 0.025 days is the D T value (5.4447 mg/L).

J. Environ. Eng., 1986, 112(3): 572-585

TABLE 1.—Computation of Simple DO Sag at Kanpur (Summer), Average Velocity
= 0.54 m/s
Distance from sewage Predicted D Predicted
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outfall (days) (mg/L) DO (mg/L)

(1) (2) (3)
0.000 3.75 = D0 4.00
0.002 4.04 3.71
0.005 4.415 3.335
0.010 4.92 2.83
0.013 5.132 2.618
0.020 5.418 2.332
0.0225 5.453 = Dc 2.297
0.025 5.445 = DT 2.305
0.05 5.17 2.58
0.075 4.88 2.87
0.10 4.59 3.16
0.15 4.014 3.736
0.175 3.75 4.00
0.20 3.47 4.28
0.50 1.31 6.44
0.75 0.55 7.20
1.00 0.24 7.51
1.20 0.11 ' 7.64

The data of Table 1 is used to plot the predicted DO sag curve in Fig.
1, in which the observed DO values are also plotted.
For the critical DO deficit computations, a look at Table 1 shows that
it occurs at t =£ 0.025 days; tc is therefore computed from Eq. 23. By trials,
tc = 0.0225 days.
Using Eq. 26, Dc works out to 5.91 mg/L. Since tc is close to T, and
t,, the time of inflection would occur at t > T. Use of Eq. 31 is therefore
made to compute tir which works out to 0.096 days. Using Eq. 35, D,
works out to 4.7 mg/L.

DO saturation

0.05 0.10 0-15 0.20 0-25

Distance , days

FIG. 1.—Simple DO Sag—Kanpur along Ganga River (Summer)


J. Environ. Eng., 1986, 112(3): 572-585

Delhi (Winter): Case of Compound DO Sag
1. First wastewater outfall: Najafgarh Drain at t = 0: S0-* = 38 mg/L;
S0-y = 25 mg/L; k = 1.4 day" 1 ; /cr = 5.0 day" 1 ; (u/d) = 33 day - 1 ; (d/v)
= T = 0.0303 days; m = kr = 5.0 day" 1 ; river temperature = 20° C; DO
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just upstream of the waste outfall = 8.5 mg/L; thus, D0 = 9.17 - 8.50
= 0.67 mg/L.
2. Second wastewater outfall: Kudesia Drain at t = 0.45 days: drain's
So-* = 1.2 mg/L; S0-y = 0.8 mg/L; D0 (D at t = 0.45 days) = 4.54 mg/
3. Third wastewater outfall: power house drain at t = 0.85 days: S0~x
= 6.6 mg/L; S0-y = 4.4 mg/L; D0 (D at t = 0.85 days) = 3.02 mg/L.

The values of D, the DO deficits from t = 0 to 0.0303 days, and from

£ = 0.0303 days to 0.45 days are computed from Eqs. 14 and 20, re-
spectively, and are shown in Table 2. DT = D at t = T - 0.0303 days -
4.1427 mg/L.
The tc values appears to be around 0.22 days, which is greater than
T, and works out to be 0.221 days, from Eq. 25. Similarly, the Dc value
is computed from Eq. 27, and works out to be 5.137 mg/L. The £,- value
computed from Eq. 31 works out to be 0.6 days, showing interference
with the second outfall joining at t = 0.45 days. The D, value computed
from Eq. 35 works out to be 3.85 mg/L.
At t = 0.45 days, another drain (Kudesia Drain) joins the river as a
result, and the DO sag of the first drain (Najafgarh Drain) would be
modified. Therefore, after t = 0.45 days, the SQ-X and S0_y values would
be changed, and a new sag curve starts after t = 0.45 days. For the new
sag, the Do value would be the D value of the first sag at t = 0.45 days
which is 4.54 mg/L, from Table 2. At the start of the second sag, S0~x
= 1.20 mg/L (the So-* value of the second drain), and So_y = the So-y
value of the first drain remaining at time t = 0.45 days plus the S0-y
value of the second drain = 25 exp (-1.4 x 0.45) + 0.8 = 14.115 mg/L.
The D values from t = 0.45 days to (0.45 + 0.0303) days (i.e., from
t = 0 to 0.0303 days from the point of the second drain outfall) are com-
puted from Eq. 14, and from t > 0.4803 days (i.e., after t = 0.0303 days
from the second drain outfall) are computed from Eq. 20. While usirtg
these equations, the values of t are substituted as distances from the
second drain outfall.
D'r = D at t = 0.0303 days from the second drain outfall (or at t =
0.4803 days from the first outfall) = 4.528 mg/L.
The computed values of D from t = 0.45 days to 0.85 days (from the
first drain outfall) or from t = 0 to 0.04 days (from the second drain
outfall) are shown in Table 2, from which the tc value appears to be less
than 0.4803 days. The tc value computed from Eq. 23 works out to be
0.01 days (from the second drain outfall) or 0.46 days (from the first
outfall drain), by trials. Using Eq. 26, Dc works out to be 4.70 mg/L.
Similarly, using Eq. 31, f, works out to be 0.253 days (from the second
drain), or 0.45 + 0.253 = 0.703 days (from the first drain). Using Eq. 35,
D, works out to be 3.55 mg/L.
The third drain (power house drain) joining at t = 0.85 days (from the
first drain outfall) would further modify the DO sag. As before, after
t = 0.85 days, the So-* and S0-y values would again change, and another

J. Environ. Eng., 1986, 112(3): 572-585

TABLE 2.—Computation of Compound DO Sag at Delhi (Winter), Average Velocity
= 0.2 m/s
Distance Distance Distance
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from first from second from third

sewage outfall sewage outfall sewage outfall Predicted Predicted
(days) (days) (days) D (mg/L) DO (mg/L)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
0.000 0.67 = Do 8.5
0.005 1.736 7.43
0.010 2.559 6.61
0.015 3.18 5.98
0.02 3.667 5.50
0.025 3.984 5.19
0.03 9.139 5.031
0.0303 4.143 = DT 5.027
0.04 4.262 4.91
0.05 4.374 4.80
0.08 4.654 4.52
0.10 4.8 4.37
0.15 5.036 4.134
. 0.221 5.14 = Dc 4.03
0.25 5.126 4.004
0.35 * 4.909 4.26
0.45 4.544 = D„ 4.63
0.45 0.000 4.544 = D0 4.63
0.46 0.01 4.565 = D'c 4.61
0.47 0.02 4.555 4.615
0.4803 0.0303 4.528 = D^ 4.64
0.50 0.05 4.453 4.72
0.55 0.10 4.255 4.91
0.65 0.20 3.835 5.33
0.85 0.40 3.02 = D'i 6.16
0.85 0.000 3.02 = D'i 6.16
0.86 0.01 3.304 5.87
0.87 0.02 3.465 5.70
0.88 0.03 3.515 = D"c 5.65
0.8803 0.0303 3.5101 = D"T 5.66
0.90 0.05 3.4787 5.69
0.925 0.075 3.432 5.74
0.95 0.10 3.378 5.79
1.05 0.20 3.12 6.05
1.35 0.50 2.227 6.94
1.85 1.0 1.144 8.03
2.85 2.0 0.284 8.89
5.85 5.0 0.004 9.166

new sag curve would start at t = 0.85 days. For this third sag curve, the
D'o value would be the D value of the second sag at t = 0.85 days (from
the first drain outfall), and this D'i value is 3.02 mg/L, from Table 2. As
before, at the outfall point of this third drain, S'i-X = 6.6 mg/L, and S'i-y
= 25 exp (-1.4 X 0.85) + 0.8 exp (-1.4 x 0.4) + 4.4 = 12 mg/L.


J. Environ. Eng., 1986, 112(3): 572-585

DO saturation
a c
. • = " '

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t 2
5- 3
° e 4

0-5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Distance , days

FIG. 2.—Compound DO Sag—Delhi along Yamuna River (Winter)

The next set of D values from t = 0.85 days to 0.8803 days (i.e., from
t = 0 to 0.0303 days from the third drain outfall) are computed from Eq.
14, and from t > 0.8803 days (i.e., after t = 0.0303 days from the third
drain outfall) are computed from Eq. 20. While using these equations,
the values of t are substituted as distances from the third drain outfall.
D'T = D value at t = 0.0303 days from second drain outfall (or at t =
0.8803 days from the first drain outfall) = 3.5101 mg/L.
The computed values of D from t > 0.85 days (from the first drain
outfall point) or from t > 0 (from the third drain outfall point) are shown
in Table 2, from which the tc value is seen to be less than 0.8803 days
(0.0303 days from the third drain). Using Eq. 23, tc works out to 0.0298
days (from the third drain) or 0.8798 days (from the first drain), by trials.
Using Eq. 26, Dc works out to 3.33 mg/L. The f, value computed from
Eq. 31 works out to 0.348 days from the third drain or 0.85 + 0.345 =
1.2 days from the first drain. The D, value, computed from Eq. 35, works
out to 2.66 mg/L.
The computed values for the compound DO sag, as tabulated in Table
2, are used to plot the predicted compound DO sag curve presented in
Fig. 2, in which the observed DO values are also plotted. A slight dis-
agreement of some observed DO values with predicted DO sags in Figs.
1 and 2 may be due to some unnoticed nonpoint discharges (of higher
or lower DO values) into the rivers, and due to a presumption in the m


An accurate prediction of DO in polluted streams is of vital importance

for the maintenance of fish culture and wildlife. A model for the BOD
prediction in streams after the sewage outfalls, based on the biofloccu-
lation and settling of the settleable organic matter and the biochemical
degradation of the nonsettleable organic matter, has been utilized for
computing the DO sags after sewage outfalls into the streams. Such a
prediction for the critical DO deficit (concentration and location) are ra-
tional and accurate. They would be of immense practical application in
the areas of stream sanitation, recreation, and sustenance of fish culture
and wildlife propagation.

J. Environ. Eng., 1986, 112(3): 572-585


The conventional Streeter-Phelps models are not able to accurately

predict a stream's DO sag immediately after the sewage outfalls because
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their models do not take into account the bioflocculation and sedimen^
tation of the settleable BOD. Through the solution of differential equa-
tions, models have been evolved for the accurate prediction of DO sags
after the sewage outfalls drain into the streams. Such models take into
account the bioflocculation-sedimentation, as well as the biochemical
degradation of the nonsettleable BOD. Data from the Ganga and Ya-
muna Rivers have been utilized to evaluate the simple and compound
DO sags after the sewage outfalls into these rivers. The predicted DO
sags have been found to agree fairly well with the observed DO values.


The writer is grateful to M. N. Mahanta from the Mathematics De-

partment of Roorkee University for his friendly help in the integration
and checking of Eq. 10.


D= — [exp (-kt) - exp (~krt)] + D0 exp (-krt) (1)
Ky K

K k, - k\ /D 0
t = (2)
(K - k)

Dc = I - ) S0 exp (-ktc) (3)

kr - k\ /D 0
»{% 1 -
* , - = •
(K - k)
k{kr + k)
D; = —2— S0 exp (-Art,) (5)

S = So-x[ 1 - - t) + S0-y exp (-kt) (6)

— = -k'S + krD (7)
— = k'S - krD . (8)
dD ( v ,
— = m• S0-x\ 1 - - t) +k- S0-y exp (-kt) - kr• D (9)


J. Environ. Eng., 1986, 112(3): 572-585

d I v .
— [D exp (krt)] = m • S0_t 1 - - t exp (krt) + k- S0-y exp [(kr - k)t] (10)
at \ a /
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D exp (krt) = i — ) • So-* exp (Arrf) - m( - 1 • S0_^ Jt exp (fcri)df

S0-y exp [(fcr - k)t] + C (11)

*r - K

D e x p (krt) = f H • So-,exp (krt) - \jjh) M ~ - J S 0 _ X e x p (M)

So-y exp [(kr - k)t] + C. (12)

K - k,
lm\ m\ v\
So-v (13)

D= |^)S0_xjl-exp(-A^)
S0-y[exp (-kt) - exp (-fcrf)] + Do exp (-krt) (14)

Dr=(-]V, 1 - exp I -kr - 1 +--I -1


>0-y exp[-k-)-exp(-krv + D 0 exp | —kr - (15)

kr - k.
= k• S0-y exp (—kt) — kr- D . (16)

- [D exp (krt)] = k • So-y exp [(kr - *)*] (17)


D exp (*,*) = - S o - , exp [(kr - k)t] + C (18)

Kr K

C' = DT exp I kr S0-y exp (K-k)- (19)

v] kr-k

D = S0-y\ exp (-fcf) - exp (kr -k)-- krt


+ DT exp -K\ t ~ - (20)

(k'S - krD) = — = 0 (21)

J. Environ. Eng., 1986, 112(3): 572-585

dD mv mv
— =-—-, S0-x + mS0-x exp (-krt) + — - S0-x exp (-krt)
dt 2 krd krd
kk2 kk
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- — — So-y exp (-fcf) + — j - So-y exp (-fcrt) - D0kr exp (-fcrX).:... (22)

^S0_yexp{(fcr-fc)U+(|)Qs0_ t exp (krtc)

lm\ (m\ (v\ k

ys-+yws°-+^v^D° ••••••(23)
dD k2 kkr
= V eXp( ) + (K~k)(-J exp(-M)
¥ ~^ ' ^ ^eXP
/ d\
- DTkr exp \kr-\ exp (-krt) (24)

'fcr(fc r ~ fc)'
In 4 — e x p (K - k) -D, - — e x p [kr-
£, = (25)

^ ] + ©^ eXP( -^ )
D„ = - S0-j 1-l^lt (26)
Dc = ( - j S0-y exp (-fcfc) (27)

d2D /i>\
— = -mkrSQ~x e x p (-fc r t) - m l - I S0~x e x p (-fc r f)
kfc3 kk2
+ S0-y exp (-kt) - S0_y exp (-krt) + D0/c2exp (-fcrrO (28)

fkr-k 1 / d fcfc2 \1
In — T - - — I mkrS0-x + m- S0-x + S0-y ~ D0kr
. k So-y \ v kr k
d2D k3 kk2 a
(kr - k) - exp (~krt)
-dJ = k-rkSo->exp{-kt)-k7^kSo->exv
+ DTk2 exp I kr - J exp (-kr\ (30)
k,-k 1 kkl d
In (kr-k)- - DTk^exp U-)\
t< = - (31)
d2D v , , V
—- = -m - S0_* - rSo-y exp (-kt) - kr mS0-x - m - S0-Xt
dt d d


J. Environ. Eng., 1986, 112(3): 572-585

+ kSo-y exp (-kt) - krD (32)
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kr + k\
m ti] + 1
D; = — S0-x
Ar + ( k-Tr)S0.y exp (-kt,) (33)

— = -fc 2 S 0 - y exp (-kt) - kr[kS0-y exp {-kt) - krD] (34)

D, = £ f 1 + £ j S0_y exp (-kti) (35)


1. Bhargava, D. S., "Most Rapid BOD Assimilation in Ganga and Yamuna Riv-
ers," Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 109, No. 1, Feb., 1983,
Paper No. 17674, pp. 174-188.
2. Fair, G. M., "The Dissolved Oxygen Sag—An Analysis," Sewage Works Jour-
nal, Vol. 11, No. 3, May, 1939, p. 445.
3. Streeter, M. W., and Phelps, E. E., "A Study of the Pollution and Natural
Purification of the Ohio Rivers," U.S. Public Health Service Bulletin, No. 146,
4. "The Ganga Basin, Part I: The Yamuna Sub-Basin," Assessment and Devel-
opment Study of River Basin Series: ADSORBS/2/1980-81, Basin, Sub-Basin
Inventory of Water Pollution, Central Board for the Prevention and Control of
Water Pollution, New Delhi, India.


The following symbols are used in this paper:

BOD = biochemical oxygen d e m a n d , in m g / L ;

DO = dissolved oxygen, in m g / L ;
D = dissolved oxygen deficit concentration at time t days, in m g /
L (dissolved oxygen saturation - actual dissolved oxygen);
Dc = critical oxygen deficit concentration, in m g / L ;
D, = dissolved oxygen deficit concentration at point of inflection,
in m g / L ;
DT = dissolved oxygen deficit concentration at transition time, T,
in m g / L ;
D'T = dissolved oxygen deficit concentration at transition time, T',
from second sewage outfall, in m g / L ;
DT = dissolved oxygen deficit concentration at transition time, T",
from third sewage outfall, in m g / L ;
Do = dissolved oxygen deficit concentration at time zero, in
Do = dissolved oxygen deficit concentration at time zero from sec-
ond sewage outfall, in m g / L ;
D(J = dissolved oxygen deficit concentration at time zero from third
sewage outfall, in m g / L ;
d = depth of river, in m;
k = biochemical oxygen d e m a n d rate constant for nonsettleable
organic matter, in d a y - 1 ;

J. Environ. Eng., 1986, 112(3): 572-585

k' = biochemical oxygen demand rate constant for total biochem-
ical oxygen demand, in mg/L;
kr = reaeration rate constant, in mg/L;
m = biochemical oxygen demand rate constant for settleable or-
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ganic matter, in day - 1 ;

S0 = total biochemical oxygen demand at time zero, in mg/L;
S0-x = settleable biochemical oxygen demand at time zero, in mg/
Si-* = settleable biochemical oxygen demand at time zero from sec-
ond sewage outfall, in mg/L;
S'o-x = settleable biochemical oxygen demand at time zero from third
sewage outfall, in mg/L;
S0-y = nonsettleable biochemical oxygen demand at time zero, in
So-y = nonsettleable biochemical oxygen demand at time zero from
second sewage outfall, in mg/L;
So-y = nonsettleable biochemical oxygen demand at time zero from
third sewage outfall, in mg/L;
T = transition time (d/v), in days;
t = time, in days;
tc = time of critical dissolved oxygen deficit concentration, in days;
ti = time of dissolved oxygen deficit concentration at point of in-
flection, in days; and
v = settling velocity of bioflocculated particles, in m/day.


J. Environ. Eng., 1986, 112(3): 572-585

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